The first blow.

Yan Ling'er didn't use much strength.

This actually gave the other party an illusion.

The illusion that I can still block a few moves.

But it's a pity.

Don't look at it, Yan Ling'er is only less than level 40. its properties.

But he is even stronger than him at level 100!

Even he has gone through various bonuses.

Even he also enjoyed a lot of natural treasures. but.

Yan Ling'er's strength.

Still much stronger than him!

So strong.

He was crushed directly!


"Damn waste!"

"I have spent so much thought and resources cultivating you!"

John cursed.

He hurriedly took out a scroll and quickly crushed it.

"I didn’t want to use it, but you forced me to do it!"

John could no longer maintain his noble posture.

His face was ferocious, like a demon from hell!

Yan Ling'er frowned.

He squatted down, like a cheetah pouncing forward. The God-killing Spear in his hand exuded...

Scarlet light.


The scroll was broken.

A terrifying aura descended.




All kinds of negative auras emerged instantly.

Then 173 was suppressed by Yan Ling'er.

A dark light curtain opened.

As if in Meet the King of Darkness

"great lord of darkness"

"Please accept my loyalty"

"Take your most loyal servant out of here!"

"Your slaves pray to you and are willing to sacrifice ordinary people in the territory to feed you!"

John prayed in a low voice.

The words he said shocked the soldiers and heroes who were guarding him nearby.

They looked at John in disbelief, with disappointment and disbelief on their faces.

Although, this lord was not very good in the past. Treat them as human beings.

Beat and scold them at will.


At least the resources and equipment are not lacking.


At this time, half of the people have to be sacrificed (bdca) to the Lord of Darkness!

Even their back molars are bitten to pieces.

Also. There will be no move against John at all.

He will eat the lord’s salary.

Now, it’s time to sacrifice for the lord!

"very good"

"I know your prayers"


The sound coming from the light curtain suddenly stopped.

John looked at the light curtain with a puzzled look.

Shui Yue, Mengyun and Lilith came.

He Yan Ling'er looked at the light curtain with a wary expression.

In a pair of beautiful eyes.

A trace of doubt emerged


"you damn fool"

"I am going to kill you!"

Insulting sounds came from within the light curtain.

Then, sounds of begging for mercy rang out.

"two beautiful sisters"

"Don't do it, don't do it"

"I'll leave right away!"

"stop fighting!"

"I'm freezing to death!"

"So hot!"

The voice faded away.

It sounded like.......It seems that he was beaten away?

Yan Ling'er and the others looked at each other in confusion.

John's expression changed several times.

It looks very funny.

He looked at Yan Ling'er and the others without tears.

"I surrender now"

"is there time?"

The light curtain dissipated. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Lord of Darkness will not appear again.

John's last helper.

He ran away without any time to worry about.

"Hey, what do you think?"

Yan Ling'er smiled contemptuously.

The girls rushed forward.

John's strength is indeed not weak. He spent countless resources on his own level. He was promoted to level 80. Among the lords, he also belongs to the high-end lords. Individuals The combat power is also very good. It does not superimpose the power of heroes. Not many lords can defeat him.

[] but.

For Yan Linger and the others.

Still a rookie. suppress it easily

"The Prison of Blue Waves!"

Shui Yue raised the staff and let out a sweet cry.

The water elements condensed and formed a water prison in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers and heroes of the territory were trapped in it.

Yan Ling'er and the others rushed straight into the center of the territory.

It didn't take long..

A territory core was found.

John, whose five limbs were broken, looked at the taken out lord core with a pale face.


Yan Ling'er greeted and left with Shui Yue and others.

The Red Flame Army also stopped destroying and hunting. They all left the territory.

They gathered together to fight against the boss close to the city wall.

"The fire dragon roars!"

The Red Flame Army let out a cooing sound.

Above its head, a projection of a fire dragon appeared in the sky.

Its golden pupils showed a manic and arrogant attitude of looking down on all living beings.

The boss's footsteps paused.

The next moment, the dragon roared.

The monster's body shook..

The scarlet eyes kept flashing.

The body was stiff.

Unable to move. He entered a state of dizziness.

The flesh and blood on his body also exploded.

The vitality dropped sharply again!

"Dance of the Fire Dragon!"

The Red Flame Army was coquettish again.

The projection of the fire dragon let out a dragon roar.

Then it rushed towards the boss.

The dragon's mouth opened wide and it pounced on the monster.


There was a loud noise.

Dust flew everywhere.

When the dust dispersed, the monster's body was only one meter long.

Its vitality was extremely shrinking.

Under the continuous attacks of ten lords, its strength had already dropped significantly.

At this time.

Suffered another attack that was more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

He finally showed signs of exhaustion.

"Destroy the army with one shot!"

A tender cry.

A flash of red light.

One of the monster's arms exploded.

Countless tiny strands of flesh emerged from the flesh, trying to heal.

But in the end it failed.

It was obvious.

It was almost exhausted.

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