
When Bibi Dong woke up again, the bright moon in the sky was already hanging high among the stars.

"Time flies so fast."

Gently stroking her head, Bibi Dong said with some surprise.

But thinking about her exhausted body, she couldn't help but blush.

Even the arrogant Bibi Dong faced this kind of thing between men and women. Sometimes, you will be shy.

What's more, this time it was Bibi Dong's own choice.

Her little feet hung from the bed and she put on her pair of stiletto heels again.

"Well......Be sure to throw it away when you return."

Looking down at her messy clothes, her face became even more rosy.

Then Bibi Dong took a deep breath and shook her head to dispel the strange thoughts in her mind.

When she stood up again , the pair of phoenix eyes opened slightly, the proud daughter of the Wuhun Palace returned again. As the saint of this generation, her phoenix eyes were majestic, like a proud and unparalleled queen.

She walked with those ivory-like eyes With her white and flawless legs, she walked out of the room gracefully.

Her proud and awe-inspiring eyes immediately looked around, but the empty forest made her a little disappointed.

"Are you looking for him?"

A voice as elegant as a silver bell sounded in the woods, and a slim girl jumped down from the tree. The girl in the pink dress had a pair of legs that even Bibi Dong was envious of.

Xiao Wu tilted her head and looked at it. With the future Pope in front of her, she chuckled and said

"Who are you......"

Bibi Dong looked at the girl in front of her with some confusion. Although she had seen this girl before, she still didn't know her name.

After all, her thoughts were still a little confused at that time and she didn't pay attention to the conversation between Luo Zhen and others.

"My name is Xiao Wu, dancing dance. Now do you know who I am?"

Xiao Wu looked at Bibi Dong in front of her, tilted her head and pointed at herself and said

"It's you?"277" After hearing this name, Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly widened, and she subconsciously prepared to fight.

But thinking about the relationship between Luo Zhen and the girl in front of her, she gave up her idea instantly.

"You are still interested......"

Xiao Wu looked at Bibi Dong who suddenly raised his fighting spirit and disappeared in an instant, and said with a slight smile.

"So what are you here for? Are you here to laugh at me, a loser? You future winner."

Bibi Dong had a sad smile on her face, and she said with a hint of disappointment.

"What a successful person......"

Listening to Bibi Dong's words, Xiao Wu was silent for a moment, then tilted her head and shook her head with emotion.

"Just another loser. That Blue Silver God King is as disgusting as you, the master of love brain selection......."

"Tsk tsk tsk......Although I feel a little unhappy, what you said is indeed the truth."

Bibi Dong was speechless for a while, but she had to admit that Xiao Wu was indeed right.

Thinking back to the relevant plot that Esdeath gave her, the double-standard god king in it was so disgusting that even Bibi Dong had to admit that she That's true

"Should I say that I am worthy of being a master and a disciple? It really has a legacy spirit."

Bibi Dong said with emotion.

"Yes, we are both frustrated, so why bother ourselves?"

Xiao Wu put her hands behind her back, walked to the lake with her tall legs, and said quietly while looking at the bright moon reflected in the lake.

"Don't you hate me? You know, I will almost kill you in the future, and even your mother will be killed by me in the future."

Bibi Dong was silent for a moment, looking at the leisurely Xiao Wu, and asked in confusion

"At the beginning, I hated you very much and wanted to tear you into pieces."

Listening to Bibi Dong's question, Xiao Wu was silent for a moment and then looked back at her and said

"But as time goes by, my mother is still with me now, and none of those future things have happened. Everything will change."

She walked to Bibi Dong's side and looked at the quiet and slightly noisy Star Dou Forest in front of her.

"After all, everything has changed now, so who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I always feel like you are alluding to me, who has a small belly and chicken intestines."

Bibi Dong was speechless. It always felt like someone was complaining about herself who was holding on to the future that had not yet happened.

"I don't even care about killing my mother, why do you care so much about it?"

Xiao Wu looked back and said with a bright smile.

"Sometimes I really envy you. With the help of those group members, your future is destined to be extraordinary."

Bibi Dong then looked at Xiao Wu in front of her and said with a little emotion.

Although she and Esdeath had made an oath to fight in the future, both Esdeath and she understood.

One is trapped in a fight. Luo Xing, at best, will be Bibi Dong, an angel god in the future, and the other one will be Esdeath, who has a chat group and infinite space future.......

