"I didn't expect to meet you here, Alhaysen, I was shocked just now."

According to Elhaysen, he did not participate in the project of the sages. He came here because he was stuck in a bottleneck in tracing the canned knowledge.

He heard that the canned knowledge flowed into the Port of Ormos from the desert, so he came here. This source.

Who knows whether it is true or not? At least it is certain that Elhaisen has no ill intentions towards them.

Otherwise, he would not show up. This guy's methods are very insidious and he never reveals them easily.

As for Elhaisen Sen's inquiry, Ying remained silent.

Today's encounter was by no means an accident.

"That's okay, I'd rather investigate on my own than get the answer directly from you. Speaking of which, do you also want to go to the desert?"

"Yes, same as you, but no goals……"

"Then let's go to Aru Village first. It is the largest settlement in the desert and has relatively more information and resources. How about, together?"

"Then let's go together."

They are not familiar with the place, so it would be best to have a local to lead the way.

Besides, even if they don't agree, as long as Alhaysen wants to, he will definitely follow.

【Genshin Impact Kawi: Elhaysen, I didn’t expect that a solitary person like you would also travel with others.】

【Genshin Impact Elhaysen: I just don’t like to be in the company of idiots. Going on the road with a strong person like Traveler is called a strong alliance.】

【Genshin Impact Kawi: Ooo, Traveler is indeed very strong... Wait, who are you calling a fool?】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Whoever agrees will be the one, skirmisher]

Most people in the three worlds don’t know Elhaysen very well.

So there isn’t much discussion about him, just treat him as an ordinary traveler traveling together.

"Ahead is Aru Village, a haven for desert people."

In the video, after several days and nights of sleeping in the open air, they finally arrived at Aru Village.

The terrain here is very strange, like an interesting place.

The layers of rocks are stacked on top of each other, hiding the sky from the sun.

The unique wind-eroded beauty, the rainforest scene is very different.

Beautiful It's beautiful, but the environment is also really difficult.

It's hard to imagine that there are people living here.


Just as a few people were enjoying the beautiful scenery in the desert, an uninvited guest came out.


In a hand-to-hand encounter, Senuo, who suddenly burst out, was thrown away.

He didn't expect that a yellow-haired girl could have greater strength than him. After failing to succeed with one blow, Senuo picked up his gun and fought again.

But this time he aimed at Ai Erhaisen killed in the direction of Erhaisen.

I don't know if that was his original target, or he saw that Ying was not someone to be trifled with.

One yellow and one green collided, Erhaisen's strength remained the same as before.

He fought with Sano There was back and forth, but Sano failed to take him down with several killing moves.

After a few rounds, Sano retreated to the rear, and Elhaysen had no intention of taking advantage of the situation to pursue him.


"If I remember correctly, you and I didn’t have much interaction in the past in the Order. Is it worth being so excited if we meet once in a while? Your Excellency, Disciplinary Officer Dafeng?"

This is what Elhaysen doesn't understand.

They don't have much interaction with each other, and they are considered half colleagues in the Order House.

But Seno's moves are not meant to be compared.

"Just because you were able to escape that shot doesn't mean you can escape trial, Elhaysen."

【Genshin Impact Kawi: You committed a crime in the future】

【Bengtie Topa: The Dong Chuang incident must have happened. He had hidden contraband before.】

【Genshin Impact Funina: You call that thing a trial]

It’s more like an execution than a trial.

If Elhaysen hadn't been so capable, he would have died just now.

【Bengsanqiana: I was shocked, why did we suddenly start a fight?】

【Genshin Shino: I must be tracking down your hiding of canned knowledge. The crime of knowing the law and breaking the law will be increased by one level]

He has not forgotten Elhaysen's previous behavior of stealing people's money in full view of the public.

It makes sense to track down Elhaysen.

As for the fact that they only had a tie, it must have been because they were concerned about the travelers next to them.

Everyone guessed correctly that Seno's attack on Elhaysen was indeed because he secretly hid the canned knowledge of the gods.

But those are all Sainuo’s words.

"You seem to trust Alhaysen very much, and you even tried to stop me for him.……"

"If I were you, I would never side with him. I don't believe a word he says."

