Looking at the increasingly violent comments on the international Internet.

More and more people began to support Yan Guo. Some North American countries who saw the facts clearly also believed that Yan Guo was doing the right thing.

Today's Jewish state has become an existence despised by everyone.

At this moment, Herzog, the Prime Minister of the Jewish State, was furious in his office.

"What happened and why were all the navies destroyed? What are you doing for food, and where is Pyrrha?"

Facing the Prime Minister's anger, several other commanders in the office looked at each other with a trace of sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

They also did not expect that the navy led by Pirla would actually face the navy of Yan State. So vulnerable.

They were all wiped out, and only one person survived in the end.

"Pirla may have fled in fear of crime, but he cherished his own life more than anyone else."

An army commander who had had contact with Pirla said slowly.

Other generals who knew Pirla's character also nodded one after another.

For Pirla, he will not hesitate when encountering danger on the battlefield. The other party chose to retreat.

The reason why this guy was able to sneak into the Navy Commander was not all because the other party had a relative who was an oil tycoon in the Eagle Country. The other party provided the Jewish State with a large amount of weapons and cash resources. These two -class battleship.

It was decided after a long discussion between him and the senior officials of the Eagle Kingdom, and then Pirla was appointed as the commander.

But he did not expect that the result would be like this, the army was defeated like a mountain.

Now, in the Jewish State, They no longer have a navy. On the contrary, the Yan Kingdom's navy will successfully occupy the Mediterranean.

Once successfully occupied, the Yan Kingdom's navy can block their maritime supplies.

You must know that all the strategic supplies of the Jewish state are currently available. They all rely on funding from North American countries and the Jewish wealthy businessmen on their own side. The funding method is usually transported by sea transportation. Once the Mediterranean is occupied by the Yan Kingdom's navy, then they will It is difficult to transport various strategic materials for combat to the Jewish state.

They can only be transported by land.

However, this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it also consumes a lot of money.

There are even people along the way. In the past, the Canaanite armed forces would conduct ambushes.

Therefore, land transportation was far more convenient than sea transportation.

Herzog felt a little overwhelmed. Recently, Yanguo's offensive has become more and more rapid, and the territory in Gaza that was originally occupied is piece by piece. It was reoccupied by the Yan Kingdom's army.

Now they have shrunk back to the original land area before the war. If they continue to fight like this, it is estimated that in a short time, they will no longer be able to compete with them.

It's completely Being passively beaten.

At the same time, on the other side, in the Pentagon,

Austin held an emergency meeting. The army admiral, navy and air force, everyone was called over by him to hold an emergency meeting.

Yan Guo suddenly appeared this time With such a powerful navy, they felt a little unprepared.

This is not a simple matter.

"I believe you all know that the Jewish navy has been completely annihilated by the Russian navy."

"What do you think about this matter?"

Austin looked at everyone present carefully. The sudden change of things completely exceeded their expectations.

They really didn't expect that Long Guo would be so willing to hand over all the weapons they developed to Yan Guo.

Let Yan Guo Come and occupy the Gaza Strip.

This is a wonderful move.

If the Yan Kingdom occupied the Gaza Strip, it would mean placing an ax on the neck of their NATO country.

Once there is a war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Yingjiang Kingdom.

The Yan Kingdom, which is closest to the Eagle Sauce Country, can take the lead in launching a surprise attack. It is the most powerful force in the world.

It can be the first to attack the Eagle Sauce Country.

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce Country must take a detour this time to deal with the Yan Kingdom.

No matter where it starts from , Generally speaking, the advantages of the Yan Kingdom's occupation here outweigh the disadvantages, and it is a very important strategic location.

It is a bit similar to the original Kimchi Country. If the Dragon Kingdom had not fought tooth and nail to protect it decades ago, the Kimchi Country would have been captured by them.

They It will also form a sharp sword like the Gaza Strip today, stuck tightly to the Yan Kingdom.

As long as a war is launched, they can immediately use this sharp sword to directly penetrate into the Yan Kingdom's territory. , making him unable to survive or die.

But he didn't expect it to be the other way around now.

Harris, an admiral of the Navy, also frowned and said:"The Dragon Kingdom is good at using Sun Tzu's Art of War, and I also learned it in my early years. their tactics."

"It can be said that Sun Tzu's book"The Art of War" has a lot of fun playing with the routines of war. There must be someone in their Dragon Kingdom who can also have this knowledge."

