"This sound... Ying? Paimon?"

Fainted, who did it?

"After waiting here for so long, I finally found the opportunity to be alone with you. Spending those precious time is worth it."

There was no time to continue to mourn the disappearance of the Great Ci Tree King. The next person who dared to come to the scene was the doctor who had returned to the Winter Kingdom.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: Doctor? You didn't leave】

【Bengsan Tesla: You fools and executives should really communicate with each other.】

【Original God Dadalia: With our relationship, I can’t believe it even if he dares to give it to me.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Dotore……】

Don't worry about the Grass God for now. No matter how frustrating it is to lose, at least he was defeated in an upright manner.

But the doctor wants to pour forbidden knowledge into his mind.

The knowledge of the end of pollution, the knowledge of killing the Red King, forced the Great Ci Tree King to plan to erase his own knowledge.

The doctor actually tried to force this dirty thing into his brain.

Regardless of whether the doctor knows it or not, this relationship has been established.

【Genshin Impact Walnut: The invincible traveler has fallen. Speaking of which, you are all highly skilled in martial arts. Why do you fall when you are confused?】

【Yuan Shen Xiao Palace: Xing Dan Heng March 7th】

【Bengtie March 7: Uh...it's all Sangbo's fault. It's all Sangbo's fault.】

【Bengtiexing: Poison resistance, we need to add some poison resistance】

【Beng Tie Danheng: We don’t have that kind of setting】

【Genshin Impact Disia: No, we saw it with our own eyes. The doctor should have gone back.】

【Genshin Impact Bennett: He’s back again】

【Genshin Impact Kavi: If this is the case, the doctor’s actions would be too fast.】

【Genshen Yelan: The doctor’s speed... Indeed, he is always erratic]

She tracked the doctor in Liyue and discovered some strange things.

Traces of the doctor were found in two places in Liyue at the same time. By the time she arrived, the doctor had disappeared without a trace.

But it is worth noting that Shi did move in two places not long ago.

How is this possible? The distance between the two sides is so far that even she has to travel for a long time.

Either the doctor is highly skilled in martial arts and can travel freely between the two places, or there are two doctors.

The two possible ideas are too ridiculous in Ye Lan's opinion.


"It's just a sound wave that can make unsuspecting people quickly enter dreams. Sure enough... it's ineffective against gods."

"Those things studied by sages are only a little interesting. I just picked it up and tried it."

"Don't worry, I know you won't forgive me if I really kill them."

Kill Ying? No, this is not in his interest.

Ying has a special status, and killing her wisdom will bring trouble to Zhi Dong.

Let's not say whether the countries she helps will use this to put pressure on Zhi Dong. Let's just say Over there in the abyss...

The Fools investigated and found some clues. Ying seems to have an unusual relationship with a certain big figure in the abyss.

The other six countries have been unhappy with Zhi Dong for a long time. If they can find an excuse to unite.

Even the Queen It's too much to bear.

In contrast, keeping Ying alive is more beneficial to the fools.

A warm-hearted person is much easier to deal with than four countries and an abyss.

Maybe he will need Ying's help in the future. Woolen cloth

"I came to negotiate with you. Naturally, I cannot do dangerous things that would damage the relationship between the two parties."

"Negotiate with me? I heard that you had left Xumi before, why are you here?"

A false shot? But what is the purpose of the doctor doing this?

Now, why did the doctor come?

Thinking that the fools are collecting information about the heart of God, Nasida felt confident

"It’s me who left Sumeru, and it’s me who stayed in Sumeru"

【Beng Tiesuchang: Huh?】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: Doll, clone?】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Bang bang bang! As expected of Ms. Black Tower, the answer is already very close.】

【Bengtie Ruanmei: It’s sliced, right?】

"It’s really disappointing that even the God of Wisdom is bound by the inertia of hostages."

"Does it mean... there are many different yous in the world at the same time?"

Breaking the inertia of thinking, Nasida thought of a possibility

"Not a bad guess."

Except for being constrained by cognitive inertia, my understanding ability is perfect.

"Even the same individual may have different cognitions at different ages."

