(You won’t understand.)

If you don’t talk about it for a long time, Shanbing and her are not the same people.

"Now I am connected to your consciousness, I can hear your voice, and naturally I can also feel your lovely tenacity."

"For the sake of being vigilant and talking well, I advise you to put away your unnecessary feelings of being a guardian. you know nothing about the truth"

"This is for everyone, but also for yourself...Human beings are only happy when they are ignorant."

(……Since you bless this idea, why do you still maintain a conscious connection with Hypatia? With your current abilities, you should be able to cut off this contact.)

"Yes, I care about her very much. If it were you, you would do the same."

"She peered into my consciousness and saw my past. She is qualified to be called the first believer"

"Gods need followers, so Hypatia was chosen by me. Her appearance means that I am truly moving towards the authority of God, and her admiration will create my glory."

The two talked a lot, and most of what Ying said was to persuade the skirmishers to put down their weapons.

The other was to sow discord between the skirmishers and the doctor.

Unfortunately, she was not very good at this. What

Ying didn't know was that the skirmishers had already brought The God of Thunder's heart defected from the Fools.

To be able to appear here today.

One is fear of the Doctor, and the other is the desire to become a god. The current skirmishers don't dare to attack the Doctor.

"……Hahaha, that’s funny, didn’t anyone tell you? You're not very good at sowing discord."

"The doctor thought that he didn't know the heights of the world, but only human beings still wanted to interfere in the affairs of the New Gods to this day."

Doctor, when I really become a god, I won't be able to take advantage of you.

The skirmishers haven't forgotten what the doctor has done to themselves over the years."

"Those few words alone are like using my power to eradicate the Doctor. You are somewhat naive. But I'm willing to give you a gift, just like Hypatia……"

"……Both good and bad things can be called gifts. This is the arrogance of God."

The skirmishers disappeared but left their gifts

"Woohoo! It's thundering?!"

At this time, Paimon didn't know what happened, but suddenly there was thunder.

It was a skirmisher. Ying led Paimon and rushed out the door.

He found that the large army of Fools had retreated.

The good news is that Fools The troops retreated, and the bad news was that Tinari was struck by lightning.

【Original God Dadalia: According to the character of the skirmisher, I seriously doubt that the last attack on Tinari was intentional, in order to show the arrogant side of his god.】

【Iron-Banging Qingque: His physique is so strong, even if he is struck by lightning, he will be fine.】

【Collapse of Iron Star: Merely Fatal Injury】

【Genshin Impact Tinari: It’s not that exaggerated. I definitely know my own body.】

【Genshin Laila: It’s the students of this year who are miserable. There are many students’ thesis assignments, graduation projects and so on in Zena Garden.】

【Bengtie Yinlang: I remember that the thunder grass reaction would be intensified, why didn’t Tinari become bigger?】

【Genshin Impact Seno: Boy, this isn’t funny】

【Bengtie Silver Wolf: My move was so funny, it was even like lifting another】

【Bentie Silver Wolf: Do you know why the skirmishers killed Tinari instead of Dishiya?】

【Collapse of Iron Silver Wolf: Because Bidisia will trigger an overload and blast the entire Zen Garden into the sky, which will affect Hypatia.】

【Beng Tie Ren:...Have you shown her something weird recently]

Yin Lang talks a lot when he is on a mission, which is annoying, but he remembers that Yin Lang doesn’t tell cold jokes.

【Genshin Impact Albedo: It’s so funny, here’s another one】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Poor approach, but at least he protected his followers. At this point, he continued the devil's love for his lover】

【Original God Skirmisher: Hahaha, of course, you mortals can’t understand the gods’ intentions.】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: You're out of breath when you say you're fat, right? Zhongli's words are not complimenting you at all.】

【Genshin Impact: Don’t be ridiculous, gods don’t need praise from mortals at all】

"What does the emperor mean by this? Does he agree with the practice of skirmishing soldiers?"

Because she stayed up late working, Keqing didn't receive the news from Zhongli that she had faked her death.

But because of the live broadcast room, Ningguang had already told her about it.


Ning Guang has a different view on this.