There is no doubt who will win between the two of them.

Xiao Wu in front of her also had the help of a chat group, which made Bibi Dong envious.

"Isn't it the same for you? Although there is no chat group, you still have his help."

Xiao Wu listened to Bibi Dong's envious words, pursed her lips and smiled softly.

"That's easy to say......"

After the complaints just now, the relationship between Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu has become much closer.

Bibi Dong never dreamed that one day she would be able to chat with the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast that she was hostile to.

"Men are just unreliable, they will disappear after you eat them. Sister Xiaowu, you should be careful and don't give yourself to a man easily."

Looking at the empty environment around her, Bibi Dong said nonchalantly.

"It turns out you don’t care about him......If that's the case, I don't have to give you the things he left for you."

Xiao Wu said with sudden realization.


Bibi Dong asked subconsciously.

But when she saw Xiao Wu's crooked eyebrows, she screamed inwardly. She seemed to have been deceived.


Xiao Wu took out the contents of the space bracelet and handed it directly to Bibi Dong.

"Is this what he left me?"

Looking at the seemingly ordinary box, Bibi Dong looked a little complicated after taking it.

"Yes, he couldn't stay in our world for long, so he left this box behind. Xiao

Wu nodded and said

"Didn't he even know to wake me up? He really didn't take me to heart."

Bibi Dong snorted coldly and said a little arrogantly.

"He was afraid that you were too tired, so he didn't wake up when he saw you sleeping soundly."

Xiao Wu looked at the upright Bibi Dong in front of her, pursed her lips and chuckled.

"The things he faced after you returned were not simple. After all, your teacher and the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace died here."

"So this is what he left for you to defend yourself, and it can also be regarded as a back-up he gave you."

"Sometimes I really envy you, you actually have such a thing, he obviously put his heart into it."

Xiao Wu said with envy.

"what is this......A real man should accompany me back to Wuhun Palace."

Bibi Dong muttered dissatisfiedly while accepting the box.

Although she knew that Xiao Wu, as a member of the chat group, would definitely enjoy better benefits and help than she did.

But she was still very satisfied with Luo Zhen's help this time. Satisfied.

At least a certain playboy has not forgotten her.......

"How do you know he didn't go?"

Xiao Wu looked at her meaningfully and said

"what are you saying?"This time it was Bibi Dong's turn to be stunned.

"You will know these things when you return."

Bibi Dong didn't say much. She already had a vague guess in her heart.

"In that case, I'll take my leave now."

She then used her jade legs to gently exert force and flew directly outside the Star Dou Forest.

"Alas, he asked me to tell you, remember to take good care of your children. Don't let Qian Renxue act like she has no parents like before......."

Bibi Dong almost fell down in mid-air

"Is he so sure?"

Bibi Dong's delicate body was trembling with her back to Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu knew without looking that a certain future female pope was already blushing.

"Of course, he was confident about it. Xiao

Wu nodded and said with a smile.

"I see......"

Bibi Dong was a little flustered and said hurriedly before leaving.

"By the way, one last sentence."

Xiao Wu looked at Bibi Dong's back and said faintly.

"Tsundere has been withdrawn from the environment. This was the god a few versions ago. Being tired now will only make people feel tired. This is my last advice to you."

Bibi Dong didn't reply. She just turned into an afterimage and disappeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"From now on, only you, Sister Ayin, will be with me."

Looking back at the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin who came out of the corner, Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"I also want to thank Xiao Wu for giving me such a habitat......."

Ah Yin, who was wearing a long blue dress, put her hands on her belly and said elegantly and dignifiedly.

"It’s okay. We might still be comrades in arms in the future......."

Xiao Wu waved her hand and said nonchalantly

"ah? Comrade?"

At this moment, Ah Yin's mind is full of questions.

"Ahem, no need to pay attention to these small things."

Xiao Wu waved her hands and said somewhat nonchalantly.

"Da Ming and Er Ming ran to the other side of the Star Dou Forest to stabilize the spirit beasts there, and then there were only two of us here."

She walked to A Yin's side, took her arm and said

"In fact, this is quite good......"

Ah Yin pursed her lips and smiled softly. She was about to speak, but subconsciously turned her head to look deep into a forest.

"That is......The breath of a hundred thousand year old soul beast!!!"[]

Ah Yin's pupils shrank. She had not forgotten what was hidden in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.......

