That kid is not bad, but he has a little more strength, if it weren't for a group of girls harassing him next to him, I would have taken that kid a long time ago, and this guy was scattered, relying on his grandfather to be the master, he was promoted to the king of the law, this poor learning and art lost his life, and now he was killed by this kid, and he insulted the prestige of our king. Scarface said with a snort.

If the servant is dead, he will die, but after the Taishi's interrogation, the sect master is afraid that he will lose his temper with us. The tall and thin man said.

Don't be afraid, do things for the eldest prince, there is something to do with the eldest prince. In other words, that girl is not bad, it seems that she has done her best to pass on the true thief, if you continue to fight with me, you can't say who will win or lose. The old man who was fighting with Yang Ziyi said.

However, there are so many strange hidden weapons in that kid's hand, just now I thought this was the poisonous smoke bomb of the Tang Sect in Shuzhong, which caused me to close my mouth and nose immediately, and work hard to activate the internal breath, not daring to move, so that the old thing escaped. The old man with the injured arm said.

I thought so too, but the kid sneaked up on me, I had to deal with it, I took two breaths and went in, I felt that in addition to the spicy, there was no discomfort in the body, so I made up my mind a little, but I didn't dare to chase each other for a while, or I used my luck to observe the internal organs and meridians, but let this kid escape. Scarface said pitifully.

Except for the thunder weapon that will explode in that kid's hand, we are not afraid of the others. The tall and thin man said.

I don't think there are many of this kind of hidden weapons on him, otherwise he wouldn't have run away. Scarface said.

Chase them for me, chase them down, kill them, except for the old thief and the head of the boy, and the women, all of them will be given to you. The old man with the injured arm said.

Ha ha... , then the little brothers thank the two big brothers.

So, after the four of them discussed, they looked at Chu Yunhao, who had fled to a hundred zhang away, and they chased after him again.

Chu Yunhao and the others fled for more than two miles, not only did they not get rid of the four old men who caught up behind them, but they saw a group of people faintly appearing at the intersection in front of them. The gang rode horses, carrying bows and arrows, and one in the middle rode a tall white horse, dressed in splendid clothes, which was very eye-catching.

It's not good, that's the eldest prince, and the eldest prince is also here.

Is the eldest prince here to arrest us back, I don't want to be captured by the eldest prince, Sister Xiaorou, what should I do!

If we are captured by the eldest prince, we will definitely be worse off than dead, and the eldest prince will definitely try all kinds of ways to torture us, and then we won't live.

What should we do, husband, the eldest prince has come to arrest us, what should we do. Xiao Rou and their group of girls suddenly chattered and exclaimed.

Let's go to this mountain trail next to it. Chu Yunhao said loudly.

Chu Yunhao was depressed, his face was full of black lines and question marks, wasn't this great prince killed by him when he attacked Feiyun Castle, that day was so tragic, it was blasted and burned, Feiyun Castle was turned into a ruin, how did this great prince survive.

After listening to what Chu Yunhao said, everyone beat their horses and ran to the side mountain road according to their words, but Chu Yunhao still stayed at the back, and he had to cushion behind.

Hahaha... , worthy of the five Dharma kings, now, you kid can't get up, kid, when I catch you, I must peel your skin and cramp, chop the meat and feed it to the dog. And those female guards, I thought you were all dead, it turned out that you surrendered this kid, and when I catch you, I will not spare any of them, and those who betray me will die, and they will die. The eldest prince of Natiele rode a high-headed white horse, and his appearance was extremely handsome, with the gorgeous clothes on his body, it seemed that he was so different, but unfortunately, the gloomy eyes and cruel sneer made him look very mad at this moment.

Everyone, chase me. The eldest prince gave an order, and led the people behind him to chase after Chu Yunhao and them.

I've seen the eldest prince. The eldest prince led people to the entrance of the mountain road, and the four people who chased Chu Yunhao also came here, and after the two groups of people met, the four people hurriedly stepped forward and saluted and said.

Why didn't he come with him? The eldest prince said.

The servant was dead, and was slain by the abominable boy. One of the two brothers said.

Okay, if you die, you will die, Taishi's side, I will explain, you don't have to worry, you chase me now, chase them, today's matter, I will definitely give you a heavy reward. The eldest prince said.

Yes, thank you, Great Prince. The four said in unison. After speaking, the four of them took the lead and chased after the mountain road.

Boom, there was a loud bang, this is Chu Yunhao threw a bamboo tube thunder down again, but it's a pity, under the mountain road, the old man's eyes are fast, and the bamboo tube thunder knocked away with a wave of the spear, and the bamboo tube thunder was knocked out a foot or two away before exploding, this distance can no longer hurt people, only the startled horses rushed around, among which the thin and tall man was also turned off the horse by his own mount, and after the thin and tall man fell down, he stepped forward and pulled the rope, and actually stopped the horse.