"Listen to books, watch movies, take a leisurely tour of beautiful scenery...finally make a comment"

"This is Mr. Zhongli’s habit"

"His evaluation is just that at this time. In other words, he is just stating the facts."

"The skirmisher protected his followers. This is an evaluation. The skirmisher's behavior was not good. This is also an evaluation."

"Don't just listen to one voice."

Keqing nodded thoughtfully, as if Dadalia's actions were under the control of the emperor.

But this does not mean that Liyue can forgive him.

One theory is that the skirmishers are hurting people. He protected the believers, but on the other hand, when he was protecting the believers, he also wanted to hurt others and show his arrogance.

In the video, the screenwriter saw the doctor leaving at the dock and checked Hypatia's situation with the skirmishers. Tell everyone the truth about the connection and communication.

Even the party involved, the skirmisher, has come out, so there is almost no possibility of falsification of the teaching academy's plan. This is unreasonable. Do they know how to evaluate the teaching academy?

They have great ambitions, but they are still whimsical.

And since It can be seen from Skirmisher's attitude that he is also dissatisfied with Boston's behavior.

He feels that the Doctor is not worthy of being on an equal footing with him.

If the Doctor appears, Skirmisher might strike him with lightning.

At least now they can be sure that the Doctor is really left Sumeru.

This part of the work was successfully completed, and the doctor will not interfere with the next thing.

The scene turned, and everyone who acted separately reunited again.

They reported each other's respective situations.

The transformation work of the Void Terminal It has been completed, and all the props to be prepared have been prepared.

It is confirmed that the doctor has boarded the ship and left Sumeru. He has important matters and must return to Zhidong immediately.

In addition, Tinari is already resting, so there is no big problem.

"By the way, Tinarito, let’s tell Seno something! He said he believed what he saw and heard"

"……Well, I will remember"

"Everything is going well here too. The members of the Gilded Brigade should have arrived at their destination by now"

"To avoid alerting others, they would stay there temporarily."

At the end of the report, Alhaysen said on the spot that the meeting was about to break up.

He was responsible for the designated plan, but he did not intend to be the leader.

"Huh? What are you doing around here?"

"Yeah, it’s Nilu!"

Although it's not surprising for Nero to show up at the Grand Bazaar, it's still worth a surprise to meet him by chance.

"Hello everyone, I didn’t disturb you, did I?"

"It's no use, I'm going to find you soon."

It seems I came at the wrong time.

No, you came at the right time."

"Hee hee, looking at you guys gathered together with such serious expressions, you are discussing something important, right?"

"But occasionally there are other expressions... It looks like you are going to do bad things together, haha, so interesting"

【Beng Tie Xing: Now that you know everything, we won’t act anymore】

【Bengtie March 7: Look at the way they are holding their shoulders and akimbo, are they trying to silence them?】

【Genshin Impact Nero: Silence! (cry)】

【Genshin Paimon: No, no, how is it possible? Nilu and we are good friends] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Genshin Elhaysen: But we can consider bringing Nelu closer to the plan】

"Just in time, Miss Nilu, are you interested in joining us?"

It's impossible to silence someone by silencing them.

And according to Elhaysen's observation, Nilu is a fanatical believer in the Little Lucky Grass King.

It doesn't take much effort to bring her in."

"Eh? join in?"

"Are you...inviting me to discuss important things together?"

【Alicia Bengsan: It’s so interesting. Just listening to the voice sounds like Su is trying to pull Gratius into doing something bad.】

【Bengtiexing: Come rebel with us】

【Yuan Shenying: What are you talking about? Then lead your troops to serve the king and punish the thieves according to the imperial edict.】

"Yes, very important"

"Miss Nelu, do you have any free time in your speaking schedule these days?"

"Huh? Do you really want to invite me?"

What would make these people look sad must be a big event. She would be invited to something like that.

She wouldn't mess it up, right?[]

Elhaysen told Nilu about the arrangements for Tibetan Knowledge Day...

After hearing this, Nilu would be shocked.

But soon, this surprise turned into anticipation and excitement

"I...I understand that I can't believe the shocked ears!"

Revolted against the Order, overthrew the chief and deputy Xumi, and rescued the little Lucky Grass King.

