Qin came over at around eight o'clock in the morning, and Dan Heng also noticed that there was some armor on the clothes Qin was wearing, and the elements around her body were denser. Maybe she had brought some good weapons.

Then Diluc came too. It also seems that the fire element is more abundant.

This is the benefit of 'Original God', things can be directly put into the Eye of God space.

Everyone gathered together and prepared to go directly to Mingguan Gorge, but at this time Wendy waved her hand and said:"No, we will take the road behind Chenxi Winery."

"why? Wouldn't it be very fast if we walked from Mingguan Gorge? If you leave from Chenxi Winery, don’t you have to make a big detour?"Paimon has looked at the map. As long as you drive over to Mingguan Gorge by boat, you can reach Mingguan Gorge in half a day. Although it means that Mingguan Gorge is also very big, it saves a lot of time. It is better to go around Chenxi Winery. It would take several days to ride a horse.

"Because there are many barriers placed there, if you want to lift them. We need to go from the main road behind Chenxi Winery. Otherwise, if it is not handled well, we will call in Mingguan Gorge. If Tewarin flies into the ruins, it will take us a while. We will go directly from the back of Chenxi Winery. Pass the road, and then go to Mingguan Gorge. On the way, you can also clear the monsters in the ruins of Ibo Fenglong."

At this time, Qin said the reason. She went back last night and immediately checked the information:"As for the past methods, don't be too careful. I have arranged several good horses and the speed is very fast. Today You can arrive at Chenxi Winery in the evening"

"Let's take a rest at Chenxi Winery tonight. Tomorrow we can go straight to the gate of Fenglong Ruins. Although it will take some time, it is worth it."Diluc also explained

"Oh well."Paimon nodded.

After there was nothing else to do, everyone set off directly. The horses were ready outside. After everyone mounted their horses, they left directly. Paimon was directly held in Ying's arms.

On the way. Although the people were a little surprised that Qin went out, no one said anything.

At noon, they arrived at Qingquan Town in the middle. Everyone was going to take a rest here, and then have lunch and continue eating. The horses were also tired.

This Some horses in the world have elemental powers, but horses with elemental powers can no longer be called horses and can be regarded as monsters. Of course, I heard that the horses of the Knights of the West Wind are all of this type, but all He was taken out on an expedition. As for the few horses he rode today, they were all horses with a trace of blood. Although they had not awakened the power of the wind element, they were extremely fast.

This kind of horse is fast and difficult to operate, but everyone present They are all very powerful people, so of course it is simple control

"Brother Danheng? And brother Diluc?"Not long after entering Qingquan Town, when everyone was about to find a place to have lunch, they heard someone calling Dan Heng. Dan Heng turned around and took a look and found that a girl came out of a restaurant on the side. , and beside her was a small bear-like creature.

This girl was the girl Hutao asked to take care of when she set out in Danheng, Xiangling

"Huh? Are Mr. Dan Heng and Mr. Diluc acquaintances of yours?"Paimeng looked at Xiang Ling walking out of the restaurant, and looked at Dan Heng curiously.

"Um."Dan Heng and Diluc both nodded. When Diluc went to Liyue before, he and Dan Heng would occasionally go to Xiangling's shop to have something to eat, so they were familiar with Xiangling.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone, I am Xiang Ling, a chef from Liyue. What I am best at is making all kinds of lao... lao, cooking... Oops, I still get nervous after practicing so many times, hey. My family has opened a small restaurant in Liyue Port, Liyue. If you have time to go to Liyue in the future, you can go to my shop to make some."Xiang Ling stuck out her tongue cutely.

Everyone also introduced themselves.

"delicious? We will definitely go next time. Paimon's eyes shone a little when he heard this, and then he looked at Xiangling curiously and said,"By the way, Xiangling, what are you doing in Qingquan Town?""

"Oops, I heard that the pork in Qingquan Town is delicious, so I came here. Originally, I heard that dragons were seen and wanted to try dragon meat, but unfortunately I couldn't find it, so I came here to try pork first. How about you, Mr. Danheng? Where are you going?"Xiang Ling is a very familiar child. She jumped up and down and looked at Dan Heng in front of her with curiosity.

And the magical little creature on the side, her little friend 'Cookba', walked towards Dan Heng's house. In front of him, Dan Heng squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch Guo Ba's head, took out a plate of food from the 'exterior scene' and handed it to 'Guo Ba'. As expected, he ate the food in two or two mouths, dancing happily with Dan Heng, and then Running around again

"Lululu..."Guoba first ran to Diluc, waiting for his round eyes to look at Diluc in front of him. Diluc also looked at the little creature in front of him. Diluc did not speak. After a while, Guoba ran to Wendy again. Jumping in front of

"Huh? It's you?"Wendy didn't recognize the rice cake in front of her at first, but after looking at it for a while, she was a little surprised and whispered:"It's been a long time, I didn't expect it would be like this when we meet again."

"Huh? Singer, do you know this little creature?"Paimon was also very curious at this time, so he was floating around, looking at the food inside, but he also heard some small sounds, so he flew over curiously and asked

"I don’t know him, but his name is Guo Ba."Wendy said to Paimon with a smile.

As for Qin, she had already ordered lunch at a nearby store for everyone to eat together. As for Xiangling, she was also called over to eat together.

Because Qin's status is somewhat special, she opened it alone. We got into a private room, and everyone sat down in the private room, facing Xiang Ling. Finally, everyone also stated their purpose, mainly Wendy. No one had any opinions.

"Huh? Are you going to face the Wind Demon Dragon?"After hearing this, Xiangling's eyes were shining:"Can I go together?"

"Huh?"Paimeng looked at Xiangling in surprise. It stands to reason that most people would be afraid of such a terrifying dragon, right? Why does Xiangling want to go too?

"What, even though I know that Feng Molong is your fourth...Guardian of the four winds, but my goal is still a dragon, so I want to see it, and my strength is not bad, there is absolutely no problem in helping me or something."


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