"This is a stall selling Qixian table dishes"

"You are so knowledgeable, miss. I thought no one knew about it now."

"Why are they all vegetarian?……"

"……This is the custom of celebrating the birthday of the Flower God, and it also symbolizes……"

【Bengtie Yinlang: Aha, this thing is buggy, come and take a look】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: No, come again?】

【Original God Xiao Palace: Are you still coming?】

【Genshin Impact Kamisato Ayaka: Celebrations are fun, but they play over and over again……】

【Genshin Impact: That’s alright, I’m not here to see these boring scenes.】

【Beng San Yayi: Is this thing broken? Will Star God’s things be damaged too?】

【Beng San Tesla: If this is your plan to harvest emotional value, I can only say that this is really a bad job.】

【Beng San Tesla: Worse than Azar’s god-making plan]

This can also be mentioned to me.

Azar, who was far away in the Ecclesiarchy, was once again verbally attacked from another world.

【Bengtie Aha: Look, I’m in a hurry】

【Bengtie Aha: There is no problem in the live broadcast room, and all the images it plays are normal】

【Bengtie Aha: Let the bullets fly for a while】

"Wait... From now on, there is always a familiar feeling……"

The fluorescence in the food noticed something was wrong, but that was it.

"……Judging from the dust, it should be the moon."

When they came back to their senses, they once again came to the students' divination booth.

"Really, I look like something to eat."

The exact same words gave Ying a familiar feeling.

It seemed like he was about to catch something, but the moment he was about to touch it, it escaped without a trace.

"Well...the moon symbolizes, I kind of forgot, wait a minute……"

"She is flipping through the book!"

The student's little move was discovered by Paimon.

"By the way, the moon means illusion and lies"

【Collapse of Iron March 7: Illusions and Lies! ]

March 7 screamed, and a stream of cold air rushed straight to the Tianling cover.

"Couldn't they be seeing ghosts in broad daylight? It's so scary!"

"Calm down, March."

Dan Heng analyzed calmly,"If everything can be answered by hitting a ghost, then isn't the ghost too omnipotent?"

"What's more, if everyone is dragged into this so-called ghost realm, then this ghost is too powerful."

"Maybe Ying turned into a ghost."

Xing gave a different answer.

"at what time?"

Dan Heng asked

"It might be at Elhaysen's place, it might be at Dolly's place, or it might be at Dina Zede's place... How do I know? I'll just say it casually."

Xing spread her hands, she was just talking casually.

Why are you so excited?

【Genshin Impact: Illusion... when?】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: That line is not groundless. Everything Ying has experienced is an illusion and lies. They are in an illusion.】

【Original God Ying: In Illusion……】

【Natasha Bengtie: Think carefully, when did the cycle start?】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: When else could it be, other than after visiting the Flower Goddess Festival with Dina Zedai... Are you saying that there is something wrong with Dina Zedai?】

【Genshin Ying: Of course not, Paimon, why do you have such an idea?】

【Genshin Elhaysen: There are too few clues. Preliminary judgment is that it has nothing to do with Dina Zedai.】

【Genshin Impact: Elhaysen……】

【Genshin Elhaysen: If you doubt me, I advise you to get your brain cured】

"Illusions and lies, cycles, the moon……"

"What's wrong, Dr. Tesla, what did you think of?"

Einstein came over and she knew Tesla very well after working with him for many years.

In this state, she probably knew something.

"Chicken cot head, do you remember what Little Lucky Grass King said before?"

"In order to create the god, Sumeru went through one hundred and sixty-eight Flower Goddess Festivals."

One hundred and sixty-eight times, the Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival.

At this point, Einstein suddenly realized.

What happened to him? Did he give up thinking because it was not his own world?

He unexpectedly missed such important information.

It has been said before He confessed that there was something wrong with the flower god’s birthday festival, but he actually forgot about it

"The cycle begins...a cycle of one hundred and sixty-eight times…~…"

This is not difficult to discover, but people were confused by the tranquility of the Flower Goddess Festival in front of them.

No one expected that at the end of the Flower Goddess Festival, the live broadcast room would give them a big life.

No, it was the Teaching Council that gave Xumi a big job.

