Here, in order to induce some conflicts and facilitate the advancement of the subsequent plot, the original anime plot that was originally relatively high has been placed at its current position! but...It is quite reasonable to add the conversation between Urashiki and Toneri before learning. Although

Boruto at this stage has experienced the incident of watching the movie, in essence, he still doesn't quite understand Naruto! After the anime Boruto experienced Otsutsuki's invasion and time-travel incident, he also realized what kind of job his father's position as Hokage is!

It was only after Otsutsuki's invasion in the manga that he changed significantly!

So in the author's opinion, Boruto's main reason for Naruto is that he doesn't understand his work, rather than because he doesn't understand Naruto as a person! On the contrary, in the side story of the manga, on the day he became Hokage, Boruto was unusually fond of worshiping Naruto. It was probably because of Naruto's busy work that the source of their conflict arose!

Then there is the cheating incident, which can be said to be one of the most fundamental reasons for hating Boruto no matter which faction you are in, but I feel that this incident is also an opportunity for Naruto to begin to understand Boruto!

So I won’t go over it in this article! And it will serve as one of the contradictions!

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