I saw a large number of meteors emerging from the sky and heading towards the ground.

And it made a huge noise

‘boom! '

The huge sound almost caused all the people in Liyue Port to

"Buzz..."At this time, the Jade Pavilion that had not moved in the sky began to shine, and then a lot of yellow crystal-like attacks were launched from it, destroying all the blue meteors that fell in the mid-air in Liyue Port.

"Boom!"The impact of the crystal rock and the blue meteor caused a huge roar

"What is that?"Paimeng covered his ears with his fearful hands. Danheng frowned slightly as he looked at the meteorites in front of him.

What is this?

He has no idea at all?

Suddenly, more and more meteorites fell from the sky. Most of the fallen targets are at the junction of Liyue and Mondstadt, and there are also areas on the snow.

"Mr. Dan Heng, Master Keqing and Master Ningguang invite you to go to Qunyu Pavilion to tell the story."At this time, a person from the General Affairs Department hurried over to Dan Heng, holding a talisman.

Dan Heng nodded, took the talisman and tore it open, forming a blue portal. , Dan Heng stepped in.

All fools use the ability to teleport, and Liyue naturally has it, but it is a kind of talisman, and it is rare. It seems that this incident is quite serious.

"I'll go too, maybe I can help."At this time, Ying also stood up. Dan Heng nodded and agreed. After the three of them stepped into the portal, the portal disappeared. Standing on the jade pavilion, Dan Heng was not the first time to come to the group. Jade Pavilion, but now it is not easy here in Qunyu Pavilion. Several huge crossbows have been installed. Keqing is making arrangements in an orderly manner.

And Ningguang is floating in the air, in the mid-air of Qunyu Pavilion. Powerful elemental forces are released in it. These elemental forces are controlling the energy ports near Qunyu Pavilion, and crystal rocks are constantly emerging and attacking the meteors falling from the sky. At the same time,

Qunyu Pavilion is moving forward, not only In this way, even the immortals appeared.

The three immortals were like streams of light in the sky. They passed through the sky very fast, like streamers in the sky, leaving a large area in the sky. ore

"Final machine ready!"Looking at the meteorites that were still falling from the sky, Keqing below was finally ready and frowned slightly. She ordered the Qianyan Army that had assembled next to her to raise the final machine base above the Jade Pavilion to install the crossbow and arrow devices. Going up, the Qianyan Army also directly controlled it and started shooting at the meteorites falling from the sky.

"Mr. Danheng, please come and help me. And Miss Ying."At this time, Ke Qing had time to turn her head and look at Dan Heng and said directly:"I don't know how long it will take for these meteorites to fall, but it is still very important. Mr. Dan Heng, I hope you can use that healing technique. Law helps everyone. Originally we planned to look for Miss Bai Lu, but Miss Bai Lu didn’t seem to be in Liyue Port."

"I see."Dan Heng nodded. The Yunyin Technique can restore a lot of physical strength, and the condensed light in the mid-air is already a little tired.

So Dan Heng's hand lit up with a green light, and then he suddenly pointed towards the sky. The condensed light went away, and then Dan Heng thought for a moment, and water flowed out around his body, flying into the mid-air, replacing the condensed light.

Dan Heng, floating in the mid-air, did not have any dragon transformation phenomenon, but his temperament It became very different.

Ningguang fell to the ground. After taking a few breaths, he looked up at Dan Heng.

Dan Heng nodded to Ningguang, then closed his eyes and slowly raised his right hand.

The golden energy ports that were originally densely populated near the Jade Pavilion in the sky disappeared, and instead, clusters of blue vortexes appeared.

‘interesting. Dan Heng had such a thought in his mind, and then closed his eyes.

From the blue whirlpool, the sound of dragon roar suddenly came out, and then the dragon's head emerged from the whirlpool, followed by the dragon body, which was completely made of water. Their appearance first faced the sky He let out a roar, and then blue water energy balls gathered from his mouth.

The water energy ball attacked the meteorite falling in the sky.

After a water energy ball hit the meteorite, all the meteorites turned into fragments, and then were wrapped in the water ball, directly smashing all its fragments.

"That is? Your Excellency Dan Heng?"Among the three immortals in the distance, there is a deer-shaped immortal, the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang. He and Dan Heng are acquainted. When he saw such a scene, he released a golden stream of light and stepped towards the group. It’s just the Jade Pavilion, and it finally landed next to Dan Heng.

"Lord Dan Heng, the fall of the comet will have some impact on the earth's veins, so I will wait for the immortals to come and clean it up, but the quantity is too large. Thank you very much, Mr. Dan Heng, for coming to help."

"Um."Dan Heng opened his eyes at this time, with red eye shadow on his eyes. He looked at Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun, nodded slightly, and at the same time glanced at the meteorite falling from the sky, but he was thinking about the meteorite. The number is really quite large. Are there any asteroids that have decomposed outside?'

As a being in an aerospace-level civilization, Dan Heng has naturally encountered a lot of meteorites. Those meteorites are very big and troublesome. The small ones are annoying enough. Almost all the meteorites that enter the planet are fragmented from some passing asteroids. However, the number in front of you is a bit large. It does not look like the asteroids dissipated when they passed by, but rather like Something disintegrated.

Fortunately, the meteor shower was not always there. After it lasted for about ten minutes, it finally stopped.

Almost 90% of the meteorites were blocked by Dan Heng and three immortals. There were probably more More than a dozen pieces fell on the ground.

Perhaps because Dan Heng was here, the immortals landed on the Jade Pavilion together.

"Have these meteorites actually appeared again?"After landing on the ground, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun felt a little helpless.

"Fairy family. Has this happened before?"After General Ningguang almost recovered, he and Keqing took turns to control the final machines. Even Yingmei also took control of some, and the power and accuracy were stronger than everyone else. Now after hearing the immortal's words, I felt a little bit confused. He looked curiously at Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun

"Hundreds of years ago, a meteorite fell. At that time, I happened to be here, and I and the Great Sage Conquering Demons solved it. Just a few meteorites left behind caused some commotion."Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said slowly without any concealment.

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