Fairy Island. pier.

At this moment, Luo Zhen and Zhao Ling'er were standing on the pier, and opposite them, Qing'er, the master of Xianling Palace and Cai Yi were all watching them.

"Miss, do you really don’t need me to follow you?~?"

Cai Yi looked at Zhao Ling'er in front of her with some reluctance, and asked rather tangledly.

"Don't worry, Cai Yi."

Zhao Ling'er said with a dignified smile. After these days of watering, she has become a bit more like a young woman.

"I can still take care of myself, not to mention what exactly this trip to Nanzhao will be like...even I don't know."

Recalling the previous plot of Legend of Sword and Fairy One, Zhao Ling'er showed a trace of worry.

After all, in the original plot, the water monster finally broke the seal and swept across the entire land.

If the water monster comes out again this time, Then she doesn't want to watch Caiyi die.

"I will take care of myself……"

Zhao Ling'er then patted her chest and assured confidently

"Miss, you must take care of yourself."

Caiyi no longer pressed, she looked at Zhao Ling'er and said with reluctance.

Since being brought to Xianling Island, this is the first time that she has to be separated from Zhao Ling'er for such a long time.

"Brother Luo Zhen will also take care of me, Caiyi, don’t worry."

Zhao Ling'er tilted her head and looked at Luo Zhen next to her, and said affectionately.

"That's right, Cai Yi, just feel free to leave your Miss Ling'er to me."

Luo Zhen put his arms around Zhao Ling'er's shoulders and said with a smile.

"Okay, Cai Yi, don’t disturb this young couple’s sweet life."

And the Palace Master of Xianling Palace who was watching this scene said with a smile.

"The young couple made it clear that they just wanted to go for a walk on the embankment alone, and even I, an old woman, and her mother didn’t participate."

"Not to mention others……"


And listening to the words of the Palace Master of Xianling Palace, even Zhao Ling'er, who is now a new wife, is still a little shy.

"Okay, Palace Master, please stop teasing Ling'er, look at how embarrassed she is."

Qing'er looked at the shy girl from the side, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes and then she said

"It’s better to be a mother……"

Zhao Ling'er listened to Qing'er take the initiative to help her out, and said with a smile.

"Ling'er, when you and Luo Zhen go to Nanzhao this time, remember to pay special attention to the water monster.……"

Qing'er looked at the two people in front of him seriously and said solemnly.

"Alas, didn’t I eliminate it ten years ago? Luo

Zhen said with some surprise after listening to Qing'er's instructions.

"I have no idea……"Zhao Ling'er's eyes flashed with confusion and she shook her head.

"I was so young back then that I can’t remember many things, including the matter about the Water Monster, which was resolved by my mother and brother Luo Zhen.……"

"If anyone knows what happened back then, then only brother Luo Zhen, you and your mother are the only ones."

Speaking of this, everyone present subconsciously looked at Qing'er.

After all, Luo Zhen now has no memory of that time. This is something everyone knows.

Then the only one who knows the truth of that time is...

Qing'er, the queen of Nanzhao Kingdom at that time, was the descendant of Nuwa.

Looking at the eyes of everyone present, Qing'er bit her red lips, and finally sighed and told what happened back then.

"Although you solved the water monster back then, you did not destroy its core, and you told me that it would return again in ten years."

"Ah, why?"Zhao Ling'er was a little confused. Although he could completely kill the water monster, why didn't he kill it all?

"I've generally guessed it......"

Luo Zhen touched his chin and said thoughtfully

"This may be the mutual achievement of history and the present, and it is also a practice of grandma’s refutation."

"If I had completely killed the water monster in the past, I would not have the words Qing'er's mother-in-law told me now, nor would I have the memories of Qing'er's mother-in-law."

Luo Zhen has also done a lot of in-depth research on the scientific explanation of time travel.

"In other words, the present anchors the future, which makes the past inevitable."

"If I change this history, the present future may also change because of it."

"The history of Ling'er joining the chat group will change, and everything in the present will change."

Luo Zhen, who was touching his chin, thought seriously and spoke out his analysis.

Luo Zhen, who was analyzing things, exuded the light of wisdom, making the women present couldn't help but look sideways.

If only I were decades younger. , I’m afraid I’m tempted too......

The white-haired grandma looked at this scene and sighed softly, thinking silently in her heart.

The two girls present, Caiyi and Zhao Ling'er, were looking at Luo Zhen intently, and the girl's love was contained in those crazy eyes. camaraderie.

