Setare was greedy for the academic environment here and did not object to the teachings of the Order. She felt indebted to the desert in her hometown.

Although he felt guilty, he unknowingly became an accomplice of the sages and could not escape the blame.

A good candidate, just let Setare face the problem again.

With such a face, not only can she be relied on to obtain information, but it can also give Setale a chance to redeem herself.

Setare will take time off every ten days to go shopping, and tomorrow afternoon will be her shopping day

【Beng Tiesuchang: I understand, I understand, this is called long-planned and sophisticated, right?】

【Beng Tieyanqing: These are not good words, right?】

【Beng Tieshang: That old treacherous person?】

【Genshin Impact Navia: It’s not that unpleasant to say, right? The adjective at this time should be"extraordinary intelligence, three steps in one step", right?】

【Beng Tie Gui Naifen: Chang Shang, you are really...why is your cultural level not as good as a foreigner like me? Naxida is called extremely smart and has a unique vision.】

【Beng Tieshang: Oh, yes, that’s what I mean】

【Original God Setare: I didn’t expect that the final breakthrough point would be me...I also faced the problem of the desert.]

Although the behavior of the sages was judged as stupid, it is undeniable.

Xumi is the kingdom of wisdom, and Xumi City is the core of Xumi.

It has the best academic environment in Xumiru and even Tiwat, the largest library, and many people with whom she can discuss academic matters.

The desert was nice, it was her home.

But that place was nothing but home.

She was confused and regretful.

In the end she chose to run away from her problems and go with the flow.

And today finally reached the turning point in her life.

It's so fast,"two, five, three," she's not even ready yet

【Genshin Impact Candice: If it hadn’t been for this mess caused by the sages, your choice might have been the right one】

【Original God Disiya: Leave the desert and embrace the rainforest... I don’t agree with this view]

In the desert and rainforest, Sumeru is originally a family.

What she wants is not for all people to leave the desert and move to Sumeru City.

Instead, it turned the desert into as prosperous as Xumi City.

Desiya was not interested in the Red King's resurrection, but when the Red King still existed, there was indeed a flourishing civilization in the desert.

The potential of deserts is no worse than that of rainforests.

In the video, plans for tomorrow.

Nacida and the three of them need to make preparations in advance. The key is to be familiar with the people Setale comes into contact with.

"This is the fortune-telling stall that Setale often frequents."

"……What you need to pay attention to is the stall owner’s way of speaking and key information."

"Are the lost lambs confused about their fate?"

The fortune teller Nabia turned her back to them and said magically.

"The voice of wisdom from the gods often comes to my ears. If some of you have the mercy of the gods today, I may be able to give you some guidance."

【Alicia: The voice of Mebius】

【Beng Sansu: Well...she did say that for a while】

【Beng Sanqianjie: Hahaha, it’s unmistakable, it’s that lunatic. No matter which world she is in, she always likes to play tricks.]

Nabia looks nothing like Mebius, but Aha once said that.

People with similar voices are another manifestation of peers from another world.

Haha, the crazy woman’s counterpart from another world is a magician. It’s really interesting.

【Genshin Impact Paimon: The grass god is right in front of you, so which god are you talking about?】

【Original God Nabia:……】

【Genshin Ying: Do you understand the Grass God or do I understand the Grass God?】

"Hush...cough, this friend of mine is a little confused about the future, can you help her with divination?"

"Hum hum hum, okay, then……"


Nabia's two cats screamed in surprise

"Oh, it seems that Harut and Marut don’t like you very much. Have you ever done anything to offend the gods?"

"Speak ill of the God of Wind, take advantage of the God of Rock, fight with the God of these count?"


【Collapse of the Iron Star: Too many books to write about】

"Nothing, nothing, Ying, you should first choose the theme of divination based on evil."

Nasida helped to smooth things over and avoid complications.

"Divinate my love luck"

"Love luck, right? No problem"

"……Hum hum hum, I heard it, I heard it"

"Someone who is destined to you will appear... at... huh? Well, a lot! How come there are so many people……"

Nabia rubbed the back of her head in confusion, then glared at the two cats behind her.

