【Original Goddess: Nasida……】

【Original God Nasida: Sorry, I don’t know anything right now】

【Yuan Shenying:...I didn’t even ask……】

【Original God Nasida: I'm really sorry, my mind is very messed up, I seem... I don't understand my country at all~Explanation] The resurrection of the Red King, the bitter days in the desert, and other functions of anti-sand wall.

She couldn't answer these questions, they were all knowledge she had never been exposed to.

What she cared about most was the desert issue mentioned by Desiya.

Under the governance of the Jiaolingyuan, Xumi is prospering, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

This was Nasida's thoughts before today

"If the Ecclesiastical Council is abandoned and I am in charge personally...will Xumi become a better place because of this?"

Nacida asked herself silently in her heart. She is not ready to return to power now.

She is not yet a qualified god.

Looking back on her confident look in the live video, Nacida is very envious.

【Genshin Impact Funina: Then go out for a walk, don’t you know nothing if you stay in a cage all your life?】

【Original God Nasida: Funina……】

Funina, the God of Justice, was once a human being and is now a god.

That's right, Miss Funina can lead Fontaine for five hundred years with a human body, there's no reason why she can't do it herself.

Nacida felt a little relaxed in her heart, as if she was about to make a major decision.

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Saying no in advance is not what a qualified god should do】

【Genshin Impact Fukalos: Why not try to believe in yourself, Buyer】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Do you want some cider? I can bring you one.】

【Bengtiexing: Disrupt the formation】

【Original God Azar: Even if you are gods, you have no right to interfere in Xumi’s internal affairs]

Azar panicked, isn’t this right?

Why did things develop differently than he expected?

The resurrection of the Red King, what a joke.

Just because of this nonsensical reason, they are going to accuse the Ecclesiastical Council of

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Isn’t it a kind act to persuade a god to do what a god should do?】

【Original God Azar: Rude bard, your wisdom is not worthy of communicating with me.】

【Genshin Kaia: How dare you say that?】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: The Impudent Bard】

【Original God Azar: And you, you are just a member of the funeral industry who cannot be put on the stage. Isn’t it ridiculous to discuss national affairs?】

"Pfft... the funeral industry personnel who are not worthy of being on the stage……"

Wendy covered her mouth and snickered. This was the first time he heard someone dare to talk to Zhongli like this.

"Alas, that is to say, the old man has a better temper now."

"If it had been left before, maybe they would have killed Xumi."

Even though Zhongli is now a guest at the Rebirth Hall, no one in Liyue dares to yell at him.

Not to mention Zhongli himself is extraordinary, he is also generous.

Few people will offend their own God of Wealth.

In addition, afterlife The Hall is not a place where you can’t get on the stage. It governs the boundary between life and death between the yin and yang of Liyue.

If you don’t eat or drink, you can’t help but die.

"Is that... an old friend of Mr. Wendy?"

Zhongli is very active in the barrage, and each speech contains a lot of information.

Diluc has noticed him a long time ago


Wendy did not tell Zhongli’s true identity,"As long as he is a big shot, that’s fine.……"

"Big shot……"

Diluc silently guessed several identities.

For example, the ancient strong men, the descendants of the devil, the Rock Dragon King, and Morax himself

【Original Mandrill: Disrespect the Immortal Master】

【Genshen Zhongli: Sorry, the little guest in the Hall of Rebirth is really not worthy of the stage, it’s just my humble opinion]

If he can be angry with Azar, he will not be Zhongli.

According to Zhongli's current temper, he would only feel that Azar was pitiful and pathetic.

He does the things of a fool and does not know it.

Joining the live broadcast room, the gilded brigade inside has already begun to chase people away.

Just when everyone thought that the next plan was to go to the merchant's location, something unexpected happened.

"Wait a minute, you were deceived by him"


"you again! You madman of the Order."

The moment he saw Elhaysen, the Gilded Brigade stood up angrily.

He couldn't count how many times Elhaysen came to ruin their plan.

These two The fat sheep didn't even blink an eye when it came to selling half a million dollars. It won't be able to squeeze out more oil and water by then. It's all over now.

