[The Joint of Human Bugs.] 】

[Another intuitive example of the price that human beings pay for walking upright, which can even be described as miserable, is our joints. 】

[Human joints are so fragile that they often get sick, because after the body walks upright, all the weight of our limbs is given to the legs, and the legs bear all the pressure on the body. 】

[Further down, the problem of the foot and ankle bone is also very critical, most animals walk on their toes, while humans put the pressure mainly on the tendons, which makes us tolerate severe sprains when we fall]

[What's even crazier is that our ancestors had to expose our most vulnerable abdomen to the most vulnerable areas in order to walk upright, while the abdomen of other creatures is located under the body.] 】

Barrage flying:

"Despite all the costs, the benefits gained after walking upright are significantly higher. "

"Reply – that sure, there is a reason for natural evolutionary selection. "

"Penguin: Don't talk nonsense, my belly isn't underneath. "

"Re- does the penguin one count as walking upright?"

"Reply - I don't know, some people say that the penguins actually squat and walk. (Le)"

"Reply- should be considered walking upright, so the abdomen is exposed. "


Many ancients in the past dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky, and they were extremely emotional:

It is not easy for human beings to evolve step by step.

This part of the ancients is the ancients who have accepted the theory of evolution after reading the history of human evolution before.

Of course.

There were ancients who believed, and there were ancients who questioned unbelievers.

These ancients are also skeptical of these human bugs at this moment.


[The appendix of human bugs.] 】

[Darwin's theory of evolution believes that human ancestors needed the appendix to help digestion during the survival stage of using plants as food, and with the change of food structure, the appendix continues to shrink, and it has no practical use for modern humans. 】

[However, in recent years, there have been some studies in the scientific community that have proposed that the appendix plays a role in storing and protecting beneficial bacteria in the intestines, but there is currently a lack of direct evidence for this claim. 】

[In short, judging from the current actual situation, it seems that the appendix is an organ specially used for "inflammation", except for appendicitis, I really haven't heard of what it does25. 】

[That's not right, the appendix actually still has a role, that is, it feeds many surgeons. 】

[According to statistics, in China, nearly 100 million people may have undergone appendicectomy. 】

Barrage flying:

"The feeling of having appendicitis is so sour and painful. "

"Reply – not only painful, but in severe cases, it can be really fatal. "

"Reply - it's not a serious drag now, it's all a one-size-fits-all solution. "

"Reply - suddenly very curious, now you can do surgery, what should the ancients do if they have appendicitis? By the way, who knows what the ancients called appendicitis?"

"Reply - called carbuncle. In ancient times, if you have this disease, you can only rely on drinking medicine to treat it conservatively, as for the effect, it depends on luck. "

"Reply - in ancient times, if you knew the surgical treatment, could you have appendiceal surgery?"

"Reply - you can do it, but what about fighting infection after surgery?"


Eastern Han plane.

Hua Tuo looked at the giant screen in the sky and painted hard.

He recorded the location of the appendix demonstrated at this time in the giant screen, as well as the information about the appendicitis surgery.

Carbuncle was not a minor disease in ancient times, but a serious disease with a high mortality rate.

Hua Tuo felt that if he could master this surgical treatment method in later generations, it would save the lives of many patients.

Not only Hua Tuo, but also other doctors in other dynasties, such as Sun Simiao and Zhang Zhongjing, also had similar behaviors.

Doctors are kind, and they also hope to help more patients.


[Wisdom teeth of human bugs.] 】

[When we grow to about 20 years old, our last tooth has just begun to grow, and this tooth is "wisdom teeth". 】

[In ancient times, our ancestors would grow wisdom teeth in order to gnaw bones and bite meat. 】

[Nowadays, food has become more and more delicate, and there is no longer a need for teeth to chew too cumbersomely, so wisdom teeth are gradually declining, and even disliked, because in the process of growth, it is easy to affect the front second molars, and it may also cause wisdom teeth pericoronitis. 】

[The vomiting reaction of human BUG "fighting poison with poison". 】

[A long, long time ago, when our ancestors were still surviving in the wilderness, they often ate some wild plants and fruits, and some of these foods were poisonous. 】

[There are two kinds of people in the ancestors, one eats poisonous food and will get dizzy and nausea, which will cause vomiting and vomit all the poisonous food, and the other will have no special reaction after eating it. 】

[Over time, the second type of people were slowly poisoned, and the vomiting reaction was preserved in the genes. 】

[Vomiting reaction as a protective mechanism for poisoning is understandable, but the bad thing is that the way the brain judges poisoning is too unreasonable. 】

[Since most of the foods that caused poisoning in the past would make people dizzy and nauseous, the brain judged all the events that caused dizziness as poisoning, and now it has led to frequent vomiting. 】


"Huh, is vomiting to protect yourself?"