But grandma thought of something immediately and subconsciously turned her head to look.

Qing'er, who was standing dignifiedly on the spot, was also looking at Luo Zhen infatuatedly.......

"Oh, what a bad fate......"

Grandma shook her head, and then quietly poked Qing'er.

Qing'er, who came back to his senses, was startled and quickly looked away.

"So that's it. If that's the case, then the Water Monster was really impossible to eliminate ten years ago."

Qing'er nodded thoughtfully and said with a look of approval. It was her voice that made the two distracted girls recover their minds. Seeing that no one noticed them, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people present actually noticed this scene, but they all tacitly agreed not to mention it.

"But just don't worry......"

Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows slightly, showing great confidence in defeating the Water Monster.

"I could beat it ten years ago, and I can do the same ten years later......"

"Yes, I believe you."

Ling'er hasn't spoken yet, but Qing'er nodded in agreement and said

"Brother Luo Zhen, me too."

Ling'er listened to Qing'er's speech and quickly continued.

However, Luo Zhen looked at Qing'er with a strange expression.

Ling'er's mother was so strange, why she reacted faster than Ling'er.......

Qing'er seemed to realize this, she quickly smoothed her hair and said with a smile

"Ten years ago, the scene where Mr. Luo Zhen defeated the Water Monster made Qing'er never forget it for a long time."

"That was the first time I knew that a human could easily crush a naturally raised monster......."

"Then mother, you have underestimated brother Luo Zhen. Brother Luo Zhen has done many great things."

Listening to Qing'er's praise, Ling'er proudly took Luo Zhen's arm and said

"Killing a small water monster is just a piece of cake for brother Luo Zhen."

"The mother is here waiting for the good news."

Qing'er looked at the golden boy in front of her and said with a smile.

"Then we'll take our leave."

Luo Zhen then gestured to the people in front of him.

"I will open the island protection formation now. The small boat prepared by the maids for you has also arrived."

Grandma glanced at the boat that was about to come not far away, and she said with a smile.

"Those are unnecessary things, the rest is up to me. Luo

Zhen smiled disapprovingly, and directly hugged Zhao Ling'er's waist.

The two then took a step back and disappeared directly.......

"They're already gone."

Qing'er looked at the place where the two stood and said quietly.

"Caiyi, you should go back and rest first. Qing'er and I still have something to talk about."

Grandma glanced at Qing'er next to her, turned to Caiyi and said

"Caiyi understood."

Cai Yi didn't say anything more. She had vaguely guessed the content of the conversation between the two.

She nodded to the two and then left the scene.

"Any thoughts now? You must know that when they come back, Mr. Luo Zhen will probably know everything."

The palace owner leisurely looked at Qing'er beside him and said

"I......I......I have no idea."

When mentioning this matter, Qing'er seemed quite confused.

Her eyes flashed with confusion.......

"Alas, if you really can't bear to let go, then just talk to Ling'er. I believe Linger will understand you too."

Grandma looked at the troubled Qing'er and said with a little distress.

"This is no longer necessary."

Qing'er said subconsciously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You, if you continue to break up, you will suffer from its chaos sooner or later......."

Looking at Qing'er who fell in love, grandma sighed and said

"This may be the fate of our descendants of Nuwa. As long as Ling'er lives a happy life, I, as a mother, will be relieved."

Qing'er said with some emotion with a smile on her face.

"Palace Master, you have already taken out the boat, but it is still too troublesome to take it back, so please let me use it first."

Looking at the boat that was about to come, Qing'er raised his eyebrows and said softly

"Want to go out for a walk? That's fine, just take a break and relax."

Grandma was not surprised by Qing'er's decision. She nodded and said.

Not long after, Qing'er drove the boat alone and slowly sailed away from the fog.

"I was not born before you were born, but you were already old when you were born."

"I hate you for being born late, you hate me for being born early"

"I wish to live with you and be with you every day!"

Reciting poetry softly, Qing'er left towards the distance.

Yuhang Town

"Wow, is this the earth? This is my first time here as an adult."

Looking at the noisy and lively town, Zhao Ling'er's eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Yes, this is Yuhang Town......"

Luo Zhen looked at the quaint town in front of him and said with emotion.

"This is where it all starts."

"Yuhang Town? I never thought you would be jealous, brother Luo Zhen......"

At the mention of this name, Zhao Ling'er was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of laughter.

"Will I be jealous? joke......"

