"About the void……"

In fact, there was no hope this time, given Nasita's experience.

It was almost impossible to get anything out of her.

This time I came here mainly to reminisce about old times, and to treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

What if I ask you something?

"After that incident, the void no longer functioned as it did before."

"After comprehensive consideration, I chose to close the void"

"However, this is definitely not a bad thing. I originally planned to stop the operation of the void."

It is a good thing to have unified management of knowledge by the void and let people query it.

But now it seems that it will kill people's curiosity and close people's minds. It will do more harm than good to the future of Xumi..Now people will still feel uncomfortable because of losing the void, but it won’t be long.

People will understand that this kind of life is better and more suitable for them.

"As for the future of Xumi... I am preparing to regain control of the Order Academy"

"The original sages have already accepted their inheritance, and the new sages have not yet been selected. I will also kiss you in this matterSupervision"

"I expect that the new generation of sages will be more academically inclined, and now, Xumi needs such leaders."

After the catastrophe, Xumi can no longer withstand the torment, and now it needs a sage who can lead the Order to recuperate.

In addition, the people of Chiji and even the residents of the entire desert area have been treated unfairly for a long time..

She has dealt with everything accordingly.

It takes time to rebuild anything, but whether it is culture, friendship, trust... the rainforest and desert will be regained

【Genshin Elhaysen: Maybe Void will be enabled again in the future, but for now, it’s better to close it first】

【Beng San Tesla: If there are doctors watching eagerly from the side, it is indeed easy to become a wedding dress for fools.】

【Bentie Jeppard: How about letting Tinari 497 be the new great sage? 】

Nasida hoped that the new sage would be more academic. Others would write one paper every three years, while Tinari would write three papers a year.

The great sage must be responsible, and Tinari was struck by lightning to protect Hypatia.

Tinari doesn't like messing around, and has a good relationship with the Gale Disciplinary Seno.

He is a close companion with Disia, Elhaysen and others, and he is a staunch member of the Little Lucky Grass King faction.

Besides Elhaysen, is there anyone more suitable to be a great sage than Tinari?

【Genshinori Tinari: Uh... let's forget it, I can't stand that kind of job]

Power comes with responsibility. The great sage sounds like a powerful person, but in fact it is not an easy job.

The previous great sage was not a good person, so that the Xumi people would be extremely harsh on his successor.

Instead of accepting that bird's breath, it would be better to be his ranger in the rainforest.

Besides, wait until the live broadcast ends.

There will be some old friends coming to the rainforest, and he will entertain them well.

【Original God Nasida: The matter of the Great Sage still needs to be considered. For the time being, it will be as shown in the video, and I will be represented by Elhaysen.】

【Genshin Impact Kawi:...I am more inclined to put Elhaysen in the bag】

【Genshin Impact Seno: The Great Sage in the Bag?】

【Genshin Elhaysen: No problem. Since I ignore the Great Sage, I should have the power to approve funds.】

【Bengtiexing: Damn it! permission dog】

【Genshin Impact Kawi: Yes, it’s a permission dog, a permission dog that avenges private vengeance.】

【Genshin, oh my ancestors, please stop saying a few words, our funds are just on your lips.】

"What happened after I fell asleep that day."

At the end of that day, Ying saw the doctor. The executive officer of Zhidong Kingdom was the object of her fear. (cdfb)

Ying clearly remembered that the doctor had left Xumi, so why did he come back without any news?.I hope the Doctor didn't do anything to Nasita

"Are you telling me what happened after the Doctor put you to sleep?"

"Did he take away the heart of God?"

Ying can only think of this at the moment.

When the Fool and the executives see the god and don't take the god's heart, are they trying to discuss wisdom with the grass god?

……It's not impossible.

No matter how crazy the doctor is, he is still a scientist. It is impossible for him not to have ideas about the God of Wisdom.

But what exactly the doctor did depends on what Nasida said.

"You guessed it right... The Fool Executives in the third seat and above are all as powerful as gods. In that case, I am not his opponent."

"But the situation was bad, so I made an equal deal with the doctor."

"You must remember, the one who changed your destiny - Tianli"

"In fact, the laws of heaven have been silent since the disaster of Kanria five hundred years ago. And I took advantage of this and threatened the doctor"

"I told him that if I destroyed this heart of God, it would be possible to awaken the law of heaven. Although I guessed with knowledge, I successfully countered him."

"It’s a matter of law. Heavenly law shouldn’t just sit idly by and ignore this level of damage."

"As for what I exchanged for the heart of God?……"

"I exchanged it for the punishment of the doctor, and the knowledge that I, as the God of Wisdom, could not refuse."

I know something terrible.

I originally thought it was just a casual chat, but I didn't expect to know a lot of exciting content.

