In the past, only three or five fishermen lived here, and only during the flood season, there were more fishermen who temporarily docked here to take shelter and recuperate. Since April of this year, I heard that a wealthy man who ran a boat team bought the island for 3,000 taels of silver, and then spent a lot of money to dig a ditch in the low-lying ravine, thus connecting the outer lake and the inner lake, so that even in normal times, boats can enter the inner lake to rest.

At this time, the night was heavy and the mist was thick, and a strange spark flashing with the symbol of a spear had just been released on Qingshan Island. Two tall men stood high on the island, watching the spear spark bloom and extinguish, and everything returned to calm, and their tall bodies were also hidden in the darkness.

Do you remember what Childe said?

Veterans don't die, they just wither, veterans don't die, their families and countries last forever, towering Daxia, and their iron bones are strong.

I owe my son a life, if it weren't for him, my youngest son would have died without money for treatment. My whole family owes my son, if it weren't for his righteousness and squandering money, making some connections, and fishing me out of the yamen, not only would my life be difficult to protect, but my yellow-faced woman and my girl would have died, and there would have been no rice in the house at that time

What we all owe to Gongzi here is that Gongzi has given us everything, our relatives can go to work in the walled city, we can fight together again, all of us have no worries about food and clothing, and live with dignity, all of this is given by Gongzi.

Veterans don't die, they just wither

Veterans don't die, and the family and country last forever

Towering Great Xia, iron bones

On the battlefield, I bled and I was lame.

On the battlefield, I was hit by an arrow, and I lost my eyes.

How can a disabled person support a family if he can't support himself yet?

Hey, without Childe, I'm just a shit.

Hey, without Childe, there is no light in my eyes.

Childe said that we did not bear the people of the world, but the people of the world who owed us.

In fact, the people of the world have not failed us, this is all fate, haven't our ancestors come over like this for generations.

Childe also said that the years are quiet, just because someone is moving forward with a load, this is our life and our supreme glory.

Well, a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other, fight for the son, come on.

Fight for Childe, come on.

In the early morning of the next day, under the mobilization and leadership of a one-eyed man and a lame strong man, a fleet set off from the inner lake of Qingshan Island, and crossed 300 miles of waterway before dusk to land on the bank of the Wuchang River. Then, countless horses and people came down from the ship, and for a time, the people of the dock rushed to watch, and there were good people who counted the number of people and horses, and there were more than 100 people and more than 200 horses. I saw more than 100 people, all of them were orderly, their eyes were sharp, and there were many people who were lame and had one-eyed broken hands, but all of them were like old pines on the cliffs. There were also more than 200 war horses, each of which had a burlap bag on its shoulder, and the bag was bulging, but I didn't know what it contained.

After more than 100 people and more than 200 horses landed from the wharf, they were two riders, one person sat on one horse and led one horse, so they marched in a procession and left in an orderly manner. For a while, everyone on the dock was in an uproar, and looking at this posture, they didn't know whether it was an official or a bandit or a commercial firm.

Look, the flag is out, the wind dart game.

I've only heard of the North and South Dart Bureau, the Tiger Dart Bureau, the Shengcai Dart Bureau, and where did this popular dart game come from.

I don't know, but looking at this posture, I'm afraid this is a big dart.

Look at the horse's hoof marks, this bag doesn't look like it's yellow and white!

Who knows, maybe it's a treasure, but this dart walker, there is no gong to open the way, and it's really unusual.

At this time, in the middle of the march of hundreds of people, a one-eyed man is telling everyone to put up the flag, they are indeed a dart game on the surface, this time exposed to the public, but they still have to act in the style of the dart game. As for the open road gongs, there is no need, the identity of the dart bureau is just to walk around in a big place, and to deal with the official road card check. They only kill people, don't take darts, and kill people for the son Chu in their hearts.

On the fifth day, Chu Yunhao asked Xiao Fang to order the fifth day after the monkey was swaying, in the afternoon of this day, a mighty horse entered Liujiaji and stopped in front of the inn.

"Meet Gongzi Chu". Well, everyone, the moment they saw Chu Yunhao, they all touched their chests with one hand and bowed down.

Ah, Xiao Fang, who led the team forward, hurriedly stepped aside, covering her small mouth, a little flustered.

Chu Yunhao stepped forward, nodded, stroked his chest with one hand, and bowed back.

Hmph, Chu Yunhao returned the salute, and the others immediately stood up straight.

Stand upright and take a break.

