The behavior of this group of people in the space station completely disrupted Esta's plan.

This is no wonder for them. How could Esta be the director of the space station in the past, but she didn’t have the airs of a daughter of a wealthy family. She managed the space station in an orderly manner and at the same time managed to get along well with everyone?

When she first became the webmaster, the original staff here arranged for her to have a very luxurious private room. However, the eldest lady simply refused because she was"too far away from everyone". Check in.

He is usually very kind, and as Alan said just now, he happily gives everyone bonuses after every video with Bai Yu, so everyone has long understood the thoughts of his webmaster.

This time Bai Yu himself visited in person, which naturally made the people on and off the space station agitated. They wanted to please him and get the bonus, and finally something like this happened.

After finally getting rid of the group of guys who even shouted"You must be happy! Station Master!" before they left, Esta's original plan to take Bai Yu Haosheng around the space station was gone.

"hateful! It must be because I am usually too kind to everyone! We must seriously rectify the atmosphere of the space station!"

Stomping her lotus feet in shame and anger, the girl's face turned red, and she could only cover up her shyness and embarrassment with a seemingly angry expression.

Finally, she mustered up the courage to meet Bai Yu's eyes again, but Esta heard him again Lowering his voice and holding back his laughter, he asked,"So every time you end a phone call with me, you still give people bonuses?"

It's over! It's been heard!

That's right, Brother Bai is so powerful, it's not surprising to hear what Alan just whispered to her.

Esta let out a cute nasal voice with grief and anger, and looked around at him:"Well, Brother Bai , aren’t you going to help the Black Tower test the simulated universe? Let's go quickly!"

"So urgent? I'm still thinking about strolling around your place, looking forward to what surprises you have prepared for me."


Thinking of the gifts that were almost piled up in her bedroom, as well as more packages being transported on the road by Interstellar Express, Esta twitched her lips and said with a dry smile:"There will be surprise gifts. But I can’t give it to you yet, I need to prepare it... Yes! get ready!"

At least you have to tidy up the room!

Seeing that if you continue teasing, smoke will come out of this girl's head. Bai Yu then turned to Heita, who had been watching the show for a long time and raised his chin:"Let's go. Black Tower. I can’t wait to see Simverse."

Miss Doll raised her head and spat out a series of incomprehensible words without expression:"I don't think it's important. What's more important is that I once said that I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first. Therefore, we need to examine this issue more carefully: the so-called can’t wait to see the simulated universe——"

"……When did you go offline and switch to auto-answer mode?"Baiyu's head is full of black lines

"call……!"The slightly sluggish expression suddenly regained its vibrancy. Heita, whose consciousness returned online, patted his cheek and snorted,"Just now, my consciousness was transferred to another puppet body to make final adjustments to the simulated universe. After all, I thought you would be killed by Ai Sita was taken directly to the room——"

"Black Tower!!! Your next quarter! No, I won’t reimburse you for the entire next Amber Epoch’s expenses!"

The wallet problem is a big problem, so Heita suddenly changed his face, and in an emotionless tone, he changed the topic as if coaxing a child:"Oh, let's talk about the simulated universe.~~"

"I am also very interested in the simulated universe developed by the famous Black Tower Lady. I wonder if I can participate in the test?"

Fu Xuan interjected.

She was still worried about letting Bai Yu enter the simulated universe alone.

"It doesn't matter! Heita spread his hands and said,"Esta, take them there.""

"Why? Isn’t this Heita girl going to follow?"Su Shang looked at Heita in confusion, who stayed in place without intending to move.

Heita once again returned to his poker face:"I don't think this is important. What's more important is that Zangdar once said……"

"stop looking. Bai Yu waved to Su Chang,"The Black Tower is in the space station. No, it should be said that it has its own dolls in many places. Now her consciousness has switched to where we are going. The one in front of you is now The black tower of automatic answering mode"


Su Chang's bright, moist eyes widened, and she came close to the Black Tower puppet, stretched out her finger, and poked the face, poked the face.

She looked at Su Chang's face being poked but there was no reaction, and she just stared blankly at the opponent's black face. Bai Yu stroked her chin and narrowed her eyes slightly.

It feels like this kind of doll... is not impossible - bah, it would be fun to tease her a little bit.

For example, give her a sweating expression. Bao avatar?

Suddenly, Bai Yu suddenly noticed a sharp gaze on his back. He turned around and saw Fu Xuan staring at him.

"Xiaobai, I am suspicious——"

"It's an illusion!"

"I haven’t said anything yet!"

"No matter what you say, dear Ah Fu, it is all an illusion!"

"Ah……!"Fu Xuan gouged out Bai Yu and sighed secretly.

Fu Xuan, who was coaxed and deceived by Bai Yulian and finally succeeded in getting a pair of white silk feet to be trained to be extremely dexterous, had no doubts about his guess just now. This guy must be thinking of something bad!

The Black Tower office is not far from the main control module of the space station, and the space inside is larger than expected, but the layout here is difficult to associate with the word"office".

After all, there is no office without tables, chairs, or benches. When you come in, you won’t even have a place to sit.

Bai Yu's complaint made Heita, who had already transferred his consciousness one step ahead, click his tongue:"The doll body does not need those strange needs.""

"Isn’t this not convincing at all coming from your mouth, which is a taste plug-in for yourself?"

"noob……"Heita stared straight at Bai Yu, humming for a long time,"You are by one——"

"One by one what? (annoyed)! ?"

"What an annoyance!"

"really. Fu Xuan, who was standing beside him with his arms folded, echoed,"I am often so angry with Xiao Bai that I get a toothache.""

"But I think Xiaobai is very good!"Su Shang is in trouble.

This time, even Esta, who is prone to love, looked at Su Shang with pity...

This girl feels that with a little deception, she can have a dozen children.!

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