On the other side of the light curtain is the Tianming headquarters.

Also listening to the video, Aiyi Hyperion's speech to the Herrschers just now.

Otto at this moment......Although he didn't react as strongly as Kiana and the others.

However, from the reactions of Kiana and the others, as well as Aiyi Hyperion's words.

Otto.......He seemed to be vaguely aware of the"extra-dimensional" man.

I saw him making an interesting voice and saying:

"Listen to Aiyi Hyperion’s lines just now........she means....

Outside of our world, are there beings with higher dimensions watching our world and influencing our stories bit by bit? indeed........I don't deny the possibility.

After all, the size of the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] and [Sea of ​​Quantum] may be far beyond my imagination.

But those have nothing to do with me anymore.......I have no interest in what extra-dimensional people want to do. i just need to know........It would be enough for me in the future to successfully create a world with [her] in it."

As he spoke, Otto couldn't help but smile softly again.

He already knew his future self and had fulfilled his long-cherished wish that he had held on to for five hundred years."Sixty-seventy"

Of course.........

If those girls in the future can lead mankind to cross the [Endgame], that would be the icing on the cake.

His eyes continued to return to the light curtain.

Ignore the question the girls just asked.........

Aiyi Huberian, she continued to smile slightly and started talking to herself.

"Since I will witness your stories countless times in the future, at this moment, I hope you can also listen to my story......

Once upon a time, there was a lonely boy.

The girl lives aimlessly, not knowing what she wants or who she will become.

She wanders around the world like this......Met many people and encountered many partings.

Girls keep growing up.......She has done a lot of wrong things, stupid things, and hurt some people. She has also done more right things, smart things, and saved more people.

She accepted everyone's love, and she endured everyone's hate.

There are many people who love her, and those who hate her include even herself. that's all.......The seed named [Human] gradually matured in her body, sprouted, and bloomed into beautiful flowers.

And now, she has finally found the path she wants to take, and is determined to realize the future she pursues.

Above, this is the story about her......

A story that has yet to be completed."

Here, Aiyi Hyperion is talking about every human being in the world.

At the same time, he is also talking about the story of Kiana and the others.

What's more,.........In her words, she even mentioned the existence of a certain [Human Herrscher].

Outside the light curtain, inside [The Paradise of the Past].

Listen to Aiyi Huberian’s words in the video.

Alicia smiled softly.

Then, she said with emotion

"That girl's lines are really amazing........While being able to express everyone's story at the same time, it can also mention my existence.

She knows a lot.

No! should say.........She already knows a lot more than we do.

After all, she even knows about that person’s [existence]~~"

Interestingly.......As the Herrscher of the Origin】.......

Alicia, she seemed to have a vague feeling about the man named [Captain] who came from outside the dimension? love gate~~~

Back to the video.

After listening to Aiyi Huberian's"story" just now.

Kiana, Raiden Mei and Bronya.......Resonating emotions once again emerged in the hearts of the three of them.

Because they can feel it strongly.

These stories seem to have a vague sense of déjà vu with my own stories. so.......

I saw Kiana and Bronya looking at each other and saying helplessly to Aiyi Huberian.

"What you said......."

"Are you really not telling our story?"

Listening to Kiana and the others' complaints.

Aiyi Hyperion did not deny it.

Of course.........She wasn't sure either.......The stories just now are the stories of Kiana and the others.

Because those stories can be the stories of Kiana and the others.......But it can also be the story of everyone in the world.

Therefore, Eberian continued to smile and responded to the girls’ words.

"If you must say so, then this is your story. but........This is the story of thousands of other people, too.

I don't care who the protagonist of this story is.......

Because it may be your story, my story, and the story of many people.

After all, I am just a being drifting in the recurring [version cycle], collecting stories for the people on the other side of the dimension.

But just like the Stigmata program you faced......

【The story itself also has power.

Similar stories attract similar people.

Maybe it's just a moment, a word, maybe an experience, a long conversation, they find themselves in each other's shadow.

Thus, the story ceases to be a story and becomes a mirror.

They have become friends who have never met in this vast world, but have a close connection.

They are happy because of the happiness in the story and sad because of the sadness in the story.

These emotions are like water droplets that merge into streams and oceans. and therefore.......In the story itself, there are ripples."

This time, Aiyi Hyperion. She even directly mentioned the existence of [Captain].......There is also the [version cycle], which is almost equivalent to explicitly saying that this world is just a"game world". only........These girls now, they just can't feel it from here. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But one thing is certain.........

These girls, they definitely know that there is a mysterious existence behind them that has been silently supporting them!

As for now, it's time for those outside the dimension.......The [Captains] who have been silently helping Kiana have once again turned their prayers into strength!

Aiyi Hyperion, she continues to tell the story of another dimension0.....

"This is [their blessing] and also [my core secret key].

Please believe in every story, every smile, and every tear of yours......There are people who will keep it in their hearts for you."

As soon as Aiyi Huberian's words fell, the light curtain was completely blackened in an instant.........

And in that darkness.

Countless eye-catching golden names appeared one after another on the light screen

【I want to hug Lilia!】,【Fight for all the good in the world!】,【I love Rita, Yae Sakura!】,【Beng 3 will not fall, I will accompany you until you grow old!】,【It must have been MiHoYo!】,【I hope everyone can get what they want】,【Ranked first in the three worlds!】,【Honkai Impact III will never grow old, I fight for all the good in the world!】,【Come on Honkai Impact 3!】,【Thank you for spending so many years with me! 】

These names, although somewhat abstract.......But they are thousands of [captains] standing behind Kiana.

It was their power that turned into a great miracle at this moment and turned into extremely powerful power!!

And this time, Aiyi Hyperion replaced the captains and spoke to Kiana and the others about fighting side by side.

"This is me, this is why we are here........

Please set out bravely......

We are with you!"

Once again accompanied by Aiyi, Huberian just finished her words.

I saw her clasping her hands together, and her body began to shine with light.[]

Countless starlight particles surrounded her.

The prayers of those named [Captains] from another dimension began to turn into the power of Aiyi Hyperion.

The next second!


Aiyi Hyperion, her body turned into a soaring beam of light, reaching straight into the sky. It was extremely shocking!

Even the picture was even more shocking........

The audience can clearly see........Countless rays of light are constantly gathering here from all over World 3.0, converging at one point.

To help Kiana.....

Everyone in the world, as well as the"Captains" outside the dimension, turned their strength and hope into a single point.

Turn your prayers into reality and help Kiana finish the final battle!

Under the prayer power of countless captains. finally.......

A brand new, extremely domineering battleship that also displays a new kind of technological power suddenly appeared on the screen.

That's right!

This is the brand new [Huberlian Battleship] that was born out of the prayers of countless [Captains]. at the same time.......

This is also Kiana and the others’ ticket to the last battlefield!!!

So next, will it be Kevin’s special performance or [Herrscher of the End]’s special performance?

PS: Continue to accelerate. By the way, I would like to recommend my friend's new book"Hengkai, I made up history, Funina cried after reading it".

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