"Harut and Marut, did you mess up the divination? I've never seen such outrageous results"

"Well, actually, have you ever thought about the possibility that divination is accurate?"

【Genshin Impact Yae Kamiko: Oh, this little girl has something.】

【Genshin Impact: I thought he was a bluffing guy, but I didn’t expect he really had the skills.】

【Genshin Impact Diluc: She did this a lot in Mondstadt, right?】

"Okay, okay, I admit that I am in a bad state today, so I will make an exception and not charge you."

Obviously Nabia did not believe Paimon's words.

The divination results just given were too outrageous, more than she had ever seen.

Then the three of them went to A Jin who sells pottery and Qishan from the restaurant.

"Are you done talking now?"

"Well, three more familiar faces from Setare should be enough."

"What’s the use of knowing so much information? Nacida, you haven't told us yet, what exactly is needed to make Setale face her position?"

"Setare has become accustomed to routines, and we must break through her inner defenses."

Nasida revealed all her plans.

The Gilded Road Group in Port of Ormos was all preaching the news that the Red King was about to be resurrected.

Even if it was nonsense, for people from the desert like Setale,.

The gods of faith in the desert can hit her weak point. Take advantage of Setare's guilt for her hometown, accuse Setare in the name of the Red King, and then make demands on Setare in the name of the Red King.

"Hmm, so what exactly do you want to do?"

It is impossible for the Red King to be resurrected. Setare is a smart person.

If she just pretends to be a follower of the Red King, she might be wary.

If she uses her acquaintances to speak... the effect will be completely different.

Through the void Possessed, expressing in words that he is already a believer of the Red King.

Then conveying the false will of the Red King.

As long as the performance is natural, Setale's defense can be broken

"It turns out that the information about those people is used here. You are afraid of being possessed by Lu County, right? Indeed, only imitating them like themselves can be effective"

"That's right, so it's up to you to imitate them."

"ah? Please us? But we won’t be possessed!"

This kind of thing should be done by Nasida.

"It doesn't matter, I can possess you again and share my senses with you. The effect is similar to possessing the ability, you just need to put on the Void Terminal"

"It turned out to be so convenient, but why did she have to come? Can't you do it yourself?"

In Paimon's opinion, what's the difference between this and taking off your pants and farting?"

【Genshin Impact Charlotte: You want the Grass God to pretend to be a follower of the Red King. Isn’t that appropriate?】

【Original God Nasida: No, actually there are other reasons】

"Although I have always observed people, I have never been good at imitating them.……"

Indeed, Nacida looked nothing like Catherine when she imitated her.

Even Paimon could see it, let alone Setare.

You only have one chance, and if you fail once, you will be in trouble.

The screen in the live broadcast room accelerated, and the planned day soon arrived

"Come, come, it's Setare! Sure enough, it appeared!"

Nascida's information is correct, they must act quickly.

Follow them quietly, and wait for Setale to chat with an acquaintance.

Then find a suitable moment to possess her.

It's not difficult to find a suitable moment, no After a while, they found an opportunity.

With the help of Nasida, Ying forced herself onto Nabia's consciousness.

This feeling is so amazing, that one's own consciousness appears in someone else's body. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ying can even catch a glimpse of herself hiding in the distance.

This kind of observation of herself from a third-party perspective……

"……Yes, you really can’t force things in love, not to mention that the backgrounds of the people around me are too different from mine.……"

"Eh? Are you listening, Nabia?"

"Ah, ah, I'm listening. It must be the pain of love, I heard it."

Don't let Setale see the flaw.

Ying quickly entered the role and imitated Nabia's appearance as much as possible.

"Well, it's nothing, I just looked at you as if you were stunned just now. Setare thought of a folk legend circulated among the sages.

She was not interested, but she had heard it said by others.


"Um? Your two cats seem to be attacking you, what's going on?"

There's something wrong with Nabia," Setale said subconsciously.

"I remember that they are usually quite docile. Oh, by the way, what are their names?"

