In this case, when he travels to Changkong City, he will have only one fate, and that is to turn into Honkai and be dissipated in the air of this world.


【It is detected that the host is writing a diary, and the diary entry into the system is officially activated!】

【Ding! Activation successful!】

【The only host: An Ling!】

【Activation reward: All attributes of the host are greatly improved!】

【Activation reward: Final level Honkai energy adaptability!】

【Activation reward: Complete guide on how to use Honkai energy!】

【Activation reward: Crystal*280】

【Activation reward: Data panel is opened! 】

A series of prompts came to my ears.

This confused An Ling, who was holding a pen and preparing to continue writing.

Suddenly, a mysterious force entered his body.

At this moment, lavender lines suddenly appeared on the surface of the body.

These lavender lines appeared for just a moment and then disappeared.

When the purple lines disappeared, the physical and mental strength began to increase significantly. In addition, countless experiences of using Honkai energy appeared in my mind.

"Am I... considered invincible in this world?"

Feeling the reward given by the system after binding the system, An Ling opened his mouth involuntarily at this time. The final level of Honkai is adaptable!

With this, as long as Honkai can be enough, if he says again, I will do anything. Less than that, maybe it can be directly transformed into the end of this world.

You must know that it is the end of the world, the highest combat power in this world.

The only one who can compare to the end of the world is Otto, who finally connected to the end of the tree of imaginary numbers and became a false god..

And Otto just wants to complete his plan after becoming a false god. As long as he doesn't stop him, it will be fine.

So he is invincible in this world.

There is also a complete list of how to use Honkai.

This name sounds ordinary. No surprise.

As a result, this method of using Honkai Energy actually relies on Honkai Impact to achieve an effect similar to the Herrscher's authority.

Although this is not as good as those Herrschers using Herrscher's authority, it also cannot achieve something similar to that of the Herrscher of the End. Time pauses.

But this is only the reward given when the system is bound.

He believes that the system will definitely give better rewards in the future.

With those rewards, sooner or later, he will be able to suppress the end of this world under his body.

After calming down , , An Ling began to look at another reward given by the system.

Crystal. He could not be more familiar with crystals.

If he had not used crystals to draw cards in Honkai Impact III, he would not have traveled through time now.

And the crystals given by the system are also It is used to draw cards.

It is just drawn here in the system.

Opening the card drawing interface, An Ling was confused again when looking at the interface in front of him.

Four different light balls represent four different rewards.

The first one contains It is seven different colors. If you misunderstand, these should be the seven elemental powers in the original god, so this is the original god. The second one is twelve different rays of light. At the next moment, these twelve rays of light merge with each other, It turned purple, this is Beng San.

The third one is the starry sky, with countless stars twinkling in the starry sky, and then goes to destruction, this is Beng Tie.

The fourth one is a deep purple, other than that there is nothing Any color, this should be... Beng Er.

The reason why I can feel that the last one is Beng Er is because An Ling felt despair, deep despair in this deep purple ball of light.

And he also played before He has passed Beng Er, so based on Beng Er's background, he can judge what this ball of light represents.

It is precisely because he understands that he is so shocked.

Beng Er's combat power is not surprising, he can crush the world.

Will The Herrscher is used as a weapon of war to invade the consciousness of a complete universe.

In the inheritance chapter, it is the consciousness of the abyss that almost twists the entire Europe into an erosion body.

What else is there, such as Wendy, Kiana, and Janna?.Which one of these can easily crush the world.

So if you have to choose, just choose Beng Er and take a gamble. If you win the bet, any false god Otto or the demon Kevin will be rubbish. If you lose the bet , If you do, you lose. Keep betting next time. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

【Ding! The host level is low and the card drawing pool cannot be specified at the moment. Please ask the host to draw a random draw! ]

An Ling was not disappointed when he heard what the system said.

If he can draw Beng 2, he can draw Ben 2. If he can't draw Ben 2, there's no problem with other things.

Now he relies on the rewards given when he is bound to the system. As long as he doesn't go looking for death, it won't be a problem if he can't fight and run away.

Without hesitation, he pressed the button in the lower right corner of the panel.

In an instant, a golden light appeared in front of An Ling's eyes. gold!

It's gold!

When I played lottery games in the past, except for withdrawing money when the guarantee was reached, I never saw any trace of gold at other times.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting - Mist Cut's Return of Light! 】

Looking at the system space, there was only a purple one-handed sword lying there.

An Ling didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

If you single-draw Kirigiri when playing Genshin Impact, you will definitely be very happy because you will get gold.

But now I am not happy at all.

This card pool contains a series of items such as the God's Key, but only one one-handed sword from Genshin Impact was drawn.

This was somewhat inconsistent with his expectations.

Considering that this was an item that he had drawn alone, the depression in his heart disappeared.

You have just withdrawn the gold, what else can you be dissatisfied with!

Taking out the Reflection of Mist Cut, An Ling held it under the desk and began to watch it.

As for why he dared to take out Kirigiri openly and openly.

That's because the surveillance here was broken today, and he checked it not long ago.

Not only is the surveillance broken, but because this is the corner of St. Freya's logistics office, no one would want to look here at ordinary times.

It is precisely for the above two reasons that I dared to go to work and write a diary.

He didn't panic when lavender lines appeared on his body for a moment.

After stroking the fog cutter for a while, waving it under the desktop a few times, the system space was recovered.

It’s not a good time to test the sharpness of the fog cutter. After all, I’m still at work.


"Why can't I tell this?"

Walking out of Bishop Tianming's office, Rita looked depressed.

After no new content appeared in the diary for a long time, she took the diary to Bishop Tianming's office and prepared to tell Otto about the diary.

But she was about to say it. At that time, he found that the words he said had changed.

Even the diary Otto could not see.

These are somewhat similar to the powers of the Herrscher of Knowledge that appeared in previous civilizations.

But this is the Tianming Airport, the headquarters of Tianming.

If it is really the Law of Knowledge Herrscher, the Honkai energy detector can definitely detect it without any accident.

But she has seen the Honkai energy detector more than once.

The result is very normal, so normal that it cannot be normal anymore. It is not a trick of Herrscher of Consciousness..

But Otto was very confused when he saw her unusual behavior and asked her if something had happened.

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