Even Voldemort, who didn't have a wand, was a dangerous figure, and Kern certainly didn't dare to be careless.

The soul container involves three runes, namely "space", "maintenance" and "containment", which is not easy, and it took a lot of effort to make it in a hurry.

He condensed the crystal ball in his hand, which didn't look like it had changed, but it could contain the soul and keep it from breaking.

Then he set his eyes on Tom Riddle, drew his wand and waved it directly.

"Avada Spell~"

A green light flew out from the tip of the wand and landed on Tom, only to see Tom lie down directly, without any breath, and a soul ran out with it.

Seeing this, Kern injected magic into the soul container, and the crystal ball suddenly emitted a ghostly light, and Tom's face was full of horror, and the soul shadow involuntarily flew towards the crystal ball, like a wisp of smoke penetrating into it.

Kern nodded with satisfaction, when making the soul container, he used some techniques to make a transformation space, similar to the password to prevent entry, with a slight change, it became a measure to prevent going out.

Send the soul container into the empty ring casually, otherwise if someone breaks it, it will be easy for Tom to run out.

Kern then looked at Tom's corpse and directly cast a fierce fire spell, and the flames immediately attached to Tom's corpse, exploding from time to time, and soon became a piece of charcoal.

He held his breath in disgust, the smell of the air was terrible.

Time passed slowly, and Tom's body was finally left with ashes under the fierce fire, and he received a bottle to give it to Yang.


He clapped his hands contentedly, and sent all the marrow and blood squeezed from Voldemort's body into the villa for preservation, and the rest was left to tomorrow.


Kern yawned and went back to sleep.

At the moment, it was not so calm outside, Harry was taken to the school hospital, and soon Snape arrived, looking at the unconscious Harry, his face was a little ugly.

Dumbledore was also on the scene quickly, but Pomfrey used some potions, which still didn't help, it wasn't like illness, it could only be some kind of magic.

I wanted Kern to come here, but it was difficult for Kern to inform him when he entered the secret drawer.

By the time Kern woke up again, it was close to noon, and he had stayed up all night last night.

Instead of leaving in a hurry, he summoned the basilisk and began to take blood from the basilisk, and began to make a culture liquid for cultivating magic cells as before.

Now just wait for the culture liquid to cool down, and you can grow the magic cells.

When he came to the Great Hall to eat, he heard from the Weasley brothers that something had happened to Harry, and Dumbledore was looking for him, so he hurried to the school hospital.

It was found that not only Snape and Dumbledore were here, but even Slattery was here, and this lineup was really strong.

Kern, who entered the ward, nodded to the 030 professors, and his eyes fell on Harry, who was awake, his face pale and his hair stuck together with sweat, while Slattery was examining Harry.

"The breath of black magic. Slattery was calm on the surface, but secretly frightened on the inside.

He vaguely felt that there was another soul hidden in Harry's body, as far as he had known before, it was probably a fragment of the soul of his descendant, and the child had become a Horcrux.

The headache at this moment is affected by the soul fragment, and it should be that the owner of the soul fragment is more emotional, affecting the potential soul fragment.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" asked Dumbledore gently, he saw Harry's eyes as if he wanted to say something.

However, Harry glanced at Snape and Slytherin, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "Professor Dumbledore, I feel better, but there is a faint pain in my forehead. "

Harry touched the lightning scar on his forehead, but it made Kern's brow jump, and he muttered to himself, could it be that the resurrection Horcrux last night stimulated Harry?

Kern watched Harry's expression carefully, but Harry's eyes as he swept over him didn't change significantly, and he probably didn't sense his image, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he began to wonder if Harry would have sensed it, and if the real Voldemort would have "seen" what he had done to the Horcruxes.

"You guys go out first, I'll talk to Harry. Dumbledore glanced at a few people, clearly recognizing Harry's concerns.

Naturally, Kern had no opinion, and walked out with several other professors, standing in the hallway.

"Professor Kern, welcome back, I've heard Dumbledore say that you've invented the Killing Curse and the Counter-Curse, which is remarkable. "

Slytherin smiled and boasted without hesitation.

It's no secret that Kern invented the Killing Curse, after all, he was killed by the Killing Curse in front of many people, and now it's a bit weird to appear alive.

It's not just the Hogwarts professors who are curious, Dumbledore has already received a lot of letters from friends in the morning, after all, there are many students who have stayed in school when they see Kern's return, and the news inevitably spreads quickly.

And Dumbledore saw that Kern did not hide the idea of re-incantation, and also revealed it to many people, including Minister Fudge, who wrote to inquire.

"It's just luck, it's just a coincidence. Kern said modestly, but saw Slytherin wink, and gestured to the side.

