
Painting Department.

As the ace of the painting department, a certain Miss Eiri has special privileges in the department.

She can enjoy a classroom alone, and then immerse herself in it and paint her own works~.

Originally, Yinglili was not used to this kind of privilege.

After all, she was also afraid of others gossiping...

But at this moment, looking at Shiina Mashiro's masterpiece in front of her, the blond girl covered her eyes. She couldn't bear to look at it.

"Bad, huh?"

Shiina Mahiru, who came specially to cheer for Shiina Mashiro, looked at the pair of ponytails drooping down at the moment. The somewhat listless girl couldn't help but ask.

"It's not a question of whether it's bad or not……"

Eiri looked up and looked at Mashiro Shiina with disbelief. At this moment, she finally understood why Luo Zhen wanted to use Eri Kashiwagi to threaten her to teach Mashiro Shiina.

"This is simply unbearable."

Eiri looked at Shiina Mashiro in amazement. She was particularly surprised at this time.

"I finally understand why you have such great drawing skills, but your manuscript was rejected by the editor.……"

Gazing at the masterpiece that can be called a work of art on the drawing board, Yinglili's blue eyes also revealed a look of envy.

Compared to her superficial painting skills, the difference between Shiina Mashiro and her is as great as heaven and earth.

Facing Shiina Mashiro's comics, she was not even willing to humiliate herself with her own work.

However, looking at the plot drawn by Mashiro Shiina, Eiri suddenly fell into confidence again.

This may be the only place where she can gain confidence from Mashiro Shiina.……

"Very bad?" Shiina Mashiro tilted his head and looked at her, blinked his eyes, and said as if he was calm and calm.

"That's pretty bad......I don't even understand your train of thought."

The somewhat impatient Eri looked at Shiina Mashiro and couldn't help but complain.

But perhaps because of the calm look of the narcissus-like girl, the originally arrogant girl also calmed down at this moment.

"Why does this third party suddenly appear? Moreover, what she said was inexplicable, and in the end she disappeared inexplicably?"

The girl frowned and said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Because there is always a third party in shoujo manga."

Shiina Mashiro looked at her blankly and said softly.

"just because of this......You created this inexplicable third party?"Listening to Mashiro Shiina's words, Eiri's brows were beating wildly.

Even as a book painter, she knew she could never draw like this, but it seemed that Mashiro in front of her was drawn blankly.......

"Can I still regret it now?"Ying Lili turned to look at Luo Zhen, who had been watching, and said pitifully.

"Of course, Mr. Kashiwagi, I can’t interfere with your wishes, but......I believe that Mr. Kashiwagi must like Mashiro very much."

Luo Zhen looked at Ying Lili meaningfully and smiled, as if he said with some hints.

At least in the eyes of a certain arrogant blonde girl with twin ponytails, this was a naked hint from someone.

"Mr. Eri Kashiwagi, you don’t want your identity as an eroge manga artist to be exposed, do you?......"

Luo Zhen stood there with a smile on his face, arms folded, but in Ying Lili's eyes, he was just a hateful big devil.

"I really don’t understand why so many girls in school are attracted to this evil-minded guy.......Just so annoying."

Imagining the scene of her death after Luo Zhen's announcement, the girl couldn't help but murmured

"Oh, what is Mr. Kashiwagi saying? Might as well be louder. Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows slightly and said meaningfully.

"Cough cough cough......I was just thinking about how to teach Mashiro."

Yinglili never thought that she was just complaining in a low voice, but Luo Zhen heard it.

She almost bit her tongue in embarrassment. The girl quickly turned her head and looked at the innocent face of Mashiro. Eiri suddenly frowned.

After all, faced with Shiina Mashiro's situation, even Eiri, as a comic veteran, felt scratched.

Although she heard Luo Zhen talk about Mashiro's situation, she never expected that it would happen. It would be so serious.

If Shiina Mashiro's achievements in painting skills have reached heaven and can be regarded as the best at the time, then her achievements in plot have successfully fallen to hell, making the devil ecstatic.

These two The huge gap between the two was really eye-opening to Eiri.

And Mashiro Shiina seemed to have noticed Eri's sizing eyes. She also knew that she had reached the most critical moment. Helplessly, she looked around.

Suddenly she saw the chest Luo Zhen was standing aside, and the girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, I really owe you......"

Seeing the trace of desire and hope in Shiina Mashiro's plain eyes, Luo Zhen sighed softly in his heart.

After all, he also liked the TV series The Pet Girl of Sakurasou very much back then, and he also liked the famous Shiina Mashiro.