"Therefore, the Yan Kingdom must have been funded by the Dragon Kingdom and then placed a sharp sword here. This obviously also used Sun Tzu's Art of War."

What Harris said made everyone present a little confused, because they didn't know Sun Tzu's Art of War at all.

"No matter what, now we must stop the Yan Kingdom and occupy the Jewish Kingdom. Do you have any good plans?"

Austin frowned. He didn't care whether Sun Tzu's Art of War or not.

He just wanted to take back the Gaza Strip now.

Then he would expel the Yan Kingdom and destroy the Dragon Kingdom's plan.

Otherwise, they would fund the Jewish Kingdom, a large amount of The funds were wasted in this way, which they absolutely did not allow.

The other administrative officials below also looked at each other. They also knew that this matter was very serious, and they had already spent a lot of money on the Jewish state..

If they have worked hard for so many years and finally placed such a chess piece in the Gaza Strip, spending trillions of dollars.

The result is all because of the Chinese Legion, then they will definitely be angry to death.

So no matter what , they must handle this matter no matter what.

"It's too simple. Can't we just go to the Dragon Kingdom directly and ask the Dragon Kingdom to come forward? Behind Yan Guo is Long Guo, and he will definitely not admit it openly."

"We just need to put pressure on them and let them participate in the strategy of conquering the Yan Kingdom, and let their own people fight their own people."

"If you don't agree, it proves that the other party is evil. In other words, Yan Guo is the flag they planted in the Gaza Strip, deliberately disrupting the situation in the Middle East, and even disrupting the alliance of NATO countries."

"At that time, we will use this as an excuse. If we do not join forces to deal with the Yan Kingdom, it means that the two of them are working together. We can impose sanctions on them or even start a war by joining forces with many countries."

The Minister of the Air Force stood up impassionedly and stated his plan.

As soon as he said this, the other personnel present looked at each other and couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, what the Minister of the Air Force said was very reasonable.

This is a good way

"It's really good. Just do as you say. When can we start?"Austin also said with joy.

This time, as long as Yan Guo, the backer behind the scenes, is dragged into the water, the other party will face the pressure from many countries, no matter how unwilling it is, he will personally eliminate the spy he has trained and planted here..

At the same time, it can let the Dragon Kingdom know that it is their Yingjiang Kingdom who has the final say on Blue Star.

Thinking of this, Austin couldn't help laughing coldly.

Everyone present also laughed obscenely.

That night.

Several countries headed by Yingjiang Country immediately sent out a United Nations meeting.

Naturally, most of the countries that were invited included Long Country.

However, when they held the meeting, Yan Country was excluded.

Only However, the trajectory of their actions cannot be concealed from Shen Fei.

The spies deployed between various countries have already received the news.

The spies finally developed through the system are all personnel with superb espionage skills.

There are many of them. Under Shen Fei's arrangement, they have already been embedded in various countries, the most important of which is naturally the Yingjiang Country.

When this group of spies were inserted into the Yingjiang Country, Shen Fei naturally also had a deep understanding of their behavior. After all, the system can change the appearance of the soldiers under his command, so Shen Fei naturally made them into white people similar to the Eagle Sauce Country.

They entered the Eagle Sauce Country and provided them through Shen Fei With their funds, they naturally obtained an ID card through the black market.

Although it is quite difficult to obtain a green card in China, it is relatively simple for white people. More importantly, as long as If you can afford the money, then this green card is just a card to them, and they can be arranged for them anytime and anywhere. Because of this, the arranged people are distributed in all continents of the Eagle Country..

Then through bribery, he has obtained the right to live in the local area. The spy's ability is very powerful. In addition to eavesdropping, disguise, sneaking, theft and free fighting, etc., he is also very good. It can be referred to as 007!

When they sneaked into the Eagle In the country, in less than half a month, they used various means to obtain the positions they want now.

It is obviously impossible to apply for entry into the country through legitimate positions.

After all , It would take several years to perform military service and other operations, and spies would naturally not use such stupid methods.

So they chose a simpler method.

That is to bribe various officials and some women Spies used their beauty to win the hearts of some high-level officials to obtain internal information.

There were thousands of spies sent to the Eagle Country. With their ability, they quickly grasped the internal information of the Eagle Country. What exactly is she doing?

Because one of the female spies, named Diana, is extremely beautiful, tall, and proficient in various languages.

Her beautiful figure soon attracted the attention of an admiral, and through her appearance Her beautiful appearance also successfully made the admiral fall in love.

