The Yawu sisters in front of her were no match for Artemisia.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the Bawu sisters were suppressed. Artemisia's fighting power was worthy of her status, and it also surprised Bai Yu who was watching the battle from a distance.

This Artemisia seems to be a little too strong.

As Artemisia struck with another sword, Yakuya, who was unable to dodge, was about to be beheaded. Yuzuru next to him flew forward, pushed Yakuya away, and then faced Artemisia directly. of light.

Xi Xian closed her eyes and waited for death for a long time, but she did not experience the pain she imagined.

Opening her eyes, she found that this incredibly powerful human had stopped in front of her.

Artemisia had a hint of confusion on her face.

The signal from the liaison device showed that the so-called support troops who came with her"510" but actually did not need them at all - most of them were members of AST, and a small number were directly under DEM - were actually there. At the same time, they all disappeared from the radar signal!

At the same time, a strong wind struck.

After evacuating the danger, Artemisia saw clearly who was coming.

"Princess...and another unknown elf."

Yuxian didn't have time to ask Tohka and Liu'er who suddenly came to help. He immediately felt the presence of Yakuya.

"Concerned. Is Yakuya okay?"

"I...I'm fine……"

Under the violent fluctuations of his mind, Yejuya couldn't even maintain his rather middle-class way of speaking.

She suddenly grabbed Yuxian's shoulders and scolded:"What were you doing just now, Xiuxian, it's very dangerous! You will die!""

"Do you know how desperately I want to get that thing in order to keep you alive?"

Xixian bit her lip, looked at Yejuya, and after a moment whispered:"Rebuttal. Yuzuru wants to keep Yakuya alive."

Ye Kiya:"……"

On the other side, Liu'er raised the Unblocker in his hand and said to Artemisia:"Hand it over. The things you captured belong to Liu'er's officials."

There is another person?

Artemisia's heart sank.

Although she is powerful, she has no chance of winning against four elves alone. Listening to what this elf with gorgeous golden hair said, is there a fifth person nearby?

Coupled with the sudden and mysterious disappearance of team members from the radar, Artemisia already had the intention of quitting.

Then, she found that she couldn't move.

On the thick shoulder armor, a hand came from behind at some point.

Almost at the same time, CR-Unit removed her equipment uncontrollably, exposing her body only in a highly revealing tights.

Originally, she should have fallen into the sea because she lost the random field where the manifestation device was deployed, but Artemisia found that she was still suspended in mid-air.

"how come——!?"

"What's this?"

Bai Yu's voice came from behind


Liu'er and Shixiang flew to Bai Yu's side

"Why did Guanren come by himself? Liuer can bring victory to Guanren."

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, what is this?"Toshika's eyes fell on the ball of light in Bai Yu's palm.

Bai Yu glanced at the two elves and sighed:"She has a problem, I'm a little worried."

Bai Yu looked at Artemisia who was always silent on the other side.


"Elf...Male! --Well!"

Suddenly being hit on the neck by Bai Yu's knife, Artemisia rolled her eyes and fainted.

……The dividing line...

Fernaxinas, in a certain room.

Bai Yu played with the crystal in his palm - after the light dissipated, this was what appeared in his hand.

It's about the size of an adult's palm, in the shape of a pyramid, with a fiery red body, and a worrying red mist flowing inside.

"Brother Bai, the results of the inspection report have come out."

Qinli came to Bai Yu with a document, handed him the report, and explained at the same time: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This thing should be some kind of highly condensed spiritual power, but it is not the spiritual crystal of an elf. In addition, we also detected some very abnormal readings in it, and we are completely unable to analyze the specific content."

"But one thing is certain——"

Kotori looked at the crystal in Bai Yu's palm seriously

"——It comes from the critical point, or even...maybe from the earth in the parallel world......."

"Sorry, our technological level is not enough and we can only get this result."

"It doesn't matter. Bai Yu shook his head,"I will send this thing back to my place for people to study it.""

"What about Artemisia?"

"The situation is very bad. Her brain shows signs of being brainwashed by the manifestation device. We will try to restore her memory, but……"

"Don't worry, although she is a powerful magician, without CR-Unit she is just an ordinary person"

"I will put another restriction on her. If you can persuade her to join Ratatosk, it would be best. If not, it is up to you to deal with it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a door appeared beside Bai Yu.

Liu'er leaned out his upper body from inside, hugged Bai Yu's arm and said coquettishly:"Official, come quickly, those two elves are quarreling."

When Bai Yu took Qin Li and Liu'er into the room where the Yawu sisters were temporarily housed, Toh Xiang was the first to run up.

"noob! You hurry up and persuade them. They were having a good chat just now, but they started to quarrel while they were talking, and now they are about to fight."

The Yawu sisters, who stood and glared at each other without giving in, all turned their heads.[]

"It’s you! The man who deprived the Queen of the Storm, Yamu, of her power."

"proposal. Please let Yakuya regain his strength"

"No, no! Don't listen to Xi Xian, just let Xi Xian return to 1.8!"

Yakiya, who was still speaking in the second class just a second ago, heard Yu Xian's words and immediately vetoed the sisters' suggestion.

Bai Yu knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

The Yawu sisters were actually the same elf. But after a certain appearance, they split into two. The two have always wanted to reunite as one by letting the other person disappear as the master personality.

Every time there is a so-called master personality battle, the two people are trying to find ways to avoid it. The way they were discovered by each other was lost to each other... In short, they are a pair of awkward sisters who clearly don't want to die at all and want to be with each other forever, but they voluntarily disappear because they care about each other.

" are obviously thinking about each other, why can't you be frank?"

Bawu sisters:"?"

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