Kotori in this era is still only nine years old, not fourteen years old five years later, so there is actually nothing interesting to see.

But the girl herself had already understood a lot of things in a daze. After her sister covered her body with a coat, the little girl who came back to her senses blushed instantly, whined, and buried her head into Shizhi's still-small penis. I dare not raise my head again from my chest

"To put it simply, your sister got new powers, but she couldn't control them. I gave her a little help."

Bai Yu glanced at Shi Zhi

"Okay, I have to go over there and take a look. It's quite dangerous here now. Take your sister away quickly."

After saying that, Bai Yu stood in the air again with his sword under the incredulous eyes of Shizhi and Kotori.

Looking at the"girl" who turned into a stream of light and flew away, the two sisters stayed in place.

"Sister, who is that sister?"

"I don’t know, but she said she is my brother"


The little girl's world view has been greatly impacted.

On the other side -

(Did you seal the spiritual power of that elf just now? Mr. Mr. Bai, an alien, monster, pervert?)

"Why are my names getting weirder and weirder?"


Miss Kuangsan seemed quite proud of this. Her body was controlled by others and she couldn't do anything. Why didn't she allow her to indulge in oral pleasure?

Not long after taking off, the battle in the sky began. The white-hot stage.

The elven Origami was completely irritated because of Mio Takamiya's phantom sentence: Kill your parents? Did you identify the wrong person? He mistakenly thought that she didn't even need a reason to kill, but just did it casually. The girl who lost her parents did not hesitate to use her most powerful killing move.


The spiritual outfit that looks like a pure white wedding dress ripples with dazzling brilliance due to the surge of spiritual power..

The floating cannon, which was originally floating around the body and made up of the silk of light extending from the ring floating above the head, appeared above the head of Takamiya Mio's phantom in the blink of an eye, and transformed into a huge cannon muzzle in the shape of a crown.

The shelling like a railgun bombing fell from the sky!

Seeing this, Bai Yu further increased his speed, and soon locked on the young Origami of this era and her surviving parents who were under the shelling. There was no sight of the future around. Wuhe Shizhi who traveled through time

"The original world line?"

Muttered, Bai Yu accelerated and came to Origami and her parents in an instant. He casually held Origami in his arms, and then two gusts of breeze came out and wrapped around her parents' bodies, carrying the three of them with them. Quickly leave the shelling range.

The shelling fell at the same time, and after the atmospheric roar, a deep ravine appeared in the entire street. The surface of the ravine showed a high-temperature molten state, and some places were even burned into glass.

The white elm after landing Putting down the small origami paper in her arms, she looked up at the sky again.

The phantom of Mio Takamiya had left, and the origami master five years later seemed to be looking here.

She seemed to be about to say something, but the next second her figure disappeared. Dispersed——Obviously, the power from the Crazy Thirty-two Bullets has been exhausted.

"This... what on earth is this?……"

Origami's father hugged his wife tightly, staring blankly at the shattered earth, and then turned slightly to look at Bai Yu.

If it hadn't been for this"girl" who suddenly appeared, none of their family would have survived, right?

The grateful man was just about to say something when he saw Bai Yu patting his daughter on the head and smiling:"You must live a good life in the future."

After saying that, she flew into the sky on a sword and disappeared.

The young Origami held her heart in both hands and looked at Bai Yu who was leaving with twinkling eyes.



"Is that the angel sister?"

"Probably so?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

……The dividing line...

(That one just now, was it made by my future self?)

After finding a random building rooftop and lowering it, Bai Yu heard Kuang San in his mind asking such questions.

The abnormality of the origami master in the sky cannot escape her eyes, and she also knows the characteristics of her twelve bullets very clearly


(It seems that Mr. Xiaobai knows a lot? So can you tell me?)

Kuang San suddenly changed his name, and all the messy prefixes in front were gone.

"Let me first tell you how much you know now? When did you come back from criticality?"

After Kurumi was tricked into becoming an elf by Takamiya Mio, she killed the monster in an action that she thought was saving the world, but she saw with her own eyes that the monster turned into her best friend. After that, she learned from Takamiya Mio's mouth It turns out that Takamiya Mio has been purifying spiritual crystals with the sacrifice of countless girls, and using the processed spiritual crystals to create elves, which almost reversed the situation. Fortunately, in the end, time and space used her own ability to clear this state.

But in the end she was also killed Mio Takamiya deleted the memory and threw away the critical point.

Kuang San, who returned from the critical point, only had the instinct for the power of elves and the subconscious to avoid humans. She still used the Emperor Keke to restore her memory. This is how she achieved the tragedy she later promised. I wish.

(It's been a while. I've been investigating a lot of things recently, but I still have no clue.)

Bai Yu nodded. It seems that Kuangsan hasn't found the head of Bentiao Erya yet.

Speaking of which, it seems that Erya was captured by Allen. It happened in this year, but it was a little earlier than the time when the origami master traveled through time.

In other words, the current Niya should have been captured by DEM.

"So, when should we start? Did you know that there are magicians in this world? I don’t mean those magicians who rely on CR-UNIT and high-intensity training to achieve strong combat power, but people who rely on their natural differences to be different from ordinary people."

"However, with the development of the times, there are fewer and fewer pure magicians. About forty years ago, a village where magicians gathered was attacked and destroyed by ordinary humans, leaving only four people alive."

"The four decided to take revenge on humans and began to study magic. Finally, in 1986, he successfully used a huge magic technique to cause the great air disaster in Europe and Asia, which also led to the emergence of the Origin Spirit Takamiya Mio.……"

Bai Yu tells Kuang San bit by bit what happened in this world in his memory.[]

From the appearance of Mio Takamiya, to the separation of the four magicians, to Mio Takamiya herself starting to act and creating elves one by one, everything is revealed.

In a sense, the entire battle can be seen as the tragic story of Takamiya Mio.

Kuang San was stunned when he heard this.

She couldn't imagine that the cause of tragedy for countless people, including herself, was just the Origin Elf trying to resurrect a person?

(That is...the blue-haired girl we saw just now?)

"That's right, by the way, even if you absorb enough time and go back in time, you still can't defeat the Origin Elves."

(Then I will move forward further.)

After a moment of silence, Kuang San said in a deep voice.

(Go back to the earlier past and kill those magicians! Block everything from the source!).

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