【From the moment when two F18s face each other and light up the 055, the E-2D is always outside the range of the H 9B, and the fire control locks on the 055】

【All Ford-class anti-ship mounted F-35 Lightning II fighters and Hornets immediately took off to assemble, using Harpoon anti-ship missiles to focus fire 055】

【One of the two Virginias surfaced and attacked with anti-ship missiles. One ship continued to dive, waiting for 055 to enter the torpedo attack range before attacking.】

【According to the configuration to deal with the 12 ships of the enemy's dual aircraft carrier strike group, the 055 has a total of 112 vertical launch units, equipped with 48 YJ21s, ensuring that each child can receive 4 salvos】

【The rest are equipped with H 9B long-range air defense missiles、H 10 short-range air defense missiles, as well as CY3 anti-submarine missiles and Y11 torpedoes】

【The two F18s flying in the air were quickly locked by the 055's fire control radar. Almost at the same time, the 055's active sonar discovered two unknown underwater targets about 250 kilometers away.】

【The Harpoon anti-ship missile carried by the Virginia-class nuclear submarine has a range of only 140 kilometers, and the nk48 heavy-duty torpedo has a range of only 40 kilometers, which cannot pose any threat to 055 at all.】

【The two Z-9 anti-submarine helicopters that were already on standby in the 055 double hangar immediately carried two Y11 anti-submarine torpedoes each to clear the underwater targets. The two Virginia-class nuclear submarines were killed by the Y11 before they could even grunt.】

【Previously, the H 9B had effortlessly killed the two Hornets and several Harpoon anti-ship missiles that had been fired previously. 】

The high-altitude giant screen adopts the method of virtual animation deduction.

Along with the narration and subtitles, many people in the past dynasties saw that the aircraft carrier formation continued to suffer losses under the attack of 055.

On the other side, the aircraft carrier formation's attacks were all intercepted by 055.

Although it was just a deduction, these ancients believed that the deduction was reasonable after listening to the video narration that contained a lot of professional terms that they did not understand.

They felt that if the"807" were put into actual combat, the situation would be the same.

From this, they were deeply shocked by the terrifying strength of 055.

"too strong!"

Many ancient people exclaimed in their hearts. It's really powerful to fight an aircraft carrier formation by yourself and still have the upper hand.


【At the same time, 44 anti-ship mounted F18s and 22 F-35Cs on the aircraft carrier are taking off to assemble.】

【Just assume that his electromagnetic ejection process is faultless and can eject one fighter plane in one minute on average.】

【Just after ejecting 10 fighter jets, the opponent's Burke 2 was discovered and located by our Remote Sensing 12 satellite at a distance of 430 nautical miles.】

【Destroyed upon discovery, 4 YJ21 roared into the sky and rushed at a speed exceeding Mach 6.】

【The average speed is as high as 2040 meters per second, and the distance of 800 kilometers takes less than 400 seconds.】

【During this period, a surface ship sailing at a high speed of 30 knots can only travel 6 kilometers at most, which is no different from hitting a fixed target.】

【In addition, our hypersonic ballistic missiles also possess guidance technology within the black barrier that the other party has never mastered. At the end of the attack, it can use its own terahertz radar to accurately lock the target position.】

【Even without the blessing of WZ8 and KJ600, sinking a moving target at a distance of 800 kilometers is like chopping melons and vegetables. As expected, the first shot penetrated the soul and Burke II was finished on the spot.】

【In front of a country with a complete satellite reconnaissance system, one ship exposing its target is equivalent to the entire formation being lit up.】

【A few minutes later, the high-scoring civilian satellite Jilin 1-05 passed over the top, locking all eight remaining enemy ships including the Ford.】

"Yes, it is for civilian use. As we all know, we use this satellite to see the growth of crops in the fields."

"Live broadcast for civilian use, no problem"

"It is indeed for civilian use. Let me ask, this is also for civilian use."


Many ancient people in the past dynasties looked at these barrages and were speechless for a moment.

Such a powerful weapon, you say it is for civilian use?

Are there civilian satellites that help guide missiles?

【Then, 32 YJ21s were launched into the air one after another, one at a time, and a salvo fired to kill eight enemy ships one after another.】

【It took no more than 10 minutes from the time the first Burke II exposed its target to the time when all nine surface ships, including the aircraft carrier, were annihilated.】

【The aircraft carrier only had time to eject more than 20 fighters. After the aircraft carrier was destroyed, this batch of fighters was already dead. There was a high probability that they would madly fire 10 Harpoon anti-ship missiles at 055 and then turn back. Then they would crash after running out of fuel and food. Pacific Ocean】

【Facing these subsonic and non-stealthy harpoons, 055 intercepted them. It was relaxing, enjoyable and stress-free.】

【You can take a look at the final battle damage. All the members of the opponent's aircraft carrier strike group were wiped out, and 055 remained unscathed.】

【This is the inevitable result after both sides fire at the same time. 】

In the giant screen high in the sky, a comparison table of battle losses between the two sides appeared. at the same time.