Ying scanned back and forth between the man who suddenly appeared and the Gilded Brigade, and initially judged that there should be a relationship between them. Have a grudge

"Yes, it's me. I said before, if you are unwilling to come down and have a good talk with me, I will do something to make you uncomfortable."

Silently listening to the conversation between the two, Ying decided to wait and see what would happen.

In Elhaysen's routine, the people in the Gilded Brigade in front of him did not know the information about the thing. They just gave a false address and deceived people. Go to their territory.

When people get there, they will use this to threaten the students to hand over all their money.

Buying things is a big mistake that will lead to expulsion from the school. How dare ordinary students not do it?

"Shut up Elhaysen, what do you want to do by ruining our business all day long?!"

"I said that day: I want to negotiate terms with your boss"

"Our boss has also said that he will not negotiate terms with you!"

"He said so before, but that doesn't mean he thought so later."

During the quarrel, Ying Ting understood.

The man in front of him was the boss of the Gilded Brigade, and destroying their business was just a means, not a messenger of justice.

As for the two Gilded Brigades who said they wanted to beat people up Threatening words...

Ying looked at Alhaysen's strong arms and fell into thought. The hands were so strong that they were thicker than the thighs of the opposite Gilded Brigade.

"What did you say——"

Seeing that Elhaysen dared to threaten them in turn, the people of the Gilded Brigade became angry on the spot.

"If you think about it carefully, what did I say before?"

"Brother, this madman……"

"Okay...if you are so similar, we will meet at the Lighthouse Bridge over there at four o'clock today next week. Don't blame us for being rude then."

"Wait a minute, put down the two of them's five hundred thousand."

The two gilded brigades froze, put down half a million Mora and left in dejection.

During the exchange with Elhaysen, Ying successfully obtained the address of the intelligence merchant.

At the same time, he also learned about the thing named What exactly is this thing - canned knowledge.

The container of knowledge is equivalent to a small void.

By connecting to the void terminal, you can pour knowledge directly into your brain without any side effects. If you really want to find fault with it, there are only Take the instilled knowledge as truth

【Beng San Tesla: There are still good things like this, give me a batch]

The disadvantages are no longer important, the serious problem of reverse entropy is the lack of foundation.

Canned knowledge can bring a lot of talent to Counter-Entropy in the short term

【Genshin Impact Seno: I’ve said it before, it’s illegal to possess canned knowledge privately】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: It sounds pretty good, but the disadvantages are also obvious.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: This good thing also has disadvantages】

【Broken Iron Screw Gu Mu: Knowledge is part of learning and understanding. The knowledge in the brain is people’s understanding of the world, while the knowledge that is poured into it is other people’s understanding.】

【Broken Iron Screw Gumu: You can’t know whether this is right or wrong, because it is not your thing】

【Broken Iron Screw Gumu: Conclusion: Even if canned knowledge pours into you the knowledge that water is highly toxic, you will still believe it.】

【Bengtie Ruan Mei: Raising the lower limit, lowering the upper limit, canned knowledge kills... Xumi's future】

【Genshin Kaia: That person named Elhaysen is quite scheming, he is just trying to get rid of him.】

【Genshin Impact Elhaysen: I gave the location of the intelligence merchants, they paid for the intelligence, and we all got what we wanted, didn’t we?】

【Genshin Impact Dolly: I have a bad feeling】

【Genshin Impact Kawi: How did you make such a high-sounding statement about cheating a little girl?】

【Genshin Impact Elhaysen: If you are talking, move out of my house】

【Genshin Impact Kawi: Even if you threaten me, I will still condemn you] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Elhaysen glanced sideways at Kavi.

This guy just knew that he was imprisoned now and couldn't kick him out, so he dared to yell.

"Elhaysen, the traveler is a very kind person, you can't lie to her."

Kavi said seriously and solemnly


In the video, Elhaysen and Ying had further exchanges.

When they came to a sparsely populated place, he revealed more information.

"If you want to know more, you need to help me with something"

"Her name is Dolly, she is a traveling merchandiser"

"Unlike those vendors who only have knowledge of junk cans, she often gets the really good stuff. Some people also say that as long as it is profitable, there is nothing he dare not sell."

"Because many of her goods do not comply with the control of the Order, she has always been wary of people from the Order."

