The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the cold moon watches the ups and downs of the earth forever.

But in Touma's house, the weak Touma Kazusa was lying on the table, and her whole body was almost turning gray.

"Is it that scary? Didn’t it just let you study for a while? Luo

Zhen looked at the pretty girl with a pale face, smiled and shook his head.

" devil."

Dongma Hesha raised his hands tremblingly after hearing this, and looked at Luo Zhen in front of him with some pain, his eyes full of despair and gray.

"Did you study for a while? I feel like it's hell......"

She stood up slowly and leisurely, and finally lay directly on the bed.

Her careless posture and nonchalant look were nothing like the image of the calm and elegant winter horse goddess in the art class.

"Really? I do not believe. Luo

Zhen blinked and said with a look of astonishment.

"Tsk tsk tsk......"

Dongma Hesha, who was lying on the bed, was speechless. She tilted her head and looked at Luo Zhen with an unhappy expression.

"I don’t know why, but I always have the urge to beat you up."Listening to Luo Zhen's provocative words, the girl looked unhappy.

"Is that what you call studying for a while? I seriously doubt that if I can't learn anymore, you will stuff that test paper directly into my head."

Recalling the scene of learning just now, Dongma Hesha said with a gray face.

"I really wish I could have Doraemon’s memory bread.......If so, then I won't have the same headache as now."

Lying on the bed, Touma Kazusa's eyes were sparkling. At this moment, her anticipation for the legendary memory bread was already overwhelming.

"So what if I have memory bread? You go to the toilet and it's all gone. Luo

Zhen looked at Dongma Hesha in front of him with a smile, shook his head and said with a smile.

"Well......Really annoying""680." Dongma Hesha puffed up her cheeks and looked at Luo Zhen unhappily.

Are you kidding? Little fairies never go to the toilet. They are all fragrant.

"in addition......"

As if he also noticed the complaints in Dongma Hesha's heart, Luo Zhen looked at her with a strange expression.

"Are you sure you want to lie in bed like this?"

"why not?"Facing Luo Zhen's inquiry, Touma Kazusa didn't look like a goddess at all. She lay carelessly on the bed and said lazily.

It was not easy for this genius in the piano world and a scumbag in the academic world. When it's time to rest, of course she does whatever she feels comfortable with......

"It's so comfortable, I've long wanted to lie down for a while"

"So this is ah......"Luo Zhen said suddenly, he was still full of gratitude

"So thank you to Goddess Winter Horse for your hospitality. I am very satisfied."He then said with a thumbs up.

Touma Kazusa: ?????????

"what do you mean?"Touma Kazusa blinked, always feeling that his words seemed very subtle.

"The white one is great too and will suit you very well. Luo Zhen said with a bright smile.

Touma Kazusa:??????

She lowered her head subconsciously, and then realized that she was still wearing the school's pleated skirt.......

And the action of splitting the legs just now was done towards Luo Zhen, that is to say......

Luo Zhen looked at the next scene in amazement, and the originally extremely proud girl turned red.

She then hurriedly sat up, her ivory-white legs leaning together tightly.

Touma Kazusa glanced at Luo Zhen shyly

"What happened to Touma-san? Why don't you continue to lie down and rest? I'm still very grateful for Kazusa's hospitality......."

Luo Zhen asked as if he was pretending not to know. But the teasing look in those eyes made Touma Kazusa blush so much that she almost burst out of tears.......

Although Touma Kazusa is not a novice in relationships, her first kiss was taken away by someone long ago.

However, in this kind of matter, Fuyuma Kazusa is surprisingly innocent......

"It's so annoying."

Dong Ma and Sha Yin bit their teeth lightly and looked at Luo Zhen angrily. The girl's black and white eyes revealed a bit of unwillingness.


The girl snorted softly, as if she didn't care about what happened just now, but the red earlobes obviously betrayed her.......

"Hesha, Luo Zhen, it’s time for dinner."

The voice from downstairs came up, and it immediately rescued Touma and Sa who were extremely embarrassed.

"You are really being advantaged."

The girl glanced at Luo Zhen angrily, then put on her slippers and hurriedly left the room.

It was as if the bedroom was a dragon's den and a tiger's den.......

"She is such an innocent little girl, this is probably her youth."Looking at the girl's back, Luo Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

The restaurant on the first floor

"Sister Yaozi is indeed a piano genius, she can do everything to a first-class level"

"Just smelling the aroma of this dish makes me want to eat it. I can tell it is extremely delicious just by looking at it."