The god with the least hope gave her the most answers.

Ying suddenly remembered He defeated the three old men in front of him and helped them solve their country's problems.

As a result, Zhongli and Wendy became the Riddler and refused to say anything.

The Lei movie is even more amazing. They have been imprisoned for five hundred years without knowing anything.

The Grass God After being imprisoned for five hundred years, she still knows how to come out from time to time.

Today is really the right time, Nasida gave herself a lot of surprises

【Original God Xiao Palace: The strength is comparable to the gods, so powerful】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: No wonder the doctor disdains the stragglers who have become gods. It turns out that he has already had the power to rival the gods.】

【Beng Sanqiana: Doesn’t that mean that Zhidong is the strongest country in the world of Genshin Impact? Among the Fool’s Executives, the top three are all as powerful as gods.

Plus the Queen of the East, doesn’t it mean she has four god-level powers?

【Beng Sanjizi: Pay attention to the wording, being comparable is not possessing】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: The Seven Gods are also gods, and the skirmishers are also gods. The gold content of the two is not of the same level.】

【Genshen Yun Jin: The former Rock King suppressed Osel easily] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: The shogun killed the big snake Obaros with one blow】

【Genshin Arataki Idou: But the Grass God said personally that he can’t beat the Doctor.】

【Genshin Impact: It’s a joke. At that time, the little Lucky Grass King had just escaped from the cage. It was at a time when he was weak and he had to shoulder the responsibility of saving the world tree.】

【Genshin Shino: Even so, he can still negotiate with the doctor with ease. Can't it be said that he has both wisdom and courage?】

【Original God Desia: On the contrary, it was the Doctor. Mr. Little Lucky Grass King just went to save the world, including Zhidong, including the Doctor himself, but what did the Doctor do?】

【Original God Disiya: He took away the heart of God by repaying kindness with revenge. There is no good thing among fools]

The Sumeru people naturally want to speak for Nasida, let alone from their perspective.

His own god is trying his best to save the world, but one of the people being saved, the Doctor, comes to seek the heart of his own god.

It’s simply worthless to be a son of man

【Bentie Xiluwa: The quarrel is so fierce. When this kind of issue comes up, every believer of the god will become red-faced.】

【Teresa Bengsan: There is no god, so I don’t understand you very well.】

【Beng Sanjizi: There are no gods, so I don’t understand you very well.】

【Beng San Yayi: If I don’t believe in gods, I don’t understand you very well.】

【Broken Iron Silver Branch: All beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen, if you don’t have faith, you might as well believe in pure beauty and praise Idrila’s unparalleled beauty.】

【Original God Dardalia: Why are you talking about this? You don’t care where the stragglers go.】[]

【Genshin Paimon: What a blunt way to change the topic】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: If Mr. Dadalia knows something, you might as well tell him]

How can you say that? He, Dadalia, just likes to talk with his fists, not a tiger.

How could such top-secret information be openly released?

Speaking of the arrival of stragglers, in the video, Ying asked about the stragglers again.

She and the skirmishers were old acquaintances. She was still in Mondstadt when she first met the skirmishers.

Teyvat's journey has just begun, earlier than I met the young master.

Since it's just a small talk, let's ask in passing.

It looked like she had been abandoned by the fools. She was very curious about how Nasida would solve this problem.

"He was unconscious and I hid him like a feather"

"I know you are worried about him, but he once became a god, but he still has some very useful qualities."

"But don't worry, I will keep an eye on him and won't allow him to do evil."

Some very useful qualities. The real-life doctor accurately captured this term.

The qualities that made even the God of Wisdom care. In the video, he didn't even choose to recover the skirmishers.

Did he make a mistake...

No Yes.

The doctor shook his head and rejected this possibility.

He has a unique vision and he knows the characteristics of the skirmishers clearly. He did not take them away, and did not even mention them during the negotiation. There is only one possibility.

That is with Compared with the Heart of God, the uniqueness of Skirmishers is nothing to mention.

The self-confidence, self-esteem and arrogance of scholars are just as much as those of doctors. He does not believe that he will make mistakes.

In the video, the Q&A continues

"In addition, there are still some mysteries about him. There are some things that are clear from my perspective but he doesn't understand at all."

What Nasida said was that the skirmishers were plotted by the doctor.

The doctor should be the main contributor to the skirmishers being reduced to this.

"What happens in the future must be determined by God"

"About the next stop on the journey, Fontaine……"

The purpose of her trip was no longer to find her brother, but to be like Sora back then.

Complete your own trip in Teyvat.

She wanted to know what Sora had seen that prevented him from meeting her.



PS: Updates will be gradually resumed from today, and there will be another chapter soon..

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