【Genshin Ye Lan: Enjoy your Flower God’s Birthday Festival, this sentence actually means this] The most indispensable thing in the live broadcast room is smart people. When the idea of ​​​​looping appeared, he immediately thought of the connection with the battle that was broadcast before.

【Genshin Ying: Now let’s see when I can notice it in the video. I’m confident in hiding it from myself.】

【Genshin Impact Mona: That’s exactly one hundred and sixty-eight times】

【Genshin Ying: Ahem... Look, I discovered it the second time】

"But as long as you trust your instincts and overcome your fears, the sun will definitely rise."

I seem to have heard this sentence before. Is it a sense of déjà vu?

Ying is even more confused, what happened today.

Everything he does is very familiar, as if he has done it before.

"Oh, by the way, do you want some Yalda candies too? They are all in the box. Take your pick."

"……Okay, what number do you want from left to right?"

"Number four!"

Ying firmly chose No. 4.

From just now, there was a voice in her heart telling her that box No. 4 had what she wanted.

"Hmm~ That’s amazing, No. 4, right? I really chose the Sunset Fruit flavor."

"Okay, I said you are super lucky, and you are indeed so!"

I have been through many battles. If I didn't have a little bit of luck, I would have died countless times."

"Just now...it doesn't seem to be luck"

"Somehow, I knew it must be number four"

"ah? How could it be? It's obviously random.……"

"The sense of déjà vu has occurred too many times"

"Traveller, did we not sleep well yesterday, or did we sleep too much?"

It's been acting strange since morning. Paimon is worried."

"Sorry, I'll excuse you, Dina Zede."

This is so weird. Ying had a hunch that she had to do something."

"Well, it doesn't matter"

"Eh? What were you going to do? Why did you leave?"

Farewell to Dina Zedai, Ying went directly to a tavern.

Observing the surrounding environment, Paimon felt very strange.

He has been in Xumi for a long time, but Ying has never been here.

What is being sold in the gourd today? medicine?

"You mean déjà vu?"

This statement is very interesting. Ying actually said that she has experienced everything today.

"I seem to know this saying, which means that what is happening in front of you has an illusion that you have experienced it before.……"

"That being said, I also vaguely felt something today...but that was an illusion after all, right?"

Just like people misremembering things, they think what happened last week happened yesterday.

The so-called sense of déjà vu is nothing more than a wrong string in the brain.

"So what are you doing here all of a sudden?"

"I want to do something I wouldn’t normally do, and try it to see if I can get rid of the feeling of déjà vu."

【Yuanshen Ying: As expected of me】

"That's it, that is, you are deliberately playing against common sense to see if you will still feel the same way you did before?"(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's a very simple method, even Paimon can easily understand it.

"Welcome both of you……"

The owner of the tavern came to ask if he wanted to eat.

Ying naturally ordered a coconut charcoal cake.

Xumi's specialties are dark and definitely not very tasty.

Normally, Ying Tie would never order something like this.

But today is different. Everything feels strange today.

If something like coconut charcoal cake, which I have never eaten before, feels familiar... I am already sweating just thinking about it.

"Do you really want to eat this?"

Clean and hygienic, this is Paimon's evaluation of Coconut Carbon Cake.

"Could it be...that the sacrifice is too much?……"

"I'm gonna start now!"

Eat! I am a traveler who has traveled through the continent of Teyvat.

It's just a coconut charcoal cake.

"How, how! Judging from your expression, it seems that it is indeed very difficult to eat.……"[]

Ying seemed to be reluctant when eating just now.

"No...it actually tastes good."

"Then...could it be said that……"

"I have definitely tasted this before."

How is this possible?

Ying is very sure that she has never eaten coconut charcoal cakes before coming to Xumi.

It's impossible. Even Paimeng, a foodie, dislikes coconut charcoal cakes.

Xumi's The delicious food is not limited to coconut charcoal cake, so the two of them have never taken the initiative to eat it.

But now...she has tasted this taste

"……So it seems that this is...a sense of déjà vu in the sense of taste?"

"It seems this taste experiment has been done before."

It's getting more and more troublesome, which means they have fallen into a cycle for who knows how many times.

Is it an illusion? When?"

"I always feel that I have been to this pub many, many times, but we are obviously not regulars."

"How about... let's go out and try again?"

