"You, you reminded me right, we can't get too close"

"We must retreat some distance."

Austin was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly adopted his opinion and re-deployed the two aircraft carrier fleets.

Even if they knew the specific location of the main base of the Chinese Legion, they could not send troops. Instead, they gave the coordinates to the Jews. The country should do it on its own.

Yan Guo is a lunatic.

They dared to consume 600 supersonic cruise missiles at one time just to destroy an air force base of the Jewish army and wipe out all the fighters there.

Just because there The fighter planes that took off bombed the Chinese Legion.

This revenge was too terrible.

If you are not afraid of the lunatic's life, you are afraid that the lunatic will have weapons!

New orders were immediately issued to the Mediterranean, and the two aircraft carrier fleets immediately retreated, 1,500 kilometers away from the coastline..Mao

Xiong, Kegong.

The news naturally spread here, and Defense Minister Gu Shaoyi personally brought the relevant news here.

"Great Lord, this is the situation."

"The Jewish army suffered a disastrous defeat this time. They even failed to defeat the Chinese Air Force and lost an F35 fighter jet."

"But judging from this air battle, the Jewish army performed very poorly."

After the report, Gu Shaoyi said with a smile on his face. It was very satisfying to see the Jewish army defeated.

However, he was also surprised by the growth rate of the Chinese Army.

Damn it.

It was too fast.

This is so much After a long time, the opponent had the strength to fight the Jewish army, and was able to defeat the Jewish Air Force.

Looking around the world, I am afraid that this kind of growth rate is also amazing.

This vitality is a bit scary. I don’t know where Yanguo’s air force got so many advanced fighter jets, and they were also stealth fighters.

"The myth of the undefeated Jewish army was shattered. Next, the Jewish state had good fruits to eat."

"What's going on with Wagner, is there any chance of stepping in?"

"If possible, let them cooperate with Yan State. Our goal is the same, to defeat the Jewish state."

Emperor Pu suppressed the shock in his heart, and after digesting the relevant news, he made a new decision.

In his opinion, Yan Guo is fully qualified to cooperate with Mao Xiong.

It is absolutely impossible to use ordinary method to measure such a newly established country with terrifying strength, even if they only have one city now. The land area can be obtained through expansion. The Jewish state can have the current territorial scope, isn’t it a steady stream of land from Canaan?

Is there anything wrong with the Yan Kingdom snatching land from the hands of the Yage people? Blue

Star has always been a predator of the weak. As long as it has enough strength, it can conquer other ethnic groups with force and rob them. Territory, and even killed all other ethnic groups.

A steady stream of intelligence came back, showing that the Jewish army was engaged in genocide in the Gaza Strip.

But what did other countries say?



All actions were just words. They did not attack directly from within the Jewish state like the Shenzhou Army. Although so far, it is not known what the origin of Shen Fei, the monarch of the Yan Kingdom, is, but he believes that the Yan Kingdom will definitely defeat the Jewish state.

Even if Yingjiang ends up , and it absolutely cannot change this result.


Gu Shaoyi was startled for a moment, then nodded.

He knew that Emperor Pu had raised the status of the Yan Kingdom, and the two countries could be on an equal footing.

Dragon Kingdom, the imperial capital.

In a mysterious compound, an old man in a Chinese tunic suit sat in an office. , frowning slightly from time to time.

In his hand was the latest intelligence from the Middle East.

The Jewish army suffered a new defeat, and the one who defeated them was the Yan Kingdom Air Force.

Yan Kingdom?

Shenzhou Legion?

Shen Fei?

Who is this young man ? What is his origin? Could he be from the Dragon Kingdom? Since the reform and opening up, more and more people have left the Dragon Kingdom, doing business and living all over the world.

But before, there really was no relevant information about Shen Fei, he was just an unknown person..

But today, he, a military boss, has to pay attention.

Because for the Dragon Kingdom, the current changes in the Middle East mean a huge opportunity, a good opportunity to further expand its influence in the region.

Naturally, he doesn't want to miss it.

But at the moment, he really has no way to figure out Yan Guo's pulse.

"Go and instruct the relevant departments to investigate this young man named Shen Fei."

"Once verified, relevant personnel will be mobilized to protect his family. We will definitely not allow some bad elements to destroy him."

Commander Xu suddenly raised his head and gave very serious instructions to his secretary. This is a very serious matter that must be implemented as soon as possible.

Judging from the relevant information obtained so far, it is extremely likely that this person named Shen Fei came from The Dragon Kingdom went out and it didn’t last too long.

In such a short period of time, it rose up in the Middle East.

It formed its own legion and went through war after war. Finally, it successfully established the Yan Kingdom and started the struggle against the Jewish state. The situation.

