"Then Villette, are you……"

Water Dragon King, Ying completed the last three words in his heart

"Maybe, as you thought"

"what? What?"

Paimon asked curiously what the two of them were talking about.

He was always present, but why couldn't he understand a word?

"Water... eh?!"

Water Dragon King? It's the legendary Water Dragon King.

It turns out that Villette is such a powerful big shot. Since he is the Water Dragon King, how can he easily suppress the water of the original womb sea? It's normal, right?

"Please don't be so surprised."

Too much shock and admiration will only make Navilette at a loss what to do.

"You guessed it right, I sincerely hope you can keep my secret"

【Genshin Impact: It turns out that Lord Villette is the legendary Water Dragon King.】

【The original god Water Dragon King actually exists. I thought the Water Dragon King was an adult trying to trick children.】

【Genshin Impact is so powerful. Although I don’t know what this means, I still feel so powerful.】

【Original God Mona: It’s incredible that the Water Dragon King can be with humans]

Mona doesn’t know much about the origin, but according to the information she knows, Water Dragon King 180 can stay with humans just like It's incredible that Diluc and the Doctor live in peace

【Dr. Genshin: It’s incredible that the Dragon King would mix with humans】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: What? Is there any conflict between him and humans?】

【Doctor: Can you imagine Cocolia going deep into the lower area to condole with you and make decisions for you?]

The doctor has never been to Bello Borg, but Seele had previously mentioned the situation of Bello Borg on the barrage.

Out of habit, the doctor will subconsciously record information

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Then I understand. Fire and water are almost incompatible, but there's nothing the other party can do about it, right?】

【Dr. Genshin: There are so many gods in the barrage, why don’t you ask them?】

【Original God Dyne: The original rulers of Teyvat were the Seven Dragon Kings. Tianli and the Seven Gods were outsiders. They stole the authority of the Dragon Kings and established their own kingdom.】

【Original God Dyne: He destroyed the old order and brought a new order, and thus humankind was born.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: According to what you said, Villette and the Water God should be incompatible, but what I see is the Supreme Judge Navilette, a dragon king who protects human beings (ceca).】

【Original God Dyne: Just like the yellow sand will bury the pyramid, time will erase everything. The original Dragon King and humans have an indelible hatred, but Villette is obviously a second-generation dragon.】

【Original God Dyne: As a new dragon, having never met the previous Dragon King, will you inherit his hatred, or will you choose the water god who works with you day and night?】

【Original God Tevalin: I don’t know. Anyway, Barbatos is pretty good to me, although that guy is very troublesome.】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Hey】

【Dr. Genshin: It is rare for humans to form friendship with dragons, but it is not impossible, but the Dragon King protects humans...what is the difference between the Dragon King and the traitor of the Dragon King?】

【Bengtie Aha: I am about to fight to the death, why does Your Majesty surrender first?】

【Honkai Tesla: It sounds like humans and Honkai coexist】

【Bengsan Kevin: Humph! That's never possible】

【Otto Bengsan: Maybe humans can choose to coexist with the Herrscher]

Navilette didn't want to answer these questions, and didn't know how to answer them.

Just like the doctor said, there is an indelible hatred between the Dragon King and the Seven Gods, and there should be fire and water between them.

Villette has never met the former Dragon King, but he has met Funina.

He has been thinking about this issue for hundreds of years. Which is more important, the former Dragon King whom he has never met, or Fu Nina.

But...this question can be answered today. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"But...I still have a little question to ask you."


"You see, as the Dragon King of the water element, you have just forced back the sea water of Merlo Petersburg."

"Since Fontaine's prophecy is related to sea water, isn't there any way to use your power to directly resolve the crisis?"[]

【Genshin Impact is a great idea, but I have given up hope.】

【Beng Tie didn't need to think about it. If he could have done it long ago, how could he not use it?】

【What if Beng Tie just wants the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus to kill all the people in Fontaine?】

【Genshin, are you sick? After spraying Lady Funina, spray Lord Carlos, after spraying Lord Fukalos, spray Lord Villette. Do you really think that we Fontaine people are all fools?】

【Even if Genshin looks down on people, even if you think we dogs can’t change our ways of eating shit, why don’t you change the direction and show some respect to us?】

【Original God Funina: It seems that you don’t need me to protect you anymore.】

【Genshin Impact Leosley: After knocking those guys out, the barrage became sober.】

【Original God Navelle:……】

"Today's elemental dragons, including me, are all in an incomplete state."

It's not that Villette doesn't want to, it's really powerless.

"It is said that the earliest tyrants came to the Tewa envoy and took away part of the dragon's power. The power of the Seven Gods now comes from those stolen powers."

"Dragons have seven elements, gods also have seven elements"

"The previous Water Dragon King who lived through that era has been dead for a long time. As the successor, I know very little about these ancient histories."

"But I guess unless the gods disappear and give back the power over the elements, I guess what can be done"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, I still recommend finding other ways to fight the prophecy"

【Forget it about the original god. Think about the disappearance of the gods. That is simply impossible.】

【The original god can't do it. Even if I could, I don't want Lady Funina to disappear.】

【Genshin Impact, please correct me. It was Master Fukalos who disappeared, but that’s okay.】

【Genshin Impact Barbara: The power of gods comes from stealing, no...this is impossible】

【Original God Dyne: Nothing is impossible, your god is not a good thing】

【Genshin Impact Barbara: You are not allowed to insult Lord Barbatos】

【Beng Tie Tingyun: Di Gong Si Ming and Shou Wen Fuzu seem to have the same relationship.】

【Genshin Impact: Every world has its own opposition.】

【Yuanshen Ningguang: Emperor Yanwang has protected Liyue for thousands of years. With this, the people of Liyue have no right to accuse the emperor.】

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: The shogun has been protecting us since the birth of Inazuma. Naturally, the Inazuma people will not accuse the shogun of being there. Even the rebels on Kaiji Island agree on this.】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Then why are they still resisting?】

【Original God Coral Palace Xinhai: Of course the three major principles are to deceive the superiors and deceive the gods.】



PS: The second biggest brother is on the shelves.

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