Facing the hope in the girl's eyes, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it

"Eiriri-san, are you struggling with how to teach Mashiro-san? Luo

Zhen then said

"Well, yes, after all, Mashiro has too little experience in life, and her portrayal of many plots in the comics is too weak."

Eiri nodded in distress, especially when she looked at Mashiro's cute look.

She knew that Mashiro didn't actually have much life experience, which made her scratch her head.

After all, she is a girl. If you don't even know the basic common sense that you need to pay to buy something in the supermarket, how can you expect her to draw a logical plot?......

Is it possible to let her live a normal life for a year before creating? Isn't that a bit late?......

Regarding this method, Yinglili seemed quite entangled and did not speak.

"If that's the case, then I have a way. Luo

Zhen then spoke, and his words immediately attracted the attention of the three people present.

"Mr. Luo Zhen, do you have any idea? Mahiru

Shiina, who had been holding her breath and carefully making a transparent figure next to her, said with some anticipation.

Although she had been watching from the side just now, she still understood the conversation between Eiriri and Luo Zhen.......

Mashiro is really not suitable for drawing comics, which is why the manga artist Eiriri has a headache.

But who made her, a younger sister, want to learn comics? As a sister, she could only smile and support her at this moment.

After all, she knew nothing about comics, so she could only cheer for Mashiro Shiina in this way.

"Luo is such a good person."

Shiina Mashiro's eyes flashed with joy, and she knew that her sixth sense was correct.

The handsome Luo Zhen could help her in this matter, but for some reason, Mashiro gently covered herself Those towering breasts.

She always felt warm in her heart, as if there was a strange energy gathering.......

"What is this emotion?"

A hint of confusion flashed across her cherry blossom-like eyes. A girl who had never experienced any emotions since she was a child didn't know what heartbeat was.

She could only touch her heart blankly, and there were countless thoughts in her heart.

"Wow, do you have any idea?"

Compared to the gentle eldest lady Shiina Mahiru and the cute girl Shiina Mashiro, Eiri seems to be particularly excited.

After all, she has a headache and has no way to deal with Shiina Mashiro.

She is also quite confident that she has such a guarantee. Awkward......

Now if Luo Zhen had a way, she would be a lot more relaxed.

As for whether Luo Zhen can tell lies?

Ying Lili had never thought about this at all.

After all, how could Luo Zhen, a famous writer from the island country, lie about such a thing?......

"Since there is a way, just tell me quickly. It's given me a headache for so long."

Ying Lili then pinched her waist and said with a pair of blue eyes.

"Mainly because I thought that the famous Kashiwagi-sensei would definitely find a solution. Alas, I was really disappointed......."

Luo Zhen looked at the arrogant girl in front of him, spread his hands and said with a bit of helplessness.


A certain arrogant girl Eiri's account was suddenly destroyed.

"What do you know, I'm just temporarily short of inspiration. After all, even talented cartoonists need to find inspiration occasionally."

She said coyly, but her red face was obviously not convincing.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes......"

Luo Zhen looked at Ying Lili with a smile and nodded.

"Miss Eiriri is right."

Shiina Mahiru covered her mouth and chuckled. She could tell. Even though a certain blond lady seemed to be hard to talk to. In fact, a certain blond lady was an arrogant person who was strong on the outside but soft on the inside. This really made her It opened his eyes

"I really didn't expect that Miss Yinglili would be like this."

The girl couldn't help but wonder in her heart.

Mashiro, who was at the center of a certain topic, looked at the two people talking in front of him with curiosity.......

"Well, that's so abominable!"

I have to say that the Zhong family can be said to be invincible in the world when it comes to making sarcasm.

Listening to Luo Zhen's reply, a girl who was so angry suddenly waved her pair of golden twin ponytails and hit her.

Ever since......Luo Zhen finally enjoyed the treatment of a leading actor

"Is this a twin-tail attack? It's really powerful. Luo Zhen looked at Ying Lili who retreated after making a fuss, and said with emotion.

"Are you scared now?"Ying Lili proudly showed her pair of little tiger teeth, and she said with confidence

"Indeed, but I prefer the Twintail Reins to the Twintail Attack."

Luo Zhen then gave Ying Lili a thumbs up and said. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Reins? ? ?"

Listening to Luo Zhen's words, Mashiro and Mahiru suddenly had countless questions in their minds.

What is the relationship between the twin tails and the reins?

However, a girl who only had"Sese" in her mind obviously thought of many things at once.

"Wow wow wow! I see you want to take another blow from me!"

Yinglili said with a grin on her face as her head was steaming.

