24 hour protection?

Still snug?

I think you just want to change into LSP form.

Cocolia spat inwardly.

"Alas~, forget it!"

"Just go back with me."

After hesitating for a moment, Keliya said slowly.

To be honest, she couldn't control it.

Ever since Lu Shu arrived.


It should be said that ever since Lu Shu deployed that strange power, her ears I can no longer hear the bewitching sound of the star core.

"Speaking of which, I also want to thank you"

"The stranger's voice suddenly disappeared from his ears, and the burden on his shoulders became inexplicably lighter."

She still remembers it.

When she first took over the position of Great Guardian, the former Great Guardian looked at her deeply.

There was both worry and hope in his eyes.

In the past twenty years, she has also It became clear, the meaning of the former guardian's dying eyes.

But, it was already late. In those first nights, whenever it was quiet, she curled up on the cold bedside with her hands and knees.

Lonely and helpless.

When the star core When it rang in her ears again and again, she was angry, disdainful, and resisted, but in the end... she still chose to compromise.

"Sounds like a good thing, so are you worried about Interplanetary Peace Corporation?"

"peace of mind"

"Based on my judgment about Interstellar Peace Company, most of the people who came are Topa."

"Yaliluo is a bad debt, a bad debt"

"Not to mention the compounding of profits over the past 700 years, the huge sum of money in the 280-year contract alone would be difficult for Belloberg to recoup."

"Even if the planet is annexed, the Peace Company will not be able to recover this bad debt within a hundred years."

"Well? That's right too"

"The contract was signed to return it in 280 years. Their failure to come is their own fault. It is purely their own error in judgment and has nothing to do with you."

"You guys have lost contact again, and you can’t even fly the ball. How can you repay them?"

"As long as you insist on this, you can return the amount of 280 years"

"You can completely ignore the remaining 420 accounts."

Lu Shu suddenly remembered something?

The contract was originally signed and 280 will be returned.

If you don't come, it's none of our business.

We don't recognize the extra 420 years.

There are rules, so don't break them, okay?

"Did you say that? Well..., the burden on my shoulders has suddenly been reduced by more than half."

Kokolia smiled.


Finally there is something that can make her relax.


Private residence in Cocolia.

Not big.

Well, but that's also relative.

On the edge of Clipper Palace, in an extremely secluded location, a small single-family house came into view.

The area is estimated to be 300 square meters.

Outside, there stood several upright silver-maned iron guards.

When he saw the Great Guardian coming back, he immediately stood upright, raised his hand, clenched his fist, and banged his chest.

"Great Guardian, you are back"

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

After Cocolia disappeared, a group of iron guards whispered to each other.

"Isn't it?"

"Lord Cocolia... actually brought a man back?"

"Well, this……"

"We won't be silenced, right?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"That is, the Great Guardian has never had a partner."

"No one can catch her eye, right?"

"This is a dragon knight, and he is a perfect match for Lady Cocolia."

"In short, Belloberg is changing."

The iron guards didn't know Lu Shu.

Although it was secluded here, it was not completely isolated from the world.

Naturally, they saw the scene when the dragon fell.

Although they had never seen Lu Shu's appearance, Bu Luo The scene of Lady Nia taking a tour of Beloberg has been spread for a long time.

And the little Dulin and little Erinas who are following closely behind are not local creatures at first glance. You will be damned if you can't guess it.


As soon as she entered the house, Cocolia threw Lu Shu aside and couldn't wait to walk into her bedroom.

Shut the door with a bang.

Slowly taking off the Great Guardian outfit in the game, he then bent over and took off his brown pantyhose a little.

Then put on a set of loose loungewear.

After a while, when Lu Shu came out again, his eyes widened and he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

There is a sense of instant vision as if the three-bouncer Cocolia has traveled through time.

Well, it’s much more pleasing to the eye than the tight-faced Cocolia.

"You, look what I do.?"

When she was in the bedroom, Cocolia was very confused.

There has never been a man in the house.

Her clothes are also... ahem.

Although it is not leaky, as home clothes, comfort and looseness are given priority.

Therefore, I still feel that it is not suitable to be worn out to outsiders.

She had chosen the most conservative one.

But being stared at by Lu Shu, I still felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and my cheeks felt very hot.

"Oh, I just suddenly felt that you are quite good-looking.~"


The blushing face of Cocolia was shy after successfully teasing her.

This lady's dangerous hairstyle and loose home clothes diluted the sharpness in the office. She actually had a very inconsistent smell of a good wife and loving mother. It's strange.

