"Uncle Kitahara!".

After seeing the person who came, the mixed-race youth immediately ran over and thanked him again and again.

"Mr. Kitahara. "


white-haired old man endured the pain with the white man Caron, and bowed respectfully to the god of war in thanks.

"Li Wei, you don't have to thank me, it was your father who received your distress signal and just knew that I was coming to 003 ......."

"If it weren't for your dad giving me a reward I couldn't refuse, I wouldn't have exposed myself for you!".

This Mr. Kitahara looked indifferent, and said in an extremely jerky Kyushu dialect: "You should have never seen me, otherwise Hugh blames me for being ruthless." "

"Then they ......".

The half-race youth's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the fire hammer team in the distance with bad intentions.

At this time...

Beiyuan just glanced over, and everyone in the Fire Hammer Team was inexplicably stunned, only Chen Fan heard their conversation clearly.

"Little day?!".

"Tsuyoshi Kitahara?".

"You go first, quick!".

From their conversation, Chen Fan instantly judged that this was the meaning of wanting to extinguish his mouth!

Xiao Ri has always been entangled and fighting with Kyushu.

However, in the era of Great Nirvana, Xiao Ri suffered a devastating blow ......

The country of Kyushu has a large land area and a large population, and there are countless warriors who stand out, and the blows suffered are much smaller.

In addition, the world's strongest man 'Hong' is from Kyushu, and the second strongest man 'Thor' also has half of Kyushu blood, even if they have a transcendent status, but in their hearts, they must be biased towards Kyushu.

Therefore, today, Kyushu is undoubtedly the first power.

Even after many years, the attitude of Kyushu to Xiaori is the same, and they are forbidden to step into the scope of Kyushu.

"Brother Chen... "

When a few people were still a little confused, Gao Feng immediately decided: "Listen to Chen Fan, go quickly!"

"Kitahara, that guy's name is Kitahara, fuck, that God of War is a little day!".


"Notify the Kaikan!".

Luo Feng and the others also understood that this was not the time to show righteousness, and staying would only drag Chen Fan down.

Almost at the same time.

As soon as Kitahara moved, his figure flashed suddenly, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant.

"Dare not save this young master if he dies, he deserves it!".

When he saw Beiyuan Gang's figure flickering, bringing up one afterimage after another, Li Wei sneered and looked at the scattered fire hammer team, as if he was looking at a dead man.

"It's a lot of fun to watch a genius fall!".

Cuarón, a white man, also gave a cruel grin.

The white-haired old man also sighed lightly: "It's a pity that such a young spiritual master has fallen like this." "

Before his words fell, he saw Chen Fan, who was dressed in a white combat uniform, completely different from the other members of the Fire Hammer Squad.

Instead of fleeing, he held the Blood Shadow Battle Spear, and his spiritual power spread out in an instant, and then suddenly dodged, like a white lightning, and rushed towards Kitahara.


Chen Fan's speed is not inferior to Kitahara Gang.

As soon as the killing began, the Blood Shadow War Spear burst out with a red glow, colliding with Kitahara Tsuyoshi's sword slash in the lightning and flint.



With a loud sound of gold and iron, Kitahara was directly shocked back six or seven meters, and roared: "Baga!".

On the other hand, Chen Fan fell from mid-air and only took a step back.

Although Beiyuan Gang is a medium god of war, compared to today's Chen Fan, he has no advantage at all.

Know ......

Even if he is a spiritual master of the primary god of war, his physical qualities in all aspects are comparable to those of the higher god of war.

And Chen Fan's soul has been fused eight times, and it is only stronger than the spiritual master of the first god of war!

Seeing this scene, Li Wei and the three of them suddenly changed color.

"He, he, he's actually the god of war too?".

The white man Caron was like a duck pinched by the neck, almost like a sound coming from his throat.


Li Wei's eyes widened: "How old is he!".

"It's over, it's a big trouble this time!".

The white-haired old man was frightened, and pulled Li Wei and said repeatedly: "Young master, we have to run away quickly!"

"My two children of the gods of war are not even better than a dirt bun?!".

Li Wei, the second ancestor, has not really realized the danger: "I want to watch him die !!".

It's no wonder that he, who has been pampered by his parents since he was a child, is more than twice as strong as himself in the face of a young man who looks about the same age as himself?

That innate pride was shattered in an instant, and it turned into an inferiority complex without shame!

"Uncle Kitahara, he's a spiritual master!".

The white-haired old man didn't even have time to cover Li Wei's mouth, so he could only secretly curse an idiot!

Who doesn't know he's a spiritual teacher?

But neither the white-haired old man nor the white man Caron dared to remind Kitahara Gang at the moment.


Because this is a god of war-level spiritual master!

Not to mention whether Chen Fan is the opponent of Tsuyoshi Kitahara......

One thing they can be sure of is that Beiyuan Gang will never be able to kill Chen Fan!

If you want to kill a god of war level spiritual master alone, there are only two possible ......

Either the other party is

also a spiritual master, or the other party is an existence that surpasses the god of war.

It's simple!

Chen Fan can't beat him, he can run at any time!

To offend a god of war-level spiritual master, your father Li Yao may not even dare!



Beiyuan, who drew his sword and blocked Chen Fan's heavy blow, just heard Li Wei's words, and his face suddenly changed: "Nani?".

"Look for death!".

Chen Fan's eyes froze, and the blood shadow battle sword behind him instantly turned into a blood-colored red light, instantly breaking through the space and directly slashing through Li Wei's neck.

A big head flew up directly, and blood spurted straight from the incision like a burst pipe!

He didn't know why Chen Fan dared to kill him until he died!


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