Many of the ancients of all dynasties were shocked.

Originally, they thought that vomiting would only happen when people had a serious illness, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

It seems that sometimes spitting is not a bad thing.


[The trachea and esophagus of human bugs share a throat passage.] 】

[There is an epiglottis cartilage at this passage, and there is a cartilage in the pharynx, which can cover the larynx when swallowing to prevent food from entering the laryngeal cavity and entering the trachea. 】

[When swallowing, the epiglottis cartilage will automatically cover the trachea, so you can't swallow at the same time when you breathe.] 】

[If the food gets stuck in the throat due to its high viscosity or large volume, it may block the airway and cause suffocation. 】

[In addition, playing and playing during meals may cause food to slide into the trachea, causing suffocation. 】

[Speaking of which, by the way, the UP master will give you a popular science treatment method for acute respiratory tract foreign body blockage: the Heimlich maneuver. 】

[This method is effective and easy to operate, it is recommended that you learn it by yourself in case you need it.] 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles, a teaching film of the Heimlich maneuver was played on the giant screen in the sky.

In the process, many ancients of all dynasties stared intently at the giant screen in the sky, learning the Heimlich maneuver.

Skills that matter to their lives, they naturally have an interest in learning.

Among them, ancient doctors such as Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, took it the most seriously.

They want to learn all the techniques of saving people.


[The coccyx of human bugs.] 】


[Human BUG's body hair and erector pili muscles. 】


[The retina of the human bug is reversed.] 】


[The human body is not designed by God, but evolved step by step, and these bugs are actually the remnants of evolution. 】

[Maybe one day, these bugs that exist in us will eventually be eliminated by evolution, and our children will evolve better than us.] 】

[But before this day comes, let's take good care of our bodies and live in harmony with our imperfect bodies.] 】


After watching the conclusion of the video.

Many ancients in the past dynasties were full of emotion in their hearts.

The content of this video was a real eye-opener for them.

I didn't expect the human body to have such a bug, which really made them feel insightful.

In the emotion of these ancients.

Giant screen in the sky.

Video refresh.

A new video appears.

[Dig up the skull of the gods and rob the Chinese emperor - look at the "recognize the father" culture of the stick country from the history books!]

Seeing this line of big characters, many emperors of all dynasties came to be interested.

"Robbing the Emperor of China?

The emperors were puzzled.


[Throughout the history books of the country of sticks, they are written very innocently, and they are all question sentences: Where did Dad go?]

[Human beings are unable to imagine things beyond their own cognition, and the stick country that pursues the doctrine of "a thousand years of great things" will not be able to control the expression of the concept of "father" when making up its own history. 】

[So in this video, the UP master will use the history book written by the stick people themselves to sort out the "6000 years of recognizing the father" of the stick people. 】

[According to the "History of the Korean Empire" written by the Bangzi people themselves, in 3898 BC, the Bangzi people originated in the Pamir Plateau. 】

[The reason is very simple, the people of the stick country are to create a good "father", which is more than 5,000 years old in China. 】

[The Pamirs are located at the westernmost point of China, straddling Tajikerstan, China and Afghanistan, so it is foreseeable that it will not be long before we can see the argument that the Persian Empire originated in the Stick Kingdom. 】

[According to the book, the first group of people of the stick people migrated from the Pamir Plateau to settle in the Changbai Mountains, and they walked more than 6,000 kilometers on their feet. 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles.

A clear map of Asia appeared in the sky, and the migration route of the Bangzi people recorded in the book "History of the Great Korean Empire" was marked.

After reading this route, many ancients in the past dynasties were puzzled.

For no reason, how could someone leave their ancestral land, climb mountains and wade through rivers to migrate to such a distant place?

It doesn't feel like it's quite right.

The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was even more puzzled in his heart.

The place where the country of Bangzi (Goryeo) is located, he personally led his troops to go, and it is not a fertile place.

So what did the ancestors of the stick people do when they traveled thousands of miles to a bitter cold place?

How wrong you look at this.

Li Shimin was very skeptical about the authenticity of Bang Ziguo's history book called "History of the Great Korean Empire".


[During the journey, the people of the stick nationality saw that the people of the Hongshan civilization and the Yellow River civilization were living too hard, and they were not civilized, so they taught the locals how to raise pigs, cattle and sheep, and how to make clay pots and stone tools. 】

[You said that the skills of the ancestors of the stick were so superb, why did they go to such great lengths to migrate?]

[Migrating from one bitter cold place to another bitter cold place, more than 6,000 kilometers long, is more exaggerated than the Spring Festival. 】

[After these stick ancestors arrived in Changbai Mountain, they established the country of Beida. 】

[Because of the technology ahead of the times, a huge empire was created, and Chinese characters were invented through oracle bone inscriptions, which ruthlessly suppressed Chinese civilization. 】

[How big is this Beida country?]