There are constant barrages flying out:

"I don’t quite understand it, but it doesn’t stop me from hearing it with excitement."

"This is the true strength of the world's most powerful destroyer"

"hiss! too strong! I know 055 is very strong, but the result of UP’s main promotion performance still shocked me for a whole year"

"Reply - Same shock"

"Reply - The main reason is that the YJ21 missile is too powerful and has such a long range that it cannot be intercepted."

"A capital ship kills a fleet alone. I'm still too conservative."


The ancient people of all dynasties were also dumbfounded at this time.

They did not expect that the result of the engagement simulation would be that a warship would defeat an aircraft carrier formation without any damage.

The combat effectiveness of this warship is really terrifying!

Simply the invincible overlord of the sea.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji exclaimed:

"What a powerful warship!"

"With this warship, wouldn't it be invincible on the sea? Zhu

Di replied in a deep voice:

"The warship of Dragon Kingdom is indeed very powerful"

"However, this is only the result of this deduction after all, not a real battle."

"This is not necessarily the result in actual combat."

"But the Dragon Kingdom warship is indeed powerful. Even if it cannot win completely, even if it is destroyed together with an opponent's aircraft carrier formation, it is still worthwhile."

"Grandpa is right."

Zhu Zhanji nodded.

A ship is replaced by an aircraft carrier fleet. You don't need to do calculations to know that this business is guaranteed to make a profit.


【You can check the value of the honors awarded by the country to the 055 officers and soldiers.】

【Being able to obtain this title means that once a war starts under the current battlefield environment, we can at least achieve the result of almost annihilating the opponent with extremely small battle losses.】

【Therefore, there are tens of millions of people with nowhere to go. This sentence would have seemed very tragic 20 years ago. Now, even though there are tens of millions of people, I will still beat you up.】

"So well said!"

"Our army is mighty!"

"The enemy can go, and I can go, but now the offense and defense have changed!"


The plane of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Che laughed and said:

"well said!"

"I, China, should be so domineering!"


In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refresh

【Declassifying the KGB - How powerful was the world's largest intelligence and espionage organization? 】

After a line of large-character headlines.

The video preface narration appears along with the screen

【《Sun Tzu's"The Art of War" says:"Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles." This contains the ancient Chinese people's preliminary understanding of the importance of military intelligence.】

【Only by"assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and knowing his own strengths and weaknesses" can we have the ability to"fight a hundred battles without any danger.""】

Hear this.

Many famous generals from past dynasties nodded.

They all know the importance of intelligence in war.

The more and more accurate intelligence we obtain, the better combat strategies we can develop.

Therefore, they attach great importance to spies in the army and usually select smart and capable people to serve as them.

In addition to mastering enemy intelligence.

Creating false information to confuse the enemy is also a common method in war.


【Of course, in ancient times, the importance of intelligence work was not only reflected in the military, but also in the court】

【Many emperors in the past dynasties had a deep understanding of this, and thus established many intelligence and espionage organizations.】

【For example, the"Xiu Yi Zhi Zhi" during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the"School Affairs" established by Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms, the"Imperial City Division" of the Song Dynasty, etc.】

【Of course, among all the dynasties in the past, the Ming Dynasty paid the most attention to intelligence and espionage organizations.】

【There are four major intelligence and espionage organizations in the Ming Dynasty: Dongchang, Xichang, Neixingchang and Jinyiwei. They are collectively called the Factory Guards.】

【The emperors hoped to use these intelligence and spy organizations to keep track of every move of their courtiers. 】

The barrage flew out:

"What about Datang? Aren’t there bad people?"

"Reply - There are bad people in the Tang Dynasty, but their functions are not as shown in the animation. It is not an intelligence organization, and it is not that powerful."

"Reply - Yes, the bad guys in the history books refer to some small officials who are engaged in investigation and arrest work, similar to the auxiliary police."

"……" at the same time.

In various dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, many ministers were shocked.

For factory guards, they canI hate and fear.

That's itThe emperor hung a knife over their heads.

When did the lack of security fall on their necks?


【In modern society, intelligence work has a wider scope, and its role has become increasingly prominent in many fields such as politics, military, diplomacy, economy, science and technology, etc.】

【As a result, all countries in the world have established intelligence and espionage organizations to recruit and train a large number of spies to engage in various espionage activities.】

【The intelligence and espionage organization we are talking about today is the intelligence and espionage organization that once made the world fearful - Big Brother's KGB】

【It was also the largest intelligence and espionage organization in the world】

【At its peak, the entire organization had as many as 500,000 personnel with military ranks, including 10,000 in the headquarters, 200,000 in espionage, counterespionage, and technical support departments, and as many as 300,000 in the border guards.】

【This does not include the 250,000 spies abroad and up to 2 million various informants.】

【Whether in Western Europe or South America, Asia or North America, the shadow of the KGB is everywhere】

【It would be an exaggeration to say that the KGB was present in every corner of the world at that time, monitoring every move of many countries.......】

Hearing this description, ancient people of all dynasties were shocked.