Ying, why are you and Dain together?

For some reason, Ying suddenly remembered the scene of her first reunion with her brother.

"This person is the target I have been hunting for a long time. Please understand your position clearly. If you continue to disrupt the situation, you will also be in trouble."

"I don't trust him that much, but I won't stand idly by either."

This is her guide in the desert. How can the hope of saving Nasida be taken away so easily?

"I don't want to waste any more time. Elhaysen, I noticed it when we were fighting just now……"

"……He is worthy of being a disciplinarian with a keen sense of smell."

There is no need to hide it now.

Elhaysen obediently took out the red canned knowledge of the gods.

It should have fallen into the hands of the discipline officer when we arrived at Ormos Port.

Elhaysen said They had something to hide, and they were right not to share all the information with him.

"……But I'm curious, what does this mean to you?"

"In addition, the Dafeng Disciplinary Officer of the Teaching Council actually came to the desert alone.……"

"As far as I know, the other winds are all talking about your disappearance.……"

A must-have skill for blaming others, posing the problem on the other person.

Moreover, Seno's actions this time were already full of doubts.

What kind of shady mission is Seno performing, if the target is Elhaysen.

Then he can completely use the power and resources in his hands to capture Elhaysen in the Order House.

As the Disciplinary Officer of the Imperial Academy and the head of all Disciplinary Officers, Sainuo has this power.

"You are really difficult to deal with"

"You two... Fing, from the looks of it, neither of them can believe it... What should we do?"

Paimeng asked Ying's opinion nonchalantly.

Whatever Ying said she should do, she would do it.

"Ahem...you two are so aggressive."

The atmosphere is almost over, and it's time for Disiya to appear.

This is Aru Village. The guys from the Teaching Council come here to look for trouble. It also depends on whether the locals agree or not."

"Great, Ying, someone you can trust is finally here."

"Disiya, please persuade them quickly."

I didn't expect to meet Desiya here. It's so great."

"Two big shots from the Order are going to fight again. This is really serious."

"With those self-righteous principles, they are full of empty rules and morals from the Order Academy.……"

"How dare you bring boring disputes into the pure land of Aru Village?……"

"It seems like a metaphor for someone to beat you down and get to know the ground beneath your feet."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Who asked you to persuade them like this? You were asked to persuade them, not to start a fight with them.

However, the two of them were not listening to Disiya at all.

They both knew , once he is distracted, the guy on the opposite side will definitely pounce on him.

In the end, a sandstorm ended the dispute. The scene changed, and the people who were about to fight just now had to squeeze into a small space because of the sandstorm. In the house.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

The embarrassment cannot last forever, someone will always come back to break him.

The guards of Aru Village, the person who called them into the house is a good candidate.

Under her mediation, several people had a frank conversation communication and fully exchanged opinions.

"Elhaysen said that even the disciplinary officials at the Apostolic Order did not know where I had gone. It was not because I was performing some shameful mission."

"……I chose self-exile."

Some time ago, Sainuo checked the files of the Apostolic Academy that recorded the planning and execution of research projects. There were gaps in the files.

Those data were obviously inconsistent with the actual progress.

As the Disciplinary Officer, Sainuo has the power and responsibility to make verifications.[]

What I didn't expect was that the person responsible for that part was the great sage Azar himself.

It's really ridiculous, it's like the investigation of corruption went to the Prime Minister on the spot.

"I did a lot of research privately before submitting my verification request……"

As expected, someone is hiding everything and no useful information can be found.

"What I came to realize... was that they had been promoting me from the beginning"

"After the application was submitted, the Great Sage dismissed my request for verification. He even said to me——"

"The power of the Gale Disciplinary Officer is originally given by the sage. You have no right to judge us."

【Beng Tie Xing: Your Majesty, why are you suing me?】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Isn’t the status of the Disciplinarian of the Great Wind equal to that of the Great Sage?】

【Original God Seno:...No, the Disciplinary Officers are appointed by the sages, but theoretically, the Disciplinary Officers have the right to hold the sages accountable】

【Genshin Keqing: It’s just in theory. The Teaching Academy is almost the hall of sages, and the desert people’s status in Sumeru……】

Keqing did not mention Seno himself, but directly stated the identity of the sensitive desert man.

