The girl smiled coquettishly.

Reluctantly, he put down his glass of wine.

She had a gut feeling.

If you force yourself to drink it.

I am afraid.

Will explode and die!

"My name is Gu Yue"

"What about you, girl?"

Xiao Gu Yue took a deep breath and took the initiative to talk.

"My name is Ruisiyazhe Angaran!"

"She is the princess of the golden frog family!"

The frog looked proud.

He glanced at Xiao Guyue with disdain.

"It's a pity that you are too weak. This trip is indeed in vain."

"Lords will not recruit weaklings"

"But this cup of spiritual wine brewed from top-quality Longya rice"

"You've made a killing!"

Gu Yue was ashamed.

She was indeed weak.

But there was no need to mention it repeatedly.

However, she also saw it.

The frog princess in front of her had no ill intentions.


She was protected too well.

Or rather.

He is strong enough!

Only then can he say whatever he wants 07.

There is no need to worry about disaster coming from his mouth!

Xiao Guyue came forward and said with a smile

"Take the liberty to ask"

"Where is this place?"

"Also, what does lord mean?"

"Is he the city lord here? Or a fairy from mythology?"

"What do you mean by seizing the opportunity?"


The frog princess looked stunned.

She glanced at Xiao Gu Yue.

"It's so funny, you don't know anything?"

"Then how did you become a hero!"

She clicked her tongue and took another sip of spiritual wine.

She said while

"This place is a lord's tavern"

"There are heroes who are attracted from every world"

"Can be recruited by the lord and become his subordinate!"

Xiao Gu Yue listened carefully and nodded.

When the frog princess saw this, she started to explain seriously.


"It was the territory of a lord, called [Xuanyin City]】!"

"This is a tavern"

"You can't get out without the permission of the people in the territory!"

"As for me, just like you, it’s all influence!"

"Attracted by this pub"

"However, the world we live in is different!"

The frog princess raised the spirit wine in her hand and said with a slight smile.

"Judging from this spiritual wine, this territory is probably great!"


"Wait for the lord or someone from the territory to come

"We will know if we can be recruited."

The Frog Princess was unexpectedly easy to get along with.

She answered whatever little Guyue asked!

She has a very straightforward personality!

She explained all of Little Guyue's doubts one by one.

She didn't feel any trouble at all.

Finally, it just Ao Ran said that he is very hopeful to be recruited!

As for Xiao Gu Yue, a weakling, it is probably just"a trip here" to see the world.


Xiao Gu Yue can drink this spiritual wine..

It’s not a loss!

This trip was not in vain!

Little Guyue was a little happy.

Although this frog princess was unforgiving, she had a pretty good personality.

She was quite easy to deal with!

Little Guyue was shocked.

But her face remained calm, and she praised her crisply while inquiring for more information.

Soon, with the Frog Princess telling her, she learned a lot of shocking information. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All heavens and realms, lords, territories.

There are countless civilizations!





And all races!

In the eyes of the frog princess.

The human race is also a big race!

Especially the lord.

He is the best among the human race.

If you can be recruited by a lord to become a territorial hero.


What a great opportunity!

After becoming a hero[]

As long as the lord owns the [Hall of Valor] and other resurrection buildings.

Then you won't be afraid of death.

Can be resurrected by the lord! and.

It will also become easier to improve your strength.

It can be said.

You can become stronger just by lying down!

You can become an immortal or a god just by lying down!

This kind of"win-win" life is of course extremely beautiful! but.

Xiao Guyue still couldn't believe it in her heart. in her world.

Want to become stronger.

But it requires countless years of hard work! but.

When I think of that glass of spiritual wine just now.

Just one cup.

Let your cultivation level skyrocket!

If digestion is complete.

You can still drink it.

Isn't it really possible to become stronger while lying down?

How unbelievable! and.

The"hero treatment" the Frog Princess talks about is too bizarre.

She didn't quite believe it.

But all the worlds.

But it almost caused her outlook to collapse! turn out to be. own world.

It's just a very inconspicuous one among all the worlds. even.

Extremely weak........

"A hero........"

The girl was a little confused.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

The frog princess ignored her.

He drank the spiritual wine by himself.

His face was quite intoxicated! after awhile.

The girl came to her senses.

The"sister" in front of me looked drunk.

Then he stopped disturbing her.

Instead, he quietly sat in another seat.

Looking at the darkening sky outside the house.

I started thinking alone.

All information obtained today.

It made her feel like her three views had been shattered!

She needs some time.

Come sort out and digest what you have gained today.

It also needs a good adjustment.

Excited, confused, heart..

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