【On October 29, 1969, the ARPANET of the Eagle Country was put into use, becoming the world's first large-scale military-civilian dual-use computer network.】

【This stimulated the top brass of Big Brother. They realized that the people of Yingjiang were already ahead of Big Brother, and Big Brother must catch up immediately.】

【Therefore, the wavering OGAS approval finally came to light. The top brass of Big Brother decided to convene a top meeting to discuss OGAS. This discussion lasted for a whole year.】


"This is how it turned out."

Many ancients throughout the dynasties were stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, it was the external pressure from Yingjiang Country that prompted Big Brother's attitude towards OGAS to change.

However, many ancients thought about it again and felt that it was normal.

Big Brother and Yingjiang The competition between the two superpowers at that time was all-round competition.

If one side was leading in one aspect, the other side would definitely find a way to catch up.


【At the end of September 1970, Grushenkov boarded a train from Kiev to Moscow】

【On the morning of October 1, he came to the Kremlin office and sat at a long table on the red carpet to listen to his trial.】

【Big Brother executives asked Grushenkov: What is the budget for OGAS?】

【Grushenkov's answer was the same as stated in previous reports, no less than 100 billion rubles】

【The official exchange rate at that time was 1 ruble to 1.6 U.S. dollars, which meant an investment of no less than 160 billion U.S. dollars at that time.】

【Back then, Big Brother’s national GDP was only $4,334.】

【In other words, OGAS needs to spend more than one-third of Big Brother’s GDP】

【This investment is undoubtedly huge】

【Immediately afterwards, Grushenkov quickly emphasized that although it is expensive, the return from OGAS in 15 years will be five times the investment.】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Gaochi was shocked and said:

"too expensive!"

"This investment is too big!"

After watching so many videos from the high-altitude giant screen, he is no longer unfamiliar with the currency of later generations. There is no doubt that at that time, 160 billion US dollars was an extremely huge number and an astronomical expenditure.

It exceeded the entire country by three At a cost of one-third of GDP, with such a large investment, he felt that whoever is in charge of Big Brother’s change to 18 must carefully consider it.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji said:

"Dad, it can bring five times the return, so it’s worth the price."

Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said:

"This is just this person's expectation. Who can guarantee that it will have such an effect?"

"He shouldn't have the guts to deceive the top leader of Big Brother, right?"

Zhu Zhanji was stunned for a moment and then said.

Zhu Gaochi replied:

"He may not have the guts to deceive, but his judgment may also be wrong."

"If this OGAS fails, Big Brother will be seriously injured."

He felt that if he were the top leader of Big Brother, he would probably not agree to this project.

The risk is too great.



【The senior executives of Big Brother shook their heads, then sent a document to Grushenkov and told him that it was a reform plan jointly written by multiple economists.】

【At this time, Grushenkov realized that while he and Big Brother were arguing up and down, another plan that was opposite to the OGAS reform plan had been quietly proposed.】

【This new plan is proposed by Big Brother's libertarian economists】

【These people claimed to the Big Brother Central Committee that the implementation of liberal reforms can have a more effective and direct effect than OGAS, and the cost will not exceed"the paper money needed to hold a meeting.""】

【This plan later evolved into Gorbachev's reforms, the ultimate cost of which was the dismantling of Big Brother. 】

The barrage flew out:

"《Amazing effect》!"

"The effect is indeed more direct"


Many people in the past dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. to be honest.

As ordinary people in the feudal dynasty, many people have a somewhat favorable impression of Big Brother who treats people for free and gives them houses for free.

Some ancient people still feel quite sorry for the final disintegration of Big Brother.

They were even thinking about it at this point.

If Big Brother had chosen OGAS at this time instead of the so-called"liberal reform", would it have been able to avoid the fate of disintegration?


【At that time, Grushenkov was unprepared for this counterattack and did not know how to answer at the meeting. In this way, the outcome of OGAS was determined.】

【That is, if the budget for Grushenkov's paper had not been so high at the time, another document might not have appeared】

【OGAS may be able to save Big Brother in 15 years, and even all mankind may have been brought to a new era in advance. 】

The barrage flew out:

"is it possible? It feels impossible. The various conflicts accumulated in Big Brother at that time cannot be solved by OGAS."

"Reply - I think it is possible. The core of all problems is economic problems. As long as the economic problems are solved, the rest will be easy to handle."