"A long time ago, I made a major decision, hoping to preserve my entire perspective on the world."

That's it for the temptation. It's time to get to the point.

There's no point in hiding it. Even if the Grass God doesn't know about these details, it won't hurt her. It's better to take the initiative to speak out and express your sincerity in wanting to negotiate.

Be the first to initiate negotiations. People always have to pay something

"Observation is the first step in the experiment, but observing the world at the moment does not satisfy me. It also lacks the important dimension of time."

"So I saved slices of myself at various ages and operated them into independent individuals."

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: It’s interesting, let’s continue.】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: It’s kind of interesting to call this, but it’s too crazy.】

【Bengtie Ruanmei: It’s nothing. There are many people in the genius club who are crazier than this.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Oh? If I have the chance, I really want to visit】

【Bengtieheita: OK, I really want to study you.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Haha, the power is mutual. When you want to study me, why don’t I want to study you?】

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: The idea is interesting, but... what's the use of preserving those idiots?】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Indeed, the Black Tower is quite stupid.】

【The iron black tower collapsed; I started to drive without talking to you.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Hahaha, idiot, is this how you evaluate your past self? But in my opinion... they are all valuable.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Guess, what time period am I in now?】

【Bentie Black Tower: It’s up to you. If you and I do the same thing, the chaos caused will be enough to cause strangulation in the entire universe.】

【Collapse of the Black Tower: God knows what they will do】

"This is it. I really want to know... what the God of Wisdom would say about my practice of seeking knowledge."

"You are insulting the concept of life."

Of course I reprimanded it. This is a fallacy that even the Holy Orders cannot accept.

"Life itself has many rules and restrictions, all of which have their own meaning and reason for existence. They cannot be broken by just being conceited."

Wisdom is a means, and life is the goal.

Giving up the goal for the sake of the means is basically abandoning the basics and chasing the last.

Freedom without restrictions and rules is not freedom, it is bullying and oppression in the name of freedom.

"Haha... very good, amazing."

It's not a surprise to Dr. Nasida's attitude. It would be a surprise if he didn't hear these words.

He has broken the common sense of life since making slices, so he doesn't care whether he is trampling on life.

He listens to these words. Too many, from the mouths of fools, from the mouths of people from the Seven Kingdoms, from the mouths of those experimental subjects...

He heard too many objections, and he didn't care.

"Indeed, it is difficult for human beings to reconcile with themselves, let alone their selves at different times."

"Since you are in the Order House, why did you show up now? You had the ability to stop him and help that false god."

It seems that helping stragglers become gods is not the doctor's ultimate goal.

"This question couldn't be simpler. Will there be staff to help the subjects during the experiment?"

In his eyes, the skirmisher is not a colleague, but an experiment that can be discarded at any time.

Of course, the skirmisher doesn't care what he thinks of him. After all, even the skirmisher himself doesn't regard himself as a human being.

"I conducted this experiment, why would I interfere with the results of the experiment?"

"……The Imperial Academy regards the god-making project as the ultimate plank, but do you only regard it as the most ordinary experiment?……"

This is not surprising, it makes sense.

Helping stragglers become gods is a means, not an end.

The doctor doesn't care whether the stragglers become gods or not. What he wants to know is just how far the stragglers can go.

"Crazy guy...if the experiment succeeds, you will create another god. At that time, how will you face the people you are loyal to?"

"Would you still choose your current position? By then, what do you think you will be?"

The second doctor, the executive officer of the Fools, is also the founder of the New God.

He conducted experiments with allegiance to the Queen of Winter, but betrayed the Queen of Winter.

"I am an academic, and these results should be left to my judgment when faced with that possibility. But you're right. That's why I was a little disappointed with this experiment."

【Bengtiexing: Doctor: I can’t come】

【Teresa Bengsan: Doctor: Believe in your own wisdom】

【Bengsan Tesla: The spirit of exploration is definitely there, but before doing experiments, at least you want to deal with the mess you make.】

【Einstein: You are so embarrassed to say it, Dr. Tesla】

【Beng San Tesla: I told you that there was an accident at that time. I didn’t think about it carefully, but this guy, Doctor, didn’t think about it.】

【Dr. Genshin: That’s what science is, we should explore with a spirit of curiosity, right?】

【Bengtie Ruanmei: Yes, but before doing the experiment, have you really thought about what you want?】

【Dr. Genshin:...of course]

His allegiance was never to the Queen of Winter, but to himself.