[I'll put a map of the Beida country in the mouth of the stick country, you can feel it for yourself.] 】

Barrage flying:


"It's off the charts. "

"It's Chinese characters, how dare they. "

"It just shocked me for a hundred years. "


The ultra-clear map of Asia appeared in the giant screen in the sky.


This time, a large circle was circled on the map, marking the territorial extent of the country of Gubeda.

After reading this.

The ancients of all dynasties were stunned.

Is the history book of the country of sticks so outrageous?

Is this a serious history book?(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

As far as they could see, the ancient Beida country of the Bangzi Country had already controlled the whole of East Asia, and the Yellow River and the Yangtze River basin in China all belonged to this ancient Beida country.

In the eyes of the ancients, this is simply nonsense to the extreme.

The history books of the country of sticks are completely made up.

He also taught the Chinese ancestors to breed and make pottery and stone tools.

Many ancients had a lot of contempt for the country of Bangzi (Goryeo) in their hearts.


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che laughed angrily.

With the strength of the stick country (Goryeo), it is also worthy of building such a large empire?

What is the peninsula where Bangja Country (Goryeo) is located now?

It was the four Han counties of Lelang, Zhenfan, Lintun, and Xuanxuan that he sent troops to fight.

It is clearly a small land, and it is clearly a very weak race, and it is simply ridiculous to dare to imagine that they have once established such a large empire.

According to a sentence he heard in the giant screen in the sky, that is, he didn't want his face.


[Some viewers who know the history of the stick country will also have questions. 】[]

[Isn't the 320 written in the history textbook of the Bangzi Kingdom 2333 BC when Tanjun established the ancient Bangzi Kingdom?

[This year 2333 is from the wild history "The Remains of the Three Kingdoms" written by a monk in the 15th century. 】

[And this "History of the Great Korean Empire", which was written by Jin Sango, a scholar of Bangzi Country, and adapted from this book, is a textbook of the Army Military Academy of Bangzi Country, which is called Genzheng Miaobai. 】

[The time node reached 2335 BC, after the mating of the goddess and the woman who became a bear, the hybrid god Tanjun was born, and three years later, the god Tanjun grew up to establish the ancient stick country of Tanjun. 】

[The ancient stick country of Tanjun has gone into decline after division and merger. 】

[During this period, the land of China entered the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, heroes and heroes appeared on the stage, and the people of the stick country began their own plan to grab their "father". 】

[According to the book, the ancient stick nations defeated in the internal strife fled their homes and shone fiercely in the entire East Asian civilization circle. 】

[One of them came to China to do business and became one of the top businessmen, and the representative figure was Lü Buwei. 】

[The people of the Bangzi Kingdom believe that Qin Shi Huang is the son of Lü Buwei, and Lü Buwei is the descendant of the ancestors of the Bangzi Kingdom who migrated to China. 】

[Therefore, Qin Shi Huang is half a stick countryman. 】

[The little bit of caution in the country of sticks is actually not difficult to guess, that is, he felt that his ancestors did not have any big people who could do it, so he set his eyes on Qin Shihuang, the "first emperor of the ages". 】

Barrage flying:

"Ah??? against the sky!

"Brother Zheng's coffin board can't be suppressed. "

"The cheekiness and shamelessness of the stick country once again refreshed the lower limit. "


Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang's face was pale, and he was furious:


At this moment, the anger and killing intent that emanated from his body were almost condensed into substance.

The people of the Stick Country dared to slander him so indiscriminately, they simply didn't know whether they were alive or dead!

Behind Qin Shi Huang, the ministers of Great Qin were also extremely angry.

The people of the country of sticks are simply brazen and bold!

The emperor who slandered them like this and did not destroy the country was not enough to appease the anger of Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, please lead the troops to recruit the Stick Country!"

"Your Majesty, please lead the troops to destroy the Stick Country!"


The generals of Great Qin stepped forward one after another to ask for battle.

Although it was the people of the Stick Country who made up history books to slander him in later generations, Da Qin couldn't go to the people of the Stick Country in later generations to settle the account, so he could only count the account on the ancestors of the Stick Country.

Besides, if the ancestors are destroyed, the descendants will be gone, and it can be regarded as a disguised beheading of the stick countrymen who dare to slander their majesty in later generations.


"Wang Qian, you lead the troops to go!"

Qin Shi Huang set the leader of the army.


[Seriously, I don't want to falsify the above statements. 】

[But anyone who can believe this kind of nonsense should check their own bloodline first, because this has nothing to do with IQ at all, it is simply the reason for the ass. 】


The ancients of all dynasties agreed very much with this statement of the giant screen.

The outrageous extent of these statements made up in the history books of the stick country, I'm afraid that even a fool won't believe it.

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