After looking at the world map, they already know how big the world is.

And this intelligence organization called the KGB actually covers the whole world. This is terrible!

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Zhu Zhanji were all shocked by the size of the KGB.

How is this an intelligence and espionage organization?

Such a large number of people far exceeds the number of many armies.

The combined number of people in the Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei and Dongchang is far behind the KGB. They cannot compare at all.


【Of course, for today's netizens, the biggest impression of the KGB may be the current president Vladimir Putin from the country of the furry bear.】

【In 2004, Emperor Pu raised five questions when he visited the Dragon Kingdom to visit the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.】

【1. Why are the shoes of the pottery figurines different?】

【2. Why do the pottery figurines have two rings behind them?】

【3. Why does the war horse have no pedals?】

【4. Why are horses so short? 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【5. What is the name of the protruding part on the wheel of the bronze chariot and horse? Why is there no weapon in this part?】

【At that time, the director of our museum lamented that he had never seen a guest who could observe the details of cultural relics so carefully in just ten minutes.】

【The reason why Emperor Pu has such keen insight is because he was once an elite agent trained by the KGB. 】

Great Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang didn't care about the KGB or not for the time being. He was now concerned about the words"Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum".

To be more precise, the words"Mausoleum of the First Emperor"

"Will my tomb be dug up in later generations?"

Qin Shihuang's face became a little ugly.

This is understandable.

No one would be happy if someone dug up a grave.

Let alone a great person like Zheng Ge.

After being angry,

Qin Shihuang decided to do it. Build your own imperial mausoleum to be more secretive and stronger


The plane of Taizu of Ming Dynasty[]

Zhu Yuanzhang took a fancy to Emperor Pu in the giant screen in the sky and praised:

"This person is very powerful."

Although there will be no emperor in the future, and there is no blood inheritance of the throne, it is also a great thing to be able to go from a person with a status similar to that of Jin Yiwei to become the supreme leader of Mao Xiong Kingdom, a Wuchang country.


【In addition to the example of Emperor Vladimir Putin, the former spokesperson of the KGB, there is another incident that can directly illustrate the terror of the KGB.】

【In 1979, great changes occurred in Afghanistan. The second-in-command Amin launched a coup, killed President Taraki, appointed himself prime minister, and became the supreme leader of Afghanistan.】

【However, A Ming's coming to power has offended Big Brother's interests.】

【As a result, Big Brother then decided to launch an eradication operation against Amin, codenamed"Storm 333""】

【The person responsible for carrying out this task is the KGB】

【Amin and his family were at the Darul Rahman Palace in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.】

【The Afghan army responsible for defending Daru Aman Palace consists of three Afghan infantry battalions, a tank battalion, an anti-aircraft regiment, and a construction regiment of 10,004.6 people.】

【In addition, near Kabul, there are 2 infantry divisions and 2 tank brigades, as well as the presence of other Afghan troops.】

【However, it was under such circumstances that the KGB's special operations team occupied the Daruaman Palace in just 20 minutes and beheaded the country's supreme leader: Amin】

【In addition, Amin’s four wives and 24 children were also executed by the KGB】


The ancients of all dynasties were shocked.

This KGB is too terrifying.

It only took 20 minutes to kill the top leader of this country in another country, and this was even when the other party was protected by heavy troops.

It was so powerful. His fighting power was simply too scary. He also directly wiped out other people's whole families. The ancients felt the bloody atmosphere through the screen.

This KGB had a very murderous intent.

The plane of the Ming Dynasty's founder.

Zhu Di was stunned for a moment.

This kind of This behavior is equivalent to asking his Jin Yiwei to go to Tartar and kill the whole family of the Tatar Khan.

But obviously, his Jin Yiwei cannot do it.

But the KGB can do it.

This undoubtedly shows that the KGB It is much more powerful than his Jinyiwei or Dongchang.

But then again, his Jinyiwei did not have this responsibility.

At this moment, Zhu Di realized that Big Brother's KGB might be different from Jinyiwei or Dongchang.

In other words, the KGB is responsible for doing more things than Jin Yiwei or Dongchang.

Zhu Di looked at the giant screen with more concentration.

He felt that maybe from this KGB, Jin Yiwei or Dongchang could be unearthed. More uses can make Jinyiwei and Dongchang more useful to him


【So, how did the KGB come about?How did it become a terrorist intelligence organization that made the whole world talk about it?】

【Today, we are going to decrypt the KGB! 】.

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