Desert people are not welcome in Xumi City.

It is not easy for Sano to gain the trust of the sages.

Sano in the scary video realizes this too.

To put it nicely, it’s self-exile; to put it worst, it means that you resigned out of frustration.

【Genshen Ganyu: When it comes to major events that affect the fate of the country, even the Gale Disciplinary Officer is as weak as ordinary people.】

【Genshin Impact: Yes, we are all ordinary people】

"At that time, I realized that in the seriousness of the great sages, the Disciplinary Officer was just a tool for the sages to control knowledge."

Dog, the most straightforward and ugliest words.

Haha, the original experiment of the Wind Discipline Officer, and the principles adhered to so far are meaningless in the current Teaching Order.

So what is the meaning of the existence of the Wind Discipline Officer? Shouldn't the real Style Discipline Officer be allowed to exist? ?

"I think the wisest thing to do is to use this as an excuse to escape from the Order before the sages take measures against me. In this way, I can get out of their sight"

"……I will never give up investigating this matter. I don’t need others to give me power, I will judge in my own name"

【Beng San Tesla: To be able to talk about running away with such enthusiasm, I have to say that you are a capable person who can find a way out for yourself.】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: If you don't run away, the Order will physically banish you.】

【Walter Bengtie: I’m targeting you to give you Xeno dignity. If you don’t want to be dignified, then I can only help you with dignity.】

【Bengtiexing: Apply for World Heritage!】

"Sano... seems to be in the same position as us, they are all sages training the academy."

In this case, even if they can't be friends, at least they have no reason to be enemies.

Seno didn't believe everything he said, and Seno's words raised another question.

Why would he target Elhaysen on the spot? His target It should be a sage.

Ying narrowed his eyes... there is something wrong with Elhaysen

"Because, during my investigation in the Order, I bumped into Elhaysen interviewing the sage."

"The sage said at that time that he wanted you to investigate a blond traveler...right, Alhaysen?"

This task is recorded in name, and Elhaysen is related to the canned knowledge of the gods.

When did Ormos Port become something else? The Order was actually wary of them at that time.

"I admit this. I was indeed tasked with investigating this traveler."

There's no need to hide it. Even if he hides it, Sano will expose his background.

It's better to tell him and gain his trust.

Now they, including Sano, are all grasshoppers on a rope.

They can't. Whether it's Xeno, Ying, Desiya and Candice, Alhaysen can see that they are all good in strength.

The Order is deeply entrenched, and he can't do it alone.

He needs friends, friends who can complete his plan.

"The sage said, after completing the task, I can let you see the knowledge of the gods."

But Elhaysen and the Order Academy are not in the same pot, and they are not from the same place.

For Elhaysen, the words of the great sage revealed an important message.

God's knowledge exists, and this is enough.

As long as If it is confirmed that it really exists, Elhaysen can find it out himself.

Elhaysen is a smart man, and he knows the subtle relationship between himself and the Order.

To be able to hand over the knowledge of the gods so easily, it must be There is a problem.

Either there is a problem with the knowledge, or the promises made by the sages are false.

In the end, he also saw that the boss of the Eye of Ahmar is crazy.

I am afraid that this is the purpose of the sages' easy promises.

The reward is false, It is true to use the canned knowledge that makes people crazy to get rid of Elhaysen.

If what Elhaysen said is true, then the people in the Order are also wary of Elhaysen.

Since they are also on guard against Elhaysen Man, we can walk together on the next road for a while.

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: He is very smart, and he also has the ability and means]

If there is such a person on the immortal boat, he can definitely become a backup candidate for the general.

Although Fu Xuan is good, it lacks training.

Lack of face is Fu Xuan's biggest fault.

General Luofu, it is a big taboo to send people if you are embarrassed.

The position of general is different from that of Taibo. Doing it all by yourself will be exhausting.

【Original God Dardalia: But how true are his words?】

【Genshin Elhaysen: A perfect lie must contain the truth, otherwise it will be full of flaws】

【Genshin Elhaysen: The Great Sage doesn’t want to see me. This is the truth. I don’t need to lie to you on the barrage.】



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