I have to say that the growth of his strength is really terrifying.

There must be some adventure in it.

As a dragon countryman, he still believes that there are miracles in this world.

There is no doubt that Shen Fei has created miracles.

They are all in the Middle East The region has established a nation, and if it continues to develop at the current rate, it will not be long before the Yan Kingdom expands its territory to a point that would shock even the surrounding countries.


The secretary immediately took the order, turned around and sent the relevant news.

"After destroying the F35 fighter jet, I have to say that Yan Guo became the first in the world."

"It is really a strength that cannot be underestimated."

Commander Xu read the relevant information, and was shocked beyond measure. He felt more and more that he must have certain relations with Yan State. When many major powers around the world were taking action, an emergency meeting was held in the Baileh City Government Building.

It is held here.

The people gathered here are all the upper class people of the city. They are powerful, but they have not been able to bring enough security to the city.

The strength of the Jewish army made them despair and made them even more desperate. They are afraid.

Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, they have been living in the shadow of the Jewish army all day long, and they may die on the spot at any time.

They nominally belong to the territory of the Canaanite Kingdom, but everyone knows that everything here has nothing to do with the Canaanite Kingdom. , at most they are just not willing to give up that flag.

In the past, they expected this flag to bring them enough security. Whether it was Hamas or the other two armed factions, as long as they could build a safety barrier for them , they can survive.

But today, they survive because of the protection of the Chinese Army!

"An emergency meeting was held today to discuss the next direction of our city."

"Should we continue to follow Canaan, or should we take the initiative to join the Yan Kingdom?"

"You have all seen that since Gaza City was designated as the capital of the Yan Kingdom, they did not encounter retaliation from the Jewish army today. Instead, we continued to encounter indiscriminate bombings."

"If it weren't for the Yanguo Air Force, we would have suffered even more casualties."

Mayor Joe Basana is sitting in the chief position. He gets straight to the point. There is no need to beat around the bush. He wants to have an attitude today.

If they continue to follow Canaan, their next fate will be very miserable.

They will be reduced to being Jewish. The target of the army's mad ravages, this city will eventually turn into a dead city, and the consequences will undoubtedly be very terrible.

"I think we should have a show of hands vote."

"Raise your hands in favor of joining the Yan Kingdom"

"This is a very serious matter." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It is related to the future direction of our city, and it is also related to whether we are still alive."

"I hope each of you will think carefully and not do it for immediate gain."

Seeing that no one expressed their opinions, Qiuba Sauna knew very well that today's proposal was a bit hasty, but he had to make a decision as soon as possible. If he was too late, he was really afraid that the Jewish army would come again and the Chinese army would no longer be able to make a decision. Troops were sent to protect them, which ultimately led to the tragic death of innocent people in the city.

This was an extremely tragic thing for them[]

Although underground air-raid shelters were dug in the city, once the enemy planes arrived, they would bomb them like they did yesterday. They didn't even have time to sound the air-raid sirens.

With so many people in the city, a drop of a very ordinary bomb would kill many people, not to mention that the Jewish army would drop hundreds of bombs and hundreds of tons of TNT explosives every time they bombed.

Each bombing would turn many buildings into ruins, and the entire city would be devastated and riddled with holes by the Jewish army.

This city can no longer withstand several bombings.Otherwise, the city will be completely destroyed and turned into a real city of death. This is a great shame for them.

If the city is destroyed, they are nothing.

"Mayor, don't say anything. Just do whatever you say."

"Yes, mayor, let’s vote by a show of hands. If anyone disagrees with joining the Yan Kingdom, I will be the first to let him go. Without the military protection of the Yan Kingdom, we may not know who will not be sitting here today."

"There is nothing to say, we must join the Yan Kingdom"

"I even call on other cities to join the Yan Kingdom."

After everyone looked at each other, they immediately made a statement. They didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to join the Yan Kingdom, and they had to be faster. It took too long for the

Gaza Strip to be bombarded by the Jewish army. Over time, it can be said that the neck of this area is in their hands.

If they don't wake up, I'm afraid they really don't deserve to live in the world.

"well said"

"Then we'll start voting by show of hands."

As soon as Qiao Basuna's words fell, everyone raised their hands in unison, which was called a clean and tidy decision.

He was very happy to see the result that passed 100%. He also knew the reason.

Everyone was following the trend. Facing the continuous bombings of the Jewish army, they had long wanted to have a force to deal with them. Now the appearance of the Shenzhou Legion just fulfilled their expectations.

Soon they formed a delegation to fight with Yan The Chinese representative in Gaza City got in touch.

