"Actually... actually……"

Funina looked at her hands unwillingly.

I thought it was a miracle, but I didn't expect it to be a conspiracy.

(But what exactly is going on? Funina cannot possibly not know the original consequences of doing this...)

What kind of secret is worthy of Funina's life to protect?

Ying suddenly felt that she and others did not understand Funina at all.

(This is so unlike her. Is protecting the false identity of a god... more important to her than her life? )

(Obviously...she should have given up long ago, right?)

Infinitely close to the answer, but stopped there

"Listen to me, listen to me, don’t look at me with cold eyes anymore, the one just now doesn’t count!"

Funina quickly explained that at this time, she didn't know that the final judgment had come, and she was still maintaining her identity as a god.

As long as everyone can still believe in herself, and as long as the acting continues, she in the mirror can save everyone. people

"look. You can't prove that gods will not be affected by the water of the original womb sea, right?"

"And, and, if I were really human, how could I dare to put my hand in that kind of water?……"

The audience in the audience shook their heads and no longer believed Funina's sophistry.

【Bengtie Jingliu: She is too tired. If it were her five hundred years ago, she would definitely be able to handle this problem perfectly]

In fact, Funina's words are correct. People cannot prove that the water of the original womb sea is ineffective against the water god.

If this scene appeared out of thin air, countless people would have countless reasons to support Funina.

But after the Gongzi incident, people began to have doubts about the cardinal's decree.

After Baisong Town, people's fear of death deepened.

From their perspective, Nina did nothing.

Nowadays, all the important senior officials of Fontaine are attacking Fu Nina, and people's confidence in Fu Nina has long been exhausted.

From the beginning of the trial, Funina has been avoiding and dodging. Is it really all an act?

Acting is like this, when people think she is real, no matter what Funina does, people will ignore it as a god's behavior that mortals can't guess.

When people begin to doubt, no matter how perfect Funina's words are, it is useless.

Unless...she comes up with divine power that rivals that of a god

【Original God Navilet: This feeling and scene are chilling】

【Natasha of Iron Breaker: Leadership comes from people's support. When people no longer support her, the so-called great guardian's identity is just a title]

Natasha did not mean to ridicule Funina, she just used ridicule Cocolia

【Beng San Tesla: Even a white lie will eventually be exposed one day. Fortunately, people no longer need white lies.】

【Before the dawn comes, Funina illuminates the darkness, and after the dawn comes, the torch that illuminates the darkness should not be given up.】

【Collapsing Iron Talisman: Those who collect firewood for others should not be allowed to die in the wind and snow.】

【Original God Navelle: This is natural. If Fontaine can survive, Ms. Funina will always be treated favorably. If she wants, she can do anything except crime.】

【Genshin Impact Leosli: There will also be a bar after this live broadcast, and the three worlds will jointly supervise it.】

【Original God Funina:……】

The last condition was met, the Water God cried.

Fukalos, how are you going to save us.

Now, all the conditions have been met except that all the Fontainebleaus disappeared into the sea.

Fukalos, how can the self in the mirror save everyone?

Funina didn't have the heart to watch her ugly appearance in the live video. She was more concerned about whether Fukalos' plan was successful.


On the high platform, looking across from Fu Nina, she was still staring intently at the live broadcast room. Villette knew exactly what she was thinking.

Is this guy still thinking about the Fontainebleau people until now?

Is there really no resentment in her heart?

Because of Funina alone, Villette's sense of human beings as a whole has improved to a higher level.

In the video, Funina is still trying to explain. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"……Listen to me, please, listen to me, I am really a god……"

With tears in her eyes, Funina cried.

She looked around for help, looking for someone she could rely on.

But there is no one she can rely on. She has been alone since she took over the position of Water God five hundred years ago.

It was so before and it is so now[]

Maybe this won't be the case in the future when the plan is successful.

On the high platform of the Supreme Judge, Navilette closed her eyes tightly.

He couldn't bear to see Funina anxious and wanting to cry, but he had to do it for Fontaine.

There was disappointment both on and off the stage. Who would have thought that the god of Fontaine was actually an ordinary person?

"Sigh... No one will listen to me if I continue to argue. There is already so much evidence."

The audience is helpless, not to talk about the evidence.

Just say that now, Funina can't look like a god who is omnipotent.

Madam Funina, where has your arrogance and confidence and your desire to judge the world gone?

"At this point, it's useless for Funina to say anything."

【Teresa Bengsan: That’s it. The people of Fontaine have shown great restraint. The Water God has been revealed to be fake. There is only disappointment and no other emotions.】

【Bengtie Tingyun: The little girl has been walking in the universe for many years, and the top leader has encountered several fake examples. When their identities are revealed, you know what will happen?】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: Let me guess, they will be torn to pieces by the angry fools】

【Genshin Paimon: Huh? real or fake】

【Genshin Impact Tingyun: Of course it’s true. The little girl was sweating just now for Miss Funina in the video]

Tingyun certainly knows that Funina has done a lot, but the Fontaine person in the live video is not Know.

Going on stage without anger and tearing Fu Nina apart was something unbelievable to Zingyun.

People hate being deceived, no matter how much they loved them once, they will be angry when they find out they have been deceived.

She had seen with her own eyes a respected leader who was stoned to death by his people after he was discovered to be a liar. (king's)

【Dr. Genshin Impact: There is a platform for the supreme judge Navilette, who dares to step forward?】

【Original God Leosley: Even if Lady Funina has no supernatural powers, she is still Fontaine’s beloved artist. Those who set the pace will take care of everything afterwards】

【Bengtie Aha: Deal with it. It needs to be dealt with. My friend, if you have to deal with it, why not get a bigger one?】

【Genshin Impact Leosli: What do you mean? 】

Leosli became vigilant. Although Aha exposed everything, he was not naive enough to think that Aha was on their side.

【Bengtie Aha: Let me keep it a secret, and I will tell you after this exposure is over, how about it?】



PS: It’s the second day since this book was put on the shelves. All the chapters are about paid chapters. In order not to waste your money, I will no longer write PS at the end of the chapters. I will reply directly in the comment area. Thank you again for your support..

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