Hahaha... , this is to teach you a lesson, and if you come along, I will use this thunder weapon to blow you up. Looking at the way the four people looked at him and gritted his teeth, Chu Yunhao laughed loudly, but secretly said in his heart that it was a pity, now, there was only one bamboo tube thunder in the cloth pocket on his horseback. This kind of dangerous goods, how dare he usually bring it with him, he asked the veterans to leave these three, the original intention was to keep it for his own play, thinking about encountering a puddle on the road and fried a fish or something, but he didn't expect it to come in handy today, so crooked, I don't know if God favors him.

Ah, there's no road ahead, what to do. The girls were noisy again

Chu Yunhao saw that this mountain road was obviously just trampled by lumberjacks, and there was a deep mountain in front of it, and there was a large open space at the intersection, and the ground was full of peeled bark. If you go deep into the mountains, the mountain is too steep, although there is a road, but it is a road that people put trees to wade on, and people may be able to go up, but horses will never be able to go up.

Everyone, dismount, take the package, and go up the mountain. Chu Yunhao said. At this point, there is no choice.

After everyone dismounted, Chu Yunhao also got off the horse, he took off the cloth pocket and spear on the horse, touched the horse's head with his forehead very reluctantly, and said that his old friend cherished it, led the horse to turn the horse's head, and then slapped the horse's buttocks, letting the horse gallop away from the road.

More than a dozen of them, more than a dozen horsemen, Chu Yunhao painted gourds in the same way, and let them run back and forth, hoping that they could exert their last residual heat and stop the enemy.

There is also the last horse, and there are still people hugging the horse and talking, it is the senior sister Yang Ziyi saying goodbye to her sweaty BMW. This sweaty BMW is extremely miraculous, after following the senior sister to recognize the master, it is extremely well-behaved and sensible, very spiritual, the senior sister naturally likes it very much, and now she wants to abandon it, only to see the senior sister's eyes are red, tears flowing, and she is very reluctant.

Senior sister, don't be sad, after today's stubble, I will give you a better one, which is guaranteed to be better than this rhubarb. Chu Yunhao said comfortingly. Rhubarb is the name of this horse, and the senior sister gave the horse her own name.

Hmph, no matter how good you send it, it's not rhubarb, who is rare. Senior Sister glanced at Chu Yunhao, brushed Rhubarb's mane with her hand, and finally cried and slapped Rhubarb's buttocks, and personally sent Rhubarb away.

After sending off the rhubarb, Chu Yunhao and Yang Ziyi immediately climbed the grass and trees and headed for the steep mountain road.

Ah, uncle, there's a cave here, should we go in and avoid it? Xiaoyu said. Everyone climbed the mountain, all the way up, until they climbed up to twenty or thirty zhang, the big guy found a cave, so he hesitated in front of the cave for a while, wanted to go in to avoid it, and was afraid that this hole was a dead end, and was caught in the urn of the chasing people.

There is wind coming out of this hole, it should be a hole that runs through the front and back, and it should be fine to go in and avoid it. Master Zhou Tong said at this time.

Then let's go into the cave and take refuge. Listening to the voices below, thinking that those horses didn't stop those people for long, Chu Yunhao was irritable, sighed and said. After Chu Yunhao finished speaking, he picked up a piece of wood next to him and put it on the big wood that was blocked by the stone, and with the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, he put the big wood in the middle of the wood road, and jumped away as soon as he let go, so that the big wood was like a cannonball, rampage all the way and slid down.

Abuhanri, be careful.

Abuhanri, Abuhanri, how are you?

Ah, big brother, big brother, I, I can't do it, you can only take care of it more at home.

Ah, Abuhanri, don't die, don't die, god damn it, you thieves, you killed my brother, I want you all to die, all of you.

Listening to the mess under the mountain, screaming, crying and scolding, Chu Yunhao laughed, but he didn't know who was killed between the two old men. Listening to the voice, there is no doubt that it is the two people, but these two people look similar and speak in similar voices, but he can't tell who was killed.

At this time, at the foot of the hillside, an old man in his fifties, covered in blood and already exhausted, was held in his arms by another old man in his fifties crying bitterly. This picture is miserable, too miserable, too miserable.

Scarface looked at all this, recalling what he had just experienced, he was also afraid, after they came here, they immediately heard the sound of a boom down, and they also knew that someone had put the wood down. But what people didn't expect was that this wood was so big, I don't know if it hit something halfway, this wood was completely cocked up and flew down in the air at a height of two or three feet, and the Dharma King who injured his arm avoided it for a while, and let the wood be killed on the spot.

Everyone entered the cave, Chu Yunhao saw that this cave was gourd-shaped, the mouth was small, the interior was large, there were some stoves built with gravel in it, there were some firewood such as pine branches and bamboo pieces next to the stove, there were some terracotta pots on the stove, and a platform was artificially sorted out on the high ground, with some rotten straw mats on it, it seems that the lumberjacks usually not only make fires here to cook, but also rest here. On the right side of the cave, a swarthy hole extends into it, and it is not known where it leads.

