
Opéra Opéra

"Lady Funina"

"Lady Funina!"

"Well, what's up, Clolinde?"

Funina woke up from her depression and looked at the guard captain next to her in confusion.

Damn it.

Sirona, the profiteer, accidentally stepped into her trap again.


Are you paying her a Pokémon?

This is a steady stream of credit points expenditure.


Damn it, she must be judged!

In the world of Sanjiu, the two evolved forms of Fire Fox will be very troublesome.

Although it can hold Poke Balls.

But as long as it is released, it will arouse ill will from interested people.

The wisest choice is not to evolve.

Yako's foam frog will definitely be cultivated into a 'Koga Ninja Frog', but it's not that urgent.

And what about her?

The first-level evolution of the Qiuqiu sea lion is not good-looking either. Only the final form 'Western Lion Sea Lion' has the appearance of a gorgeous singer full of fantasy.

She must, and most urgently, evolve into her final form.

For this reason, she could only fall into the trap of Sirona, a bitch and profiteer.

No matter how stupid you are, you can see that the 'energy cube' is very cheap, but you can only bite the bullet and buy it.

Damn it!

So unwilling

"Today's trial is over. Will Lady Funina return to Momang Palace? Clolind said respectfully, but she was very curious in her heart.

The previous trials were very serious, why are you so distracted today?

"Let's go."

Funina sighed and walked down from the VIP seat.

What suddenly occurred to her?

She held the 'Qiuqiu Sea Lion' and handed it forward.

"Clolinde, can you tell it's a boy or a girl?"

"ah? Uh, this..., I'm sorry, Lady Funina, I'm not good at this."

Looking at the strange sea lion with a bulbous nose in front of her, Clolind was embarrassed.

Gender, huh?

"It's a female sea lion."

Navilette came over


Funina breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since Lu Shu told her that the ratio of 'pseudo-girls' in the Western Lion and Hairen was seven to one, she had been very nervous.

It's okay.

The gender should not have been changed during the evolution process, right? ?


「Future Rich Women’s Health Care Group」

【Little thieving cat Nami: Ah~, I feel so good, Lu Shu, I want you to be so good at it, I want you to be angry with me again! (Pam laughs heartily)】

【Kyoko Mukai: Oops, I almost forgot! The higher the level of a Pokémon, the more energy it needs to evolve.】

【Kyoko Mukai: For example, a foam frog like Yako can store enough energy to evolve with 100 energy cubes, while a mini dragon may need 1,000 cubes.】

【Mu Hai Xingzi: Tsk, let this profiteer win back the city. (Pam sighs)】

【Sirona: Haha~, comfortable, I feel really comfortable this time. 】

Let you show off like a girl.

I'll let you eat the spear.

Wuhu takes off!

【Himeko: The handsome guy is really disgusted by the profiteers.】

【Nakano Miku: Horrible! Fortunately, I am not going to evolve! (Pam sighs in relief)】

【Water Goddess Funina QAQ: Oh, you damn profiteer, you tricked me again!】

【Sirona: Haha, what are you saying? What is this? It's obviously your choice. If you choose Squirtle, wouldn't you be just like Sanjiu? (Pam was so proud that her ears flew up)]

Squirtle is so cute.

Jenny~Jenny shouted.

Just evolve to the first-order form 'Kami Turtle'!

As for the walking emoticon of the big water arrow turtle, emmmm... the style of painting is not suitable for Funina

【Sirona: How is it? Lu Shu! Doesn't it feel good to be manipulated? Hahaha~]

Damn it!

Although the 'Energy Cube' can be earned back, but?

If she had a choice, she would rather exchange 100 million cubes for Lu Shu's mini dragon.

Unfortunately that's impossible

【Lu Shu: Poof! (Pam laughs)】

【Lu Shu: Profiteer, you want to take advantage of me, but your situation is still too small. ] said.

Another ball of 'fruit jelly' was condensed and fed to the mini dragon.

Upload a 10-second short video to the group chat. silence.

Deathly silence.

After a while, the group chat exploded

【Little Thief Cat Nami: Is this okay? Can I be full just by feeding 'water'?】

【Sirona: Me! special! What! 】

A strong murderous intention.

I really can’t hide it anymore!

【Nakano Miku: Although I didn’t understand it, I was shocked!】

【Busujima Yako: Uh-huh……】

【Kyoko Mukai: So despicable and shameless, but I like it so much! Sirona, this profiteer, is going to be pissed off now, right?】

【Himeko: Is that so?】

【Water Goddess Funina: Ahhh, I found a way to raise Pokémon without spending money! QAQ】

But I can’t learn it!

She is a fake water goddess.


But you can find Villette.

Hey, then Villette, become a glorious part-time worker!

= ̄ω ̄=

Next to him, Villette shivered inexplicably.

【Lu Shu: @水神funina, in fact, the energy cubes of profiteers are also made from tree fruits from the Pokémon world mixed with other fruits, etc. 】

That thing is so cheap!

【Lu Shu: Fruits such as tree berries in the Pokémon world contain special energy. Only the energy cubes made can promote the evolution of Pokémon. But Fufu, don’t we have Teyvat specialties?】

【Water Goddess Funina: Yes! 】

It suddenly dawned on me.

Teyvat's ingredients are also rich in elemental power.

Why not try local ingredients?

But do you have to buy from profiteers?

I'm such a fool

【Lu Shu: Now that we have come to Teyvat, we must learn to be a Teyvat Pokémon.】

【Lu Shu: Energy cubes are also constantly debugged to find the most suitable flavor for Pokémon. Fufu, you can also try to make them with them.】

【Lu Shu: I'm going to mix it with Daozhu's specialties 'Ghost Mushroom', 'Hai Lingzhi' and 'Tianyun Caoshi'.】

【Lu Shu: On your side, as for Fontaine, you can try the 'Source of First Dew', 'Lake Lily of the Valley', 'Ghost Star', 'Sea Dew Flower' and so on.】

‘The Source of First Dew is different from common pure water creations, it condenses more primitive and pure elemental energy.

【Water Goddess Funina: Then I will immediately entrust the Adventurers Association to collect them. (Pam is in great spirits)】

【Lu Shu: Don’t worry, you should try each one first.】

【Water Goddess Funina: Lu Shu, you are so kind! @ Sirona, hehe, how does it feel to be manipulated? Let you trick me again! Just a little bit~ (Pam was so happy that she took off)】

【Sirona: You, you, hateful Lu Shu, blocking people's way of making money is like killing your parents. (Pam is furious)]

Opposite the chat group, the profiteer was very angry at the moment, and his whole fair and smooth little face was red.

The word 'well' appears one after another on the forehead.

I really want to go crazy.


I even lost all my underwear!

I'm not clean anymore

(ノへ ̄、)

Even Lu Shu can condense 'fruit jelly', and Funina is the Goddess of Water, so it's no problem.

Emmm... it's just that she doesn't know that Funina, the 'Water Goddess', is fake.

【Lu Shu: Huh, stop me, Puff, this is a life-and-death feud! 】

Looking at Funina, whose face suddenly turned red, Clolind became even more confused.

Funina: Puff, puff?

【Lu Shu: I’m going to the Adventurers Association! 】

PS: Chapter 5 has been updated. Please collect the new book, please vote for it, and please send flowers.

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