"Reply - That's not the case. The core crisis of Big Brother at that time was the collapse of ideology."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin is also thinking about this question:

"Can OGAS really save Big Brother?"

He felt that it might be difficult.

Not to mention whether OGAS could achieve the desired effect.

Even if it could work, it would not be able to solve the problem of the collapse of Big Brother's"red ideology" as the foundation of the country. If this problem is not solved, the old man He felt that it was only a matter of time before his eldest brother disintegrated.


【However, after this meeting, all hope evaporated.】

【In fact, this meeting did not completely abolish the OGAS plan in the end, but changed its content to provide technical support for promoting paperless offices across the country, and at the same time laying small networks for major cities.】

【But when Grushenkov quietly left the Kremlin, he knew his OGAS program was gone.】

【The paperless office of the bureaucracy is just a superficial change. It is not enough to touch the foundation of the system, nor can it change the future of Big Brother.】

【If the goal of OGAS is to rebuild a building, now Big Brother just uses OGAS to paint a layer of varnish on the old building to cover up its decay.】

【In 1977, Big Brother decided to fully declassify the OGAS project, which meant that it no longer had any strategic significance for the country and was no longer a core strategic element of the country. Core figures such as Grushenkov were also marginalized.】


See here.

The ancients of all dynasties knew that there would never be a better time.

There is no possibility of OGAS being enabled anymore.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji was very sorry.

As a vested interest in the feudal dynasty, he didn't have much favorable impressions of Big Brother.

He doesn't care or care whether Big Brother breaks up or not.

He is simply curious about what effect such a magical plan like OGAS will have on a country if it is really implemented.

Is it good or bad?


【Incomplete reform is sometimes better than no reform at all】

【The half-bottled OGAS lacks the most critical supervision system and central information processing system, which actually contributes to Big Brother's bureaucratic problems.】

【Because of paperless office, documents are easier to generate. Under the operation of the bureaucratic system that has not changed, the number of documents and processes has increased exponentially.】

【In the early 1970s, Big Brother produced approximately 4 billion documents per year across the country.】

【By the mid-1980s, after the computerization of bureaucracies, this number had expanded 200 times to 800 billion copies.】

【This is equivalent to 3,000 documents per Big Brother person per year. 】

The barrage flew out:

"OA collaborative office. (dog head)"

"A sense of déjà vu with a summary of various tables"

"Quite outrageous"


Many officials in the past dynasties couldn't help but feel suffocated when they saw this huge amount of documents.

800 billion documents per year is too many!

Many ancient officials even felt happy in their hearts.

Being behind also has its advantages. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If their respective dynasties had so many documents every year, they, the imperial officials, would have to collapse.


【And all these documents still have to go through strict hierarchical approvals】

【Correspondingly, there is a rapid expansion of the establishment】

【Expanding the establishment may make those taking civil service examinations happy in a short period of time, but not long after, everyone will be unhappy.】

【For example, at the end of Big Brother, in order to obtain a license to produce steel for a new factory, the person in charge of the factory actually went to work for nearly two years and got the signatures of more than 60 officials before the approval was approved.】


"Is this too slow?"

Many businessmen in the past dynasties couldn't help complaining in their hearts.

It would be too difficult to do business like this.


【Cybernetics failed to transform Big Brother, but instead greatly contributed to the dangers of bureaucracy】

【At the end of Big Brother, the flow of information within the system became slower and slower, almost paralyzed.】

【At the same time, coupled with the lack of supervision, lower-level officials can tamper with OGAS data at will, change the inventory and transaction records of factory products, and then steal the factory inventory and trade privately to make huge sums of money.】

【Even the person in charge of the military factory is doing this business】[]

【A biscuit factory in Georgia even once turned into an underground factory, relying entirely on smuggled goods to feed its workers, producing four times the planned quota of biscuits. 】

The barrage flew out:

"If it were now, blockchain technology could be used to solve the problem of data tampering"

"Reply - It's useless. Once this problem is solved, there will be new problems. As long as human participation cannot be completely eliminated, inappropriate behavior cannot be eliminated."

"Reply - We can only expect super AI"


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties slightly lowered their jaws.

People have selfish motives.

What is this OGAS? Unless it can be done without the participation of anyone in the whole process, it cannot guarantee absolute fairness.