Hmm, hmm, look at the team in front of you that follows their own passwords and moves neatly, looking at their dusty and slightly tired faces, looking at them one person and two horses, imagining that they change horses without changing people, wearing stars and moons, rushing nearly four hundred miles a day, for a few days, from Yunmengze to Wuchang, from Wuchang to the hinterland of Daba Mountain, Chu Yunhao has tears in his eyes, and his heart is moved, these veterans, strict with themselves, loyal, really his best soldiers, it seems that his original choice was not wrong, and the veterans who retreated from the Anqing Army are not only to give them a dignified life, but also to give themselves the strongest backing, he did the right thing。

Next, Chu Yunhao made a few speeches, which probably meant to encourage everyone, come over so far, everyone has worked hard, everyone will stay in the hotel to rest first, recuperate, and then go out with him tomorrow to sweep away the bandits and rescue the chivalrous.

As soon as Chu Yunhao finished speaking, everyone was shocked, after Chu Yunhao disbanded, everyone was busy disbanding the formation, under the leadership of their respective team leaders, unloading packages and luggage, tethering and feeding the horses, and then most of them went into the store to eat and lodging and resting, and a small part of the periphery was on guard, Chu Yunhao watched them do all this, in an orderly manner, and secretly applauded in his heart.

Senior sister Yang Ziyi watched all this from the sidelines, and was surprised in her heart, this little ghost, where did so many elite dead soldiers come from, looking at the fanaticism and respect that these people have for him, this is undoubtedly a dead man, she is in Mu Kezhai, but only a small number of personal guards left by his father back then will treat her like this, and it is more of a kind of care from elders to younger generations, this little ghost, how did he do it.

Master Zhou Tong watched from the side, smiled happily, looked at Chu Yunhao in front of him, as if he saw the tall figure that swept Tiele and returned my rivers and mountains, and unconsciously, the corners of Zhou Dong's eyes were full of tears.

At this time, in Feiyun Castle, a girl with a stunning posture stood in the room on the third floor of Feiyun Castle, looking out of the window in a daze.

After a long time, tears fell from the eyes of this stunning girl, very miserable, and muttered to herself: Could it be that I can really only marry him, only in this way can I rescue my father and mother, and rescue Uncle Zhu?

Okay, I promised your master, I will marry him tomorrow, but he must release my father and mother first, my uncle. The stunning girl sighed, turned around, and said to the two girls with knives at the door of the house. Yes, the little one will go to report, if the girl marries my master, she will be my housewife in the future, she will be glorious and rich, and she will enjoy it inexhaustibly, and I hope that the girl will treat me well. One of the two girls with knives flattered and pushed open the door and went out.

What, she agreed, hahaha... , quickly report to me the left three links, and ask him to make the wedding more lively for me tomorrow. In another room of Feiyun Castle, a young man in brocade clothes, handsome appearance, and gloomy eyes, sat on the Taishi chair, leisurely drinking tea, and after listening to the advice of a girl kneeling with a knife on one foot in front of him, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and the eyes of the yin owl were shining, and he looked a lot softer.

Got it, you go down first and show me. The young man in brocade clothes said and waved his hand.

Yes, master. The girl with the knife agreed, got up and left.


young man in brocade clothes sat there overjoyed, his face was red, and he continued to drink his tea until a cup of tea was drunk, and the girl standing next to him carried a pot to refill the water, and the young man in brocade clothes laughed and said to himself: I have sent your mother away, as for your father and that Zhu Ziqi, I will let them go tomorrow, and I will catch them back afterwards. It's just that it's been a few days, and the people of the Yan family have also been released, what's the matter, why haven't you come to attack, do you want to see death and not save you, I've arranged it, if you don't get in by yourself, how boring it is!

At night, in the inn, in the room, Chu Yunhao fell into contemplation in front of a simple sand table, there were several people in the room, senior sister Yang Ziyi, master Zhou Tong, two tall strong men, one of them blindfolded his left eye with an eye patch, it turned out to be a one-eyed man, at this time, these people looked at Chu Yunhao and did not speak.

Feiyun Castle is built on a cliff, connected to a blade peak, the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The road to Feiyun Fort has to pass through a canyon, the canyon is not long, and it is only half a mile away, but if you set up an ambush here, even if you come from this half a mile, you have killed thousands of officers and soldiers here in the past, which is considered a place of great evil. In the past few days of waiting, Chu Yunhao and Yang Ziyi found a local senior hunter as a guide, and he also dressed up as a hunter in the mountain, and surveyed the terrain around Feiyun Castle, always feeling that the terrain of this canyon is too treacherous. However, there is a mountain peak next to the cliff where the Flying Cloud Castle is located, and the distance between the two is only about 500 paces, and if you climb the mountain from the opposite side and use a trebuchet, this distance should be not a problem.

After thinking about it, Chu Yunhao immediately explained his strategy and tactics to everyone, and the other people in the room listened to it, and all of them couldn't help nodding, and it seemed that they agreed with what he said.

The next day, after breakfast, more than 100 people who came yesterday stood outside the door with their horses, after Chu Yunhao's generous speech, everyone shouted thunder, killing intent was majestic, for a while, everyone got on the horse, followed Chu Yunhao and his party, and everyone headed towards Feiyun Castle.

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