[Popular science continues.] 】

[2. Modern means of transportation. 】

[6. Airship. 】

[Airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, and the biggest difference between it and a hot air balloon is that it has a device for propulsion and control of flight status. 】

[The airship consists of a large, streamlined hull, a pod located under the hull, a tail surface that serves as a stability control, and a propulsion device. 】

[The airbag of the hull is filled with buoyancy gas (including hydrogen or helium) that is less dense than air to generate buoyancy to lift the airship into the air. 】

[The pod is used for personnel to ride and load cargo. 】

[The tail surface is used to control and maintain the stability of course and pitch. 】

[Large civilian airships can also be used for transportation, transportation, entertainment, disaster relief, film and television shooting, scientific experiments, etc.] 】


[Airship is a type of aerostat, and it is also an aircraft that uses lighter-than-air gas to provide lift. 】

[The lift obtained by the airship mainly comes from the lighter than air gases filled inside it, such as hydrogen, helium, etc.] 】

[Modern airships generally use helium, which is safer, to provide lift, and the engines installed on the airship provide partial lift. 】

[The power provided by the engine is mainly used for the horizontal movement of the airship and the power supply of the onboard equipment, so the airship has better energy-saving performance than modern jet aircraft, and the damage to the environment is also less. 】

[Airships are divided into two categories: manned and unmanned, and there is also a difference between tethered and untethered. 】

[Generally from the structural point of view, airships can be divided into three types: hard airships, semi-hard airships and soft airships. 】

[A rigid airship is an airship that maintains its shape and rigidity with an internal skeleton (made of metal or wood, etc.), covered with skin on the outside, and a number of gas-filled free-standing airbags that provide lift to the airship inside the skeleton. 】

[The semi-rigid airship needs to maintain its shape mainly through the pressure of the gas in the airbag, and the other part also relies on the rigid skeleton. 】

[In the twenties of the twentieth century, a semi-rigid airship made by Imagli passed through the North Pole on the way from Nuowei to Alaska, which was the first aircraft in human history to reach the North Pole. 】


[Modern airships are generally soft airships, and to maintain their shape, they can only be achieved by the helium pressure in the airbag, and their main components are:]

[Airbags.] 】

[It is filled with helium to provide lift, and there are also auxiliary airbags inside.] 】

[The airbag on the modern airship is made of artificial materials such as polyester, polyester fiber, Myra, etc., which can effectively prevent the leakage of helium and has a long service life. 】

[Auxiliary airbag.] 】

[A small, auxiliary airbag inside the airship that can control and maintain the shape and buoyancy of the airship by inflating and deflating in flight.] 】

【Pods. 】

[The cabin located below the airship, including the cockpit, engines, and personnel compartment (if it is a manned airship.] 】

[Propulsion device.] 】

[Provides power for the take-off, landing, and air hovering of the airship.] 】

【Rear wing.】 】

[Rudders and elevators, providing maneuverability for airships.] 】


[The biggest advantage of the airship over the aircraft is that it has the ability to maintain an unparalleled stay in the air. 】

[The time spent in the air by an airplane is calculated in hours, while the airship is measured in days. 】

[Airships can also fly silently in the air, which is equally important for military applications. 】

[In March 1957, a ZPG-2 soft airship in the United States set a world record of 264.2 hours of continuous flight in one flight, with a total mileage of 15.200 kilometers. 】

[Military airships generally use helium to maintain buoyancy, so they can complete the take-off and flight quietly and smoothly, which is essential for them to carry high-tech surveillance equipment.] The airship can carry a large radar antenna in its airbags, while the shape and size of the latter are almost unlimited. 】

[Compared with airplanes, military airships can reduce energy consumption and flight costs by about 30%, and their radar reflection area is much smaller than that of modern aircraft. 】

[The safety of modern airships has been qualitatively improved. 】

Helium is a noble gas and is non-flammable. 】

[Since the helium pressure in the airship airbag is not very large, it only needs to be able to maintain its shape. 】