Chu Yunhao asked everyone to take away the pine branches and bamboo pieces, first ignited a part of the lighting, and entered the cave first, he tried to pry up a boulder in the hole with a copper gun in his hand, Chu Yunhao exerted his strength, and the boulder that was more than one person only shook, but it couldn't be pryed, Chu Yunhao was so depressed that he wanted to give up, senior sister Yang Ziyi turned back to help him, under the two of them, the two guns pryed, the boulder finally rolled and moved, when the two of them used their strength to pry the boulder over to block the hole, both of them were sweating, no way, this 10,000 catties boulder is too big, fortunately, the two of them are not ordinary people, Chu Yunhao now has more than 700 catties of strength, Senior Sister also has about four or five hundred strength, two people have more than 1,000 catties of strength, and with the help of tools, this is how to pry 10,000 catties of boulders.

After blocking the entrance of the cave with a boulder, and then moving a stone against the gap under the boulder, Chu Yunhao nodded with satisfaction, after being stuck in this way, he pushed it from the outside, but he was afraid that tens of thousands of catties of strength would not be able to push, and they could escape with confidence. Chu Yunhao and Senior Sister Yang Ziyi lit the fire, and immediately went into the cave to follow the smell of fireworks to find everyone. Soon, everyone converged together, everyone in the cave did not know how long to walk, a moment to an open place, only to see the stalagmites around the forest, holding firewood, the light is not yet able to reach the whole of the space, you can see its emptiness. At one point, it is extremely narrow, and a single person still has to crawl with his head down before he can pass, and it is very cramped. After traveling for about two or three miles, they only heard the sound of water in front of them, and the water vapor moistened into their throats and noses between their breaths, which was very comfortable, and before they knew it, they had already walked to the underground river.

Chu Yunhao told everyone to wait, he went to the upper reaches of the underground river to take a look, and soon, Chu Yunhao came back with a sad face. This underground river goes upstream, there are riverbanks on both sides at the beginning, after a hundred steps, there is no riverbank, so I can only jump into the river, try to walk deep and shallow with a gun, after two bends, I see that this underground river water is flowing out of a hole two feet square by stone, the water is turbulent, there is almost no gap in the stone cave, how can this go up, who dares to drill into this flowing hole, they are people, not loaches, Chu Yunhao was depressed, and he could only return the same way.


you can't go upstream, you have to go downstream, but fortunately, the downstream is getting more and more spacious, except for a few places where you have to wade through the underground river, they have been walking on the shore.

After walking for about two miles, ah, master, what's wrong with you, don't you scare the apprentice Yang Ziyi cried, Chu Yunhao knew that the big thing was not good, so he hurriedly walked over to check, only to see the master lying in the arms of the senior sister at this time, with his eyes closed, his face pale, and his body trembling. Senior sister Yang Ziyi pinched the master's middle and was crying and calling for the master.

Chu Yunhao was one head and two big at this time, looking at it like this, the master was afraid that it would really not work. I heard that the things that hang their lives, in addition to ginseng is turtles, now there is no ginseng, this half of the ginseng set, he bought it and used it up, no way, at that time the veterans were some injured, and most of the girls were injured, these people need treatment, the ginseng is used up, and even the century-old ginseng prepared for the master, the master also took it out for the girls. The only hope now is this underground river, I don't know if there are turtles and turtles or anything like that. Chu Yunhao thought wildly, and immediately snatched the torches of others, and after telling everyone to wait for him, he hurried downstream.

Turtle turtle, turtle turtle, my turtle grandfather, where are you, you have to come out to save people! Chu Yunhao went all the way downstream, flashing torches everywhere to look for them, and said nonsense from time to time.

That, that's, about half a mile away, Chu Yunhao was so anxious that he was going to be angry, only to see that there was really a huge object lying on a big black stone in the underground river, Chu Yunhao hurriedly swung over to take a look, this look couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, this giant thing is really an old turtle, an old turtle as big as a table, but, after taking a closer look, Chu Yunhao's heart fell from the clouds to the bottom again, this is just a turtle shell that has been redeemed, not even a dead turtle, this turtle shell, what do I want you to use! Chu Yunhao's heart was like ashes for a while, and he stood there for a long time, until the torch burned his hands, Chu Yunhao was shocked to realize that the torch in his hand was about to burn out, Chu Yunhao immediately raised the torch root in his hand, and for a while, the underground dark river fell into complete darkness, Chu Yunhao was about to take out the fire fold and ignite it, but for a while, he didn't know where he put the fire fold, and he didn't find it after touching his chest for a long time, Chu Yunhao couldn't help but be a little scared, this is gone, he has walked so far again, this underground dark river, how can he go back. When I was depressed, I glanced out of the corner of my eye, and saw that something inside the turtle shell was glowing white.

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