"Ladies and gentlemen, I have heard that there are many people from small countries who envy my Datang culture, and they have come to my Datang to study thousands of miles, and their hearts are commendable. "

"Therefore, I think that we can also provide free study places for these small countries, invite young people from their countries to study in Datang, and all kinds of expenses will be borne by my Datang, what do you think?"

Li Shimin opened his mouth and asked the eldest grandson Wuji and the others.

Of course.

What Li Shimin actually intends to invite is not just any young people from other countries.

It is the children of the elites of those countries, such as the children of officials, students from wealthy families, and so on.

After these people came to Datang, they used various methods to instill Datang's ideology into them, so that they could accept and identify with Datang's ideology.

Although this ideology does not exist for the time being, Li Shimin has already decided to get one.

And so it goes.

After these people return to China and become important ministers of the imperial court, they will naturally get close to the Tang Dynasty, laying the foundation for the Tang Dynasty soldiers to control these countries without blood in the future.

For example, Li Shimin has always wanted to win Goryeo.

The eldest grandson Wuji and others can become important ministers of the Tang Dynasty, and they can naturally be regarded as elites in ancient times.

At this time, as soon as I heard Li Shimin's words, and then thought of the content in the giant screen, I understood Li Shimin's true intentions.

"I think it's a good move, but the people to be invited need to be carefully screened. "

"The content that is taught to them should also be well planned. "

"You need to find some persuasive gentlemen to teach. "


The eldest grandson Wuji and others began to express their opinions and put forward various perfect opinions.

They all felt that it was something that could be done.


[In addition. 】

[Eagle Sauce Country tried its best to win more cultural exchanges and ideological communication activities between Big Brother. 】

[On the one hand, I will strive for the opportunity to know more about Big Brother for myself. 】

[On the other hand, let the big brother scholars who come to visit the Eagle Sauce Country see the prosperity under the whitewash of capital, and achieve the purpose of changing their political attitudes. 】

[In 1960, in the report "Ideological Foreign Affairs", Eagle Sauce emphasized that the West should contact the intellectuals of the red camp, as well as middle and upper political figures, and gradually influence their ideological beliefs. 】

Barrage flying:

"Familiar recipe, same taste. "

"Listen, listen, I feel a chill in my neck. "

"There's a very familiar feeling. "


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the ministers of the Tang Dynasty were dazzled.

This trick can also be learned.

However, Datang does not need to whitewash its prosperity.

In this era, Datang is the most prosperous country.


[2. Through the strategy of "contact for evolution", through cultural infiltration between people or between countries, to find agents of the Eagle Sauce Country in Big Brother and other red countries. 】770

[In the process of inviting Big Brother scholars to visit, Eagle Sauce Country set its sights on the scholars who Big Brother has the right to speak, and helped promote them to enter Big Brother decision-making bodies after returning to China, so as to implement the tilt towards the interests of Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[In September 1989, Ye Liqin, who visited the Eagle Sauce Country as a scholar, had a high voice in China, but after all, he was not the leader of a country, but the Eagle Sauce Country directly gave him the treatment of a national leader. 】

[During his visit to the Eagle Sauce Country, Ye Liqin belittled the red system several times, praised the Eagle Sauce Country system, and believed that the big brother should reform and establish such a system is the way out. 】


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Zhanji said:

"Isn't this just cultivating a mole?"

"Yes, it does. "

Zhu Gaochi replied.

Zhu Di also bowed slightly.

There is nothing unusual about this approach.

In the ancient history of China, it was not uncommon to cultivate spies within the enemy.


[3. Spread and infiltrate various media. 】

[Communication science, which was born in the country of Eagle Sauce, developed rapidly with the Second World War, and the media also continued to improve with the development of science and technology. 】

[Cultural dissemination through different media is the most important channel for ideological infiltration in the Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[A radio station directly appointed by the president of Eagle Sauce has played a vital role in the process of infiltrating Big Brother culture. 】

[In the face of the complicated social news of the Eagle Sauce Country, selectively reporting on the Big Brother, reporting the good news but not the bad news, always showing the glamorous side of the Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[While showing off material civilization to the people of Big Brother and emphasizing their core values of freedom and democracy, they maliciously exaggerate the ugly image of Big Brother with words such as dictatorship and deprivation of human rights. 】

[The content of the broadcast uses the Spring and Autumn penmanship to poke at the weaknesses and pain points in the hearts of the listeners, hinting at and guiding them to indulge in the earthly and heavenly kingdom constructed by the Eagle Sauce Kingdom, so as to control their thoughts. 】

[The form of the broadcast is not all serious, but to cater to the interests and hobbies of young people, and to transmit the ideology and culture of the Eagle Sauce Country in the form of dialogue or music. 】

[The former director of the CIA of Eagle Sauce State confidently declared that if we teach the young people of Big Brother to sing our songs and dance to them, then sooner or later we will have to teach them to think the way we need them to think.] 】


In the video of the giant screen in the sky, many images of big brothers and young people singing and dancing are played.

