The strength of the ten lords is extraordinary. everyone.

They are all veteran high-ranking lords! in.

John is at the peak of the tenth level.

Distance from the gods.

It's just one step away.

But he still can’t cross it!

Not that.

His ceiling.

It is indeed possible to achieve immortality.

But progress is extremely slow. even.

I can't break through until I die.

It is also reasonable.

Tenth level to the Immortal God.

This layer of barrier.

I don’t know how many geniuses I have stopped.

Let them die with hatred.

Throughout his life.

Can't break through!

Under the gods.

All are ants.

It’s not a lie!

Tenth level lord.

Even ten or a hundred.

Not even one can be stopped.

A lord at the level of an immortal! this.

The gap is no longer something that can be erased by quantity.

Under the gods.

How many of them are ants!

And skipping a level, or even a level-crossing challenge.

It usually occurs around the third and fourth levels.

Further up.

Leap level, the difficulty level of the challenge.

Naturally, it is also rising in a straight line! but.

Qin Mo is confident.

Able to jump through levels and kill these high-level lords. but.

He also doesn't want to cause unnecessary damage.

Then arrange Meng Yun and Dream Weaver.

It took dozens of hours.

Not a minute to rest.

This illusory world covering hundreds of miles was laid out!

Even if they are established lords.

Still haven't seen it through.


But a person of nightmare blood. and.

He also changed his profession to become an illusionist profession with golden legendary quality.

Its power has been greatly increased.

Fantasy world.

It is also becoming more real and difficult to see through! future.

She was afraid of waving her hand.

It can make countless people fall into an illusory world. even.

Keep it up.

If she can become a fairy-level hero in the future.

I am afraid.

It can really turn fantasy into reality.

Make everything impossible. becomes possible! at this point.

Qin Mo was looking forward to it.


He is also a good hero worthy of vigorous training!

Dream Cloud and the Dream Weavers.

Carefully check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

Found an awkward point.

It will be repaired immediately!

This way.

They should have been attacked from both sides.

But they became the people who eat melon.


Watching the lord send troops.

Beat up bosses and mobs!

Garuda Buddha.

It is a tall monster with three heads.

A solemn look on his face.

A greedy look on his face.

A look of pleasure.

Huge body.

The action is extremely fast.

It's like shrinking into an inch.

Take one step.

It spanned dozens of meters. but.

These old lords are not vegetarians either. within the territory. full facilities.

Various defense towers.

There are endless ways to attack.

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all transformed into means of attack or defense..

They are all like a violent storm.

Pour firepower on the monsters.

These monsters.

The average level is around level 50. in.

There are also many mini-BOSSes mixed in.

Able to display amazing combat effectiveness.

Soldiers and heroes under the lords.

He was also arranged to play. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qin Mo carefully wrote down their arms and heroes.

There are also traits and special abilities.

Enrich your knowledge base


A cavalryman wearing full body armor shouted for glory.

A series of holy lights blessed his body.

The heavy armor looked more powerful in defense!

They pulled the reins and charged towards the monsters. They were galloping..

It’s like an army of thousands is coming!

The earth is trembling.

The astonishing evil energy is condensed.

It’s like a miscellaneous army.[]

I'm afraid it was just an ordinary scene captured by this wave.

It will scare morale to the point of collapse.

But it's a pity.

These monsters.

But there is no morale to speak of.

They bravely blocked this heroic cavalry


"Rather heroic."

A lord praised.

He who can face his glorious knight without fear should be regarded as an elite!

On the other side, a group of priests wearing red robes began to chant.

The magic power nearby began to surge. Move.

The dark sky becomes darker!

".Rain of Fire!"

A soft shout sounded.

High in the sky, a red six-pointed star array formed instantly.

The next moment, fireballs with a diameter of two meters emerged from the six-pointed star array. They smashed towards the monsters on the earth. Thousands of people with a radius of


It was hit by fireballs that were like rain.

The roar spread far and far.

When the dust dispersed, there were basically no monsters still standing in the same place.

Even the solid and cold earth was forcibly destroyed. It sank dozens of meters!

Fire spells are famous for their violence!

Moreover, the levels of these fire spells (Wang Zhao Zhao) are very high, and their qualifications are not bad.

The skills released by their combined force have such an effect. It is also reasonable.

However, their world-destroying ultimate move stunned Kallen and the aborigines. Naturally, they also have fire spells , but their lethality is even greater than one of the fireballs. No. It can only be said that it is also the fire method. In some worlds, it can only make fire to cook. But in other worlds, the fire method can destroy a planet with one move! This is the difference between the worlds. And their wonderful mystery. Place! It is also a limitation brought by the world. It is also a golden legendary qualification. The strength at the same level is completely different. That's it! Ps: Happy New Year.

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