"……Becoming Dolly's guest is a condition for our further cooperation."

【Genshin Impact Dory: Sir Seno, I can explain】[]

【Genshin Shino: Let’s explain it to the Order Council】

【Bengtiexing: Judge, judge her】

【Genshin Impact Funina: In the past, this was my line, right?]

Elhaysen didn’t tell me any more information about me, but only provided a sum of funds.

Let Ying and Paimon go and meet Dory.

Dolly loves knowledgeable customers, so buy her the best canning knowledge.

To identify the inferiority of canned knowledge, you need to use elemental vision

"These two pieces of canned knowledge, can you tell the difference in quality between them?"

【Bengtiexing:"It is illegal to possess and trade canned knowledge》】

【Genshin Elhaysen: I was ordered to investigate this thing, is there anything strange about it?]

With elemental vision, Ying quickly identified that the canned knowledge on the left was more valuable.

Knowledge comes from the World Tree and is the root of the grass element. The stronger the power of knowledge, the more the color of the grass element can appear.

Saying goodbye to Elhaysen, the two quickly found Dolly's shop.

Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, and although Dolly is just a traveling businessman, there are a lot of contraband in it.

So she is not generally cautious.

Ying and Paimon carefully found the opportunity to communicate with her.

"Are you right? I thought she was a very scary big sister."

Paimon naturally brought the image of Beidou into it. When he met Dory, he found that it was very different from what he expected.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about, you simple-minded floating spirit? Am I not the terrible big sister? Be careful I won't do business with you"

【Genshin Paimon: Gone with the Wind... Floating Spirit? ? ?】

"But your reaction just now was pretty good. Not only were you able to find the informant, but you were also very alert. Oh my, even if you are not a desperado, you must have done a lot of sneaky things, right?"

【Genshin Paimon: Wow! She's really good at reading people】

【Bengsanqiana: No way, I think you are pretty good, what are you doing?】

【Genshin Paimon: Stealing Mondstadt's Sky Piano, attacking Liyue's Qianyan Army, and destroying Ina Wife's Eye Hunting Order Ceremony……】

【Genshin Ying: There's a reason for that. Paimon, don't talk nonsense.】

【Genshin Paimon: Then...a gentleman is running around in the daytime】

"Paimon, are you gone? We are not in Sumeru now."

Ying touched behind Paimon and whispered behind her in a terrifying voice.


It's over, it's over. I was so engrossed in watching the live broadcast that I got carried away.

Paimon even forgot that Xumi was imprisoned, not all of Tevat.

I would have been embarrassed if I had known it earlier.

"Paimon...eat me and tickle my magical power!"

"No, traveler!!!"


In the video, Ying and Dolly exchanged a few words and then quickly got to the point.

Paimon was shocked when Dory took action.

According to Elhaysen, illegal possession of canned knowledge is a felony.

The quantity in Dolly's hands...is enough for her to be shot hundreds of times.

【Genshin Impact: Keep playing, I’m watching】

【Original God Dolly: Actually... these are all fake, empty, and superficial.】

【Genshin Impact: I'm watching】

【Genshin Impact Dolly: (crying)]

Dolly is still introducing, there really is all kinds of weird canned knowledge here.

The social structure of the Qiuqiu people, the ancient architecture, the manufacturing process of spices...

She has not forgotten the method given to her by Elhaysen.

Using elemental vision, she quickly picked out three of the brightest canned lores.

This shocked Dolly.

It's been a long time since I've met such a discerning customer, and he's so generous.

Such guests must be rich or noble. Dolly likes to make friends with such people the most.

Out of the desire to make friends, Dolly decided to sell Ying one million Mora's canned knowledge for a hundred thousand dollars.

Of course Ying is not interested, she is not interested in these heresy.

But unable to resist Paimon's desire, Ying gave Dolly the last hundred thousand Mora given by Alhaysen.

"Oh wait, isn't it your choice? Why can't you choose over there?"

"Oops, guest, this pile of canned knowledge here is worth a million moras each."

After paying too much money, Ying had no choice but to choose.

I hope Dolly can have some conscience.

Using her elemental vision, she started picking out the canned knowledge again.

The result was as expected.



PS: There is another chapter today, but it will have to wait a while.

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