This was so exciting that they were actually willing to take him with them

"You are the boldest and most exciting Xumi people I have ever seen.……"

"……I... must admit, I'm a little scared"

"But for the sake of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, I originally tried. It would be great if my power could help you....0"

That's it for the preparations. The next step is to save the gods.

【Genshin Ying: Ooooooooooo, I’m on fire】

【Bengtiexing: I’m on fire too】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: Is it finally starting? I can’t wait to see your futile efforts.】

【Genshin Paimon: Are you still stubborn now? It really suits your character.】

【Beng San Tesla: I guess that Azar must have been imagining that when they were at the Grand Bazaar, the guards from the Apostolic Order swarmed in]



In the great sage's office, Azar screamed and covered his palms in pain.

The whole person huddled together like a shrimp.

Xumi was imprisoned by Aha. This is the consensus of the Xumi people at this moment.

Except for the head Apart from making sounds, they couldn't do anything.

Including Azar.

So his angry actions could only be imagined in his mind.

And now, just as Azar was imagining himself slamming the table in his mind as usual, When looking at the picture.

I don’t know why, but his body suddenly became able to move.

With a bang, Azar’s fist hit the table hard.

Because he didn’t hold back, the blow seemed to open a genetic lock.

The solid wood table was smashed A big pit was created, and the price was that Azar curled up on the ground in pain.

He couldn't even roll over in pain, because he found that he couldn't move after curling up on the ground.

That guy, that star god from another world was teasing Own

【Bengtie Qingque: To be honest, I don’t even know how they are executing this plan now.]

The positions of Disciplinary Officer and Secretary are enough.

But when resisting the Ecclesiarchy, the resources brought by these powers are basically useless.

Just relying on those few mercenaries, although there are a lot of them, there is still not enough to see in Xumi City.

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Just keep reading, travelers never do useless work】

【Beng Tiesuchang: Although I can’t understand it, I still feel it’s awesome]

As if it heard everyone’s appeal, the live broadcast room quickly jumped to the Day of Knowledge.

At this time, Elhaysen was retelling their plan

"Our goal is the office of the great sage Azar. Everyone in the buyer's message knows that his office has an operation console that only the great sages of the past are qualified to use."

"Many confidential instructions and operations are completed through that console, and there must be commands related to the release of Little Lucky Grass King."

"Speaking of which, I have always wanted to ask, did the sages use the same technology as the gods to talk about being imprisoned by the gods?"

That's a god. They have only seen three gods before coming to Xumi.

Both Zhongli and Ying have the ability to destroy the world.

Even Wendy, who has never seen anything done, can blow mountains away. Ability.

Imprisoning gods or something like that. If it wasn't what really happened in 2.1,

Paimon would just take it as a joke.

"Naturally, it cannot be done simply by relying on the level of those scholars. In fact, there was a big loving tree in the Jingshan Palace.A device to isolate yourself from all external affairs in order to meditate.……"

"The great sage six months ago modified the device so that it could not be controlled from the inside, which was equivalent to the god's technology imprisoning the god."

Today is Tibetan Knowledge Day, the most important day of the Order Academy.

In order to enter the recent research results and decrees of the Order Academy into the void in the form of canned knowledge.

The sages and core members of the Order Academy are busy making preparations.

Everyone Scholars from the University School are busy among them, and the people inside and outside the teaching order are extremely complicated. It is a good time to sneak in. After the great sage leaves, it is just a matter of personally supervising the entry of canned knowledge. It is a good time to release the grass god at the operation desk. opportunity

【Genshen Yelan: That’s it? No?]

If you just sneak into the Order Academy, there is no need to do these preparations.

Not to mention a trip to the desert

【Bengsan Tesla: It’s too hasty, the plan shouldn’t be like this】

【Genshen Xingqiu: I suddenly feel that saving the grass god is of great importance and should be taken care of slowly.】

【Beng Tiesuchang: What's the matter? I remember that a simple and rough plan is good.】

【Genshin Arataki Idou: Sneaking into the Order Academy and rescuing the Grass God, this is what I’m good at】

"Uh, then outside...how can I just walk in directly from the main entrance?"

Suddenly I can go through the main entrance, but I'm not used to it.

"if not? Could it be that he is still sneaky?"



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