Of course, the commission Kang Shasha can get from selling a luxury car worth more than 2.6 million yuan cannot be just 3,000 yuan. Even a commission of 30,000 may be small.——What she said now was just a thought.

Of course the others understood what she meant, so they also didn't say much.

And is three thousand yuan for all-inclusive drinks really a small amount? Not too little, right? Not everyone is really a billionaire. There is no one who really doesn't drink"Feitian Moutai", is there anyone? Even at ordinary gatherings, it would be good to have"Jiang Xiaobai" at the table. Most people even drink beer that costs a few yuan a bottle. Mostly.

You must know that for their several class reunions in previous years, the cost of meals, drinks, and karaoke in the evening usually did not exceed 5,000 yuan. On average, it only costs less than two hundred yuan per person.

And this year, with the additional 3,000 yuan that Kang Shasha has paid, their budget this year can reach 8,000 yuan. That is much"richer".

So someone in the group quickly put forward this suggestion:

"Eh? In that case, why don’t we find a higher-end hotel this year? With a budget of 8,000, we can find a five-star hotel.?"

"Yep. If you want to eat abalone or sea cucumber, specifying it is not enough. But if you can be simple and don't order too expensive dishes, 8,000 yuan will be enough for more than 20 of us to have a small meal. What do you think??"

"Okay! Didn't Jian Banhua still want to confess her love to Jiang Chen and ask for a reconciliation at night? Find a higher-end hotel and make it look more grand.?"

"Yeah! Speaking of which, why did that boy Jiang Chen break up with you, Jian Banhua? I remember that he seemed to be very close to you and loved you at that time, right? To say that you are considerate is putting it lightly... I thought you would definitely get married after graduation."


Jian Qianru:"……"

When she was suddenly asked this question in the group, she didn't know how to answer it.

Do you admit that it was your own fault that caused the breakup? She didn't want to admit this fact. Even in her heart, she still doesn't think that is the truth. Instead, she is more inclined to think that the most fundamental reason is that Jiang Chen is too stingy.

Otherwise, how could anyone be jealous of his girlfriend's"boyfriend"? There is obviously nothing between her and Jia Anyan.

Although, she did hold on to Jia Anyan sometimes, and even slept in the same bed quite a few times. Didn’t you fail to break through the last step after all?

So in her heart, she always believed that the relationship between herself and Jia Anyan was"innocent". And Jiang Chen doubted her because he didn't trust her, she was stingy and jealous.

Even in these years, when she met men who wanted to develop further, once these men learned that she had such a so-called"boyfriend""、""Lanyan bosom friend" or something like that, I would usually just stay away from her.

——This is also a very important reason why she is still"remaining".

She just couldn't understand why all these men were so stingy? They couldn't tolerate her"blue-faced confidante".

Jia Anyan would not be like this. In these years, Jia Anyan has always had a girlfriend, but they have never wanted her as a"confidante".

They are both men, so why is the gap so big? This is what she thought in her heart.

It's a pity that she never let other men know about this idea. Once other men find out, they might be speechless and laugh at her nonsense.

Are these two the same thing? There's no comparison at all, okay?

Why does Jia Anyan care about having a"confidante" like her? She's a man!

And she's not his girlfriend but she's still willing to maintain such an ambiguous relationship with him? That's simply not good enough, isn't it? Even if it were any other man, most other men would be willing.

Is this the same thing as having an affair with another man when she is already someone else's girlfriend? Simply, this statement could not be more ridiculous.

It's a pity that she still hasn't figured out such a simple truth. So even though she has made up her mind to confess her love to Jiang Chen again at tomorrow's class reunion, she still feels very wronged in her heart.

She didn't even think about the possibility that her confession would fail tomorrow. She thought she was still"Bai Yueguang" in Jiang Chen's heart, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen almost didn't even remember who she was when he first received her call.

There is such a large degree of misunderstanding between the two, so you can think about it, when tomorrow comes when she confesses her love to Jiang Chen again and asks to get back together, is it possible for her to get her wish? Isn't this a joke?...................................

PS: Thanks to book friends"15267.."reminder.

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