The faces of these young people were filled with bright smiles and they looked extremely happy.

But the emperors of all dynasties looked at this scene and were shocked.

They did not expect that the "evolution" of ideology (CIFG) would still take such a form.

This method is really silent and impossible to prevent.

The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang said with emotion:

"It's no wonder that the Eagle Sauce Country was able to win in the battle for hegemony with Big Brother, and it really has the means. "

Zhu Biao on the side nodded, agreeing with Zhu Yuanzhang's statement.

It is indeed not a fluke that the Eagle Sauce Country can be so strong.


[With the formation of the cultural hegemony of the Eagle Sauce Country, the pressure on the big brother to implement the policy in the later period was greatly enhanced, forcing the big brother to pay attention to the unfounded accusations of the Eagle Sauce Country when implementing the decision. 】

[This trend catalyzes the softening of the Big Brother government.] 】

[Gorbachev's perestroika completely collapsed the precarious ideology, and the people of Big Brother wandered the streets and alleys in the hungry and cold, aimlessly, without knowing the road ahead, they lost the last bit of judgment, and there was no possibility except to obey orders and obey all hints. 】

[The root of cultural self-confidence lies in the self-confidence of material conditions. 】

[On the surface, the disintegration of Big Brother surprised everyone, but the root cause is the collapse of ideology and the stagnation and even regression of Big Brother's long-term economic development. 】

[And the reason why the Eagle Sauce Country was able to infiltrate the culture was also caused by various factors accumulated within Big Brother for a long time. 】

Various barrages fly out:

"To get to the point, material self-confidence is the foundation of a strong spirit. "

"Matter is the foundation of everything. "

"Ideology is equally important, and when life is good, there is also a risk of ideology being infiltrated. "

"Matter determines consciousness. "


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was very emotional:

"Cang Liao knows etiquette, and knows honor and disgrace when he has enough food and clothing. "

"Let the people's lives be rich, and the people will naturally support the country. "

"Your Majesty's words are extremely true. "

After the eldest grandson Wuji opened his mouth to echo a sentence, he continued:

However, what the minister saw from this giant screen, the life of the people of this big brother is actually not bad, but it is not as good as the Eagle Sauce Country. "

"This also gives the Eagle Sauce Country a chance to evolve. "

It can be seen that people's hearts are always insufficient. "

Li Shimin nodded:

"Auxiliaries have a point. "

"So, I Datang must do my best!"

"Let the lives of the people of Datang be better than all other countries!"

Li Shimin's tone was firm and confident.


[Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future. 】

[The lessons of Big Brother are of great educational significance to us today. 】

[Since the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom, the Eagle Sauce Country has never stopped curbing the Dragon Kingdom, and has done everything possible. 】

[The "containment strategy" and "evolution strategy" implemented against the Dragon Kingdom are still part of it. 】

[Today, with more diverse media, the Internet is full of more and more malicious attacks and yin and yang weirdness, and we don't know how many organizations and similar accounts are involved behind it. 】

[How many unscrupulous wall-riding factions have fallen under money, hanging all kinds of harmless skins of people and animals, and exporting Western ideology. 】

[In this regard, we must remain vigilant and insist on thinking calmly, so that we can win the ideological struggle. 】


After watching the whole video, the emperors of all dynasties were very emotional.

This kind of ideological confrontation between countries is something they have never seen before.

It has also given them some new enlightenment in terms of state-to-country competition.

They are aware of wars between nations, not only on the military battlefield, but also culturally ideologically.


High in the sky.

Video refresh.

[How does Eagle Sauce Country legislate to "protect" zero-yuan purchases?]

Seeing this big title, the ancients of all dynasties were puzzled:

"What does it mean to buy zero?"

"How does that sound weird?"


Their doubts were answered.


[If you mention the beautiful scenery of Eagle Sauce Country, then I believe that many people's first reaction is "zero yuan purchase". (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[This is a large-scale modern social phenomenon integrating action-adventure, puzzle-solving, and combat, and the economic losses brought to the Eagle Sauce Country are more than 100 billion every year. 】

[Last year, in the twist, a theft gang alone "buys" millions of dollars worth of beauty products and luxury goods for "zero yuan". 】

[In the country of Quanying Sauce, the number of "zero yuan purchases" alone has reached 64,000. 】

[About one in every 11 people has made a "zero-dollar purchase.] 】

Accompanied by narration subtitles, the video in the high-altitude giant screen played a video of the "zero yuan purchase" of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Looking at the video on the giant screen, the ancients of all dynasties suddenly realized.

This is what co-authoring "zero yuan purchase" means.

Isn't this robber robbery?

But the robbery of this Eagle Sauce Country is too rampant and rampant, right?