Lu Shu was curious. look around

"By the way,...are you the only one living in such a big house? Are you not lonely at all?"

"Will you feel lonely and cold in the dead of night?"

Hearing this, Cocolia's face turned red first, and then turned white.


"If it weren't for the last two sentences, I might be happy for a whole day."

But I was sighing in my heart.

What a pity!

My aunt is no longer the little fungus she was in her old days.

She can't deceive me.

Also, what the hell is loneliness?

Sigh lightly.

"What you may not know is that the Great Guardian cannot get married.

Lu Shu was stunned for a moment:" Huh?" Then Yaya can't get married?"


Which duck?!



I'm not a duck!"

"It will be the same if she becomes the Great Guardian one day in the future."

Cocolia said

"ah? What kind of bullshit system is this?"

Lu Shu was confused.

Even the guardians of Beloberg cannot get married?

But Bronya is indeed Cocolia's adopted daughter, and she was raised from an early age.

There may be more than one such adopted daughter.

And then in the process of growing up , observe which one is more suitable.

The first Grand Guardian was Alisa Rand, and every subsequent Grand Guardian inherited the surname Rand.

If you want to get married, you can't always have the surname Rand, right ? Do they all take their mother's surname?

Obviously, judging from the surnames of those NPCs, they don't.

Could it be that they are married?

"Because the Great Guardian adheres to the duty of saving Belloberg, they want to love the whole Belloberg, so naturally they have no time and energy to love Xiaojia."

As he said that, Cocolia was silent for a moment.

He glanced at Lu Shu.

This guy was really trying to get Bronya's idea.

"Once you fall in love, get married, or have children, you have to be responsible for your husband and your children."

"By then, I am afraid that my energy will be diverted to take care of my small family, and I will ignore the Beloberg family."

"Moreover, if you want to have children, you will be unable to deal with political affairs for a long time."

"Although there is no clear provision"

"However, all previous great guardians have spontaneously cut off their relationships and never got married again."

"Even if children are adopted to train the next generation, girls who are seven or eight years old and have already developed the ability to take care of themselves will be selected."

Cocolia said.

Girls of this age not only have the ability to take care of themselves, but also the age when they are officially curious about everything in the outside world.

It is also the age when memories are retained.

This time period is the easiest to cultivate.!

Because whatever you teach them, they will remember and learn it.

It’s just a blank piece of paper.

Let’s see what you fill in?

"Is that so?"

"Forget it, then I just don’t want to get married."

After a brief moment of depression, Lu Shu rolled his black and white eyes and thought of a countermeasure.

This made Cocolia so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Not getting married.

Just playing, right?

If you don't give money to the female ticket, it won't count. Female vote!


"Okay, hurry up and cook, I'm going to starve to death"

"I forgot to mention, Du Lin has a huge appetite."

Lu Shu rubbed his belly.

"Its food, you take care of it yourself."

The woman rolled her eyes, and Shi Shiran walked into the kitchen. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A lot of busy work.

But, damn, it looks like she is just coping.

As for the taste of the dishes?

I can only It’s just that it’s not unpalatable.

I’m frying some unknown steak, but one side is burnt. How do I eat this?

"Boil it, I said, we might as well book a table at Goethe"

"Tsk tsk!"

"Is that all the Great Guardian’s cooking skills are?"

"Although I can understand that your responsibilities as the Great Guardian are more important, and you probably only deal with them at ordinary times."

"But...why, I'm here to save Beloberg too. Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

Lu Shu curled his lips.

"The craftsmanship is not good, but it really makes you laugh."

Kokolia rolled her eyes, cut open the steak and ate her dinner.

Even the burnt part was swallowed whole.

"Food is scarce in Belloberg and nothing should be wasted."[]

"You are cruel!"

What can Lu Shu say? He gave me a thumbs up.

He asked while eating.

"What about Yaya? He doesn’t live with you?"

"Everyone... Bah, Bronya is already an adult. Isn't it strange that she has her own place to live?"

Bah. I was almost led astray.

"Not strange, not strange!"

Lu Shu devoured it.

The main reason was that the taste was just average.

Just enough to fill his stomach.

Bronya was already preparing to enter the lower area as soon as daybreak. At the same time, she revoked the blockade order on the upper and lower levels.

She finished a simple meal.

Lu Shu naturally has Du Lin's food.

Throw in a Luffy brand meat and bone barbecue.

In fact, Du Lin can eat a full meal and go without eating for a whole year. When he eats, he is just tasting delicious food, plus There is nothing to do.

