Outside the light curtain, listen to the conversation between Kiana and Prometheus in the video.

Everyone can hear it.....

The [Herrscher of the End] on the moon in the future knows very well how powerful her power is.

She was even afraid that the too powerful power would bring harm to others. so........She is a little cautious when it comes to how to use her power.

Of course, her attitude gave the audience more reason to have fun.

Everyone expressed their inner thoughts on the barrage.

【Teresa: Kiana in the future........Is she afraid of her own overpowering power?】

【Thunder Mei Yi: em........should be. After all, with her character, she must be very confident in her own strength now. But she is still so cautious, probably because she is afraid that the residual power of her power will affect other people.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: For her, this kind of character may be considered an improvement.】

【Kiana:? ? ? ? ?】

【Otto: During the conversation, she didn’t even mention the name of the evil god Suo once. can be seen.........She doesn't look down on Xie Shen Suo at all. Oh, no. should say.......After becoming the final Kiana, she couldn't see the evil god Suo at all. In her eyes, maybe Xie Shen Suo 25 is nothing anymore.】

【Dr. Mei: That's true. For Kiana, who now has a higher dimension........Sufficient threat and energy specification for her to notice. But now she needs help from others even for the coordinates of Xie Shen Suo, which means.........】

【Mebius:........This means that in the eyes of Kiana in the future, Evil God Suo is still an inferior character.】

【Eden: That’s probably it】

【Kiana: But I still want to know........How did I complete the attack at that time?】

【Velvet: Calculated, that blow far exceeded the power of our fusion warriors, and was even far superior to Kevin..........You know, that was an attack that spanned the entire solar system. It was completed in an instant, which is equivalent to 5,700 times the speed of light!】

【Kiana: Huh? Although I don’t quite understand.......But from what you said, it seems that I will be so powerful in the future that everyone can hardly imagine it?】

【Kevin: After all, you in the future have complete control over the"end". There is reason to believe that you are more powerful than the"end" of any civilization era!】

【Kiana: Ahaha~~~is it really like this~~】

It seems that Kiana is starting to swell again.

But now, let’s focus on returning to the video.......

The story is far from over.

After listening to Kiana's lines just now.

Prometheus, of course she also knows what the other person is thinking........What are you worried about?..........

Just, Prometheus as an"artificial intelligence".

She is not good at comforting others.

Therefore, she could only use the most primitive way to explain to the other party.

"Considering that Mysterin's previous mission was to dive into the energy torrent and reach the location of Suo, I have reason to believe that she has succeeded at this moment."

"As for who and how her coordinates were synchronized with my consciousness module in real time, that doesn't matter."

Kiana doesn't need to worry about the coordinate issue at all.

Because with the"target" of Yutu there, there is no possibility of her missing.

And considering how powerful the complete [Herrscher of the End] is. powerful..........

With this assistance, there is no possibility of Kiana making a mistake!

Just, after listening to the lines of Prometheus.

The worry in Kiana's heart only increased instead of decreasing. should say.........

The problem she was worried about was actually in the lines Prometheus just said.

She put her hands on her hips and continued to speak to Prometheus in a more serious tone.

"Well, what I actually want to say is.........Aren't you worried about the impact this bullet from the end will have on Mistrine herself?"

Although it is just an"end" bullet.

But no matter how ordinary, it is still labeled as"end""The power of two words.

The weight contained in it........Compared to Prometheus himself, it is very clear.

If someone controls this power, it will inevitably have very serious consequences!

Although, Kiana also wants to eliminate the potential threat of the evil god Suo in advance for mankind.........

But before that, she didn't want to accidentally hurt those companions who had fought side by side.

However, facing Kiana's worries.

Prometheus just felt more indifferent..........

Because the result of that calculation is the efforts of everyone.

In addition, she didn't think there would be any problems with her calculations. so........

Facing Kiana's worries, Prometheus just responded more seriously and seriously.

"It doesn't matter, this is just a continuation of that gamble. i believe her"

"Moreover, with the previous efforts of Misterin and others, and based on the mysterious coordinates I obtained, our success rate is........It has reached ninety-nine percent."

Such an accurate probability figure.

I'm afraid the real success rate is no longer only 99%.


When Prometheus gave a positive answer. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiana, she also became more determined in her heart. a turn.........She fixed her gaze on the position that Prometheus had just mentioned.

The right hand made a"hand" movement.

The authority in the body is operating.......Find the target far beyond the earth.

Kiana, she said confidently

"In this case, let me help the last one percent later."

When everything is ready..........


Kiana, she made a simulated disemboweling sound in her mouth.

At the same time, her right hand also made a movement to pull back the eggshell.

But the key is............

Kiana, she seemed to have completed the fatal blow to the evil god Suo just now.

However, from the perspective of the audience.......But it seems like nothing happened!! ? ?

Although it is said to be 5,700 times the speed of light, it cannot be captured by the human naked eye.[]

That's understandable..........

However, the release of such a huge power cannot be said to be so ordinary!! ? ?

It's like nothing happened!! ? ?

Kiana made a shocking attack.

However, that force didn't seem to cause any waves at all.

But even though I say that..........

But Evil God Suo, she was indeed annihilated by the super-light speed bullet of this ultimate power.

Even disappeared without a trace!!!

It’s as if there is no trace of its existence left!

Kiana in the future, how powerful is she? quietly..........He had already completed the star-exploding blow across the solar system at 5,700 times the speed of light!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this power is at the Star God level!

In the entire world of Honkai Impact 3..........

The performance of such specifications has fully demonstrated her absolutely overwhelming dominance!!!

PS: Still working hard on coding, go ahead!!!.

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