[So even if you are hit by a bullet, if the bullet hole is not large, then the helium leakage rate will be very slow, and you can almost temporarily leave it untreated.] If the gun hole is large, the airship will have to cancel the established plan of action, but still have enough time to return to the base. 】

[In addition, advanced manufacturing technology and complex control systems will also prevent the tragedy of the Hindenburg airship from repeating.] 】

[The airship can also fly as usual in bad weather, as long as the wind speed does not exceed 30 knots at that time.] 】

[Development History:] (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[After the production and invention of the balloon, people immediately tried to propelle and drive the balloon. 】

[In 1784, the Robert brothers of the country of Fa built a human-powered airship, 15.6 meters long, with a maximum diameter of 9.6 meters, which can produce more than 1,000 kilograms of lift after being filled with hydrogen. 】

[The Robert brothers believed that the airship was similar to a fish swimming in the water, so they made it into the shape of a fish, and the boat was equipped with oars, which were made of silk stretched over a frame with a diameter of 2 meters.] 】

[1784 On July 6, the test flight was carried out, when the airbag was filled with hydrogen, the airship was rising, with the increase of altitude, the atmospheric pressure gradually decreased, the hydrogen in the capsule expanded, the airbag expanded more and more, and it was about to burst, which frightened the Robert brothers, and they quickly pierced a small hole in the airbag with a knife, so that the airship was safely lowered to the ground. 】

[This test revealed that a deflation valve should be left on the airbag.] 】

[Two months later, the brothers modified the airship and made a second flight. 】

[The flight was powered by 7 people paddling and flew for 7 hours, but only a few kilometers. Although it flies slowly, it is, after all, the first powered airship of mankind. 】

[In 1872, Trome, a native of the Fa, made a human-powered airship that used propellers instead of oars. 】

[The airship is 36 meters long and has a maximum diameter of 15 meters. With the addition of the pod, it is 29 meters high and can carry 8 people. 】

[The diameter of the propeller is 9 meters, and several people take turns to rotate the propeller to make it pull and pull the airship forward, with a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, which is much better than the paddle airship. 】

[Soon after, another FA national, Kanumia, was inspired by a bicycle to design a pedal propeller airship. 】

[This one-man airship can fly for a short time when there is no wind, and the speed can reach 16 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than a hand-turned propeller airship. 】

[But at this time, there is a problem in the flight of the airship that has not been solved, that is, as soon as the airship is raised, it must be deflated through the valve to prevent the airbag from expanding and bursting. 】

[But after the qi is released, it can no longer be raised.] 】

[To solve this problem, Professor Charlie and Brother Robert of the FA country made a balloon with an air chamber in 74.] 】

[It is shaped like a spindle, similar to a modern airship.] 】

[This kind of balloon has a large silk capsule on the outside and a small air bag inside, and a gas valve on the small air bag. The outer capsule is filled with hydrogen to make the balloon buoyant and lifted into the air, and the inner capsule is used to fill the air. This small airbag is called the "air room". 】

[Before the balloon lifts off, the "air chamber" is filled with air. 】

[When the balloon rises to a certain high (money) degree, the "air room" is opened and a part of the air is released. 】

[In this way, after the outer capsule is expanded, the "air chamber" will shrink due to extrusion, so that the pressure of the outer capsule expansion will be reduced, so as to ensure that the air sac will not burst. 】

[This invention solves a major problem in the launch of balloons and is another major breakthrough in the history of airship development. 】

[Since then, the "air room" has been used on all airships and has been used ever since.] 】

[Then the airship entered a period of vigorous development. Straight】


"Don't do it so fast, we haven't made a hot air balloon yet, we can fly a balloon!"

"Brothers, let's do it first, I'll go get the propeller of the airship out. "

"Don't, you can't be fat in one go, come back and make a hot air balloon with us!"


Several ancients who developed hot air balloons invented the fan in advance by mistake. []

However, it is not an electric model.,It's a manual model.。。

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