Well, the same goes for little Erinas.

After eating and clearing the table, the room looks brand new.

"It's time to go to bed. Do you want to come in together?"

Kokolia leaned against the door, looking delicious and seductive.

Just when Lu Shu instinctively opened his mouth to say yes, the intermediary woman slammed the door tightly.

"What are you thinking about? You go next door!"

Feeling that she finally defeated Lu Shu, Cocolia leaned behind the door and lightly covered her mouth, feeling unusually happy.

"Hey, then I'll go to YaYa's room."

Lu Shu curled his lips.

The big duck is right next door, but it's just another one next door.


Cocolia was stunned, does this count as cheating her daughter? never mind.

It's a trap, just a trap


The second day.

It was just dawn, the moment when the morning light leaked out.

Cocolia then set off with 50 iron guards.

Accompanying him were Geppard Landau, Dunn and other Iron Guard captains.

".Set off!!"

Lower area.

The passage between the upper and lower levels is guarded by Swaro.

As the leader of the gold diggers,

Swaro is a legacy of the original Earth Marrow Development Group, that is, during the Saint Pramya period.

At that time Saint Pramia led Beloberg's people to dig deep into the earth to provide energy for the upper and lower layers.

This gave birth to the original earth marrow development team.

Shivaro was the original central master of the underground system. Control unit.

Many of the original underground machines and technologies had been destroyed into parts, and Shivaro was not immune.

He was picked up by Clara and repaired.

Of course, Clara did not know how to repair machinery.

The original At that time, Swaro's body was full of malfunctions.

She helped Swaro find parts, and Swaro taught her how to repair them. So the talented Clara finally repaired Swaro.


"It's beyond repair"

"give up."

Looking at the little red rabbit-like figure, constantly trying to repair it, Swaro sighed softly.

"Mr. Swallow, it……" at this time.

There was a sudden clicking sound in the passage between the upper and lower floors.

Gold diggers gathered in the distanceThey all turned around and looked over.

"Mr. Schwaro, passage?"

Clara became nervous.

"Well, the passage is open, you stay here and don't go anywhere."

With that said, Swaro gave the order.

The automatic soldiers came rushing up.

Some of them surrounded Clara.

Some of them followed Swaro and rushed towards the passage!

"Visitors stop!"

Swaro raised his big hand, and the red light in his hand gradually lit up.

The same was true for the robot that followed.

His red eyes burned.

He seemed to be ready to go to war if he couldn't reach an agreement.


"it's me. Why do people from the upper class suddenly visit?"

"This is the unblocking order signed by the Great Guardian. Take a look at it."

Bronya took out a roll of edict and threw it away from a distance.

Lu Shu had told her Shivaro's true identity.

The edict was revealed.

It was signed with Cocolia Rand's name. Fingerprints, (Li Hao) and the red clay seal of the Great Guardian.

As the original central robot of the Earth Marrow Development Group, Swaro naturally recognized it.

It has been 700 years, and the seal has not changed.

"Does the variable appear?"

"During calculation,……"

"Calculation results and unknown variables can open channels"

"Step aside!"

After his red eyes flashed, Swaro waved his hand and signaled the automatic soldiers to get out of the way.


Bronya thanked

"I would venture to ask, Beloberg...has there been a variable?"


Bronya simply nodded and moved towards Panyan Town indifferently.


Panyan Town at this time.

Danheng went alone again.

As for Xingmei and March 7, after finishing their morning meeting with Natasha and Xier, they wandered around.

Then, I unexpectedly met a great man from the lower district.

"Kid, what's your name?"

March 7 walked forward excitedly.

However, before she could wait for a reply, she was interrupted by a stamping sound.

A pair of soldiers came over from a distance.

"You are the star, right? I am Bronya Rand, Lu Shu asked us to come to you.

Xing raised his head slightly:"It's me.""

Bronya walked forward quickly.

The moment she approached, a strange and sly smile appeared on her delicate face.

It was like a sudden frost in the dark night, an extremely cold wave. The breath exploded in an instant.

The cold air was like substance, dyeing Bronya's whole body with a layer of crystal blue. An astonishing scene happened.

The arm was wrapped in the cold air and turned into an extremely sharp ice pick.

With a frightening edge, it stabbed through.

Target, for March


Xing noticed something was wrong when Bronya came over. He moved and stood in front of the unsuspecting March Qi.

The ice cone condensed from the pure power of ice was ruthless and swift. It penetrated Xing's chest solidly.

The blood instantly bloomed into a gorgeous red flower on her white clothes.

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