Luo Zhen sat next to the dining table, looking at the delicious dishes, and said happily

"Tsk, sycophant......"

Touma Kazusa folded her hands in front of her chest and complained coldly.

Obviously, a certain stingy girl has not forgotten Luo Zhen’s teasing just now......

"Hesha, why are you talking to your senior brother?" Dongma Yaozi glanced at Dongma Hesha angrily, then she bent down and took the initiative to give Luo Zhen a bowl of white rice.

"As long as Luo Zhen likes it, I have been bored at home recently so I learned to cook. I hope you don't mind my handjob......"

Luo Zhen looked at the young woman who was leaning forward, his eyes fixed on her.

The slim beauty was wearing a loose nightgown. Perhaps because she was at home, Dongma Yaozi was also particularly relaxed.

When she was bringing the rice to Luo Zhen, her slightly bowed posture was particularly beautiful.......

"Junior Brother Luo Zhen, please note that my mother is your teacher. We must learn to respect teachers at the very least......."

Touma Kazusa's keen rape-catching radar also noticed Luo Zhen's gaze, and she said with an unhappy face.

"Hesha, who said your senior brother doesn't respect teachers? I think he cares about me quite a bit......"

Touma Yoko seemed to have noticed the jealousy in Touma Kazusa's words, she covered her mouth with a chuckle and said

"After all, as young as I am, if I become his teacher, I will definitely arouse suspicion from others. It would be better for me to just call me sister. I would be happier."

Dongma Hesha, with curved eyebrows and eyes, has eyes full of autumn water, her skin is so moist that it seems to be dripping with water, and her facial features are like daisy. She is the most beautiful in the world. Her body, which was originally a little fragile due to leukemia, is withered by the disease. Even the arrogant

Touma Kazusa had to admit that if she and Touma Yoko were out on the street together and were seen by unsuspecting people, then they would definitely suspect that Touma Yoko was her. Sister, there may even be those brave enough to suspect that Touma Yaoko is her sister.

I really don’t know how this old witch takes care of herself? She is so well-kept.......

Looking at Touma Yaozi who seemed to be twenty-eight years old with envy and jealousy, Touma Kazusa couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"What's more, if it weren't for Luo Zhen's words, then I might have to say goodbye to my good daughter."

When talking about this topic, Touma Yaozi's eyes were slightly lowered, as if she was quite sad.

And listening to her words, even Touma Kazusa, who had always been stubborn, had to remain silent.

After all, in this matter, Even she has to admit that she did take advantage of Luo Zhen's love.

If it weren't for Luo Zhen, one day Dongma Yaozi would really leave Dongma Hesha because of leukemia.

Even Dongma Hesha herself didn't know, she herself What will happen then?

Although Touma Yaoko used to travel around the world to attend performances every day, Touma Kazusa also had to admit that her biggest desire was to be recognized by Touma Yaoko

"Thank you."

She raised her head. The originally arrogant girl also looked at her heart at this moment, and she said seriously.

"If it weren't for you, my mother wouldn't have gotten better."

"Japanese yarn......"

Touma Yaozi looked at her daughter with gentle eyes. She also knew a lot about her arrogant daughter.

If she didn't really care about herself too much, then this arrogant girl would probably die without even wanting to say thank you. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Her eyebrows are curved, her eyes are gentle and brilliant

"It's great to have a well-behaved daughter like Kazusa."She said with a bright smile

"Humph, I don’t want a mother like you......"

Perhaps because he knew that what he just said was too sensational, the blushing Touma Kazusa turned his head and said nonchalantly.

"Yeah? That was so sad for my mother."

Dongma Yaozi seemed to be quite regretful. Her slipper-wearing feet under the dining table also quietly took off the slippers and crossed her legs.


Luo Zhen seemed to have noticed something, and glanced at Touma Yaozi with a strange expression.

Touma Yaozi only responded to him with a playful smile and winking eyes.

Should I say that she is a mature big sister?

In this regard, she is just a playboy. , she seemed to be sure that her daughter would only be arrogant.


Looking at Touma Yaozi who seemed quite sad, Touma Kazusa couldn't help but hesitate.......

"Eat, eat, and have a good taste of your mother's cooking."

As if he also noticed the entanglement between Dongma and Sha, Dongma Yaozi waved his hand calmly and said[]

"I really didn’t expect you, mom, to have such skills."