After listening to Zhao Ling'er's words, Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows and said with some disdain,

"I just came to see the legendary Xiaoyao Daxia......"

"As for Ling'er, I believe in a certain girl's choice."

He looked down at the girl in front of him and teased with a smile.

"Brother Luo Zhen, you are so bad......"[]

Feeling Luo Zhen's fiery gaze, Zhao Ling'er's face turned extremely red.

"Little Lizi has high ambitions and wants to learn how to be a swordsman and soar into the sky. He enjoys his dreams every day."

Outside the Yuhang Inn, several four- and five-year-old children sang nursery rhymes enthusiastically, as if they were teasing a daydreaming boy.

"Hey hey hey, what are you talking about?"

A young man wearing waiter's clothes rushed out of the inn. He looked at the children in front of him angrily and said unhappily.

"Just wait, sooner or later I will become a world-famous hero"

"I have to make sure you look good when the time comes......."

"Hahaha, just a little bit!"

The children immediately laughed and ran away. In response to someone's thoughts, they only laughed.

"you guys......"

Putting the towel on his shoulders, Li Xiaoyao said somewhat depressedly.

"Hey, do the two guest officers want to go to the top or stay in the hotel? Please come inside quickly."

Looking at the man and woman standing under the big tree, Li Xiaoyao secretly thought that he was blind.

The pair of golden boys and girls in front of him can be said to be handsome and handsome. Even Li Xiaoyao, who always considered himself handsome, could not compare to the one in front of him. man......

The woman showed even more tenderness and beauty, and her graceful and graceful posture even attracted Li Xiaoyao's heart.

He smiled quickly and prepared to step forward to entertain the two of them.

However, a gust of wind blew by, and the two figures disappeared directly from under the big tree.


Li Xiaoyao rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Finally, his eyes widened and he rushed back happily.

"Aunt, aunt, I saw an immortal today!"

"Li Xiaoyao! You are not doing your job day by day! You just know what to say about the immortal!!!"

"If you let me know and you talk about these things again, believe it or not, I will break your legs?"

Aunt Li's Hedong lion roar came from inside the inn, which immediately made Li Xiaoyao shrink back in fright.

"But did I really see the immortal?"

Li Xiaoyao said aggrievedly.

"Do your job as a waiter first."

Aunt Li rolled her eyes disdainfully and said

"I thought brother Luo Zhen was going to bring Li Xiaoyao to the immortal path......."

On the top of the mountain not far away, looking at the Yuhang Inn in the distance, Zhao Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled softly and said

"This is unnecessary, I have no interest in taking on a male apprentice."

Luo Zhen curled his lips and gave the answer of rejection without hesitation.

"I just want to see if history has changed since I came here?"

"Things have really changed now. I'm afraid that guy Jiu Jianxian is still drinking in Shushan."

"He has no interest in coming to Yuhang Town, so there will be no follow-up."

"As for Li Xiaoyao......"

Speaking of this person, Luo Zhen smiled softly.

"Let him live an ordinary life in Yuhang Town. After all, compared to the tiring life in the future, perhaps being ordinary is a blessing to him."

"Brother Luo Zhen is right."

Zhao Ling'er suddenly smiled after hearing Luo Zhen's words, and then nodded in agreement.

"I didn't come up with this idea because of anyone."

Looking at Zhao Ling'er with a bright smile, Luo Zhen blinked and quickly denied it righteously.

"Yes, I understand."

Zhao Ling'er put her hands behind her back and said with a satisfied smile.

"Let’s go, let’s go to the next check-in point, Suzhou City!"

Looking up into the distance, Luo Zhen hugged the girl in his arms again. Following his footsteps, the two of them finally left Yuhang Town

"But I really want to be a hero!!!"

In the Yuhang Inn, Li Xiaoyao let out his last sigh.

Outside Suzhou City.

The angry and heroic girl looked at the man and woman in front of her and was quite annoyed.

"Let’s talk about you. We in Linjiabao treat you very well. How dare you, a couple of bitches, to escape without authorization?"

"Do you really think that we in Linjiabao are vegetarians?"

"Miss, miss please forgive me"

"We dare not do it anymore."

The man and woman in front of him knelt on the ground and said tremblingly.

"Alas, why should the girl be so angry? After all, some things cannot be forced."

A voice suddenly sounded behind the girl, making her quite unhappy.

"Who? He actually spoke for this bitch couple."

When the girl turned her head, she was stunned.

Lin Yueru swore that this was the most handsome man B she had ever seen in her life.

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