
The ancients of all dynasties gasped in their hearts, and they were all shocked and distracted.

In their opinion, these two sentences in the high-altitude giant screen undoubtedly further confirm that the dragon kingdom in later generations is indeed trying to "artificial the sun".

It was a surprise to them.

The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were already wide in shock.

"The Dragon Kingdom is really making the sun, it's amazing!"


Zhu Zhanji kept exclaiming.

Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi on the side were also ~ full of shock.

This trick of the Dragon Kingdom in the future is too big!

That's the sun!

How could it be man-made?

It's unimaginable!

After the shock.

The ancients of all dynasties came back to their senses and were very curious about the questions raised by the high-altitude giant screen at this time.

Why did the dragon kingdom in the future want to "artificial sun"?

Isn't one sun enough?

The ancients looked at the giant screen in the sky, eager to know the answer to their question, and what was the "artificial sun" of the Dragon Kingdom?


[Actually, the "sun" in "artificial sun" is not the real "sun", nor is it used to hang in the sky to shine and heat. 】

["Artificial sun" is essentially a device that uses atomic energy, and the name "artificial sun" is only given because its basic principle is similar to the nuclear fusion reaction process inside the sun. 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles.

A schematic diagram of an "artificial sun" appeared in a giant screen in the sky.

The ancients of all dynasties saw it and understood it instantly.

It turns out that it wasn't really making a "sun", it was just a machine with the name of an "artificial sun".

This is easier for the ancients to accept.

After all, it's hard to imagine such a thing as a real artificial "sun".

It's just that.

What is this machine for?

There is still curiosity in the hearts of the ancients.


[The purpose of researching the "artificial sun" is to solve the energy crisis faced by mankind. 】

[Energy is known to everyone, refers to the resources that can provide energy. 】

The earth is the home of human beings and the energy reservoir of human beings. 】

We obtain a variety of energy sources from the earth, such as coal, oil, natural gas, water, wind, sun, etc., to meet our growing energy needs. 】

However, these energies are not unlimited. 】

Moreover, in the process of use, it will also cause various impacts on the earth, such as the greenhouse effect, air pollution, soil erosion, biodiversity reduction, etc., which may cause the earth to be "disabled". 】

[Therefore, we have to find better energy.] 】

[The "Artificial Sun" project is one of the most important directions. 】

[If the "artificial sun" is successfully developed, then mankind will have an inexhaustible, clean and pollution-free energy source. 】

[The entire civilization of mankind will soar because of the energy freedom brought by the "artificial sun". 】

Barrage flying:

"If the artificial sun can really succeed, it will really be a new chapter in human civilization and truly solve the energy problem. "

"Reply - it's really endless energy. "

"Reply - never worry about running out of electricity in the future. "

"Reply - with an artificial sun, you can consider installing an elevator on Mount Everest. (Dog's Head)"


Many ancients in the past dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky, and their eyes were quite puzzled.

They don't really understand the significance of an "artificial sun".

After all, there is a huge knowledge gap between the ancients and modern people.

Knowledge like "artificial sun" is too much for them.


From those barrages, the ancients could still see the excitement of future generations.

This is enough to let the ancients know that the "artificial sun" of the Dragon Kingdom must be an extremely remarkable thing.


A short video of this short news item has been played.

High in the sky.

Video refresh.

New videos appear.

[Is Interpol the strongest police officer on the planet?]

As soon as I saw the title of this video, the ancients of all dynasties instantly became interested.


"The strongest cop on earth?"

Such words are enough to attract the attention of the ancients.

The police all know that it is the name of the later generations for fast arrest.

Does this "the strongest policeman on earth" mean the most powerful or powerful?

The ancients were very curious.


[A few days ago, there was a case of Eagle Sauce Country, which attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. 】

[A woman of dragon nationality is suspected of being drunk and crazy racing, and as a result, there was an accident, resulting in the death of another man in the passenger seat. 】

[There is nothing bizarre about the case itself, mainly the follow-up. 】

[While the police were looking for evidence and going through the process, this woman slipped away directly and escaped from the territory of Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[The Eagle Sauce Country Police immediately announced that they would seek help from Interpol and issue a "red notice". 】

[Red notice, Interpol, as soon as these two keywords appear, everyone will feel that the matter has been so big that it has broken the sky. 】

[Because in various film and television works, Interpol appears as the strongest police officer on the planet. 】

[A group of heavily armed elite agents, with the right to transnational law enforcement, can arrest people wherever they go, and everywhere they go, criminals are terrified. 】


Accompanied by narration subtitles.

