"..."Stepping into the village, Dan Heng felt something was wrong. In fact, not only Dan Heng, but also the people around him, except Paimon, felt this way, and everyone became vigilant.

It's too quiet. Logically speaking, this place should be guarded by Qianyan Army, but it's too quiet. It's as quiet as if there are no living creatures. This situation is too weird, so everyone is very vigilant.

"The meteorite is right here."As we walked to the center of the village, a meteorite like a blue crystal fell on the ground.

"Buzz..."Just when Dan Heng squatted down and touched the blue crystal, suddenly the space seemed to vibrate. Dan Heng raised his hand suddenly when he saw this.

A stream of water directly covered Yingmei and the others beside them.

The expressions of the three people and Paimon just now were very uncomfortable, and they seemed to faint in the next second. However, within the water flow, everyone recovered. Danheng flicked it, and the Izumo spear appeared in his hand. The tip of the spear hit the blue crystal on the ground, and the blue crystal suddenly shattered.

Dan Heng, on the other hand, was holding a long spear, looking around, and said coldly:"Come out, this little trick is useless to me."

"Well, it really has no effect on you."Under Dan Heng's words, a person walked out from the side. There appeared a young man with green hair and red eyes, wearing a spotted mask that only exposed half of his mouth. He was wearing a standard fur collar of the Fool's Executive. The coat, the diamond-shaped pendant on the collar is a strange purple, and the ribbon is white.

"PhD..."Dan Heng coldly revealed the identity of the other party.

"The second seat of the Executive Officer of Fools, Doctor? Why are you here?"Among the few people behind, only one Mona's expression changed drastically, and she looked at the doctor with some horror. At the same time, she held the secret in her hand and looked like she was about to escape from here in the next second.

"Well, I just wanted to invite Mr. Dan Heng to have tea and chat, but Mr. Dan Heng has always refused to meet me."At this time, the doctor walked over slowly and stood ten meters in front of Dan Heng. His red eyes seemed to be emitting a strange light, and his voice was low, with a threatening charm.

"I've already processed more than a dozen of your slices. What's wrong?...Still don't behave well?"Dan Heng said coldly.

"Oh, those slices."After saying this, the doctor slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled:"What if the useless things are destroyed? Mr. Dan Heng"

"Mr. Danheng, I think the so-called"people" are just complex enough machines. If a certain part is disassembled and modified somewhere, the performance of this machine can easily be greatly improved. Regardless of whether they have the Eye of God or not, regardless of their physique and martial arts skills,"optimized people" can show power beyond common sense. And you should be the 'being' who can exert your power to the extreme, so join us"

"Evil heretics."Dan Heng snorted coldly, and then swung his spear, and the two flying steel needles were thrown away by Dan Heng. The two steel needles flew directly towards Dan Heng and continued to attack.

"When my research results are presented, I am the truth."The doctor chuckled, and continued to control the two steel nails to attack Dan Heng. Dan Heng looked at Ying and Mona.

Mona nodded to Dan Heng, and then grabbed Ying and Fischer's arms. With both hands, a shadow of a water zodiac appeared on the ground, and then the three of them disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"oh? You can actually break away from the barrier I set up, huh...Astrologer? Maybe they can be used as experimental subjects."The doctor glanced at the water tablet left on the ground and showed an interested expression.

Dan Heng didn't have any intention of hiding his clumsiness this time. In an instant, the water poured out of the ground, and the steel needle entered the water completely. Uncontrollable, the doctor frowned slightly when he saw this. He watched the slowly floating in the air in front of him. Dan Heng, who had a completely different aura, had a more and more enthusiastic expression on his face:"Yes, yes, it really didn't happen." Wrong, you are the one...That one is more suitable as experimental material than that brat...."

"...you can try it".

"brush..."The figures of Mona and the three of them appeared on an official road near Wangshu Inn in an instant, but the moment they appeared here, Mona collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

Ying and Fischer on the side immediately supported Mona.

"It was almost impossible to get out. The water flow created by Dan Heng was able to get out of the barrier, but my physical strength was almost exhausted."Mona sat directly on the ground and said breathlessly.

"What happened? Who is that man? Why is he attacking us? Ah, what happened?"Paimon looked a little crazy at this time and scratched his head.

"The Demon King of Darkness is coming. We must defeat the Demon King before he corrupts the powerful Izumo. We must defeat the Demon King before darkness comes to the world."

"What the lady means is that this time the target of the Fools is Mr. Dan Heng. We should quickly find a way to help Mr. Dan Heng now."

"brush..."Just when everyone was discussing who to ask for help, a green figure appeared next to everyone in an instant, and everyone took out their own weapons vigilantly.

"...Where is Dan Heng?"The one who appeared was naturally Mandrill. Mandrill looked a little tired, but he still crossed his arms and looked at the people in front of him and asked.

"Are you an immortal from Liyue?"That is to say, Mona, who had recovered a little strength, looked at the mandrill that appeared in front of her, recognized the other person's identity, and immediately explained what had just happened.

"A step too late? Mandrill frowned, and then said:"You go to Wangshu Inn and wait for us to come back.""

After saying that, before anyone else could answer, Mandrill disappeared in an instant. He appeared again on the outskirts of the small village, but at this time, Mandrill found that he could not move forward any further. Seeing this, Mandrill frowned and frowned. A spear appeared in his hand with a wave of his hand, and then all his magical power gathered.

He was ready to break through the barrier and enter the village.

"Boom!"Just when Mandrill was about to unleash his strongest power, a powerful stream of water suddenly burst out from the village. Under the current, the barrier spread out. Mandrill saw this and appeared in the barrier..When

Mandrill saw the scene in front of him, he found that Dan Heng held the doctor's head with one hand, and the spear in his hand penetrated the doctor's body and nailed him to the wall.

"That's great. You are indeed the most suitable test subject. It's really great."

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