The place where the three landed was not far from the coordinate point Belo Bog. It had not been eroded by the rift yet, but the monsters spawned by the rift had already escaped.

One can imagine how Yaliluo No. 6 has been eroded.

The civilization still on this planet, even the monsters not far outside the city, are unable to clean up.

This pioneering journey was more difficult than expected.

The nearby buildings were buried in snow, and Dan Heng could easily reach the roof without tiptoeing.

【Genshin Impact Walnut: Wow! It's snow】

【Original God Dardalia: This place looks even colder than my hometown in Zhidong】

【Servant of the Original God: I don’t remember the humanoid ice sculptures in the solstice】

【Genshin Impact Arataki Ito: You Belobog people are quite sentimental. Even your house was buried and your mood was carved.~】

【Kokolia: That's not an ice sculpture, that's a human being】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Huh? You-said that thing is human】

【Kokoria: To be precise, those things cannot be called humans. They are the invaders who came to destroy Belo Bog seven hundred years ago. The reason why it is like this... is also thanks to the sudden cold wave.】

【Original God Funina: Living things are frozen into ice sculptures]

Compared with Fontaine’s prediction, Bellobog’s cold wave is not much better.

They were not secretly plotting to protect their Fukalos.

【Genshin Impact Barbara: It would be great if Lord Barbatos were here, he could blow away the wind and snow for you】

【Bentie Jizi: Maybe it’s feasible, but as long as the star core is not destroyed, the cold wave will still come back.】

【Bengtiexing: This seems to be the place where we met Sambo】

【Beng Tie March 7: Oh, can you please stop mentioning him? What a bad luck! However, this place is really】

【Iron Breaker Sambo: I can see it, heroes. If you say this, Sambo will be very sad.】

【Beng Tie March 7: Don’t force me to slap you!】

"Hey, have you seen it? It seems like something is moving……"

"……It's just an ordinary snowdrift, are you sure it's not your hallucination?"

In this vast white snow, it is common to see the wrong things.

"Absolutely not, our eyesight is so good! Come on, let's take a closer look."

The three of them took a closer look. The snowdrift was swaying, and it was obvious that someone was inside.

"……Hey, stop hiding, you're so cold that you're shivering."

The snowdrift was speechless, and the people inside obviously had no intention of coming out.

They tried to escape by pretending to be dead, but how could this work?

"It's no use if you hold back and keep silent.……"

I've seen you

"Give it a go, March."

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep and want him to wake up.……

"The best way to deal with someone who cheats is to smash the bell on his head."

The cave sky is transformed, and the long dream is lifted up!"


Sangbo covered his buttocks and jumped out of the snowdrift excitedly, as if the monkey king was born.

"I said, buddy, that’s not the case, right? There's nothing wrong with walking in the snow. You don't need to stab me with the tip of a gun, right?"

Dan Heng and March Qi hugged each other's shoulders while the other hugged their waists. Liu Xing alone didn't know what position to take and could only blink helplessly.

The three of them looked like they were all easy to mess with, and Sang Bo was on the spot. I'm scared

"Uh, but no wonder all the heroes! Haha, I showed up too suddenly, it was worth it, it should be, it must be! How else can I meet all my good friends? Ha ha……"

【Genshin Impact Paimon: How scared is he after using the same three words in a row?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: It's so shameful, Sangbo, you are still as timid as ever】

【Bangtie Sangbo: Xi'er, you have seen what the three of them are capable of, right? How can I, Sangbo, have the ability to offend them?]

Sangbo complained incessantly. After today, his identity as the Masked Fool will be exposed.

It would be difficult for him to continue to act as a clown in the future, unless he changed his outfit. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Speaking of which...will my Star God betray himself for the sake of exposure?

Of course He will. Sambo is now thinking about changing his clothes.

"……Is Chief Jeppard here? I'm quite familiar with him……"

In the video, Sambo is getting close to the three men, apparently mistaking them for the Silver Mane Guards.

Who else can appear outside the city in this ice and snow except the Silver Mane Iron Guard?[]


Suddenly said an unknown name. How could they know people on this planet?

Hearing that March Qi did not recognize him, Sambo suddenly realized.

The fear and flattery faded away,"Oh, you are not the Silver Mane Iron Guard? I should have said it earlier, isn’t it unnecessary for one’s own family to fight one’s own family?"

"Sambokoski, nice to meet you!"

Introduce yourself in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and nod politely by the way.

"I am a star"

"Okay, okay, I’ll remember to take a look. To be honest, I didn’t expect to meet my colleagues in this ice and snow. Business has been hard lately, but don't worry, I, Sangbo, never eat alone."

"The treasure outside is huge. If you have money, let’s make it together, hahaha"

"Why don't we hook up together? I have reliable news: The main force of the Silver Mane Iron Guard has been transferred to the front line. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.……"

"What deal?"

It's not easy to meet a local. It would be a pity not to ask for information."

"……This is a bit too much, everyone. It’s okay if you don’t trust me, but there’s no need to pretend to be stupid."

"Yes, I know all the rules. Everyone is in this business, so I can be a little wary, so I understand! Blame it on me, Sambo, who is so passionate and sincere in nature……"

【Bengtie Danheng: Let me tell you a joke, Sangbo is very sincere】

【Beng Tie March 7: Hahahaha...can you please stop talking about it? Dan Heng, you are not suitable for telling jokes.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: The three little friends look like foreigners from the way they are dressed. Why does Sambo mistake you for the Silver-maned Iron Guard?】

【Genshin Impact: You can still tell the difference between locals and outsiders. The clothing, culture, habits, and language are all incompatible with the locals. No matter how scared you are of being dazzled, you won’t mistake strangers as local troops.】

【Bengtie Sangbo: Sister, don’t you think I’m so scared. Who else can move in this ice and snow except the Silver-maned Iron Guard?】

【Genshin Impact Ye Lan: There is something wrong with this Sambo, but we don’t know what it is yet.】

【Bentie Jeppard: Just a criminal, a repeat offender of Belo Borg】

【Genshin Paimon: Appeared, it was Jeppard himself】

【Bentie Pella: What Sambo said is very familiar, he means that Chief Bejeppard personally led the team to pursue it several times, right?】

【Bengsan Tesla: In a sense, we are indeed old acquaintances】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Sang Bo, this person's character is not very good, but he is still very reliable to work with.】



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