【Bengtie March 7: This ability is so terrifying, it can make people cycle through countless times】

【Beng San Tesla: Is this the power of the Grass God? It’s too cheating.】

【Original God Nasida:...This is not my power. With my current strength, it is not enough to do this.】

【Original God Azar: This is human power and human wisdom】

【Collapse of the Black Tower: Preliminary judgment has nothing to do with time, the experimental subject noticed an abnormality】

【Genshin Ying: Experimental subject?】

【Bengtie Black Tower: You are in an experiment, aren’t you just the experimental subjects?】

【Collapse of the Black Tower: It is impossible to reset all the senses, but simply delete the memory and restore the scene】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: This may not even be reality]

I was so disappointed, I thought that Xumi’s Order Academy had the power to control time.

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: The experimental subject’s senses are still there, but the fatigue is still accumulating……】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: When the Flower Goddess is reincarnated a certain number of times, the first deceased will appear.】

【Genshin Diluc: Dead? The top management of Xumi is even crazier than imagined】

【Original God Azar: It’s just a necessary sacrifice. A new god is born, and he will lead Sumeru to new heights.】

【Bronya the Iron Breaker: Although Otto is crazy, he brought a Herrscher to mankind. What have you brought to mankind?】

【Original God Azar: God, a god who can replace the Great Merciful Tree King】

【Dr. Bengtie Zhenli: What you said is so ridiculous. It’s a pity that the world we live in is different. Otherwise, I would have gone back to treat your brain.]

Weighing the heavy book in his hand, Dr. Zhenli shook his head. not enough……

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: If you were a true believer of the Great Charming Tree King, I could still look up to you, but I didn’t expect that you are just a funny clown] replacing the Great Charming Tree King.

As soon as he said this, the original support for Azar disappeared by half.

These people are all fanatical believers of King Daci Shu.

In their view, the great sage of the Teaching Council was the first of the followers of King Daci Shu.

But Azar gave them a blow in the head.

He doesn't care about King Daci Shu at all, all he cares about is himself

【The original god replaces the Great Merciful Tree King? are you kidding】

【Original God, what did I hear? The great sage from the Teaching Council wants to create a god to replace the Great Ci Tree King.】

【Is the original god really a person from Sumeru? Does he really not know what the words"Daci Tree King" mean in Sumeru?】

【No one in the original god can replace the Great Ci Tree King. Even if a god really surpasses her, he cannot replace the status of the Great Ci Tree King.】

【Original God, look at what good thing our great sage has done, let us cycle a full one hundred and sixty-eight times, creating a (nuoqian) clown who was cycled one hundred and sixty-eight times by the Little Lucky Grass King

] The future gods are still the stragglers of the executive officers of the Fools. One is the Great Merciful Tree King who protects Xumi.

Do you still have to choose between the two?

What's more, most of the people in Xumiru have already criticized the so-called god-making plan.

Why create a god using human wisdom?

Since that god was created by humans, can this god be controlled by humans?

If it can, then it means that this god is like that.

In this case, why create gods? Is Xumi the ancestor?

If not... the Sumeru people really don't like the image of the skirmishers in the barrage.

The crowd of fools, the executors, the stragglers.

Three disgusting words combined into one person, you make him the god of Sumeru

【That’s it for the original god. Xumi needs to be replaced by a great sage.】

【Since the original god is not good, then replace him with someone who is.】

【Genshin Impact, who is more suitable than Little Lucky Grass King?】

【The original god Xumi is a country with gods. It is very reasonable for the little lucky grass king to be in power.】

【Genshin I only found out today that the gods were imprisoned. I originally thought that every policy of the Imperial Academy was issued by Little Lucky Grass King.】

【Who knows about the original god? It’s ridiculous for a god to be willing to be imprisoned by humans]

Originally, people didn’t pay attention to the Little Lucky Grass King because even if the god didn’t appear, their lives still didn’t change.

Besides, gods are inherently mysterious, so it’s normal if they don’t appear.

But things are different now. The Sumeru people know the truth about the imprisonment of Little Lucky Grass King.

They also know what ridiculous move the Order is planning, and the evidence is complete, so they don't have to worry about the Maifontein people following in their footsteps.

The knife is in hand, follow me, save the grass king, and kill the wise dog to faint!



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