Li Shimin discovered.

The first principle of reciprocity is to first make a big request that you know the other party will not accept, and then wait for the other party to refuse, and then take advantage of the situation to make your own real relatively small request.

The second threshold effect is to make a small request first, and then put forward a bigger request little by little, and finally achieve its own goal.

"Do you choose different methods according to different people, or do you choose according to different things?"

Li Shimin pondered in his heart.

He found the knowledge of the human mind in the giant screen very interesting.


[3. The principle of social identity. 】

[On this day, when you were walking on the road, you saw a person falling to the ground from a distance, with a painful expression, and there was no one else around you. 】

[Although you hesitated, you still believed that the people of the Dragon Kingdom did not slander the people of the Dragon Kingdom, and then walked over to help him. 】

"Don't dare, don't dare, I don't have a mine at home, and I can't afford to support it!"

"I didn't dare to help, so I could only help call an ambulance. "

"Upstairs, I can only help make phone calls, I am really shy and can't afford to gamble. "

"Turn on the phone camera, record the whole process, and it's okay to help it. "

"Reply - and my brother, you are a true warrior. "

"Reply - admire, I really don't dare, and I don't dare to turn on the camera. "


Many ancients who secretly peeked at the emperor's art in the past dynasties were very confused when they looked at these many barrages.

What do you mean?

It's just to help someone who has fallen, why wouldn't future generations dare to do it?

Isn't there any risk involved?

They don't understand, they don't understand.

What is there not to dare to do in this little thing?

How do you look at the words of the people of later generations, as if they will go bankrupt if they are helped?


[The next day, you walk down the road and find another person lying on the ground, but there is already a circle of people around him. 】

[At this time, nine times out of ten, you will not be like the day before, you will first see everyone's reaction, this is called the bystander effect.] 】

[That is to say, for a person in danger, the more bystanders, the lower the probability of him being rescued.] 】

[It's not that everyone is insensitive, but when there are many people, the responsibility of saving people is dispersed. 】

[Everyone will think that since there are so many more than 22 people, someone will definitely stand up, just like everyone else, just stand and eat melons. 】

[On the other hand, since no one has come forward, then this person should be nothing serious, just like everyone else, just stand and eat melons. 】

"Therefore, you must remember that when you need to ask someone for help, you must specify the object, otherwise there is a high probability that no one will make a move in this situation. "

"Reply - yes, I can't say you can help me, but I have to find a target and say, this big brother/big sister, can you help me. "

"I see, I used to encounter this situation, and I thought that all I met were indifferent people. "


Seeing this, many ancients in all dynasties suddenly realized.

This situation has also happened to them.


[When we make judgments and hesitate, we often refer to the judgments of others, especially the judgments of the public, which is the principle of social proof. 】

[It's like an exam question, you choose A, but the whole class chooses C, even if you are right, you will doubt yourself.] 】

[In daily life, the influence of this method is even greater.] 】

[When buying milk tea, you will be more willing to go to the store where there is a queue at the door. 】

Even for roadside beggars, you are more inclined to put money in a bowl where you already have some money. 】

[There is a saying in the sales world that only 5% of customers have their own ideas, and the remaining 95% are imitators, and this sentence also applies to other occasions. 】

"It's no wonder that merchants like to spend money to find someone to queue up in front of their store. "

"There's nothing wrong with it, people are social creatures and are susceptible to public judgment. "

"Herd mentality, normal. "

This is called the pluralistic ignorance effect, and when we lack confidence in ourselves, when the situation is not clear, when uncertainty prevails, we are most likely to accept and reference the behavior of others. "


The eyes of many businessmen who had secretly peeked in the past dynasties lit up.

Learned another trick.


[So, under what circumstances does the principle of social proof come into play?]

[The first applicable condition is: uncertainty. In general, when we ourselves are unsure, unclear, or ambiguous, we are most likely to feel that someone else's behavior is right. 】

[The second applicable condition: similarity.] When we look at the behavior of people who are similar to us, the principle of social identity has the greatest impact. 】

[Therefore, the most influential leaders are those who know how to arrange the conditions within the group, create "uncertainty", create "similarity", and let the principles of social identity work in their favor. 】


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin bowed slightly.

He understands what's going on on the giant screen.

Although I don't know what the principle of social identity is called, in fact, he has used this method in the process of dealing with political affairs.

For example, if he wants to implement certain decrees, when the court is in session, he will arrange some obedient courtiers in advance to support and approve these decrees.

"However, what should I do when I encounter a brainless like Wei Zheng?"

Li Shimin looked at the giant screen to "create uncertainty and create similarity" and began to ponder.