Kern quickly understood that he wanted to talk to him alone, and immediately followed Slytherin towards the middle of nowhere, Snape glanced at them, and quickly withdrew his gaze, not caring about what was wrong with the two of them, and his mind was all in the hospital room at the moment.

"Professor Kern, when I first interrogated Crabbe, I asked for something from him, and found something..."

Listening to Slytherin's slow words, Kern realized why Crabbe, who was petrified by himself, could still cast a killing curse, it turned out that the problem was the magic cell, and he really didn't expect the magic cell to have such an effect.

"Professor Kern, if I'm not mistaken, the kind of thing that Crabbe took from Filch must have something to do with you, I seem to feel my breath on it, and I can't move before I wake up, but I can still feel pain, I'm afraid..."

Slytherin had a sneer on his face and a piercing look in his eyes that seemed to pierce Kern.

Carinthia felt embarrassed, and just wanted to explain, but saw Slytherin's face change, and it seemed to be kind.

"All I can say is, Professor Kern, you're the smartest person I've ever met, it's amazing, it can produce magic, and if it is integrated into a Muggle's body, maybe even a Muggle can cast magic!"

Slytherin's eyes glowed with heartfelt appreciation, and he asked about the magic cells.

Kern looked at the somewhat fanatical Slytherin, and was on the defensive, not revealing much information, only saying something more superficial.

"Magical cells? Inspired by Muggles!I have to say, Muggle society is a bit incomprehensible now, and I talked to the professor who taught Muggle courses for a long time, only to know that Muggle society has changed a lot, and it is much stronger than before!" Slytherin seemed to praise Muggles very sincerely.

However, Kern's eyes narrowed slightly, the one in front of him was the originator of pureblood, and his descendant Voldemort still used this theory, and even the entire Slytherin favored this theory.

Slytherin saw Kern's thoughts, shook his head slightly, and began to explain, "I know Professor Kern's misunderstanding of me. "

"Although I raised the theory of purebloods, I did it for the sake of the wizarding world, wizards were persecuted by many Muggles, which is why we founded Hogwarts, and I do have a different opinion than the other three when it comes to recruiting students. "

"It's just to avoid some potential dangers, although Muggle-born wizards are also wizards, but it is difficult to confirm their position, maybe one day they will help Muggles deal with wizards, it is not impossible, and Muggle-born wizards are not as talented and magical as pure-blood wizards, this all comes from blood, pure-blood wizards and children born of such wizards, talent and magic will also be weakened!"

Slytherin said with a sincere face that Muggles were the enemies of wizards at that time, which was basically the consensus of wizards at that time, and the controversy between him and the other three founders was only over the types of students recruited, and he did not think that Muggle-born wizards were real wizards, but people who could betray wizards at any time.

"And, judging from the fact that my reasoning is not wrong now, from the perspective of Hogwarts students alone, they are much worse than they were a thousand years ago, both in terms of talent and magic. Slytherin said with a look of pity.

This feeling is obvious, magic is in decline, even if he originally proposed the theory of pure blood, but basically no one has followed this path, and his ancestors are more or less tainted with Muggle elements, and in this way, Muggle-born wizards in the future will be more talented than the wizarding talents of their wizarding families.

Listening to Slytherin's statement, Kern also thought in his heart, if he looked at his previous theory of magical genes, this situation could indeed happen.

"Forget it, this matter is indeed unavoidable, and now the pure-blood theory is not suitable, Muggles are far more powerful than before, and wizards are more likely to be destroyed if they don't huddle together to keep warm." "

Slytherin said with a look of regret that during this time, in addition to attending classes and studying magical genes, he also focused on understanding the existence of the Muggle world, and it can only be said that the development of Muggles shocked him a little and made him a little anxious in his heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To be honest, he couldn't understand Dumbledore, and even felt that Dumbledore, although he was said to be powerful, did not have a plan.

Slytherin didn't know how Dumbledore sat so securely in the Headmaster's position, could it be that there was no sense of urgency at all?

And his descendants are really not very good, he feels that there is a big problem in his brain, at this time he is still obsessed with pure-blood, he does not know how to be flexible, and he excludes Muggle-born wizards just for glory? He doesn't know how to say it, he really put forward the pure-blood theory for the good of the wizarding world, not for any glory.

Can't they see that the threat of Muggles is getting bigger and bigger, those weapons are getting more and more terrifying, and even he is terrified when he sees it, and one day Muggles may fight wizards, and wizards may be directly wiped out in history.

As the most powerful wizard in Europe, Dumbledore was able to live so peacefully, and lived with Voldemort in the wizarding world, he felt that the brains of these descendants might have declined because of the decline of magic.