Diana also used her sweet words to successfully capture the admiral's heart.

Then she stole it during an unintentional chat, and here she is. Once, the high-level officials of the Yingjiang Kingdom prepared to drag the Dragon Kingdom into trouble, and then use the Dragon Kingdom to launch an attack on the Yan Kingdom.

Because in their opinion, there is only one reason why such a powerful Chinese Legion appeared in the Gaza Strip, and that is the support of the Dragon Kingdom. Otherwise, how could this organization appear inexplicably? This is obviously not correct..

It would be even more impossible if they were people from the Gaza Strip. They know better than anyone what the people in the Gaza Strip are like.

The country is so poor that there are not many armies with the ability to resist.

Naturally, it is impossible to form such a terrifying combat force similar to the Shenzhou Legion.

In Fulong Hall.

Shen Fei received the message from Diana.

Among the spies he has sent out so far, only Diana has done the most unexpected thing.

After learning the news from Diana, Shen Fei fell into deep thought. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw him slowly walking to the window, opening the curtains, and looking at the bright moon that had just risen.

Wei Dayong and Fenghuang stood beside him

"..Everyone should already know that this time, the Yingjiang Kingdom is planning to launch an attack on us led by the Dragon Kingdom."

"What do you think I should do?"

Shen Fei showed his laziness when he spoke. He didn't take what happened this time seriously at all, and even asked deliberately

"Soldiers will come to stop us, and water will come to cover us. If any country dares to attack our Yan country, I will definitely kill them directly at their doorstep with a gun."

Wei Dayong snorted coldly, indicating that hedetermination.

Shen Fei shook his head after hearing this.

Phoenix curled his lips speechlessly:"You know how to fight and kill, don't you think of other ways?"

"I am a leader in fighting, not a strategist."

Wei Dayong was speechless and curled his lips.

Phoenix just thought about it, touched his chin and said,"Your Majesty, I think we can get in touch with the Dragon Kingdom and cooperate with them."

When Shen Fei heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Well said, I happen to have this plan too."

Shen Fei naturally knows that the Dragon Kingdom is a country that will not succumb to the evil forces of other countries.[]

If it were the corrupt Qing Dynasty decades ago, it might be willing to lick others.

But now the Dragon Kingdom has strong soldiers and horses, a very strong armed force, and its international influence has made many countries support the Dragon Kingdom and choose to stand on the same front as the Dragon Kingdom.

Among them are the Mao Xiong Country, North Korea, and Laosha, etc.

"So how do we contact you?"

Wei Dayong stopped asking. They currently do not know the contact information of other officials in the Dragon Kingdom.

The rest of the people also fell into silence. They (Wang Hao) also did not know how to communicate with the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom. The personnel obtained the contact information.

But Shen Fei waved his hand and said:"There is no rush for now, let's first take a look at what China's position will be at this conference."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

……… late at night.

Dragon Kingdom, at a high-level military meeting.

This was an impromptu meeting, and this meeting was handled by **.

The people here are all pillars of the country, and they are also the pillars of the Dragon Kingdom. Each one of them is a general who fights for one side.

They are representatives of major military regions, and everyone who comes here has a cautious look on their face.

They knew that today's meeting was not simple. As soon as they got the news, they rushed over by helicopter without any delay.

There are armed personnel with live ammunition everywhere, and there are even tanks and patrol aircraft.

The place is surrounded like an iron barrel.

Because what is here today is the gathering of the most powerful military leaders from the Dragon Kingdom.

Any mistake by any one of them will shake the Dragon Kingdom, so it must be strictly guarded.

Prevent any accidents from happening

"Lao Li, Premier Xi, you have also received the news, right? These bastards from the Yingjiang Kingdom actually said that we have an affair with the Yan Kingdom. It is simply unreasonable."

Two commanders carrying four-star generals were walking side by side. They were wearing dark green military uniforms, but they looked majestic.

Every step they took was steady and light, giving people a feeling of solidity and domineering..The military medals they were wearing were blown by the breeze, and the slight sound made them even more majestic.

"snort! Those bastards from Yingjiang Kingdom dare to talk nonsense, and we will skin them. I really think that the current Dragon Kingdom is as easy to bully as it was decades ago."

Old Li snorted coldly, and a cold light bloomed in his eyes.

At the same time, on the other side, the heads of several major military regions came down one after another. They were all old acquaintances. After nodding to each other, they entered the conference room.

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