
The sound shook the sky, and the momentum was magnificent!

Shen Fei was extremely satisfied when he heard it, and a faint smile appeared on his serious face.

The first time he faced the red police soldiers at such a close distance really made him realize what it means to be as immovable as a mountain. The morale is skyrocketing!

With such Red Police soldiers, why worry about revenge?

The Jewish state has provoked him, and he can only blame them for their misfortune.

From today on, he is seriously declaring war on the Jewish state, and he will take the initiative to attack!

Officially! Because it was his first time, he was extra cautious and very solemn.

"Set off!"

Seeing that everyone was ready, Shen Fei directly ordered


Everyone responded in unison.

Soon they boarded the plane very quickly under the command of Wei Dayong.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The propellers of the Black Shadow helicopter made a very powerful whistling sound, driving the helicopter slowly towards high altitude.

Soon the two helicopters disappeared into the night sky and gradually moved away.

The two Black Shadow helicopters deliberately used deep The green paint can hide well in the dark background of the night, and their existence will not be discovered even from a long distance. The identification friend or foe system on the helicopter, as well as the anti-electromagnetic interference, are all tailor-made. Customized.

Even if the Jewish state discovers them, they will only think that they are friendly forces and choose to ignore them. This is extremely deceptive and can greatly enhance the success rate of the operation.

And all the red police soldiers wear In line with the members of the Canaanite resistance organization.

When his strength is weak, he will go to the end to blame others!

In short, he must not let the Jewish state focus its attention on himself.

He sent away two Black Hawk helicopters After that, Shen Fei immediately returned to the base command center and focused his eyes on the situation map of the enemy and ourselves. His eyes were unblinking, for fear of missing a detail.

Before taking action, he made at least two plans to ensure that Wei Dayong and the others must The three checkpoints were successfully removed.

The two Black Hawk helicopters moved forward slowly, like phantoms at midnight, rushing out of the scope of the crack generator in the cool night.

At the same time, they also announced that they It has broken away from the protection of the Red Alert Base and acted alone.

The Jewish State Post No. 1.

It is a steel frame structure, with a Jewish six-pointed star flag on the top fluttering feebly in the wind.

An infrared high-definition camera on the tower The camera is like the eyes of an owl, watching all the movements around it vigilantly. The high-brightness searchlight sweeps around, as if to sweep away all the movements around it.

A sentry on duty stands in front of the heavy machine gun, his eyes alert. Staring around.

Next to him is another sentry, holding a telescope in his hand and staring at the place swept by the searchlight.

Five or six meters below the sentry is the place where the sentries rest after they are off duty. At this time, several people in the house The soldier was fast asleep, unaware of the approaching danger.

"Those damn Canaanites didn't stop and actually attacked us."

"I really want to kill them all"

"They are just a bunch of worms and don't deserve to live in this world."

In the monitoring room of the sentry box, the two sentries were really bored, so they simply started chatting.


"Hey, where did that Black Hawk helicopter come from? Could it be a sneak attack?"

Suddenly, a sentry noticed the situation, and his whole body suddenly became extremely vigilant.

"What are you making all this fuss about? Didn't you see that our IFF didn't respond?"

"I don’t know what Yingjiang is doing so late.……"

Another sentry didn't move when he saw the IFF, and responded disapprovingly.


Suddenly the next second, a violent explosion suddenly swept across.

For a moment, fire shot into the sky. In the blink of an eye, the iron sentry box at Post No. 1 was torn into powder by the violent explosion.

"Da da!"

Soon gunshots rang out from all directions.

The ones who launched the attack were naturally the Red Police soldiers.

In the command hall of the Red Police base

"Ding, blow up an enemy outpost and get 500 reward funds."

"Ding, kill an enemy sentry, reward 50 funds"


"Ding, kill two enemy squad leaders and get 200 reward funds."

The crisp beep kept ringing, and Shen Fei heard it like fairy music from the sky, which made him enjoy it extremely. Damn it!

There was actually an income of 500 yuan from blowing up the outpost.

There is nothing more exciting than this. Yes?

It seems that it’s not just mining that can make money.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only takes about ten minutes. This combat efficiency is very high. It’s worthy of being a Red Police soldier recruited into the organization.

This one checkpoint alone makes him Earned 1,500!

It was worth it. It was so worth it.

He never thought that the first outpost would be solved so easily.


Shen Fei was not proud and complacent, and his eyes quickly focused again. On the situation map between ourselves and the enemy, two Black Hawk helicopters have already flown towards the next checkpoint.

This time the battle ended faster, but the income it brought was less, only 1,000 funds.

The third one had With an income of 2,000, he did not kill many enemy soldiers, but he blew up a Jewish armored vehicle and received an additional 1,000 in funds.

By the time the mission ended, it was already 3:30 in the morning.

Looking at a lot of returning Red Police soldiers , Shen Fei finally showed a bright smile on his face, and his worried heart was relieved.

He knew that the reason why he successfully defeated three outposts this night was because he caught the enemy by surprise. I am afraid that the next step would be to It would not be so easy to succeed in a sneak attack. He successfully pulled out three nails in the first attack, which is also a very worthy celebration.

What made him most happy was that the fund increased to twelve thousand, which was a Not a small improvement.

Once you have money, of course you have to continue investing in construction.

There is also a weapons research and development center, which is an institution that specializes in developing various new weapons.

In addition, there are also combat vehicle research and development centers, fighter aircraft research and development centers, As well as a ship research center, many related institutions need to be built.

Although many of these buildings are currently unused and cannot be used, Shen Fei knows that sooner or later they will be needed.

"The number of troops is still too small, and operations are always stretched."

Remembering that the night's operation only took down three enemy checkpoints, Shen Fei felt that it was still too few. If he had more troops, he might be able to earn tens of thousands of dollars in one night.

Instead of squandering money like now, and then... I'm so worried about money.

Decisively set up individual barracks and recruit new red police infantry to strengthen the platoon.

"Oh my god, when will I stop worrying about money?"

Looking at the funds that were almost cleared, Shen Fei put his head in his hands and sighed with a frown.

PS: The update has been updated to the point where the flowers have exceeded 100 and the evaluation tickets have exceeded 30. With some data support, we can speed up the coding speed.

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