Early next morning.

Under Qilin Hui's reminder.

Qin Mo just remembered.

The hero in the tavern.

Oh no.

It should be two people. but.

One of them is not humanoid.

Generally speaking.

For this weird hero.

Qin Mo naturally had no interest in recruiting.

As for the other one.

Little Qilin also kept it secret while playing.

Didn't say much.

Ask Bai Rong.

The other party just smiled mysteriously.

Didn't say much

"They all reacted that way"

"There should be a surprise, right?"

Qin Mo thought for a while and strode towards the tavern.

The morning sun was very warm.

Mild and not dazzling.

The breeze blew through.

It was very cool.

The location of the tavern.

It was more inclined to be near Mingjing Lake.

Qin Mo passed by Mingjing Lake. Lake.

Just in time.

A small team of Yingying Yanyan is transporting a large amount of parallel imports.

The leader is known to Qin Mo.

It is the 18-year-old beauty named Li Shui from the Red Flame Army. She is as hot as fire.

She is also very beautiful. Diligent study skills


Li Shui bowed his hands and showed a smile.

Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

He looked harmless to humans and animals. It made people feel natural.

He felt like he wanted to get close to them.

He glanced at the people behind him..

They are all new faces.

They have blond hair and blue eyes.

They are also taller and look rougher.

Qiangwei is a Westerner.

She was recruited from her territory.

Most of them are Western-looking troops and heroes.

"See the king!"

They bowed their hands in a similar manner.

Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

Li Shui took them away.

The direction they left was towards the restaurant.

It looked like there was parallel imports to eat at noon today.

The arrival of Qiangwei's soldiers.

But it freed the Red Flame Army and the others.

They had more time to practice and improve themselves.

They no longer had to participate in these trivial matters.

It’s not that Qin Mo was partial.

They didn’t need to fight and fight.

It was not a bad thing.


Someone has to do the logistics.

Qin Mo’s soldiers have to do these chores.

It’s really a waste!

To deliberately recruit low-level troops.

Qin Mo is not very willing.

Just as it happens,

Qiangwei is here.

She also provides ready-made Hundreds of manpower.

Just right.

Just use it.

Open the door.

Qin Mo saw a green one.


The frog princess was quite satisfied with the spirit wine.

Ask directly

"As the most talented and beautiful princess in the Golden Frog family"

"Lord, do you have enough spiritual wine for me to drink?"

"As long as it happens every day"

"I am willing to serve you!"

Qin Mo glanced at the opponent's open attribute panel.

This is a purple rare-quality"frog princess". She has a rather proud personality.

Her talent and bloodline tend to be in the summoning system. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! ) can also be considered a good fighting race!


Qin Mo pretended to think for a while.

Then he sighed with regret.

"I'm really sorry"

"This wine is very precious"

"I also spent a lot of effort to get a little bit"

"All used to attract the arrival of heroes."

This wine can be brewed with longya rice.

In fact, it is enough."


"Why pretend if you don’t have money?"

"wasting my time!"

The frog princess immediately turned her back and refused to stay.

The figure slowly disappeared.[]

What she was looking for.

Naturally, he is a high-end lord worthy of his status.

This kind of poor guy can't bear to part with even a little bit of spiritual wine.

Of course it's not her goal.

Qin Mo watched him leave with a speechless expression.

"Damn you!"

Brother Crow leaned over.

Qin Mo took a sip and turned around.

He looked at the girl with the cat in the corner.

She was awakened by the silence. She stood up in a daze.

A pair of beautiful eyes.

A little dull.

The corners of her mouth..You can even see some marks.

There are also unknown liquid residues.


Screams suddenly sounded.

The girl blushed with embarrassment.

She wiped the corners of her mouth in a hurry.

She covered her face and did not dare to see anyone. It was the first time they met.

She saw such an embarrassing side.

Moreover, the other party was still a big man. Handsome guy!

I. I actually lost my temper in front of such a handsome young man!


Qin Mo took the initiative to say hello 250. His eyes lit up when he looked at the girl in front of him.

She has an excellent appearance and a good figure.

Under the tulle skirt, the jade body with uneven contours outlines a slight curvature. She looks pretty and cute. Her temples are beautiful.


A pair of beautiful big eyes.

Full of agility.

There is also an unbearable shame.


The girl said hello weakly.

"I am the lord of this territory"

"My name is Qin Mo"

"And you?"

Qin Mo showed a warm smile.

It gave people a sense of comfort like the spring breeze blowing on their face.

It reduced the girl's inner tension.

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't feel any strange at all.

A warm smile appeared on his handsome face.

The girl suddenly felt much calmer.

"Hello, noble lord."

"My name is Gu Yue."

The girl calmed her mind and said in a quiet voice like jade

"Yes, that's what it looks like"

"I don't know how to eat people, and the people in the territory are very easy to get along with. Qin

Mo smiled and said


The girl nodded.

"Yesterday, I met a sister"

"She took me out and had a good cleaning."

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