
If the monster wasn't so powerful.

It will all be handed over to the soldiers to work together to solve it!

With this.

To cultivate their fighting chemistry.

The arms interact with each other. after all. between different arms.

It also requires mutual coordination and cooperation.

And now one finally appears.

A boss with enough strength!

Yan Linger was immediately ready to make a move.

Aggressive in her.

I can't wait for the end and fight!

Her beautiful eyes blinked at Qin Mo


"Let me go! Yan

Ling'er said coquettishly, holding her voice.

Qin Mo pinched her pretty nose in a funny way.


"go Go."

Yan Ling'er sniffed cutely.

Seeing Qin Mo's permission, she immediately jumped up happily.

"The king is the best!"

Yan Ling'er came forward.

He chirped.

He jumped down the city wall happily.

With a wave of his hand, a blood-red God-killing Spear appeared in his hand.

On his body, there was also a flame dragon battle armor exuding a hot aura!

He was dressed in gold. She was pretending.

The aura she exuded soared into the sky!

"Lord God"

"So strong!"

Karen exclaimed.

The aborigines also watched without blinking.

The power of the God Envoy!

The aura exuded by Yan Ling'er.

They were surprised and proud.

"Master Shuiyue"

"Who is more powerful, you or the Divine Envoy?"

After getting along for a day, the assassins who transformed into fangirls approached Shui Yue.

One of them asked curiously

"Lord God Envoy?"


Shui Yue's big watery eyes were full of doubts.

"It’s the fiery red-haired God-Envoy~!"

One person pointed at Yan Ling'er outside the city and said.

Shui Yue took a look and smiled mysteriously.

He didn't make the slightest answer.

The assassins immediately started thinking and made a comprehensive comparison between Shui Yue and Yan Ling'er.

Finally, it was concluded that Lord Shui Yue is the strongest!

When Shui Yue heard this, his eyes narrowed into slits when he smiled.

【Scarlet Butcher】

【Level: 1v66】

【constitution:? ? ? ?】

【Spirit:? ? ? ?】

【Talent: Butchery】

【Bloodline: Butcher】

【Introduction: A terrifying fusion monster born under the influence of the evil god's breath, once slaughtered a whole world]

The next day. afternoon.

The level of the boss that appears.

Already reached level 66. and.

Or the terrifying monster that once slaughtered a whole world!

The strength cannot be underestimated! but.

Regardless of Qin Mo.

Still Qilin Hui.


They all looked relaxed.

No pressure at all!

At first.

During the novice trial.

They were only at level ten, but they dared to fight against bosses who were level seventy or eighty.

Not to mention.

At this time, Yan Ling'er is no longer what he used to be!

Property values ​​in the thousands. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Plus, he’s dressed in gold.

The combat power that can be exerted.


Not to mention a mere level 66 boss.

Even a demigod.

Qin Mo is not afraid at all!

At worst, summon the dragon.

Just call aunt out.

Scarlet Butcher.

Like a mountain of meat.

He is more than ten meters tall!

Countless palms, feet, and heads can be seen on the bloated mountain of meat.

Those are the remains of creatures that were slaughtered and dismembered by it.


There are also inhuman ones[]

It treats all creatures equally!

"No need to waste energy"

"Just kill those little monsters."

Qilin Hui stretched out his hand and stopped the aborigines who were preparing to attack the boss.

At the same time, he took over the control of the magic tower.

These magic towers, together with the aborigines, have long been incorporated into Qin Mo's territory.


Naturally, this is also the case.

However, these magic towers cannot use dark crystals to replenish their storage.

They need magicians to fill their energy.

Moreover, it is very troublesome to use.

Kirin Hui and the others also intervened.

However, the smart Kirin Hui has already I have learned how to control these magic towers.

Moreover, this boss is not something that this simple magic tower can hurt at all.

It is better not to waste energy.

"`Yes, Lord God Envoy!"

Everyone responded respectfully and put the target back on the mobs.

However, their attention was always on Yan Ling'er and the boss.

Yan Ling'er took one shot at a time and blocked the boss. It was amazing. The aura radiates out.

The evil spirit that reaches the sky.

It makes even the boss look at it!

The sixty-sixth level boss is not a brainless fool.

It can sense the power of the person in front of it!


Destroy this territory.

But. The order of the great evil god!

Even if the enemy in front of it is very strong, it will not flinch!

Feeling the fighting spirit coming from the B (Wang Wang Zhao) boss,

Yan Ling'er licked her red lips and took the lead in attacking.

She There are sparks flickering on the body.

During the action, it is as tame as lightning!

In the air, leaving traces of red threads.

Several red lights flash.

Yan Ling'er floats to the ground.

The next moment.

Four deep lines appear on the boss's mountain-like body. The cracks.

Countless blood sprayed out like money!

"So strong!"

Karen tightened the sword in her hand.

Even she couldn't do it as neatly as Lord God Envoy!

Moreover, she didn't fully see what Lord God Envoy had just done!

"what are you thinking about!"

"That's the Lord God Envoy!"

"Your current strength is nothing more than what the God of Heaven has done casually!".

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