To be precise, it is my own perception.

Joining the Fools is a means, not an end

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Is it true? I always feel like I’m not sure.】

"As an individual, you don't have much sense of belonging... I think ordinary scholars seem to have even less faith."

This is Nasida's judgment of the doctor's slice in front of her. She is selfish and does whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

She doesn't like it very much. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When technology is not constrained, it will inevitably go out of control..When scientific research has no ethics, it will inevitably destroy humanity.

"No, no, of course I have faith, it just doesn’t meet your usual definition."

Who said that only believing in gods can be called faith? But faith is too narrow.

Scientists have to believe in science, right?

"Okay, let’s stop talking here. The experiment is over, it’s time to sort out the tools and recycle useful materials"

"For example...Heart of God"


"Little Lucky Grass King, you are a smart god, you should know the gap in combat power at this moment... There is no way for you to use that thunder god's heart in battle."

"Didn't you say that you came to negotiate with me? Why does it look like you are going to rob me by force now?"

Nascida is not afraid of the doctor taking action.

If taking action is a better choice, the doctor doesn't have to talk nonsense with her.

The war will definitely not start. It depends on how she can obtain more benefits in the negotiation.

"Hahaha...just stating reality847"

"To put it bluntly, I am also a scholar, and of course I hope to treat the God of Wisdom with enough respect and decency."

【Original God Nasida: Really? Why didn’t I see it?】

【Genshin Seno: If you dare to touch Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, all Sumeru will not let you go.]

Attacking a god is a felony no matter which country you are in.

When the lady was able to slap Wendy without incident, it was because Wendy felt guilty and did not intend to pursue the matter.

But it was different when he was a doctor. Nasida was not related to him.[]

If you dare to take action, you will fight to the death.

What's more, the doctor dares to take action on Xumi and Caoshen, what do you want the remaining Fontaine and Nata to think?

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Mr. Gale Disciplinary Officer is joking. The so-called threats are just a means of negotiation. As a scholar, how could I really attack the God of Wisdom?]

Avoiding his identity as the executive of the Fools, the doctor uses himself as a scholar. The identity tells the story.

Avoid the important and take the easy approach to resolve Sumeru's hostility towards him.

As long as the person in the video doesn't actually do anything, he can handle this little thing.

Based on the doctor's understanding of himself, as long as it was not those stupid slices, he would not choose to fight with the little Lucky Grass King

【Genshinori Tinari: Humph! It's best if you don't do anything】

"……Is your hypocrisy based on absolute self-confidence?"

"I already understand your thoughts, but……"

"What if I directly destroy the Heart of God now and awaken the law of heaven?"

Tianli is sleeping, and its power is so weak that even the water god cannot wake up when he destroys the throne. But the doctor does not know this, and the doctor does not dare to bet on the consequences of Tianli waking up.

To say the least, the queen needs the heart of God.

If it is destroyed, he will Didn't her mission fail?

Only a fight will tell who is stronger between the Grass God and him, but the ability to destroy the heart of God before he snatches it.

Presumably the little Grass God in front of her is still

"Awaken... Tianli?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"The Heavenly Law has been silent for so many years, but the Eye of God is a symbol of the Heavenly Law controlling the continent of Teyvat and all laws.……"

"Will its destruction attract the attention of heaven again? At that time...how will everything the fools have done end?"

Sumiu agreed with both hands to rebel in the winter. The Seven Gods have long been dissatisfied with the laws of nature.

But support does not mean ceding Sumeru's interests.

If you seek peace through war, you will survive in peace, and if you seek peace through tolerance, you will perish in peace.

This is Nasida It took five hundred years to figure out the truth



PS: Big brother, I will be on a business trip for a few days starting from tomorrow, so there will be very few updates in the next few days.

The 8,000-word update will be resumed after the business trip is over.

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