If it were the soul beast that came out of there,......

Thinking of this, Ah Yin felt a little worried


However, Xiao Wu next to her felt the familiar atmosphere and immediately shouted happily

"Mother?"And Ah Yin was a little stunned.

As a plant soul beast, this was the first time she knew that the soft-bone charm rabbit of a hundred thousand year soul beast actually had a mother.......

"Xiao Wu......"

A mature and gentle voice sounded around them........

"It seems that you also made new friends during my retreat."

The mature and dignified lady who is 90% similar to Xiao Wu wears Mrs. Danger's hairstyle. Her proud figure is incomparable to Xiao Wu and A Yin. At this moment, she looked at the excited Xiao Wu and reached out her hand. said

"Mom, I miss you so much."

Xiao Wu excitedly threw herself into the arms of the woman in front of her and said happily.

Comprehensive Daily World

"What a familiar scene."

Looking at the familiar corner of the stairs in front of him, Luo Zhen said with emotion.

This has become his fixed time-travel address. He is here before and after every time he travels.


Looking up at the pink dumplings huddled up on the platform, Luo Zhen even smiled.

"It's an even more familiar scene."

As long as it's not during class, Luo Zhen can always meet a lonely little Boqi here.

"So, Yili, why did you come here again?"

Goto Ichiri, who was hiding in the corner, was no longer afraid of Luo Zhen. She raised her head and looked at Luo Zhen in front of her with some grievances.

"Brother, please let me go."

She burst into tears and seemed a little aggrieved.

Luo Zhen:?????????

"Porchi-chan, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Zhen's mind was full of questions. Could it be that someone in school bullied Gotou Ichiri?

But it shouldn't be.......

You know, Xiuzhiyuan severely cracked down on the Baling incident in the school.

And those young masters and young ladies also disdain these things.

What's more, who would care about Kazuri Goto, who usually has no sense of existence?

"Woo woo woo......The theater performance was just horrible. I couldn't work well with them at all."

The tearful little Boqi looked pitifully at Luo Zhen in front of him, like a helpless little dog.

"Am I not suitable for playing in a band?"

"Of course not......"

Luo Zhen looked at the somewhat dejected little Bochi in front of him, recalling the plot about Lonely Rock, he smiled and touched Gotou Isato's head and said

"This is just a small problem, just leave it to me"

"Really? Brother, you are really great."

Goto Kazuri breathed a long sigh of relief. She actually liked the band.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have carried her guitar to and from class every day in her freshman year of high school. She just hoped that someone would invite her to join the band.

It's just that someone Xiao Boqi, who was afraid of society, did not dare to talk to other people at all.

This led to the fact that Xiao Boqi's efforts were all in vain. It was not until he met Luo Zhen in front of him that Xiao Boqi felt that his life had light.

Although Their initial encounter was not pleasant, but Little Poch was still very grateful for that encounter.

"So, classmate Luo Zhen, can you explain to me why you suddenly disappeared on the stairs? It will appear suddenly again. 2.8"

Yukinoshita Yukino's voice came from downstairs. The cold and unparalleled Yukino looked at Luo Zhen in front of her, raised her brows and asked softly.


"See the Pope and congratulate the Pope on his enthronement."

In the main hall of Wuhun Palace, the former veterans of Wuhun Palace, the two titled Douluo and the many eighty-ninety-level soul masters below all knelt down respectfully.

They all worshiped the Pope in the position of Pope. girl

"Is this the gift you gave me?"

Looking at the soul lamp in his hand that controls their lives, Bibi Dong's pretty face looked a little complicated.

"I'm waiting for you to come back, and I will take good care of you when the time comes."

She bit her silver teeth lightly and murmured to herself

"Now, I give you my first order"

"Branches including the two empires are unconditionally looking for a person, his name is Yu Xiaogang. He is a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family"

"Find him, then break his hands and legs and bring him here."

Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the Pope's seat, finally issued her first order.


Many soul masters present nodded in unison, and then silently exited the hall.

"our daughter......Qian Renxue?"

Lowering her head and touching her belly, Bibi Dong murmured to herself on the throne of the main hall.

At this moment, she recalled Xiao Wu's last words to her before leaving.

"Has Tsundere withdrawn from the environment? Then, kid, just wait with me for your father, that playboy scumbag, to come back......."

In the empty hall, only Bibi Dong was muttering leisurely to herself..

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