I don’t understand why An Ling looks at me while they are chatting.

"It's pointless for you to ask a coward, she doesn't know, I stole her body, she doesn't know anything."

Indeed, all responsibilities are your own.

Lei Dian Meiyi did nothing, but took the blame for herself.

Out of the mentality of compensation, the Herrscher of Thunder spoke to Leiden Mei Yi to ease the embarrassment.

After realizing that An Ling seemed to see through everything When they looked at each other, he wanted to change the subject by saying something.

When he was about to speak, Raiden Meiyi on the side spoke first.

"An Ling, did you go to Canghai City before?"

"Yes, I asked Theresa for a leave at that time, and then slipped away to Canghai City for a day."

Nodding, there is no need to hide this information.

The news that he went to Canghai City is not a secret at all.

Who told him to blow himself up directly?

Otherwise, no one would know that he went to Canghai City


"I did it. I went there and found it boring, so I left something there."

"I originally wanted to write about my trip here, but it was too rude, so I left only a few things and left."

Looking at Lei Dian Meiyi pulling An Ling into a chat.

The Herrscher of Thunder breathed a sigh of relief.

She had an illusion just now.

An Ling seemed to have seen through something.

Seen through something.

Is it an illusion?

The Herrscher of Thunder didn't even think about it. Confirming that what she just perceived was an illusion.

Glancing at her other self who was thinking next to her, Raiden Meiyi then withdrew her gaze.

She spoke because if she allowed the other person to continue talking, any copy of the diary would be exposed.

An Ling was But he took the initiative to block the breath.

Even the Herrscher of Thunder could recognize this.

I didn’t know what to say. I followed An Ling’s words and didn’t think about whether An Ling was lying.

It’s not okay.

But this time, An Ling was obviously lying.

Under normal circumstances, he would not have access to some information. He only knew it in advance because of the copy of the diary.

In other words, An Ling was really dark.

He actually used seemingly correct words to trick another person. She.

At that time, few people got the news that An Ling went to Canghai City through formal channels.

Most of them were still uncertain.

There was no evidence to clearly prove that it was An Ling.

In this case, An Ling said that in Canghai City When he was in the city, why did his other self attack him as soon as he saw him?

I didn’t even think about why An Ling asked this question. I just followed An Ling’s words without thinking.

Can An Ling detect the abnormality?

It’s helpless. Yes.

But you can't show your inner emotions at this time.

An Ling will notice it if you show it.

"Meiyi, I have a very presumptuous question to ask you. I don’t know if I can.…"

"You ask, if I knew, I would answer."

As if she understood what An Ling wanted to ask, Lei Dian Meiyi nodded in agreement.

At the same time, her eyes unconsciously looked at the other person beside her.

If she hadn't caused the trouble, why would things develop like this? Being pulled by An Ling Although

An Ling was very gentle to him.

Not only did he not answer every question, he actually asked himself if he could ask in advance when he asked himself a question.

But, it was uncomfortable.

It was not comfortable at all like this.

I had never heard of An Ling before. Ling asked which girl liked him.

So, he was the first one

"I'm very presumptuous. I just sensed your core and found that the Conquest Gem completely disappeared. Did something happen?"

Hearing the words that were different from what he imagined, Leiden Meiyi's eyes widened in surprise. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why isn't it the core that has been asked the most, or the Realm of Destruction: Judgment.

Instead. He was asking about the Conquering Gem.

The Conquering Gem was nothing compared to the extra cores and the Realm of Heavenly Death.

An Ling did not ask about the latter two, but instead asked about the Conquering Gem.

Before Leiden Meiyi could speak,

"I can't tell. You don't ask about anything else but this."

"Aren't you curious about the rest?"

"By the way, you are going to give up on her stalking you, causing you to be surrounded by several girls, and not hold you accountable at all?"

Listening to these words in his ears, cold sweat appeared on Lei Dian Meiyi's forehead.

It depends on what An Ling means.

As long as he answers An Ling's questions, An Ling will most likely not continue to ask anything.

Instead, he will choose to give up. , I won’t go into details.

But the other one is clearly reminding An Ling to pursue the rest of the matter.

Could it be that she has already thought of a complete set of explanations that are in line with An Ling’s cognitive logic?

From the extra core to the death penalty realm[]

The most important thing is that she brought out the other thing she was tracking.

An Ling already said that he was not to blame and at the same time said that he would not pursue the matter.

What does the other her mean?

".First of all, I acquiesced in Meiyi’s stalking, and I knew it all the time."

"Secondly, didn’t you say she didn’t know the rest? Does she know?"

"Finally, I want to ask what is my business, and if you want to answer for her, I welcome that and am happy to do so."

If you don't ask Raiden Mei, you can tell that the question will not end well. Raiden Mei doesn't know how to answer herself.

Rather than delving into the answer she wants and making the relationship stiff, it's better to ask circumstantial questions later.

Or simply wait for the time to come. , Leiden Meiyi told it herself.

Now she just needs to figure out what is not harmful to her. (Hao Zhao)

The rest will be taken slowly in the future, and there is no need to be in a hurry.

An Ling's words made the Herrscher of Thunder unable to refute.

Leiden Meiyi followed An Ling still really knows about the matter.

Judging from An Ling's tone, he has a way to prove it.

Before the matter was not resolved, An Ling would not admit it.

But now everything has been resolved. He will directly know Leiden Meiyi It's harmless to talk about the stalking, and nothing will happen.

As for not asking Leiden Meiyi about other things,

An Ling couldn't refute the answer he gave.

Answer yourself in your own words.

If you refute, it is tantamount to denying it. Himself.

You can't refute it no matter what.

In the end, in order to make yourself less embarrassed, An Ling specially added a sentence to comfort himself.

It not only showed An Ling's gentleness, but also increased Leiden Meiyi's favorability towards An Ling.

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