"This is natural!"

The great sage nodded kindly.

"Thank you, great sage."

Qin Mo bowed his hands in a salute.

The great sage nodded with a smile and waved.

The palace of knowledge condensed in one hand.

The great sage looked at a point in his hand, showing a complicated expression.

"These books are my lifelong efforts"

"Ever since Karen's mother got married"

"I dedicated my life to the god of knowledge"

"Spend your life learning everything."

The great sage slowly handed over

"This is like my child"

"I am today"

"I will hand over my two children to you"


"Lord, please be kind to Kallen in the future."

"I can also make good use of my children."

Qin Mo stretched out his hands with a solemn expression and took it in his hand.

The left hand is the light point transformed from the Palace of Knowledge.

The right hand is Kallen.

"Don't worry, Great Sage."

Qin Mo didn't make too many promises.

He was just talking.

Everyone can do it.

It depends. 14

What matters is how to do it in the future.

"Go ahead, your people care about you"

"They are all waiting impatiently."

The great sage smiled softly and waved his hand.

Qin Mo nodded.

He turned and left.

One step.

One step.

As Qin Mo walked away

, this space began to slowly collapse.

"Come on, you don't deserve to be swallowed by darkness."

A mysterious voice sounded.

The great sage was stunned for a moment.

Then he showed ecstasy. This was the voice he heard when he was still a young man. It was the voice of the God of Knowledge! A pillar of light emerged, leading the great sage away.. The space dissipated. Qin Mo also returned to his territory. With the completion of the mission, his territory naturally rose and left this mission space. At this time, his territory was in an unknown dimension. When Qin Mo The moment Mo returned. The territory turned into a stream of light. Passed through time and space. Passed through planes and universes. Returned to the Blue Star. The dark world. A special time. An extremely cold person. An extremely hot person. Two beautiful figures. One is noble and elegant. The other is standing wild and heroic. To the side. A black, shadow-like form is kneeling on the ground. A hot blade is placed on his neck.

"two beautiful sisters"

"Save someone under the knife"

"I haven't done anything!"

The black shadow begged for mercy.

"You are called the Lord of Darkness, right?"

The goddess of the sun grinned and said

"I'm not!"

"I don't!"

"It’s all their yelling!"

Heiying denied the three companies.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The main focus is one from the heart.

Not only that.

He also separated a thick golden thread. He gritted his teeth and cut it directly.

Feeling the weakening of the power of faith.

Black The movie queen’s molars are almost broken.

But there is no way.

Although you will not really die if you are killed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The one who comes here is not the original body.

But he was killed by the Supreme God Kill.

The origin is bound to be damaged.

It is better to directly cut off the faith brought by your own identity.

In this way, you can gain a glimmer of life.

"Old boy, you are very decisive."

The goddess of flames smiled.

She raised the hot blade by three points.

She felt that the heat that could burn him dry left.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be better not to die.


The goddess of extreme cold suddenly raised her head.

An evil gaze came at her.[]

And at this time.

Qin Mo happened to be pulled into the palace of knowledge.

His territory.

Lifting off.

And that line of sight.

What he was looking at was the territory that Qin Mo was ascending and leaving.

"Wait here until we come back"

"Otherwise, hey."

The goddess of flames is like a female wimp.

Her words are full of threats.

"Don't worry, beautiful sister"

"I will stay here well"

"Not going anywhere!"

The black shadow promised.

There is no majesty at all.

What kind of character.

It is not as important as living.

The Goddess of the Sun nodded with satisfaction.

She looked at her sister.

A blue light and a red light flashed away.

The black shadow Stayed in place.

Hesitated again and again.

Still kneeling honestly.

Not only did he not leave, but he didn't mean to run away.

He didn't even stand up.

The main thing is to follow the heart.

He is a god of faith.

Combat power 060 and Compared with this kind of lord becoming a god, the strength is not even a bit inferior.

No one knows.

What methods they have.

If they piss off someone, they travel through time and space to fuck themselves.

Then it will be really troublesome.

They will lose face. It's lost.

Life is the most important thing!

What's more, no one else here can see it.

Surrender to the Supreme God.

Not shabby.

On the other side.

A blue light and a red light rise into the sky. Blocking the territory.

A Evil eyes came.

The next moment, they were blocked by the two of them. The moment they saw them, they wanted to run away.

"Now that we are here"

"Then don't leave."

A cold voice sounded.

The ultimate coldness broke out in an instant.

Time, space, everything was frozen!

The line of sight that was watching was also frozen in place.

Not only that.

An extreme cold began. It keeps spreading along the line of sight.


Spreading outward at a very fast speed!

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