"Harut and Marut.........."[] nice, original question.

She has memorized this question hundreds of times.

Learning from Nabia's way of speaking, Ying gradually began to guide

"Hum hum hum... I heard it, I heard it"

"God said……"

"Setare, why don't you go home?"

"go home……? Does God really know what I am thinking?"

Setale promised to tell people about this matter, how did Nabia know about it.

Although this acquaintance of hers does have some abilities, but……

"Setare, why don't you go home! This time it was a question. The god seemed very angry."

"ah! Ah...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lord God. Please convey my apology to God on my behalf and beg him to calm down."

Seta Lei believed it, but she still asked a question.

"I wonder if I can ask... Nabia, which god is speaking in your ear?"

"Humph, this is a childish and rude question, of course it comes from the greatest and wisest Lord Red King."

"Red King! ? No wonder you are questioning me like this...No, no...The Red King passed away a long, long time ago……"

She knew the news about the Red King's resurrection, but it was all false news released by the Order Academy.

Some of them were even compiled by her herself

"……How could Lord Red King really still exist?"

"rude! I am Lord Red King's most loyal believer. Do you want to deny the voice of the gods in my ears?"

Under the verbal attack of coaxing and deceiving, Setare ran away.

Then she went to A Jin's pottery shop, and after testing whether A Jin was himself, she unexpectedly learned that A Jin was also a follower of the Red King.

Damn it, followers of the Red King.

In Setale's common sense, the followers of the Red King in Xumi City are almost like endangered species. It was not easy to see one, and it looked like he was a mercenary who had just arrived from the desert.

Today, all of a sudden Two people appeared, and they were both acquaintances of mine.

What a coincidence. Could it be that the news about the resurrection of the Red King was true.

There was someone from the Red King among the sages, so the so-called fake news was actually the real news?

Setale’s brain It was very chaotic. As I was walking, I found myself at my favorite tavern.

"Speaking of something strange recently... I guess I've been coming to the Flower Goddess Festival many times in a row."


How is it possible? This is different from what is in the report.

"It is impossible for the Ecclesiastical Council to deceive all the people with its tricks. Don’t you realize it?"

"……Qishan, are you also a believer of the Red King?"

Yaoshou, the people of Liyue have converted to the Red King.

Are there any benefits to the gods if they are all dead gods? Could it be that...……

"A strange question, as if there is something wrong with being a follower of the Red King."

"You are obviously supposed to be helping the Ecclesiarchy, and you are treating the established people as guinea pigs... you are even more shady, right?"0.8

"No, stop talking!"

Setale broke through the defense and ran away. She was no longer in the mood to think about the rationality of the problem.

【Original God Barbara: When I woke up, I was the enemy of the world】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: It’s so scary. It’s just as scary as waking up and finding out that everyone I know has fallen into the trap of Shouwen Fuzu.】

【Beng Tieyanqing: In this situation, it is difficult for people to tighten their inner defenses, right?】

【Bentie Fuxuan: Setare in the video is not a weak-hearted person, she is very smart and vigilant, and she was almost noticed during several of her attacks.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: She has a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance, and every question is the next test... but she still failed.】

【Original God Dadalia: But at this time, just go to Azar.】

【Original God Diluc: Don’t be an afterthought. If it were you, you would have been deceived by Nabia.】

【Beng Tie Sushang: If it were me, I would have doubts about life. When I woke up, every acquaintance I met on the Xianzhou was a believer of the longevity plague ancestor. Doesn’t this mean that the Xianzhou has been infiltrated a long time ago?】

"Hey, she's looking for guards! what should we do?"

"Here is the key, prepare to be possessed!"

"……Mercenary, are you from the Thirty-Man Group? Please help me inform the disciplinary officer. The current situation in the city is very dangerous.……"

"Please calm down, miss, what exactly happened."

Anyway, this mercenary is not an acquaintance of Setale, she can just do whatever she wants.

"There is pagan power infiltrating the city and has spread among the people.……"

"paganism? What kind of paganism is it?"



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