After the conversation between Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge,....

This video is finally over.

The light curtain slowly returned to darkness.

But obviously.......The story of the"big villain" Kevin is not over yet.

I just don’t know what the next scene will be like.

Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Also after listening to the conversation just now between Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge.......

As for Dr. Mei, her expression began to become more serious.

He covered his mouth with his right hand, as if he was forcibly suppressing the grief in his heart.

Her voice started to tremble a little as she said

"Kevin.......He is carrying [Finally] alone】.......

Didn’t he obtain [Finally?】.....Rather, in order to carry the hope of this civilizational era.........He must seal [End Page 1] on himself.

This must be a very painful thing for Kevin........"

As the architect of the [Stigma Project].

Dr. Mei, she knows exactly what Kevin's words just meant........

She is the one who knows the most about future Kevin's"pain" among all the people present. at the same time.......She was among everyone present.......The one who feels sorry for Kevin the most.

The other heroes who were also in this headquarters also had extremely worried expressions.

Although they don't know yet......For Kevin, it would be so painful to carry [Final 783]. but they know......Kevin is carrying [Endgame]】.......Then he desperately helped Kiana and the others find opportunities. one......A chance to beat Kevin!!

There is no doubt that from the beginning......Kevin regards himself as the"stepping stone" of this civilization era.

He must strive to win a victory for human civilization on the premise of self-sacrifice. best case scenario........It is to create a person [beyond everything] to defeat yourself!

Kevin, for humanity.......It’s really a lot of sacrifice!

It's not just Kevin who loves humans.

More importantly, this is his promise to his companions!

On the other side of the light curtain is the Tianming Headquarters.

For the video, Kevin wanted to create someone who is"beyond everything".

Otto, he also expressed that it was quite understandable. should say........He thinks Kevin's approach is the right one.

I saw him nodding and saying,

"Well, [Project Stigmata] is humanity’s last chance........There is also a 100% chance of success.

However, if Kiana and the others cannot surpass Kevin.

Then their so-called other methods have no meaning.........

But Kevin also hopes that those girls can do it and do it [beyond everything].

After all, everyone dade........No matter from any angle, [Stigmata Project] is definitely the worst choice.

Then......What do you do next, Kevin?

In the next scene, are you really waiting for the person [who transcends everything]?"

As he spoke, Otto raised his head......I have renewed my expectations for light curtain videos.

Under the expectant gaze of many spectators.

On the dark light curtain.......

The video name of the next scene has already appeared on the light screen.

【Act 9: Kevin’s greatness, carrying the meaning of the end.......The eternal lonely man! 】

It seems that as the plot progresses.

The video wants to gradually tell the audience.......The greatness of Kevin, the [Savior of the World]!

Outside the light curtain, St. Freya Academy.

Look at the title of this scene.......

I don’t know why, Kiana, Raiden Mei and Bronya.

The expressions of the three of them became serious at the same time........

Somehow, they began to realize that this video was very important.

At the same time, after going through those conversations just now,.......

Yu Sanjia has also realized........The villain Kevin may be somewhat different from the"Villain 1" they understand.

With worries, the girls didn't say anything.........Just waiting silently for the video to start.

Slowly, the title text on the light screen is indeed receding.

Video starts.......(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But compared to the characters, the narration’s voice and subtitles seem to come first.

【Everything started here and will end here!】

【At this moment, even if the seven billion people on the earth are not merged into the same dream......I'm afraid they will also invariably go up to the bright moon in the sky】

【Since the birth of civilization, this gray star has been noble and extraordinary in people's hearts because of its silence.】

【But to be fair, it is a kind of aloof beauty that comes from just the right sense of distance.】[]

【Now, in the dark sky, the"throne" forged by the sacrifices of the times is hanging high above this dry soil........But it no longer contains any meaning of"ruling over all"】

【it.......Just the usurper's"divine rank""】

These are complicated, gorgeous, but heavy words.

All are used to describe Kevin at this moment..........After completing the"Stigmata Project" and carrying"The End" on his back

, Kevin was alone on the moon, waiting for"death".

And on such a lonely throne.

Kevin, he’s waiting for his first"visitor".

In the pre-civilization era, the AI ​​developed by Dr. Mei1........"Prometheus.

I saw this artificial intelligence. She floated in front of Kevin.

She used her heavy electronic voice to ask questions to Kevin.

"Don't you have anything else to say?"

It seemed that Prometheus wanted to get some answer from Kevin.

It was precisely because she wanted to get an answer that she asked Kevin that question.

But it was obvious that Kevin did not Give the answer Prometheus wanted 1 to hear

"No. The future of [Stigma Project] will be harmful to you, so leave as soon as possible."

"how about you?"

"Leave the intrinsic world, that way, you still have your own future."

Kevin seems to be persuading Prometheus to leave here.

"anyway.......Thank you for telling me all this."

Kevin continued to say the words of thanks to Prometheus in front of him.

It seemed........He seemed to have gotten a great secret from Prometheus.

But these answers, these thanks.......It was far from the answer Prometheus wanted.

Therefore, Prometheus shook his head again and said

"I don’t understand, Dr. Mei said, you are a [lonely boy].

But in my opinion, compared to me.......You are even further away from the definition of [human being]."

Kevin has never changed.

But he is indeed getting further and further away from human beings.

He has shouldered all the things he shouldn't have to bear, and has shouldered all the sins in the world.

This is something that humans absolutely cannot do.

But it is also true that It was because Kevin had completed these things that he gradually became"cold" and became unable to express his feelings honestly like humans.

Faced with Prometheus's evaluation, Kevin did not deny it.

"It is not difficult for me to accept one definition.

Since in Mei's opinion, the future Herrscher will be able to shoulder the future of mankind.

Then, I am willing to do my best to spend more than [half a day] for them."

It seems that it can be seen from here......

Kevin never planned to destroy the world from the beginning.】

【The Stigmata Project is just the"guarantee" he has secured for mankind.

His final thoughts......

In fact, he wants to do his best, even at the expense of himself.

Buying more time for the"children" of this era.......Find the way to"surpass everything"........

PS: Keep working hard and give it a try!.

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