He felt that if he used this principle of social identity well, it would indeed help him better control the ministers and the court.


[Fourth, the principle of authority. 】

[In 1963, Yale University social psychologist Milgram invited volunteers from communities near Yale University to participate in an experiment. 】

[After the volunteers come to the experimental site, the chief examiner will announce the rules and organize the lottery, and the volunteers who draw the "teacher" will conduct the so-called "shock memory training" on the volunteers who draw the "students". 】

[That is, the "teacher" first reads a pair of matching words to the "student", and then gives the first word in each paired word, and asks the "student" to give another word associated with it, so as to test the "student's" memory. 】

[If the "student" answers incorrectly, the "teacher" will press the shocker to shock the "student", and the voltage will be increased by 15 volts for each wrong answer. 】

[Of course, the lottery was the first to move, all the volunteers were drawn by the "teacher", and the "student" was drawn by a specially invited actor, a middle-aged man in his 50s who claimed to have a heart attack. 】

[After the experiment begins, the "teacher" conducts a so-called memory test on the "student" according to the regulations, and once the "student" makes a mistake, the chief examiner asks the "teacher" to give an electric shock to the "student". 】

[Since the "student" has been making mistakes, the examiner asks for a constant increase in voltage.] 】

[30 volts, 75 volts...... 150 volts ......】

[What these "teachers" don't know, of course, is that the shock device is fake, and the "student" does not receive a real shock. 】

[The pretended "student" begins to make various painful sounds, such as moaning and screaming, and the "teacher" can also see through the glass window the painful reaction of the "student" when he is electrocuted, such as convulsions and begging for mercy.] 】

[If the "teacher" refuses to continue with the shock during the process, the researcher will use some standardized language to force the "teacher" to continue the experiment, such as: "Please continue", "The experiment needs you to continue", etc.] 】

[The final results of the experiment were astounding.] 】

[No "teacher" stopped the shock before 300 volts and quit the experiment (although they were told before the experiment that they could quit the experiment at any time without any restrictions), and up to 65% of the "teachers" applied the maximum voltage of 450 volts!]

Many of the ancients were shocked as the giant curtain informed the ancients of the electric shock and the dangers associated with it.

These people who play the role of "teachers" are too cruel, right?

Warring States plane.

Mencius was angry in his heart and snorted coldly:

"No compassion, no human being!"

Human nature is inherently good.

Although the electric shock is fake, these "teachers" do not know it.

In this case, the "teacher" did not stop, knowing that greatly increasing the intensity of the electric shock could cause death.

Such an act is simply inhumane!

Mencius, who adheres to the theory of the inherent goodness of human nature, is naturally very disliked, and can even be said to be angry.

The other side.

It is also the Warring States plane.

Xunzi sighed:

"The nature of man is evil, and the good is hypocritical. "

Human nature is inherently evil.

It seems to him that these people have such a choice.


[In fact, before the experiment began, Milgram made a questionnaire: What percentage of the total number of people who applied the highest voltage was 1% to 3%.] But no one expected the results of the experiment to be a staggering 65%!]

[In fact, when the "teachers" hear the screams of the "students", they also show anxiety and guilt. 】

[But every time they wanted to stop, there would be researchers next to them who sternly asked them to continue.] 】

[Under the pressure of authority, the principles and morals they adhere to have disappeared little by little. 】

[We generally believe that when we are young, we obey our parents and teachers, because they are absolute authority in our hearts. 】

[But the subjects of this experiment are all adults, that is, adults have little resistance under the influence of authority.] 】

And in the adult world, there seems to be more authority, such as leaders, government experts, and senior people.] 】

[Although the information conveyed by the authority has a certain degree of correctness, it is not excluded that some people disguise themselves as authorities in order to use this principle. 】

[So we still have to have our own judgment, not only to judge whether their information is reliable, but also to judge whether their identity is reliable. 】

"All kinds of bricks, haha. "

"The ability to think independently is important. "

"Reply – everyone knows that it's important, but very few can think on their feet. "

"Re- how do you know that your independent thinking is not intentionally guided?"


Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang thought of his eldest son, Fusu, who was far away in the border area.

Is it because Fusu regarded those so-called Confucianism as authorities that he was superstitious about Confucianism's theory of benevolence and righteousness?

He thought it was very likely.

"I hope that Fusu will wake up after seeing these learnings in later generations. "

Qin Shi Huang glanced to the far north.


Great Qin's northern border fortress.

Fusu looked at the giant screen in the sky and fell into thought.

Originally, after watching many previous videos, he had already begun to reflect on many of his previous ideas. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now that he knows the principle of authority, Fusu thinks further.