"Mr. Luo Zhen, tell me your plan......."

Looking at Eiri who was once again angered, although Shiina Mahiru didn't know why she was angry, she could only stand up and quickly changed the topic.

"Actually my method is very simple......"Luo Zhen also knew the reason why Shiina Mahiru stood up.

But he didn't continue talking, after all, the rage of a certain arrogant loser with blond hair and twin ponytails was already full at the moment.

It's time for him to let someone's anger go away.

"Kashiwagi-sensei is proficient in plot and comic structure, while Mashiro is proficient in drawing skills. Both have their own strengths."

"So why can't the two of them join forces to draw a comic? In this case, we will definitely be able to learn from each other's strengths. Luo

Zhen said with a smile.[]

"That's right......"Shiina Mahiru's eyes suddenly lit up

"There is no need for Mashiro to become fat in one go. Let her work with Eiriri to draw a book first to gain experience. Then talk about other things......"

Mashiro was also enlightened when she heard this. As long as she draws comics, she can accept other things.

"But......"Then Mahiru looked hesitantly at Eri, who was stunned on the spot.

"Is Eiri-san willing to accept this condition? After all, this requires Eiriri-san to temporarily give up her manga."


Looking at the embarrassed Mahiru, Eiri said that she was even more embarrassed at the moment.

How does she understand the plot? If she can talk a lot about the structure and composition of comics, then her plot is only astounding.......

After all, the plot of eroge comics has never been important, and she has never thought about this issue.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glare at Luo Zhen.

It's all his fault. If it hadn't been for him, she wouldn't be in the embarrassing situation she is in now.

"But Eiri-san probably has no inspiration right now. After all, inspiration from a cartoonist doesn’t just come at a moment’s notice."

Looking at the blond girl asking for help, Luo Zhen quickly smiled and said to the rescue.

"Ah, yes, yes, mainly because I have no inspiration right now and can't write a good plot."

Yinglili nodded crazily.

"In that case, let me be in charge of the plot. It just so happens that I have a comic story I want to tell......."

"However, it is a pity that my comic skills are not very good, so I will leave it to you two for the next step."

Luo Zhen's words immediately made Yinglili freeze. Is he going to stab her in the back?

But Yinglili thought about it again and realized that this seemed like a good time for her to go ashore.

After all, according to Luo Zhen, the plot of the comic is up to him. In charge, Mashiro is the artist of the manga, and she is responsible for the general composition and frame....

Then this is simply a crazy start! Everyone can use what they are good at

"This is simply great."

Ying Lili said with her eyes suddenly shining.

"Luo Zhen, can you tell me about your plot?"

She looked at Luo Zhen curiously. After all, the Luo Zhen in front of her was a world-renowned literary master.

The plots he wrote must be extraordinary.

"If we count the time, this comic will be available for sale in April next year."

"It just so happens that April is the time for lies......"

Luo Zhen looked out the window meaningfully and said.

After a long time.

As the sun sets in the west, everyone in the painting classroom also disperses.

Yinglili also left the classroom with brisk steps and prepared to return to her home.

This is the best time for her to land! She desperately wanted to tell her mother the news

"Mr. Luo Zhen, what are you looking at?"Shiina Mahiru and Luo Zhen walked to the corridor. Looking at Luo Zhen who looked back, she asked with some doubts

"nothing......Maybe I'm overthinking it. Luo

Zhen shook his head and said with a chuckle.

The two of them then caught up with Mashiro in front and left the club building together.

"Miss, have we been discovered?"

Behind a certain corner, the hot blonde girl let out a long sigh of relief, but she asked with a little doubt.

"Hayasaka, you are thinking too much. How could we possibly be discovered?"

Shinomiya Kaguya patted her ordinary chest with confidence.

"I remember that last time, Miss, you were so confident."Haysaka Ai held a lollipop in her mouth and looked at Shinomiya Kaguya speechlessly.


………………………………………… a certain supermarket

"I really want to thank you, Mr. Luo Zhen. If it weren't for you, Mashiro's child would really be in trouble."

Looking at Luo Zhen in front of him, Shiina Mahiru said gratefully.

"It's okay, are we all neighbors? It just so happens that I also have an inspiration that I want to express. Luo

Zhen waved and said with a smile.

"Hey, where is Mashiro?"

Shiina Mahiru looked subconsciously, but the next moment she looked at the empty place next to her, her eyes widened and she became anxious.

"maybe there......"

Luo Zhen pointed to another place with a strange expression and said.

At this moment, Mashiro was surrounded by five girls who looked exactly the same.

This is......The future of quintiles?.

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