The ancients were shocked as they watched the blatant images of shop thefts in the video.

The robbers of the Eagle Sauce Country are not ordinarily brave.

This kind of thing of directly rushing into the shop in front of so many people in broad daylight to steal and rob is honest, and it is rare in ancient China unless you are in troubled times.


Great Qin plane

Qin Shi Huang shook his head. []

The internal security of this Eagle Sauce Country is also too poor.

There are so many robbers robbing in broad daylight.


[And these people who often carry out "zero-yuan purchases" will only be caught once every 48 robberies. 】

[When they are caught, they have another half chance of being arrested.] 】


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Disdain flashed in Zhu Di's eyes.

The fast catching of this eagle sauce country is really incompetent.

It only takes one out of every 48 times to catch it, and this detection rate is simply outrageously low.

If this had been placed in Da Ming, he would have punished the officials in charge of the prison a long time ago.

Wait a minute.

What does it mean that only half of this arrest can be made after being caught?

The inability to catch fast and let it run away again?

Zhu Di was puzzled.


[More and more Eagle Sauce Country stores are starting to lock up laundry detergent, shower gel and other daily necessities, and if you want to buy something, you have to call the clerk to open the door.] 】

[Going to the supermarket, I was stunned to feel like a gangster deal. 】

[So many people don't understand, how did Eagle Sauce Country become what it is today?]

[So.] 】

[Today, we will discuss in detail how the "zero yuan purchase" was "artificially" created by the Eagle Sauce Chinese people and became popular all over the world. 】


"What do you mean?"

The ancients of all dynasties were a little confused.

Is it forcing the good to be a thief?

Many ancients speculated in their hearts.


[If the world's "zero yuan purchase" is a total of one load, then Galvoia can monopolize eight buckets. 】

According to the latest annual report of the All Eagle Sauce Retail Association, three cities in California are among the most rampant cities in "zero-dollar purchases". 】

[The City of Angels Los Angeles ranked first for the fifth consecutive year, the newly established San Francisco Bay Area ranked second for the third consecutive year, and Sacramento, the capital of California, also entered the top ten, ranking seventh. 】

[So, what struggles did Californians do to make the crime rate of "zero yuan purchase" stand out from the crowd?]

[All kinds of answers point to a legal document called Prop 47.] 】

[Proposition 47 is a referendum bill passed by the state of California on November 4, 2014. 】

[It reclassifies some non-violent crimes as misdemeanors instead of previous felonies.] 】

[Among them, the first place in the store robbery is our protagonist today's "zero yuan purchase". 】

[Under this program, as long as the amount of the crime does not exceed $950, then their crimes will not be prosecuted as felonies.] 】

[Previously, the dividing line between misdemeanor and felony was $400.] 】

[In the country of Eagle Sauce, felonies are defined as the death penalty, and crimes for which more than one year in prison.] 】

[If it is punishable by a sentence of one year or less, it is classified as a misdemeanor.] 】

[After Proposition 47, police are not allowed to arrest people for burglary.] 】



When the ancients of all dynasties saw this, they were instantly stunned.

What the police are, they already know from the previous video, is similar to the ancient arrest.

And now the situation mentioned in the giant screen is equivalent to in ancient times, someone stole other people's things, and then it was not allowed to catch these people who robbed things.

This is just outrageous.

In which dynasty in China, there is no such rule?

Eagle Sauce Country, this is too magical?

Is this what makes a superpower unique?

The ancients did not understand.

But it's just a little shock from the eagle sauce dishes.

Even more magical, yet to come.

The video continues on the giant screen.


[All arrests for "zero-dollar purchases" must be made through citizen arrests, which is a legal process. 】

[Non-law enforcement officers must witness the case and appear in court to prosecute the case, or at least testify that the person concerned carried out the "zero-dollar purchase.] 】

[However, this is only theoretical.] 】

[According to a report by the Ministry of Justice of Eagle Sauce Country, only 5% to 10% of "zero-dollar purchase" criminals will be subdued by clerks. 】

[Some of them will be handed over to the police, and even fewer will eventually be prosecuted.] 】

[It can be said that almost all misdemeanor offenders who are prosecuted will receive probation and will not need to go to prison to serve their sentences.] 】

[Proposition 47 significantly reduces the cost of the crime of "zero-dollar purchases". 】

[Theoretically, as long as the amount of each "zero dollar purchase" is less than $950, then even if it is a serial crime, the criminal can always get away with it without being caught red-handed. 】

[According to the Hoover Institution, "zero-dollar purchases" are de facto legal in California. 】


Read this paragraph.

The ancients of all dynasties have been completely stunned.


It's outrageous to the extreme!

As long as the money robbed does not exceed a certain amount, it will not be punished.

Robbery can be carried out legally.

The ancients, who possessed simple values, thought this was simply ridiculous.

How can there be such a reason in the whole world?

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