The videos on the giant screen in the sky show all kinds of cool appearances of Interpol, as well as film and television mixes of hands-on arrest of criminals.

When many ordinary people in all dynasties saw it, they instantly exclaimed in their hearts:

"What a majesty!"


Like many ordinary people in later generations when watching movies, many ancient ordinary people have put a mysterious and powerful halo on "Interpol" through their own brains.

A police group that can catch criminals in any country, anywhere in the world, that's amazing!

And not just ordinary people.

There are also many emperors and generals of all dynasties, who are also shocked at this time.

They did not expect that there would be such an organization in later generations.

The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

The eldest grandson Wuji was surprised and said:

"This Interpol has so much power, so who are they in charge of? Who is in charge of this team?"

"I'm guessing it's the United Nations. "

Li Shimin replied.

He felt that this was the most likely scenario.

Such a police force, capable of enforcing the law in any country in the world, cannot belong to any one country.

Because it is impossible for any country to allow the police of another country to enforce the law in its own country.

Even the Eagle Sauce Country, the only superpower in the later generations, can't just arrest people in other countries.

On the bright side, only the United Nations, an organization of all countries, is likely to have such powers.

To put it deeper, the United Nations is actually in the hands of the P5.

Therefore, Li Shimin speculated that it would be the Five Permanent Officers who really controlled the organization of the "National Criminal Police"?

Only when the P5 join forces will it be possible to subdue the rest of the earth.


Is it necessary for the P5 to join forces to do this?

Li Shimin was actually a little suspicious in his heart.

Perhaps, this "international policeman" does not have so much power.

With such thoughts, Li Shimin continued to look at the giant screen in the sky.


[And the "Red Notice", everyone has also seen a lot in the news. 】

[Fugitives wanted by the "Red Notice" are often either corrupt and greedy, or drug dealers, arms criminals, triad bosses, or murderers in major criminal cases. 】

[This will make people feel that the "Red Notice" is the highest level of wanted warrants in the world. 】

[In this way, you may think that the recent case is a bit weird.] 】

[Although drunk driving kills people, and the nature is very bad, but it is said that Interpol will be used to issue a "red notice", is it a bit of a fuss for the police of Eagle Sauce Country?]


Hear here.

Many ancients in all dynasties were stunned for a moment.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

With the bad circumstances of this case, it is indeed not enough to reach the level of a "red notice".


What's the problem?

The ancients continued to look at the giant curtain in the sky with curiosity. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


[Actually, it's not that the Eagle Sauce people are exaggerating, but that everyone has always misunderstood Interpol and the "Red Notice". 】

[Let's start with Interpol's motto: Connect police to create a safer world.] 】

[From the literal meaning, everyone can see that this organization exists to strengthen cooperation and communication between the police of various countries, not to establish a law enforcement force that transcends national borders. 】

[Before the birth of Interpol, that is, at the beginning of the 20th century, the police of various countries were basically in a state of old and dead. 】

[Because the right to enforce the law is also part of sovereignty, how can you share it with other countries?]

[Therefore, as long as the suspect escapes from the country, he is basically at large. 】

[People of insight in the police circle hope to establish an equal cooperation mechanism, and on the premise of respecting sovereignty, let the police of various countries join forces to fight crime.] 】


Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang kind of understood.

This so-called "Interpol" does not seem to have as much power as imagined.

This is not surprising.

The law is the core of a country, and the power to enforce the law is the most important power of a country.

Not only Qin Shi Huang. []

In many other dynasties, after reading this passage, many ancients began to feel that their previous judgment of "Interpol" may be a little wrong.

This "Interpol" does not seem to be the "strongest cop on the planet".


[It just so happened that a prince of Monaco was robbed and many valuable jewels were stolen. 】

[The thief was finally arrested in Odili.] 】

[Austria is unable to return the stolen goods and extradite the suspect because there is no relevant law. 】

[The Prince of Monaco simply took this opportunity to pay out of his own pocket and invited high-level police circles from various countries to hold a meeting to discuss. 】

[The result of the discussion was to establish a full-time communication and coordination organization, saving each case the trouble of having to dock separately, so Interpol was born.] 】

[Because of its positioning of communication and coordination from the beginning, Interpol does not have its own police force at all, and there is not even a law enforcer with the right to arrest. 】

[It has just over 1,000 employees, most of whom are liaison officers or database managers.] 】

[Therefore, the kind of Interpol god general in the movie directly kicked the door and shouted: "I'm Interpol, put down your arms."] The picture that frightened the criminals and scurried around will not appear at all in reality. 】


"That's exactly what happened. "

Many ancients of all dynasties and dynasties couldn't help but be a little disappointed when they saw this.