He believed in Confucianism.

Did he really believe it, or did he believe it because he regarded those great Confucians as authority?


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che's eyes flashed.

Who is the most authoritative in Dahan?

The Han Dynasty!

Then, if you can make good use of the authority of the imperial court, you can better control the people of the world and better control the power of the people of the world.

After all, he was the first emperor to realize the power of the masses and launch a campaign to sue him.

It quickly occurred to me how to use the principle of authority in my service.


[Fifth, the principle of preference. 】

[You are a student, you want to elect the class president in the class, there are two students running, Zhang San is a person who is very popular in learning, and his management skills are also strong, although Li Si's strength is mediocre, he is your good buddy, who will you choose?]

[I believe most people will choose Li Si] []

[This is the principle of preference.] 】

[In simple terms, it means that people tend to trust or support people they like or appreciate when they are faced with them.] 】

[Generally speaking, there are several reasons why you are alone. 】

[1. Attractive appearance. If you are good-looking, you will find that you have a relative advantage in love, work, social and other occasions. 】

Although everyone does not admit that they judge people by their appearance, research shows that people generally attach some positive qualities to good-looking people, which is the halo effect. 】

"I admit it! "

"There's nothing wrong with it, appearance is justice!"

"It's a halo effect, isn't it?"

"Reply – no, the halo effect is also called the aperture effect, not the halo. "

"Reply – Solving What is the halo effect?"

"Reply - that is, in people's cognition of communication, a particularly prominent 433 characteristic and quality of the other party will cover up people's correct understanding of other qualities and characteristics of the other party. "


Seeing this, many ancient people in all dynasties have a kinship.

The matter of looking at faces has a long history, and it is not a unique phenomenon in modern times.

The word "judging people by their appearance" is from the "Historical Records of Zhongni's Disciples".

It is a story about Confucius who disliked his student Ziyu's ugly appearance, so he was very cold to him, and Ziyu, who was treated coldly, left Confucius to go back to self-study, and then became a famous scholar.

For this.

Confucius sighed to himself: "I judge people by words, slaughter them if they lose, judge people by their appearance, and lose their sons." "

Another example is the "Collected Memories" It is recorded that there was a man named Wang Pu in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Yu Luoyang City Servant." The beauty is in appearance, and there are many words, and those who come to read their books will be given clothes and crowns by their husbands, and the women will leave their pearls and jades. "

What does this mean?

is when Wang Pu's family has no money to go to the street to copy books for others in exchange for money and things, because he is so handsome, people are vying to give him clothes, jewelry and other things.

There are even more outrageous.

"The Fourteenth Biography of the History of the Song Dynasty": "To trample the people's fields and arrest them." Shi Kou guarded Chang'an, and saw its strange appearance... So he thought that the third class was serving and supervising Fengxiang's taxes. "

It is said that during the Great Song Dynasty, a man named Wang Kai broke the law, and Kou Zhun saw that he was good-looking, so he not only exempted him from the crime, but also gave him a job.


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che was stunned for a moment.

I see.

He has done this thing to judge people by their appearance.

"Historical Records of the Biography of the Marquis of Pingjin": "To play the Son of Heaven, promote Hong to be the first." When he was summoned, he saw that he was very beautiful, and he worshiped him as a doctor. "

is saying that because Gongsun Hong is too good-looking, he gave Gongsun Hong an official job.


[2. Similarity. 】

[When you play ball, you will play with the people who play the ball, and it is easy for you to talk to the people who play the game, and creating similarity is an important means to gain favor, so when you get closer to the leader, you must know how to do what he likes. 】

[3. Contact and cooperation. 】

[Generally speaking, it is a long-term relationship, of course, there are times when it is love at first sight, for example, if you stare at a girl, this girl also stares at you, and you will be attracted to each other if you look at each other for more than 8.2 seconds, but this is unavoidable. 】

[4. Relevance. 】

[The controller associates the things that the manipulated person likes, the familiar experience with himself.] 】

Of course, it is reasonable for us to prefer people we are familiar with, but sometimes some strangers will also use this principle to gain our affection first, and then achieve control. 】


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Gaochi opened his mouth and said to Zhu Zhanji:

"Junki, you have to beware of those who often accompany you in fighting crickets. "

"There may be people with ulterior motives. "

Zhu Zhanji was stunned for a moment, and replied:

"Dad, what's the point of fighting crickets, I won't fight in the future. "

After seeing so many interesting things from the high-altitude giant screen, fighting crickets or something has completely disinterested Zhu Zhanji.

It's better to study firearms, or what kind of steam engine.

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