【The liberal economists who defeated Grushenkov later became the brain trust at the top of Big Brother and eventually gave birth to Gorbachev's new thinking.】

【Then, we all know what happens next】

【The OGAS program was finally permanently frozen with the collapse of Big Brother】

【Big Brother's national economic network research and Grushenkov's grand vision disappeared.】

【Now, we can only imagine the ideal picture of OGAS' complete success in computer games. 】

The barrage flew out:

"In fact, on the other side of the ocean, a castrated version of OGAS was born, which is called Cyber ​​Collaborative Engineering. If you are interested, you can learn more about it."

"Reply - Don’t pay attention to foreign countries, we have a digital twin city project in Longguo"

"Reply - I know this, which is to digitize the real city and then map it into the virtual world, and let AI participate in decision-making to control the operation of the city. This project has already produced results."

"Reply - Real or fake? Sounds awesome!"

"Reply - In fact, our country has many achievements, such as various computing and storage centers, blockchain technology, national database integration, etc. I feel that we already have the basic conditions for establishing OGAS."

"Reply-Basic conditions alone are not enough"


Look at these barrages.

Ancient people of all dynasties were shocked.

Later, the Dragon Kingdom actually had a project similar to OGAS?

How awesome!

Many ancient people exclaimed in their hearts. at the same time.

There is another guess in their minds:

Does Longguo really have plans to implement OGAS in the future?


【Now that the story of OGAS has been told, everyone should be able to feel that it is by no means as simple as a network.】

【OGAS is an advanced attempt by human systems. The ultimate goal is to establish a cyber red society and use the Internet and computers to replace the unreliability of manual instructions.】

【So why did such a plan fail?】

【Insufficient computing power at the beginning is the most direct problem, but computing power can be developed, and sooner or later it will meet such needs. ]

603 [So, the most fundamental reason is obviously the obstruction of vested interest groups.】


Many emperors in the past dynasties agreed with this.

As a person who has always been in a high position and holds supreme power.

These emperors had a direct and profound understanding of power struggle and distribution of interests.

They knew from the beginning that there would inevitably be many struggles for power and interests surrounding OGAS.

The final failure of OGAS in Big Brother also proved this point


【Scientists represented by Grushenkov only regarded OGAS as a scientific project. They completely failed to realize that this was a fierce power revolution.】

【From the very beginning, this revolution not only affected senior Big Brother officials and the Big Brother military, but also ruined the short-term interests of some lower-level workers.】

【However, Grushenkov and others did not use revolutionary methods to create a certain spirit of doctrine, and then promoted and mobilized the people to understand and support it. They only made efforts at the scientific and technological level, so their failure was inevitable.】

【Historically, for any reform to be successful, it often required the creation of a new interest group so that this group could enjoy the benefits of the reform.】

【Then, this new interest group will spontaneously support the reform and resist the opposition.】

【Outstanding reformers often use various emerging interest groups to protect themselves, allowing them to fight against the vested interests of the old system, while they control the overall situation from behind.】

【A man like Grushenkov who does not win over supporters and imposes reforms alone will definitely not win. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Magic must be defeated with magic"

"We can't be harsh on them. They are just scientists, not politicians."

"The political struggle should not be the responsibility of scientists, but the top brass of Big Brother"

"Reply - But the decentralization of OGAS has also harmed the interests of senior executives. (happy)"


The Shenzong plane of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Wang Anshi looked at the giant screen high in the sky, and his heart was shocked.

At this time, it was the seventh year of Xining. He was dismissed as prime minister by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty and was appointed as a bachelor of Guanwen Palace and the governor of Jiangning Prefecture.

The reason why he was dismissed is simple.

The reform he presided over was opposed by many officials. Even Empress Dowager Cao and Empress Dowager Gao complained to Song Shenzong crying against the reform.

During this time, he has also been summarizing the gains and losses.

But at this moment, the words on the giant screen touched him.

"Create a new interest group?"

Wang Anshi murmured to himself, falling into thinking.


【The failure of Big Brother's OGAS plan can be attributed to the obstruction of interest groups】

【Does that mean that if there is no obstruction from interest groups, the OGAS plan will definitely succeed?】

【Not really】

【The biggest difficulty in carrying out the OGAS plan actually has not yet had time to arise.】



Ancient people of all dynasties were doubtful.

The biggest hardship is not to break through the obstacles of interest groups, then what would it be?

The ancients were very curious about this..

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