The location is a small coastal town far away from Tiangong City.

As for why it is here, apart from Liu'er having no interest in prosperous cities, there is another very important reason.

Kotori detected on Vernaxinas that there was an abnormal sea storm outside the city a day ago.

Bai Yu contacted Erya, who was participating in the Comic Exhibition in Akihabara at that time. Afterwards, she secretly ran to a deserted place and conducted an investigation using a confession, and finally locked the whereabouts of the Yawu sisters.

The two sisters seemed to be fighting for something, but Erya's confession could not retrieve the specific thing that was being fought for, but only told Bai Yu that they had not decided the winner at that time.

So Bai Yu brought Liu'er here, not only to have a date with her, but also to find the Bawu sisters here.

By the way - Erya also complained on the phone, Xiaobaibai, that the golden guards you sent over were so stupid. I asked them to help color the line draft and almost demolished my house... This is how it should be.


"Come, let me feed you, open your mouth, or I will make a hole in your face"

"There is no need to listen to this unreasonable woman's words, officer. Judging from her words and actions, this woman is not mentally normal. Compared to this, come, come to Liu'er"

"What, you guy!"

"What's the point of 960?"

Bai Yu, who was sandwiched between Tianxiang and Liu'er, rolled his eyes helplessly.

This is a cafe.

Originally, Bai Yu was shopping with Liu'er nearby, waiting for the appearance of the Bawu sisters, but suddenly After receiving Hubi's report, I learned that after Toka turned into Tianxiang, she ignored everything and flew towards the city in front of humans.

Although the speed was very fast, Tianxiang's words alone made her fly like this. There will definitely be a big mess.

So Bai Yu decisively opened the space door and grabbed Tianxiang, who was still speeding in mid-air, to his side. He also successfully suppressed Tianxiang who went crazy and was about to fight in the street.

Although Liu'er accepted the addition There are family members other than Bai Yu, but Tianxiang's attitude of robbing people still aroused her dissatisfaction, and finally it evolved into what it is now.

——Should we be thankful that Tianxiang remembered at the last moment that she was here for a date and not a fight?

Seeing that Bai Yu didn't respond, Tianxiang anxiously pinched Bai Yu's chin and turned his face towards her.

"Okay, point me this way."

Imitating the behavior learned from (bgfc) during this period of"secret observation", Tianxiang aimed at Bai Yu's mouth and stretched out the fork with the strawberry stuck in it. Liu'er next to him stretched out the fork with quick eyes and hands, and with a clang, The two forks collided in mid-air like weapons.

They glared at each other, Shao Qing, Tianxiang and Liuer simply used the forks as weapons to fight into a ball...

By the way, both of them were now white. Yu suppressed his spiritual power to the lowest level, and the combat power he displayed was probably equivalent to that of an ordinary human who has been practicing swordsmanship all year round, otherwise he would not want this cafe now.

In the end——

"Damn it, man, give me your power and let me teach this yellow guy a lesson"

"Official, please give your power to Liu'er, Liu'er must protect the official"


The beautiful shop assistant came forward with a troubled expression.

"Two ladies, there are other guests here……"

"Shut up!"Noisy!""

Tianxiang and Liuer turned around and glared at the clerk.

The clerk looked at Bai Yu for help. Baiyu raised his hand and struck each of Tianxiang and Liuer with a knife.


"sorry""Feel sorry."

Tian Xiang, who was unconvinced, and Liu'er, who was in tears, bowed to the clerk at the same time.

When the clerk left, Tian Xiang gritted his teeth and said to Bai Yu:"Damn, how dare you tease me like this!"

"You are not allowed to harm officials!"

Liu'er threw herself into Bai Yu's arms like she was protecting a calf.

Bai Yu sighed, patted Liu'er's head, and asked her to sit back next to him:"Liu'er, I'm a little tired, let me sleep on her side."

"Okay, officer!"Liu'er was very happy.

Bai Yu stretched out his hands, holding the catkins of Tianxiang and Liu'er on the left and right, closing his eyes and resting his head on Liu'er's shoulder.

The next second - (Read Baoshuan novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liuer, Tianxiang:""——!?""

The consciousness of the two people was forcibly brought into his own consciousness space by Bai Yu at the same time.

Well, there is one more person. ten spices

"Eh! ? Alas alas! ?"

Tou Xiang, who had fallen into a deep sleep since Tian Xiang appeared, just woke up when she saw the three people in front of her.

"noob! ? Liu'er? And... ugh... you are... another me?"

"Tohka, come and give me a hug"

"Woo... Xiaobai, you——"

Bai Yu's words made Toh Xiang blush instantly, but she still subconsciously ran a few steps and threw herself into his arms.

Compared to Tianxiang, Liu'er was much more accepting of Shixiang. Although she puffed her cheeks, she didn't speak.


"Tohka is so cute."Baiyu rubbed Shixiang's face, like kneading dough.

Shixiang twisted around in Baiyu's arms, and her eyes began to become wet.


"Are you happy to see me?"

"Well... open... happy! Xiaobai, I want to eat soy flour bread!"


"OK, here’s the soybean flour bread."

When Bai Yuju showed up with soybean flour bread and successfully fed Shixiang, he turned around with a smile and looked at Tianxiang who had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"……You are envious"


"You are anxious"

"I don't!"

"I forgot to tell you, this is my consciousness space. Whether in the possessed state or here, I know what you are thinking - um, Liu'er also wants to be hugged?"

""Hey, hey, sir~" Liu'er didn't know how to hide it, he hugged Tianxiang as if to demonstrate.

Tianxiang's expression became more and more unnatural.

"Let me tell you something more, Tianxiang, because you and Tohka are two consciousnesses of one person, so in this state, Tohka can also know what you are thinking. You can deny what I said, Tohka said You can't deny it, right? - Tohka, dear, tell me what Tianxiang wants to do now? I’ll reward you with another soybean flour bread~"

"Wuwuwu... Chew chew... Chew chew... She also wants to eat soybean flour bread, and wants to have her head touched by you, and she also wants to fight with Liu'er."

"No, another me. Shixiang swallowed the soybean flour bread in her mouth and said seriously to Tianxiang,"You can't fight with Liu'er, you have to get along well.""

"By the way, Xiaobai, Tianxiang still wants to hug you~"

"me me me——"

"——I helped you in vain, idiot!!!"

"are you mad at me!!!! Shi

Xiang simply hid behind Bai Yu and muttered:"I won't give you soy flour bread.""

Tianxiang, completely broken defense..

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