That night, they held a formal meeting with Tanya, the external representative of the Chinese Legion.

Tanya looked at Qiaoba Sauna and others with a smile on her face.

"If you want to join our Yan Kingdom, tell us your conditions."

"No need to beat around the bush."

Tanya said bluntly, Tanya knew very well what Qiao Ba, Sauna and others wanted to have Bayleh City join the Yan Kingdom. The purpose was to protect the Shenzhou Legion.

"We have joined the Yan Kingdom. Will you protect us like you protect Gaza City?"

"The Jewish state has nearly half a million troops. If they attack us, will the Chinese army be able to withstand the attack?"

"We are Canaanites, will you accept us?"

"After joining Yanguo, will you help us solve the problem of water and power grid?"

As soon as he finished speaking, many people looked at each other and put forward corresponding conditions. For them, joining the Yan Kingdom can indeed bring security guarantees, but they also have their own worries.

The Chinese Army helped repel the Jewish Air Force, and they were very grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

They no longer had any bargaining chips.

In terms of military, neither Hamas nor the other two factions were rivals of the Chinese Army.

Put it forward Of course, it is also the most basic condition. They are too eager to protect the safety of those people in the city. Looking at the whole world, I am afraid that only the Shenzhou Legion can provide this kind of security protection.

And they also know very well that even if they do not take the initiativeIn the process of expansion, Yan Kingdom will still ask the city of Beileh to join.

If they don't agree, the Chinese Legion will definitely attack. At that time, they will be besieged by two powerful enemies. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, I am afraid that the city of Baileh will be turned into ruins.

".There is no problem with the issue of water, electricity and internet that you raised."

"But we won’t discuss this issue until we have completely knocked down the Gaza wall."

"This won't take long"

"Up to three battles."

Tanya stretched out three fingers on her right hand, with a confident smile on her face.

With the current strength of the Chinese Army, it won't take long to successfully break out of the Gaza Strip, completely knock down the walls, and enter Go to the territory of the Jewish State.

As for those damn Jewish troops, the Chinese Army will use all its strength to completely defeat them.

This world is originally about the weak and the strong, and strength is respected.

Especially in the Middle East, when facing the extremely vicious Jewish State, you must use your fists After defeating them, beating this country to the ground, and becoming a wandering people again, they will become gentler.

However, Tanya believes that sows can climb trees, and they will never abandon the evil of Yage people. Be kind and completely transform into a nation with good intentions.

Therefore, there is only one way to deal with them, and that is to kill!

Kill until this nation is hiding around the world like a lost dog, and will never have a place to live.

It can be said that the previous Canaan It would be a huge mistake for anyone to take in the Yage people.

Yan Guo will never make this kind of mistake again.

"Can you tell us why you hate the Jewish state so much (money or not)?"

"Are you like us, with hatred that is too strong to be resolved?"

"Or do you just want to occupy more land?"

After signing the agreement to join the Yan Kingdom, Qiao Basuna raised a question that had troubled him for a long time.

After this period of observation, he found that the Chinese Legion was no more ruthless against the Jewish army than Hamas or other armed organizations.

Completely He just kills people on sight and leaves absolutely no one alive.

So far, he has never heard of Jewish prisoners of war in the hands of the Chinese Legion.

Undoubtedly, such an armed organization is very terrifying, and the hatred for the Jewish state has reached an unbearable level. to the point of having real hatred

"Occupying land is only a means, our real purpose has been clarified by His Majesty at the founding ceremony"

"Go back and study the spirit of speech."

"In addition, let me also say that our goal is to completely defeat the Jewish state and let this nation wander again."

"Wipe the Jewish state off the map of Blue Star countries."

Tanya responded with a serious look on her face, her eyes filled with perseverance.

This is the goal of the Yan Kingdom at this stage, and it must be carried out unswervingly until the Yage people start wandering again.

The so-called God of the Jewish Kingdom Reserved land, that's bullshit.

If God exists, why doesn't he help the Jewish people fight the war?

It's just bullshit.

The news that the city of Beileh joined the Yan Kingdom quickly appeared in the newspapers, like paper snowflakes. Spread to all over the world.

Everyone was in an uproar.

They never expected that the Yan Kingdom would have two cities in its hands so quickly.

Of course, the most angry non-Jewish country was none other than the Jewish state.

The ground troops had already advanced into Gaza. area, in order to drive out the Canaanites and then occupy this place, but the Yan Kingdom took the victory in the air battle over Gaza City and captured the city of Bailah.

It took only a short time for the Yan Kingdom to have There are two cities, how can they be embarrassed?

Yan Guo obviously wants to press their old faces to the ground and rub them hard...

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