Dongma Hesha also took advantage of Dongma Yaozi's opportunity to get off the donkey along the slope, picked up the chopsticks and ate the delicious food in front of him.

"only......"The girl looked at the pile of leeks and kidneys with some confusion, her head filled with questions.

"This doesn't look delicious......"

"But he replenishes the body......"Dongma Yaozi confidently picked up the leeks and kidneys and put them into Luo Zhen's bowl...

"This is specially prepared by your mother for your little teacher. After all, he has worked hard to teach you so much."

Donma Yaozi looked at Luo Zhen with a smile, and then said with a smile.

"If it weren't for him, I'm afraid you would still be struggling to pass."


Listening to Dongma Yaozi's teasing, Dongma Hesha's face turned red.

"Then you should eat more."

She then felt relieved and looked at Luo Zhen in front of her and warned.

"Don’t worry, I will definitely eat more."Luo Zhen looked at Dongma Hesha with a strange expression and said

"Hesha, don’t be stunned. Help your little teacher. After all, he has put a lot of thought into doing it for you."

"Of course I know."Touma Kazusa felt her mother's teasing gaze and suddenly felt her ears burning.

She picked up the leeks and kidneys in front of her and put them directly into Luo Zhen's bowl.

"Remember to eat more......"She pouted and said as if she didn't care.

However, Luo Zhen looked at the charming beauty next to him with a strange expression at this time.

Does this give Kazusa a sense of participation?

"Hesha, you have to study hard. Don't let down Luo Zhen and I's expectations of you"

"If you don't do well in the exam this time, don't blame me for asking Luo Zhen to give you a hellish training."

She held her chin up and looked at Touma Kazusa with a smile and said

"I see......"

Touma and Sha thought about the tutoring sessions in the past few days, shuddered subconsciously, nodded quickly and said

"That's good. I believe that my family Hesha will definitely make progress in her studies."

Touma Yaozi nodded with satisfaction and said.

The night was getting darker.

Dongma Hesha, who was lying on the bed, had a smile on her lips and a little shyness in her expression.

"annoying guy......"

She murmured to herself in her sleep.

In the room on the other side, Luo Zhen was lying on the bed and staring at the beauty next to him, with a little teasing in his eyes.

You actually treated him like that while eating?

Then he must give a good education to a disobedient guy.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, watching everything coldly. Along with the rising sun, it gradually comes to an end.

"Good morning!"

Touma Kazusa got up very early. She looked at her mother who was busy in the restaurant and couldn't help saying hello.

"Kazusa looks very happy today. Is this because she has to go to school with someone?"

A certain Touma Yoko with a rosy face, wearing an apron, revealing the charm of a woman, looked at Touma Kazusa with interest and said


Listening to her mother revealing her little thoughts, a shy girl couldn't help stamping her feet and said in annoyance.

"Come on Ou, Hesha!"

Looking at her daughter's shy look with satisfaction, Touma Yaozi waved her pink fist and said

"Mom will always be on your side and support you"

"thanks Mom......"Looking at Touma Yaozi who selflessly sacrificed for himself, Touma Kazusa realized how excessive his previous willfulness was.

Her mother was actually always willing to support her

"It's okay, this is what a mother should do."

Dong Ma Yaozi inadvertently smoothed her hair and said with some embarrassment.

Looking at her silly and sweet daughter, she felt quite helpless.

"Hesha, don't blame mom. After all, you have so many competitors. If you just rely on your own words, you will only cry in the end."

She said silently in her heart

"I did all this for Hesha."

Dong Ma Yaozi's eyes were full of determination.

"Hey, mom, were you bitten by a mosquito yesterday?"Looking at Touma Yaozi, who had several red marks on his neck, Touma Kazusa said doubtfully.

"Oh, indeed......"

Touma Yaozi subconsciously touched her neck, she nodded slightly and said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

But fortunately, a certain novice Touma Kazusa didn't understand too much, so she nodded indignantly.

"Mom, buy some pesticides when I get home. I believe the number will be reduced."

After a chat yesterday evening, Touma Kazusa realized that her mother actually cared about her.

A certain awkward girl now also learned to care about her mother.

"That would be troublesome for Kazusa......"Touma Yaozi with a bright smile said, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.


Listening to the sound of the door upstairs opening, Touma Kazuya's eyes lit up.

"Mom, I'm going to find Luo Zhen......"

She then left the restaurant in a hurry

"This child."

Donma Yaozi shook his head in confusion.

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