Naturally, Kern didn't know what Slytherin was thinking, and he didn't know if Slytherin had really given up on pureblood, but it didn't matter, and he asked tentatively, "Professor Salazar, what do you think of your current body?"

Slytherin's face changed visibly, slightly ugly, and he shook his head, "Compared to my body back then, my magic power is pitiful, but it's a blessing to be alive again." "

Kern looked sympathetic and nodded inwardly, as he had guessed, Slytherin could not be a threat as long as the magic was limited.

Slytherin obviously wanted to talk to Kern about magical cells, but Dumbledore had already walked out, and the two of them immediately walked towards the ward.

Snape wanted to go into the hospital room to have a look, but was forcefully stopped by Madam Pomfrey, even Snape couldn't please Madam Pomfrey in front of her.

In the end, they had to leave, and not long after Kern left, he was found by Snape, and Dumbledore had something to look for him.

In the headmaster's office, there were only three people, Dumbledore, Snape, and Kern, who sat unceremoniously in his chair, and Snape, who was on the side, stood with a gloomy face.

"Professor Dumbledore, what did Harry say?"

Kern didn't have to think about it to know that Dumbledore must have come to him for Harry's business, and he actually wanted to know what Harry had seen.

Dumbledore's expression was very serious, his hands crossed, and he said in a heavy tone, "Voldemort is back!"

Kern reacted finely, but Snape's face changed, and his eyes were fixed on Dumbledore.

"Harry saw something, I don't think it's a hallucination. "

Dumbledore slowly recounted the information he had received from Harry, and Kern's face became increasingly strange, and he couldn't help but interrupt Dumbledore's words and asked, "Professor, what did you just say that Voldemort that Harry dreamed of looked like?"

Dumbledore didn't know why Kern paid attention to Voldemort's appearance, but he didn't think much of it and described it again.

Kern's heart skipped a beat, and the Voldemort Harry dreamed of looked terrifying, with only two thin slits on his nose, and he used the Fire Rebirth Charm to resurrect the Horcrux yesterday, but it was not like this, which can only show that the Voldemort that Harry Potter saw was not his resurrected Horcrux body, but the real Voldemort.

Kern couldn't help frowning, there should be no problem with what Harry saw, could it be that Voldemort is really back, just like the picture Harry foreshadowed before, both things point to the same result, which can only show that this is the case, Voldemort really reshaped his body and resurrected it two years in advance through some means!

By the time Dumbledore had finished, the Headmaster's office fell silent, Snape's face was changing with a complicated expression, and Kern was wondering what the problem was.

"Ahem, I'll leave Hogwarts for the rest of the year and try to find Voldemort's traces, and Hogwarts' safety depends on you. "

Dumbledore broke the silence and said, the two people in this office at the moment are trustworthy to him, Snape doesn't need to say more, and Kern is very magical, so magical that he has more energy to deal with the demons.

Kern came back to his senses, his eyes flashed, and he said, "No problem, Professor Dumbledore, I'm going to concentrate on writing out the counter-spell of the killing curse in detail, so that more people can learn it, just in case." "

Kern hurriedly found a task for himself, so as not to be arranged for anything.

Dumbledore nodded suddenly, Kern's matter is indeed very important, once the anti-curse is promoted, Voldemort will definitely have a headache.

Before Kern left, Dumbledore specifically asked Kern to focus on taking care of Harry, because Harry was likely to be Voldemort's first target, and Kern naturally agreed.

When he returned to his office, he found the two brothers standing at the door, seemingly waiting for him to return.

"Boss, we can't get in!" the two brothers complained at once, and they found that they could not get into the secret drawer.

Without much explanation, Kern restored the two of them access to the secret drawer.

After entering the secret drawer, Fred and George couldn't wait to talk about the fairy Cathy, with a lot of resentment on their faces.

Kern didn't get angry, but gave birth to a smile, it seems that Kathy should have been tricked, and it is estimated that he is now studying how to remove this master-servant contract.

Although the master-servant contract is very powerful, as a servant, he also has his own subjective thoughts, but he can't betray him, but it's normal to have the idea of wanting to get rid of the master-servant contract.

The two of them didn't say that Kern didn't have much of an idea, but now they did find a difference, and there was an extra rune in their minds, which was the sign of the master-servant contract, with which Kern could control the life and death of Kathy thousands of miles away.

Although he is busy with the affairs of magic cells now, he has no way to take Cathy, and directly urges this sign, I believe that Cathy, who doesn't know where to hide now, will definitely not feel good.

His master-servant contract acts on the soul, and a slight push can make Cathy feel pain like never before.

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