This is not only not the "strongest police on the earth", but even the ordinary police of various countries.

A police officer who doesn't even have the power to arrest criminals, is that still a policeman?

To put it bluntly, this "Interpol" is a mediated and coordinated body.

Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che bowed slightly.

This is more realistic.

He was suspicious.

If a country can easily let non-national police come to enforce the law, it will be too degrading to the majesty of the country.


[If you can't even catch people, then where is its deterrent power?]

[INTERPOL has 195 member states, and each member state will establish a corresponding central bureau. 】

[The central bureau is nominally a branch of Interpol, but is actually part of the country's law enforcement agencies, and has the right to arrest people locally.] 】

[To make it easier for everyone to understand the workflow, let me give you an example.] 】

[Now, the police in a certain place A found that there was a homicide, but the murderer fled to country B overnight, and then the local police reported the matter to the Central Bureau A, and the Central Bureau A reported it to Interpol. 】

[Then, Interpol will pass the corresponding information to the Central Bureau of Country B, and they will take the local police to arrest the person and extradite him back to A for trial.] 】

[In the whole process, Interpol is only responsible for sorting out and reviewing criminal information, and coordinating the actions of police in various countries. 】

[The few Interpols who had to come to the scene in person because of the seriousness of the case were also empty-handed, without guns or bullets, and even without handcuffs. 】

[Again, they do not have the right to enforce the law locally, and can only assist or direct the local police. 】

[Bringing a gun into battle will lead to breaking the law yourself.] 】

[Isn't it far from what you imagined?]

Barrage flying:

"Isn't this the operator?"

"It's over, it's over, the filter is broken. "

"When I was a child, I watched TV and movies, and I thought Interpol was a bunker, but I didn't expect it to be so weak. "


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said:

"It's not a power, it's just an organization that transmits the message. "

"If the rest of the country doesn't cooperate, even if they pass on the news, it's useless. "

He doesn't think Interpol is much of a deterrent.

Take the case in the giant screen, for example.

The so-called central bureau of country B, which nominally belongs to "Interpol", is also in essence a police officer of country B.

If the court of country B and Interpol disagreed, then he had no doubt that the central bureau of country B would listen to the court of country B.

Zhu Di bowed slightly.

He's not wrong about this good saint.

That's where Interpol comes in.

In the end, whether other countries are willing to cooperate with law enforcement depends on the strength and relationship between the two countries.

Of course.

This is not to say that "Interpol" is useless.

It is also valuable to be able to complete multi-country coordination and communication and quickly deliver information.


[Actually, the same is true of the "Red Notice". 】

[It's not the world's most wanted.] 】

[This thing should be called, strictly speaking: "Bulletin."] 】

[The wanted warrants issued by the police of a country are often only valid in their own jurisdiction, and they are useless in other countries. 】

[Therefore, it is necessary to send a notification to the police of other countries through the channel of Interpol and ask for their assistance.] 】

[Including the "Red Notice", there are a total of eight colors of notifications in Interpol: red, yellow, blue, black, green, orange, purple, plus a very special sky blue that ordinary people can't enjoy. 】

[However, the different colors only represent the type of case and assistance, and are not linked to the wanted level.] 】

[Like the "red notice" we are familiar with, it means helping to arrest people. 】

[Each member state of Interpol may directly arrest and extradite criminal suspects on the basis of this circular.] 】

[The "Red Notice" is valid for 5 years, and if no one is caught, it can be renewed for another 5 years until the offender is caught. 】

[If you look carefully at the specific charges under each "red notice", you will find that there are all kinds of crimes, including murder and absconding, fraud, and corruption...... Wait a minute. 】

[Anyway, no matter how big or small, as long as you want to ask the police of another country to arrest someone, you have to issue a "red notice". 】

[Therefore, the case of drunk driving and drag racing death we talked about at the beginning is not an exaggeration to use a "red notice". 】


"I see. "

The ancients of all dynasties suddenly realized.


What are the other colors of wanted warrants for?

Especially what is different about that very particular Sky Blue Notice?

Many ancient people in all dynasties were extremely curious.

They continued to look at the giant screen in the sky.

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